Veteran new police officer

Chapter 244 Storm No. 1!

With overwhelming publicity, people will definitely report it.

Lan Doudou waited from noon to six o'clock in the afternoon, but did not receive a call from the detachment. Instead, she waited for Jiang Yue, who had just gotten off work.

"Sister Doudou, why are you alone, where are Zhang Da and Captain Liu?"

"They went to the east of the city. Your husband forwarded a clue yesterday. If we don't verify it, we can't live in peace."

"Didn't the announcement of the reward collection for clues just come out in the morning? How come he had clues yesterday?" Jiang Yue put down the milk tea he brought specially for Lan Doudou, held his own cup, and sat down in front of Lan Doudou.

"Who knows."

Lan Doudou took the milk tea out of the packaging bag, looked at her with a smile and asked: "How do you think about the secondment? Are you here to say goodbye to me?"

Jiang Yue did come here for this matter, but he didn't want to listen to her advice. Instead, he thought about it all afternoon. After making a decision, he suddenly wanted to chat with someone.

She stirred the milk tea with a straw and said nonchalantly: "What's the point of saying goodbye? I've thought about it. I'm just going to stay at the branch and not go anywhere."

"Don't go!"

"Well, I told Teacher Zhao, it doesn't matter if Teacher Zhao doesn't go."

"Have you discussed this with your husband?"

"This is my business. I have nothing to discuss with him."

Lan Doudou knew that she was an independent girl, but she didn't expect that she would make a decision so quickly.

Then I thought that the criminal police detachment of the city bureau could not second a police officer like her who was still in the probationary period for no reason, and for a while I didn't know how to say good things to her.

Jiang Yue didn't know the inside story, but she vaguely guessed that it all had something to do with her boyfriend. She was silent for a moment, and then said: "Sister Doudou, if it weren't for him, I definitely wouldn't be able to go to the immigration brigade. If I go to the city bureau again because of him, then My work life is completely dominated by him!"

Lan Doudou can understand her feelings. After all, she is an independent person and does not want or need this kind of care.

But thinking that the situation of criminals is quite special, he still advised: "In our line of work, especially in a dual-police family like ours, there must be one person who silently supports the other."

"I don't want to do any big business, nor do I want to be a strong woman. I will still support what I need to support, but I will go wherever he goes. If he asks me to be transferred, I will be transferred. I cannot accept this kind of thing. "

Jiang Yue thought about it and murmured: "Besides, it's nice to be in Linghai. Work is close to home, and there are so many relatives and friends. Why go to a place you're not familiar with."

Lesbians are not gay, and they really don’t care much about getting promoted.

From the perspective of family education, especially the education of future children, staying in Linghai is really better than going to the city.

In fact, it was because of these that Lan Doudou declined the secondment of the city bureau's anti-drug detachment time and time again in the past few years.

If you don’t want to go to the noisy urban area, why should you mobilize others to go?

Thinking of this, Lan Doudou simply smiled and said: "If you don't want to go, I won't go. Besides, the Criminal Police Detachment is not a good unit. If the Entry-Exit Detachment wants to second you, then you can consider it."

"Even if the immigration detachment wants to be seconded, I won't go."

"Well done, you didn't embarrass us Linghai people. What's so good about Binjiang? We either don't go out, or if we want to go out, we go to Donghai. Even Jiangcheng is the second option, and it's not Binjiang's turn!"

Just as the two Linghai people, who had no sense of belonging to Binjiang, were complaining about Binjiang, Cheng Wenming, who had just returned to his hometown in Dinghu, received a call from the Political Department.

Han Keng's girlfriend is unwilling to go to the criminal police detachment, which is both unexpected and reasonable.

After all, who wants to go to an unfamiliar place and start over when you have a good time in a familiar place.

What's more, the urban area is not attractive to people from Linghai, Changzhou, Xingdong and other districts and counties.

He had just finished calling Tang Zhi and was thinking about the impact Jiang Yue's irregularity would have on Han Xin's safety when Li Zheng suddenly called.

"Uncle Cheng, today is Friday, are you back?"

"Just got home, what happened?"

"Han Xin is here. Do you have time tonight? Can you please come to Sigang to have a meal together?"

"What's he doing here in Sigang?"

"The person who came to handle the case is currently watching a suspect. Xu Da has arranged for someone to replace him. He will stay in Sigang at night and will not return to Linghai."

Cheng Wenming didn't like socializing, so he naturally wouldn't join in the fun. He walked into the living room and said, "I won't get involved in the gathering of you young people. Besides, he is here to handle a case, so he can't drink even if we get together at night."

Li Zheng knew that he was telling the truth, so he could only say with a bit of regret: "Okay, then when we are not busy someday, we will go over and drink with you."

"I can't drink right now, you're busy with your business."

"Okay, you rest first."

Li Zhenggang hung up the phone and Han Xin's car had already arrived at the brigade.

Auxiliary policeman Xiao Wang backed the car into the parking space and waited downstairs very sensibly.

Han Xin opened the door and got out of the car, said hello to the Sigang auxiliary police stationed at the edge of the case handling area, and ran upstairs with her bag on her back.

Li Zhengying came up and asked: "Captain Han, what is Yang Kun busy with now?"

"I was drinking with a few friends in a small restaurant. I heard that I will go to the Sihao Hotel to play cards later. How is your investigation going?"

"As you might expect, he really likes to book rooms in big hotels. Based on the room booking records, we retrieved more than a dozen surveillance videos.

The Third Squadron helped us compare for an entire afternoon, and the identities and basic information of several gang members were clear. "

Li Zheng invited him into the small conference room and pointed to the photo on the blackboard: "This woman's name is Zou Xiaolei. She is from Sigang. She is twenty-seven years old and graduated from a vocational high school. She used to work as a salesperson in Wenfeng Supermarket and is now unemployed.

Her husband is an electrician for Liangzhuang Construction Group. He has been working at Liangzhuang Construction Group's African project construction site for a long time and cannot come back even once a year.

Maybe she spends less time with her husband and more separation, and feels lonely. She hangs out with Yang Kun all day long, and even openly cohabits. "

Han Xin took out her mobile phone and pulled out the photos she had taken secretly: "I saw her in a small restaurant. She was sitting next to Yang Kun. She looked very close. I really thought they were a couple."

Li Zheng glanced down and then introduced: "This guy's surname is Qin, his name is Qin Xiaole, he is also a native of Sigang, he is thirty-eight years old, and has a junior high school education. He has opened an Internet cafe, restaurant and supermarket, but he has lost money on them all and has nothing to do all day long. Make a living gambling because gambling has been dealt with many times.

This young man's name is Yang Xinlei, Yang Kun's cousin. He graduated from a vocational college and worked as a fitness instructor in a gym in the city. He has been fooling around with Yang Kun since April last year.

Although he had no criminal record, through information provided by the security brigade and several police stations, it was found that this kid was probably a member of a gang, specifically helping to lookout when they gathered for gambling. "

Han Xin enlarged the photo that had been secretly taken just now and confirmed that Yang Xinlei was not among the people eating. She looked up at the fifth photo on the white blackboard and asked, "What's going on with Ma Dezhi?"

"The old gambler used to work for the Yingda Group, and later resigned to open an auto repair shop. However, the investigation found that the efficiency of his small auto repair shop was not very good. He only had two maintenance workers, one of whom was an apprentice. At that time, he was addicted to gambling. He also refused to change despite repeated admonitions and was once sent to a labor camp.”

Li Zheng paused and said with some excitement: "They usually hang out in various chess and card rooms in the city. Almost all the owners of those chess and card rooms know them and have their contact information. If there are not enough people, just give them They call.

However, it was obvious that they were not going to the chess and card room to play cards with the old man and old lady, nor simply to kill time, but to find the target of the crime in this way. If you find someone suitable, you will set up a trap to trick them into playing the big game, or even drug them! "

"Have you found any other victims?"

"The First Squadron found two for us and brought them back. They are downstairs."

Li Zheng took out two "receipts" from the folder and handed them to Han Xin with a smile: "These are the hair test results, positive for methamphetamine and positive for K powder. It can be seen that the detection of drug residues in Luo Yang's hair is not a coincidence! "

"So there are three victims!"

"There must be more than three. In the afternoon, fifteen people involved in gambling were identified through surveillance video comparison. The contact information of some of them has not been found for the time being, and a few have been found but they are not in Sigang. Considering that we cannot alert the snake, we have not contacted them for the time being. "

Li Zheng pulled out another piece of information: "This is the home address of Yang Kun, Zou Xiaolei, Yang Xinlei, Qin Xiaole and Ma Dezhi.

Xu Da thought there was no need to wait any longer. As long as they went to a room to gamble at night, no matter how big the bet was, he would take action. He would bring them back first and then search their house overnight. "

"no problem."

"Do you want to ask Xiao Zhi for instructions and report?"

"Xiao Zhi is too busy and can't take care of it. I can make the decision here."

"That's right. With the announcement made in the morning, there will definitely be no shortage of clues today."

"On the way back, I asked Sister Jiang that there were more reporting calls at noon, but fewer and fewer in the afternoon, and there were even fewer valuable ones."

This is not bad news. Li Zheng couldn't help but ask: "So there are only two cases involving our Si Gang?"

How could Han Xin not know what he was worried about, and said meaningfully: "There are only two cases at this stage, but it is hard to say what will happen next."

"What do you mean, Team Han, do you have inside information? Can you reveal it to your brother?"

"No, but don't worry, it's not your Sigang family."

The black technology of "sewage poison testing" is about to be promoted. It is not just a gust of wind like offering a reward for clues. Once it is put into actual combat, it will be monitored for a long time.

Considering that it was in the pilot stage, Han Xin didn't want to say too much and was about to change the subject when Sister Jiang called.

"Xiao Han, the test result of the bag of tea that Sigang sent for inspection in the afternoon came out. It is really Chat grass. I will send you the inspection report, so you can take action!"

It's no secret that the electrical company boss likes to drink khat.

Not only the employees in the company knew about it, but also the development zone cadres who had a good relationship with the boss knew about it.

The leader of the Sigang Criminal Police Brigade asked the police from the police station in the afternoon to go to the company to inspect the fire protection, and quietly took some from the boss's office.

They had never come into contact with this type of drugs before. Although the Sigang Criminal Police Brigade had the technical qualifications, they did not have the testing experience and qualifications in this area. Therefore, as soon as they got the tea, they arranged for the police to send it to the Municipal Bureau's Criminal Technology Center for testing.

Under normal circumstances, the test results would not be available until tomorrow afternoon at the earliest.

However, as the masses reported more and more clues, after receiving the report from Xiao Zhi, the city bureau leaders immediately decided to take this opportunity to launch a special anti-drug operation, codenamed "Storm No. 1"!

Precisely because the case was included in the special operation, the Criminal Technology Center will give priority to testing materials sent by the anti-drug departments of the district and county public security bureaus.

Han Xin thanked her, hung up the phone, looked at the inspection report just sent by Sister Jiang, and forwarded it to Li Zheng.

Li Zheng hurriedly forwarded it to the team leader, and then put down his phone: "Team Han, let's go have a meal first. We'll talk about these things after dinner."

"Where to eat."

"Follow me, I have everything arranged."

Although there was a change of clothes in the car, Han Xin didn't want to live outside, and said in a deep voice: "It doesn't have to be so troublesome, just eat in the cafeteria, and then go to Boss Fan after eating. I don't think his problem is big or small." It’s not that small, it’s the first of its kind in our riverside!”

"It won't take long to go out to eat. The hotel is very close to the brigade."

"I'm here to handle a case, not to eat. When I'm not busy anymore, I won't be polite to you."

Thinking that the boss in front of him was also a stickler, Li Zheng could only agree: "Okay, then we will eat in the cafeteria."

"By the way, report to your leader first. It's best to prepare for the summons as soon as possible."

"Don't worry, it won't delay things."

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