Veteran new police officer

Chapter 308 My wife misses me!

The epidemic is definitely a disaster. It not only endangers people's health, but also causes great economic losses. For example, Xu Linlin's dance school lost at least 500,000!

If there is any benefit from the epidemic, it is that we can wear police uniforms like community police officers.

If you are engaged in the control of drug addicts, you will not be a deterrent if you do not wear police uniforms.

In the past, it was unseemly to wear a police uniform and a mask, but now everyone wears a mask, so there is no need to worry about affecting police appearance and discipline.

Han Xin rarely wore a police uniform once in a whole day. She couldn't help but look in the rearview mirror and took a look at her appearance in the police uniform. She felt that she was much more handsome than usual.

Auxiliary police officer Lao Chen saw him in police uniform for the first time and couldn't help but smile: "Captain Han, it turns out you are the second-level superintendent. I always thought you were the third-level superintendent."

"There is no difference between one cent and two cents and one cent and one cent."

"Why is there no difference? At least it looks good."

"That's true."

Han Xin couldn't help but laugh. At this time, the iron door of the detention center opened from the inside, and a correctional police officer also wearing a mask sent a man in his early thirties out.

"Team Han, I'll leave it to you."


Han Xin raised her hand to say hello to her colleagues in the detention center, and then opened the back door of the police car: "Yang Songlin, right? Get in the car and I'll take you home."

Yang Songlin had just come out of the detention center and really didn't want to get into the police car again. He rubbed his eyes and said, "Comrade police, there's no need to go to such trouble. I'll call a car online and go back by myself."

"I don't know if you can call a car, but I'm sure you won't be able to go back even if you call a car."

"Why can't you go back?"

"The correctional officer didn't tell you inside?"

"say what?"

"The roads leading to your Si Gang are all closed due to epidemic prevention and control. If we don't send them away, you won't be able to go back."

Yang Songlin was detained for five days. He did not expect such a big change to happen outside, so he asked doubtfully: "Is it really sealed?"

Han Xin urged: "Why are you lying to me? Get in the car quickly and put on your mask."

Yang Songlin saw that not only could he not see many cars on the road, but he could not even see a few people. He hesitated and could only bite the bullet and get into the back row.

He had taken drugs, but he was not detained for taking drugs, but for gathering people to gamble.

It is precisely because he has a history of drug abuse and is a subject of dynamic control that he can "enjoy" the treatment of being picked up and dropped off by a police car.

Han Xin got into the passenger seat, put on her seat belt, and turned around and said: "I know you have a mobile phone, please call home quickly and ask your family to pick them up at the old national highway security checkpoint. We are busy with work and things are relatively complicated." More can only send you there.”

Yang Songlin took out his cell phone and whispered: "Just drop me off at the checkpoint. I'll find the car myself when I get there."

"Do you think it's humiliating enough to be detained, but it would be even more humiliating to be sent back in a police car?"

"Comrade police, what do you want?"

Although he is not a drug addict under the control of Linghai Branch, as a detachment police officer, Han Xin still wants to say a few words to him:

"It's not what I think, but what you think. It's hard to quit. You have a harmonious family and a successful career. Why don't you cherish it? Why do you want to gamble and gamble so much?"

When Yang Songlin mentioned this, he became very depressed. He lowered his head and muttered: "Comrade police, I was tricked into smoking before, and I only did it three times. Besides, I haven't touched that thing in six or seven years. Why are you still here?" ”

Although he was detained this time not because of drug abuse, it had a lot to do with his drug abuse record.

He is from Sigang. He went to university and studied civil engineering. It is said that he has two first-class construction engineer certificates.

When I was doing construction work in another place, I was tricked into taking drugs by a local supplier. I was first fined by the local public security bureau, and after I was caught the second time, I was ordered to detoxify from drugs in the community for three years.

Judging from the records on the dynamic control system, it is true that he has never smoked in recent years. At least the urine test and hair test during the community detoxification period were fine, but it is not that easy to lift the dynamic control.

Maybe he stayed at the construction site for a long time in the past few years, rarely stayed in hotels, was never checked by the police, and forgot that he had a drug abuse record.

Six days ago, I came to Linghai to have a wedding reception for a classmate's second wedding. I got so drunk that I didn't go back that night. I went to a hotel to get a room and played gold with a group of classmates who were all engaged in engineering and had some money in their hands.

As a result, after just playing a few games, the Chengnan Police Station came to our door.

Wang Zongyi and Wang Wei went there. They originally wanted to do a urine test on him to see if he had taken drugs, but they accidentally caught him gambling, and hundreds of thousands of gambling money were confiscated on the spot!

In other words, if he had no drug history, the Chengnan Police Station might not be able to catch him.

Han Xin found it a bit funny and couldn't help but ask: "Do you feel it's unfair to be fined and detained?"

"Don't dare."

"What do you mean you don't dare? What's your attitude?"

"Comrade police, as I said before, I have quit and haven't touched that thing for many years. Why don't you let me go!"

The more Yang Songlin thought about it, the more angry he became, and he said bitterly: "I have read the "Anti-Drug Regulations". After three years of community drug rehabilitation, dynamic control will be lifted. But it has already been three years, why has it not been lifted yet?"

He was not the only one who encountered this situation. Han Xin felt that it was necessary to make it clear to him.

“Because dynamic control is easy to advance and difficult to retreat from, the authority to lift control does not lie with the district or county public security bureau, nor with the municipal bureau, but with the provincial department, and requires a series of procedures such as assessment and evaluation.”

"So it can never be lifted?"

He is one of the more determined and perseverant drug addicts, otherwise it would be difficult for him to persist for so many years without relapsing.

Han Xin turned back, stared at him and said seriously: "Yang Songlin, I know that dynamic control has caused some inconvenience to your work and life, and I also know that you have complaints.

But I can tell you clearly that dynamic monitoring will not lose its effectiveness just because it is lifted or downgraded. This is like a shackle that is bound to you forever. The record of drug abuse will never be removed for life. It can be said that this is the price of drug abuse in China! "

Once you make a mistake, you will regret it for eternity. When you look back, it has been a hundred years...

Yang Songlin regretted it too much, lowered his head and said no more.

Seeing that he was unwilling to contact his family, Han Xin simply took out her mobile phone and sent Li Zheng a WeChat message.

The municipal bureau required that drug-related personnel be "must be picked up and delivered" when they leave the police station. Li Zheng quickly responded, saying that he would pick them up at the prevention and control point at the junction of the two districts and counties.

It was already 4:26 pm when we arrived at the prevention and control point. There were police on duty here in Linghai, and more police on duty in Sigang.

While the auxiliary police officers were taking Yang Songlin over to register and take his temperature, Li Zheng stood at the junction and asked with a smile: "Team Han, do you need to do this yourself?"

"No one is here, everyone is busier than the other now."

"Where are Xu Haoran and the others?"

"We all went to support the Chonggang branch. Political Commissar Yun led the team. I heard that a temporary party branch was also established."

"So you are the only one supporting Linghai?"

"It's not about support. The main reason is that I'm familiar with the situation in my hometown." Han Xin looked over at them and said jokingly: "You guys are exaggerating. You sent so many people and blocked the road. , do you plan to be friends with us, Linghai?"

"You have two confirmed cases and several suspected ones. We don't have any in Sigang, just to guard against you!"

"No wonder the raw materials purchased by our company there can't be shipped back, and we have to have Li Da and Lan Zhi drive police cars to escort them. It turns out that the road is blocked by you."

"This is a request from superiors. We have zero confirmed cases so far. We cannot let one person harm a city. We must strictly guard against it."

"You are cruel."

"It's not just us in Sigang, it's the same in Xingdong and Gaoru. Now no one wants to play with you in Linghai."

"So the epidemic in Linghai is the worst."

"Isn't this obvious?" Li Zheng said with a smile.

Han Xin's face straightened: "Since the epidemic in Linghai is the worst, you should support us. Do you have any masks? If so, give me some."

Li Zheng felt regretful and thought that he shouldn't have complained if he had known this. He could only smile bitterly and said: "There are not many masks, but a few should be fine. Just wait a moment and I will go over and get them for you."

"What's the use of a few? Give me as much as you have. If you have more disinfectant and protective clothing, give me some. I'll ask my master to write you a thank-you letter later."

"Captain Han, you think too highly of me..."

"Hurry up. Considering that we have fought side by side, think of a way to save our brothers!"

All the old friends had arrived at the junction of the two districts and counties, and it was rare for them to speak out like this. Li Zheng had no choice but to go and ask for help from his brothers on duty at the prevention and control point.

Han Xin waited for about ten minutes before Li Zheng ran over holding a cardboard box.

"Team Han, that's all."

"There are also two protective suits. These are good things. Thank you."

"The police all over the world are one family, let alone our relationship."

"Then help me and Director Zhang to be good friends, and help me wish him a good year."


This trip was not in vain. At least two protective suits, six bottles of disinfectant and four large packs of masks were robbed!

Thinking that it was not the branch that was most short of protective supplies, but the young ladies who went to support the community, Han Xin and Lao Chen drove non-stop to Erli Community and handed the protective supplies robbed from Sigang to Cao Na. Help distribute them, and then take the dozen or so masks left behind and give them to another drug addict.

After struggling all afternoon, I returned to the brigade and found that Li Duwang and Lan Doudou had returned.

One seemed to be on the phone with Yang Qianli, and the other was busy publishing announcements from the prevention and control headquarters and branch news center on several "Linghai Drug Control" platforms.

"We received the call on the way back, okay, there's no one here anyway, so I can't go even if I want to..."

"Li Da, where are you going?"

Li Duwang took out his mobile phone and said with a wry smile: "You should have an impression of the 2.12 case. At that time, there was a case of selling ecstasy pills. After searching and searching, a fugitive was found, but he was not caught at the time.

Twenty minutes ago, the first team of the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Xindao City Public Security Bureau in Dongshan Province called us and told us that they had caught the kid and asked us to send someone to escort him quickly. "

No need to ask, everyone knows that he must have been caught during epidemic prevention and control.

This morning, the Chengbei Police Station also arrested a suspect wanted by the Xingdong Public Security Bureau.

Han Xin reacted and said thoughtfully: "I guess they don't have a place to hold him, so they called us in a hurry."

Lan Doudou raised his head: "If you are escorted back, we will have no place to send him!"

Han Xin turned around and said: "Master, there is a place for detention. I called Guizhi on the way back. Guizhi said that the municipal bureau arranged unified dispatch and designated the Xingdong Public Security Bureau Detention Center as a new prison area to detain suspects captured during the epidemic. people."

"Send all the suspects to Xingdong?"

"Those who are likely to be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of less than three years will be released on bail pending trial and will not be detained temporarily until the epidemic is over."

Han Xin smiled and added: "Xingdong will only be detained for fifteen days, and we will transfer them to other detention centers after confirming that there are no problems. Anyway, it's not that we won't detain them, but they can't be detained together, and the old and the new will not be mixed to prevent infection."

"What about the two suspects your wife is guarding at the isolation point?"

"We won't transfer them for the time being, because they came back from Hanwu, and they will be sent there after the quarantine period is over."

Han Xin knew that she was disappointed and immediately returned to the original topic: "Li Da, what about the suspect in the 2.12 case? What did Yang Biaohan say?"

Li Duwang sat down and took a sip of water, then raised his head and said: "The 2.12 case was originally investigated by the Criminal Police Brigade. There was no anti-drug brigade at that time. He wanted to arrange for someone to escort him, but now the business trip needs to be approved by the bureau leader. He is asking for instructions. .”

"What's wrong with us?"

"We don't have the energy to take care of it. There's something we almost forgot to tell you."

"What's up?"

Those who deceive others will one day be deceived by others.

Li Duwang looked back at Lan Doudou and said calmly: "The isolation point is currently quarantining more than 20 people who came back from Hanwu. At first, they didn't know that two suspects were also quarantined.

But Bai Jinsheng was addicted to drugs and had a strong withdrawal reaction. He yelled day and night, which made people feel scared. There were also several people with children who called the district director's hotline to complain, saying that they could not be locked up with prisoners. "

The isolation point was set up in a hurry, and the two suspects were also sent there in a hurry. It is estimated that the bureau leaders did not consider this at all at the time.

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "What should we do?"

Li Duwang yawned and said in a loud voice: "Old Liu said that District Chief Zhang has coordinated with the prevention and control headquarters and plans to requisition the dormitory building of the District Party School as a temporary isolation point. The special isolation detention center is temporarily unable to take custody and cannot process it. Suspect released on bail pending trial.”

"It's okay to transfer there. I've been to the party school and it's really quiet there."

"Now there is one more question."

"what is the problem?"

"Bai Jinsheng is currently undergoing forced detoxification, but the entire branch cannot find a police officer with experience in this area of ​​supervision. It would be best if nothing happens. If something happens, no one will be able to tell. We take it very seriously, even the procuratorate takes it very seriously.”

"Then what?"

"Your wife recommended you to the bureau leaders and the procuratorate. District Chief Zhang asked me to ask you if you could work hard and go to the party school to help look after you for a few days."

Lan Doudou also just found out about this and burst into laughter.

Han Xin was stunned, turned around and said with a smile: "Master, it seems that my wife misses me."

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