Veteran new police officer

Chapter 305 A sudden turn of events

People who have served as police station officers are courageous.

While waiting for the escort team to come back, Li Duwang first called Yu Jinze who was far away in Xishan to learn about the situation.

After confirming that it would be difficult to make breakthrough progress in a short period of time, he called the bureau leader for instructions, handed over the clues to his colleagues in Xishan, and asked Yu Jinze, Lao Zhong and others to come back quickly.

The bureau began to "shrink its troops" in the afternoon. District Chief Zhang, who had just attended the meeting at the district committee and went to the city bureau to attend the meeting without even bothering to eat, agreed without hesitation.

Worried that Yu Jinze and others would be quarantined after returning, District Chief Zhang repeatedly emphasized on the phone that he could only buy direct air tickets or train tickets to Binjiang, and could not pass through Beihu Province, let alone stop in Beihu Province...

As the leader faced a formidable enemy, Han Xin finally realized that the virus might be more terrifying than methamphetamine, and quickly called Xiao Zhi to report the situation in Linghai.

"I understand. Zhongnian just called me. Where are you now?"

"Li Jiao and I were waiting for Ren Zhi and them at the train station."

"You guys went to pick up the station?"

Han Xin quickly explained: "Don't worry, Xiao Zhi, we will not come into contact with Ren Zhi and Bureau Sun. We will watch from a distance. When they hand over the drugs to the medical staff, ask the medical staff to help disinfect the drugs and transfer them to We, we’ll go back with the drugs.”

Xiao Yunbo, like District Chief Zhang, was rushing to the city bureau for a meeting. After hearing what Han Xin said, he thought that not only were two suspects being escorted back, but also 12 kilograms of methamphetamine. He subconsciously asked: "Are you wearing masks?" ?”

"If I wear one, I'm always worried about being recognized by drug addicts, so I always have a mask in the car."

"Just wear it."

Thinking of what "Ren Dasha" had just said on the phone that Linghai Branch would adjust the positions of Liu Haipeng and Yu Wenqiang, Xiao Yunbo continued: "Xiao Han, judging from the current situation, the epidemic may be serious. Our next work The focus should be to change from the previous ban on drugs to the ban on 'two drugs' together!"

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Viruses and drugs?"

"Well, we must focus on both drug control and epidemic prevention. Drugs and viruses should be banned together to ensure that both epidemic prevention and control and drug control work are done correctly!"

"Xiao Zhi, I don't understand viruses and I don't know how to prevent and control them..."

"Hear me out."

Xiao Yunbo thought of the five or six emergency notices he received in the afternoon and pondered: "The Spring Festival is the peak period for returning to hometowns. We must take advantage of the opportunity when drug addicts and those on social welfare to return home to reunite during the Spring Festival, and work overtime to conduct surprise urine tests on drug-related personnel. and general hair inspection to strengthen social control of drug abuse.

I originally had nothing to worry about in Linghai, but now that Zhang Yuhang has been transferred, Li Duwang has just taken office, and Yu Jinze has been responsible for handling cases. Even if he can come back before the Spring Festival, he will not be able to help much in the control of drug addicts. "

Han Xin asked in a low voice: "Xiao Zhi, do you plan to let me stay in Linghai to help?"

"You stay in Linghai and ask Li Yamei to come back quickly. In fact, not only you have to go to the grassroots level, Xiao Xu, Xiao Hou, Yamei, and even the political commissar and I are likely to have to go to the grassroots level in the future to enrich the front-line forces."

"You even want to work at the grassroots level?"

"What kind of meeting do you think I'm going to the city bureau to attend right now?"

Xiao Yunbo asked back, holding on to the steering wheel and said: "Even if I don't say anything, Linghai Branch will soon tell Lan Doudou that her next work focus may be to cooperate with relevant departments to publicize epidemic prevention and control.

At the same time, in conjunction with our business responsibilities for the management of precursor chemicals, we must actively contact and coordinate manufacturers in the jurisdiction that need chemical raw materials such as hydrochloric acid, potassium permanganate, etc. to prepare stocks to ensure that pharmaceutical and chemical companies that are on holiday due to the Spring Festival can resume production as soon as possible. "

This job may be more important than the first two!

Because an epidemic outbreak will definitely require a large amount of drugs, especially disinfection.

But during the Spring Festival, many pharmaceutical and chemical companies are on holiday. Even if there is no holiday, if you want to purchase precursor chemical raw materials such as hydrochloric acid and potassium permanganate, you still need to go through strict approval by the anti-drug department, and even transportation needs to be registered. It can be purchased by purchasing.

Han Xin responded: "Yes, I will obey the order resolutely."

"That's it for now. If anything happens, please contact me in time."

Li Duwang was sitting nearby and could hear clearly. As soon as Han Xin put down the phone, he said eagerly: "Xiao Han, Xiao Zhi has thought so comprehensively. I really hope you can stay in the brigade to help!"

"This is not help, this is work. From now on, I will be your subordinate and follow your orders."

"You are the police officer of the detachment. How dare I order you? Let's divide the work."


Li Duwang was about to speak when a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

Lan Doudou actually rushed over dragging a trolley suitcase and carrying an insulated bucket. No need to ask, he knew that he was delivering a change of clothes and meals to the "public enemy of the bureau".

Li Duwang quickly called her into the car, briefly introduced the situation, and took the time to talk about work.

"Doudou, that's what I'm thinking about. Next, I will be responsible for the management of precursor chemicals, and at the same time assist the pharmaceutical and chemical companies in the area to resume production as soon as possible. You are responsible for epidemic prevention and anti-drug publicity, and Xiao Han is responsible for the management and control of drug addicts."

"no problem."

Lan Doudou not only knew that Liu Haipeng would be transferred to the deputy instructor of the Chengdong Police Station, with full responsibility for the work at the isolation point, but also knew that Yu Wenqiang would be transferred to the deputy director of the Chengnan Police Station.

Chengnan Police Station is the largest police station in Linghai Branch. If after being transferred there, he can be in charge of the security squadron like Yang Biaohan before, then he will be the most powerful person in charge of the case handling unit in the city!

There are many civilian police and auxiliary police, good case handling conditions, and a good mass base...

Sitting in that position, "punching the criminal police brigade and kicking the security brigade" is really not a joke.

Not only did Lan Doudou not hate the "evil disciples", but she smiled sheepishly: "Li Jiao, Xiao Han, my Yu Wenqiang, this is a blessing in disguise. Just quarantine, as long as you survive these fifteen days, you will be fine. "

Li Duwang took out his cell phone and glanced at the notice just issued by the bureau, and corrected: "It's not fifteen days, it's fourteen days, but it will start counting from tomorrow."

Han Xin turned around, sniffed, and asked curiously: "Master, what delicious food did you give my wife? It's so delicious!"

"Home-cooked food is not made by me, but by his mother."

"I haven't had dinner yet, can you let me try it?"

"What a beautiful idea. I'm hungry and I want to order takeout... Speaking of takeout, Li Jiao, can I order takeout at the quarantine point?"

"I really don't know that."

Li Duwang thought for a while and couldn't help but smile: "The person in charge is still on the train. The internal management measures at the isolation point may have to be discussed with the street officials and medical staff after Lao Liu arrives."

Thinking of Liu Haipeng's old colleague, Lan Doudou asked: "The superiors asked Liu Da to be in charge of the isolation point. Does this mean that after fourteen days of isolation, others can go home, but he cannot?"

"It's possible. After all, if he is determined to be responsible, he will be responsible to the end."

While we were chatting, the train pulled into the station.

In the morning, none of the police officers or staff at the station wore masks.

But starting from the afternoon, not only did they wear masks, but they even equipped temperature guns urgently, and everyone entering and exiting the station had to have their temperature taken.

Epidemic prevention personnel sent by the district, wearing tight white protective clothing, were waiting at the exit to register people returning from Beihu Province.

Everyone must be registered, and relevant streets must be notified to arrange for home isolation.

As for those who have returned from Hanwu, everyone must go to the quarantine point. No one knows how the expenses during the quarantine period will be calculated. It is estimated that it will not be determined until tomorrow.

Several cordons were put up on the square in front of the station exit. Although the three of them were police officers, they still had to obey the instructions of the epidemic prevention personnel and could only watch from a distance.

After waiting outside for seven or eight minutes, Liu Haipeng, Yu Wenqiang and two brothers from the special patrol team came out carrying bags and escorting the two suspects.

The police in the police room in front of the station also wore protective clothing and took them into an ambulance according to Director Sun's instructions.

Lan Doudou didn't dare to watch the excitement anymore, so she quickly drove after him, planning to chase him to the outside of the isolation point, and then ask the police on duty outside to carry the things inside.

Director Sun handed a black travel bag to the epidemic prevention personnel. The epidemic prevention personnel were well prepared. They picked up the disinfectant and started spraying it. After sterilizing the outside, they opened the zipper and disinfected the inside.

It wasn't until he saw the epidemic prevention personnel handing a large bag of drugs to Li Duwang that Director Sun joked from a distance: "Du Wang, Xiao Han, Ren Zhi and I will give ourselves a long vacation first and go back to our homes first. What happens next is all up to you.”

"Goodbye Ren Zhi, goodbye Sun Bureau."

"See you next year and wish you a happy new year."

"Yes, yes, see you next year. Let's wish the two leaders a good year first."

The two leaders got in the car and left. There were a lot of things to do tomorrow. Han Xin and Li Duwang did not dare to stay up too late, so they quickly sent the drugs to the evidence center of the branch's case handling center, and then went home to rest.

Unexpectedly, when I woke up, the whole world had changed!

Yesterday no one took the epidemic seriously, but today everyone went to buy masks, disinfectant and isatis roots.

After Jiang Yue washed up, put on her down jacket, and was about to snap up a few packs of masks, Jiang's mother came back unhappy, carrying the breakfast she had just bought.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

"It's Chinese New Year, what's the epidemic going on? If it continues like this, how can we hold training classes?"

Jiang Yue did not expect that the epidemic would have an impact on Xu Linlin's dance training school. She sat down and asked, "No one signed up today?"

Mother Jiang sighed softly and said with a grimace: "Not only did no one sign up, there were also many people calling to ask for their money back."

"Tuition refund?"

"Well, I went to see it for a while just now, but all the good words were useless. Linlin had no choice but to withdraw hundreds of thousands!"

The thing I was most worried about happened.

Han Xin could imagine how happy it was for her cousin to receive the money yesterday, and how painful it would be to return the money today.

Jiang Yue also felt uncomfortable because the whole family had invested so much. She couldn't help but ask: "The virus broke out in Hanwu and did not spread to our Linghai. What do they have to worry about?"

"It's been passed around, and everyone in the group has gone crazy."

Mother Jiang pointed in the direction of the People's Hospital and said helplessly: "The new building just built by the People's Hospital was transformed into some kind of fever clinic overnight. I heard that several people were isolated in it."

Jiang Yue couldn't believe that the epidemic that happened after eating melon for nearly ten days happened around her, and she didn't know what to say for a while.

Han Xin was about to persuade them to at least not have to pay rent when Li Yijun suddenly forwarded a link, followed by a phone call, lamenting how bad Xu Linlin was.

You won’t know if you don’t click on it, but you will be shocked when you look at it.

This is an emergency notice issued by the district’s epidemic prevention and control headquarters that was just established at noon yesterday.

In summary, there are nine items in total. The first item is that since January 10, 2020, all inmates who have been to or passed through Hanwu must take the initiative to register in the community or village and undergo body temperature testing. Those who do not have fever symptoms must also undergo medical observation (home isolation) for no less than fourteen days.

In other words, check back for ten days!

Article 2: Everyone should strengthen personal protection in public places, that is, wear masks.

Article 3: All retail pharmacies, individual clinics, etc. must urge patients who go to buy medicines to treat fever and cough to go to the nearest medical institution that has a fever clinic in a timely manner, and do a good job of registering and reporting fever personnel...

The fifth one is definitely the most lethal to the Han, Jiang, Xu, and Li families!

All enterprises and institutions must follow the principle of "non-essential, no holding" and try to reduce or cancel large-scale public gathering activities as much as possible.

Sports centers, cultural and art centers, libraries, museums and other places are temporarily closed, and various scenic spots are temporarily closed. Activities originally planned to be organized in the near future are canceled or postponed until further notice.

Internet cafes, cinemas, gyms, KTVs, bars, footbaths, bathrooms, swimming pools, chess and card rooms, large bookstores, rural tourist areas and other entertainment, leisure and cultural activity venues are temporarily suspended until further notice.

All kinds of social training institutions, including childcare institutions, have suspended offline services. The resumption of offline services will be notified later! ! !

Seeing this, Jiang Yue said with a bitter face: "Suspension of offline services is just not getting out of the way. No wonder people want refunds."

Just opened, it is about to close...

Han Xin also felt uncomfortable. After all, more than one million yuan was spent in real money. Counting the mother-in-law's investment, the total was more than two million yuan.

But if you are unlucky, what can you do if you encounter a sudden epidemic? There is no regret in selling medicine in this world, and even cold and fever medicines are not sold outside pharmacies.

Han Xin took a few deep breaths and pretended to be relaxed: "It's just a temporary suspension of offline services, not a shutdown. We can resume normal operations after the virus is eliminated."

Mother Jiang couldn't help but ask, "How long will it take?"

"It should be soon. No matter how scary it is, it can't be as scary as SARS. The more this time comes, the more important it is to hold your breath, grit your teeth and persevere. It will be over soon."

"The mortgage has to be repaid, teachers' salaries have to be paid, and property fees have to be paid...Linlin must be under a lot of pressure right now. You eat first, and I'll go over and check on Linlin."

"Mom, I'll go with you."

"You go ahead and cheer her up. I have to work overtime today, so I won't go with you."

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