Veteran new police officer

Chapter 304 Firing Line Mobilization

The event was an unprecedented success, but the venue could not be occupied for too long because there was a birthday party in the evening and the host had already sent the drinks for the guests.

Xu Linlin, Ge Sulan, Da Hanlu and others were busy inviting registered students and their parents to visit the school. Jiang Yue, who was already feeling guilty, quickly invited Zhao Susu and Wang Xiaohui to go with them.

The "Public Enemy of the Branch" arrives home in the evening, and Lan Doudou needs to take her baby back early to prepare for the "reception banquet".

Han Xin sent the two of them downstairs and ran up to help clean up with Li Yijun.

We have to take all the promotional posters and promotional materials back, and there are a lot of various desserts, fruits and drinks left.

Spending so much money on custom-made food at the hotel's western restaurant can't be wasted. Fortunately, the hotel provides packing service, and the suitcases of two cars were completely filled.

Unexpectedly, just after returning home, the two received calls from their superiors almost at the same time.

Han Xin wanted to go to the anti-narcotics brigade quickly, and Li Yijun wanted to go back to the criminal police brigade for a meeting.

He rushed to his old workplace in a hurry and saw Li Duwang calling Director Sun with a sad face.

"I didn't know the notification I just received at first. That person came back from Hanwu four days ago. He had symptoms before but they were not serious. It wasn't until his fever became severe yesterday that he went to Zhangzhuang Health Center and received two bottles of fluid. After taking some medicine, people in Zhangzhuang Health Center are panicking right now..."

Li Duwang looked back at Han Xin and continued: "The one who came back from Hanwu has been quarantined, and several medical staff who have been in contact with him are quarantined at home.

In accordance with the requirements of the district committee, the bureau is busy recruiting auxiliary police officers from criminal police, Internet security and economic investigation to form an epidemic prevention and control epidemic investigation working group to assist the health department in conducting epidemiological investigations. "

Director Sun has actually been paying attention to the epidemic. Considering the safety of the escort, he bought a pack of masks before departure.

They all wore them, as did the two suspects.

However, there were not many passengers wearing masks on the same train. Most of the passengers passing by Hanwu and getting on the train from Hanwu Station in the afternoon did not wear masks.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, he walked to the junction of the carriages, held up his mobile phone and asked, "So even though we just passed through Hanwu, we still have to be quarantined after we return?"

"If you came back yesterday, you don't need to. This is the notice just issued by the district."

"We can go back to home quarantine, what will happen to the suspect?"

"The detention center will definitely not take them into custody. I called and asked. They said that the Municipal Bureau's Supervision Detachment just issued a notice. Not to mention those with travel history to Beihu, even the suspects arrested in Linghai must be quarantined and observed for fifteen years. Only God will accept it.”

"You won't accept those caught in Linghai?"

"No, now we can only go out but not in. Our Chengdong police station has no place to send the two suspects, so the financial institution can only let them get bail pending trial."

Director Sun was confused: "But the two drug dealers we escorted back are two drug dealers. One of them is not only a drug addict, but also a Burmese. Let him be released on bail pending trial. What will happen if he runs back to Burma? How will we catch him then?"

Plans are never as good as changes. If it had been a day earlier, there wouldn't have been so many things.

Li Duwang was so worried that he said with a grimace: "Bureau Sun, I called District Chief Zhang for instructions. District Chief Zhang said that epidemic prevention is the biggest political issue now and asked me to report to the detachment leader, but Xiao Zhi didn't do anything good. There is no way. No matter the detention center, they will not accept it, nor will the drug rehabilitation center."

"What should we do?"

"The district urgently requisitioned an express hotel in the east of the city in the afternoon as an isolation point for people returning from Hanwu. Our Chengdong police station arranged for police officers to go on duty. The medical staff should be in place by now. It seems that we can only First take the suspect over for isolation and observation."

"Is he locked up in a hotel for fifteen days in compliance with case handling procedures?"

"I've called the legal system and the procuratorate, but they are confused now. They neither said yes nor no, and they didn't even give me an accurate answer."

"Don't worry, I'll call and ask."

"Okay, I'll wait for your call."

As soon as Li Duwang hung up the phone, Han Xin asked with a wry smile: "Li Jiao, is that virus really that serious?"

"We found three suspects in Linghai. One came back from Hanwu and two were in close contact. The district is about to explode right now. District Chief Zhang has not returned from the meeting."

"But Ren Zhi, Sun Ju and my wife didn't go to Hanwu!"

"They passed by. The high-speed train they took stopped in Hanwu, and someone got on the train!"

"So you have to be quarantined?"

"Isolation is necessary. Now all streets and towns are checking whether there are people who have returned from Wuhan. As long as there are people who have returned from Wuhan, they must be reported as soon as possible and they must be isolated at home."

The situation is changing too fast. The province just announced the confirmed cases this morning, and in the afternoon the city and district were facing a formidable enemy.

Han Xin thought for a moment, then asked with a wry smile: "Isolating at home is nothing, just treat it as a long vacation, but the two suspects cannot be taken home, which means that Liu Da and my wife must be quarantined with the suspects, and they must Are you responsible for custody while under quarantine and observation?”

"So I don't know how to talk to Lao Liu and Yu Wenqiang, and I don't know how to explain to Doudou."

Two drug dealers suspected of cross-border drug trafficking were arrested and more than ten kilograms of methamphetamine were seized.

Li Duwang was very happy at first, but now he couldn't be happy anymore. He sat down and sighed: "And there are no clear regulations from superiors regarding this emergency situation. Locking the suspect in a hotel is not in compliance with the case handling procedures. What should we do if we are investigated in the future?"

Han Xin said without hesitation: "Drug dealers are different from other suspects of illegal crimes. They certainly cannot be released on bail pending trial."

"That's for sure, the key detention centers won't accept them!"

Li Duwang lit a cigarette and added: "Not only will the detention center not accept them, they can't even go to the case handling center."

Han Xin asked in a low voice: "Are you worried about infection?"

"If you're not afraid of ten thousand, you're afraid of the worst. What if the escort team members and suspects are infected with the virus on the road and then infect other police officers?"

Just as he was talking, the phone rang.

Li Duwang quickly picked up the phone and opened it to answer: "Bureau Sun, what do you say?"

Director Sun sighed secretly and said helplessly: "After getting off the bus, Ren Zhi and I went home directly and were quarantined at home. Haipeng and Yu Wenqiang took the suspect to the isolation point for fifteen days of quarantine and observation."

"What should I do with this procedure?"

"What time has it been? What procedures are still needed to be done? Epidemic prevention is the top priority. If anyone is really held accountable in the future, I will take the responsibility!"

"Bureau Sun, how can I let you carry it..."

"You should contact the isolation point first. It's best to find an ambulance and let the medical staff pick us up at the station at night. I have to do ideological work for comrades quickly and call my family members."

"Okay, I'll contact Chengdong Street first."

Li Duwang asked Han Xin to come over quickly, not only to report the situation, but also to ask him to help with Lan Doudou's ideological work.

Han Xin had no choice but to call Lan Doudou.

"What, you need to quarantine first?"

"This is required by superiors. Master, don't worry. They are just passing by and they all wear masks. They will definitely not be infected."

Lan Doudou became anxious and said angrily: "I'm not talking about whether he will be infected, I'm talking about what case you asked him to handle. First, he was asked to work as a nurse in the High-tech Zone Hospital for several days, and then he was asked to He went to live in Nanyun.

After finally coming out, he was asked to be quarantined and observed with the suspect. The quarantine lasted for fifteen days. What kind of thing is this? He can't survive this year? "

"Public Enemy of the Precinct" is unlucky enough. Although he is likely to make meritorious deeds, the tasks he performs are more pitiful than the others.

Han Xin really didn't know how to persuade her, so she simply said half-jokingly: "Master, actually this matter is not difficult to handle."

Lan Doudou asked subconsciously: "Why isn't it difficult?"

"He is the deputy director of the detention center, and it is not his decision whether to accept the suspect or not. As long as the suspect is sent to the detention center, there is no need to go to the isolation point for isolation, and there is no need to keep an eye on the suspect day and night. Then you can go back to quarantine at home.”

"You said it lightly. What's the use of saying it if the superior doesn't let me accept it?"

"Oh, there's nothing we can do about it. Master, I told you not to be unhappy. This may be retribution."

"What kind of retribution is there for you to repay!"

"He used to pick and choose suspects as if they were conscripts. He wouldn't accept this one or that one. Now it's his turn to escort the suspects and he has nowhere to send them. Isn't this retribution?"

Thinking of how many investigating units Yu Wenqiang had offended because of this, Lan Doudou chuckled and said, "So it's really retribution. Forget it, I'll call him first."

"Even if you don't give him a shot, he will give you a shot later. At least he will arrive in Linghai at night. You can take Xiaoyu to the isolation point, see him from a distance, and say hello to him."

"Can you give me something?"

"It should be possible, but you and Xiaoyu definitely can't go in. When the time comes, let Li Jiao say hello to the policeman on duty and ask them to help transfer it to him."

Yu Wenqiang is indeed very depressed.

Other people's cases were so exciting, but he finally participated in the investigation of a drug case. He either worked as a nurse or worked as a slave. After arriving in Linghai at night, he had to be quarantined and observed with the suspect for fifteen days!

After calling Lan Doudou for nearly half an hour, and just as he was about to explain to the suspect that he must cooperate with the quarantine honestly after arriving at the quarantine point, Director Sun suddenly said: "Wen Qiang, come here."


Director Sun took him to the junction of the carriages, smiled and patted his arm: "District Chief Zhang just called me and asked me to have a heart-to-heart talk with you."

Yu Wenqiang asked subconsciously: "What are you talking about?"

"You have worked in the detention center for so many years. Are you interested in changing positions?"

"where to?"

"Chen Zhi of the Xinkang Border Management Detachment spoke highly of you. Yesterday at lunch, he praised you in front of Ren Zhi and gave you a work appraisal during the case. District Chief Zhang and the political commissar thought that you You should change your position and exercise.”

Director Sun smiled and continued: "After Yang Qianli was transferred to the Criminal Police Brigade, the Chengnan Police Station has been lacking a deputy director. The work at the police station is the most training for people. I think you should seize this opportunity."

I always work in the detention center. No matter how good I am, I can only bounce around in the supervision system.

If I wait another seven or eight years, I might be able to become a detention center director or a detention center instructor. I might also have the opportunity to be a detention center director or a detention center instructor.

But if you can go to the Chengnan Police Station to be the deputy director, even though it is just a horizontal position, your future path will be wider.

How could Yu Wenqiang not know the good intentions of the bureau leaders, and he was immediately overjoyed.

After confirming that he was willing to go, Director Sun was very happy and asked him to return to his position to continue staring at the suspect, and asked him to call Liu Haipeng over.

Liu Haipeng originally thought that the bureau leaders were doing ideological work, but he thought it was completely unnecessary.

As an old party member and a cadre transferred from the military, it is deeply rooted in my bones to obey orders and follow instructions. I have no idea about detaining suspects at an isolation point after arriving home.

Unexpectedly, Bureau Sun looked at him with a smile and said: "The Bureau Party Committee has considered that Li Duwang cannot be the instructor of two units at the same time. At the same time, considering that epidemic prevention and control work is very important, no one person must be responsible for the isolation point.

District Chief Zhang and the political commissar asked me to seek your opinion on whether you are willing to serve as an assistant instructor at the Chengdong Police Station, in charge of the political and ideological work of the Chengdong Police Station, and at the same time, be fully responsible for the internal work of the isolation point on behalf of the branch. "

Liu Haipeng was a monk by chance, and it was a miracle that a former military cadre could become the deputy captain.

What I am lacking most now is my qualifications. I thought that even though I am on a regular basis, I will be able to stand on my own after being transferred. And judging from the current situation, epidemic prevention and control is likely to be the top priority of all subsequent work.

He thought for a moment and agreed: "Thank you for the organization's trust in me. I am willing to work at the Chengdong Police Station."

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