Veteran new police officer

Chapter 309 “Temporary Detention Center”

Han Xin packed up her things, went home, said hello to her mother-in-law and two younger sisters, and hurried to the dormitory building of the District Party School, only to realize that setting up an isolation point was not as simple as just finding a place.

The branch did not know where it found people. Some of them dismantled the TV set and switched the power supply of the socket with the help of party school employees, and some stood on the herringbone ladder to install surveillance cameras.

There are also several workers, under the guidance of epidemic prevention personnel, using boards urgently pulled from the Decoration City to renovate the somewhat old two-story building.

Director Chen of the branch office and Deputy Director Ding of the police support office kept making and answering phone calls, while the other was running up and down, extremely busy.

Han Xin didn't dare to affect their work, so she leaned over and took a look at the two large cardboard boxes that had just been delivered.

I was surprised to find that inside were the most in-demand masks, eye masks, disinfectant, and even two large packages of shoe covers.

There are also more than a dozen pieces of one-piece protective clothing, but you can tell by touching the fabric that the level of protection is not high. Wearing it can only protect against dust, don't expect it to protect against viruses.

"Team Han, I didn't notice when they arrived."

"Director Chen, I just arrived. Li Da asked me to report to you."

"What's the report? I'll leave in a moment. Come on, let me introduce to you. This is Director Li of the Epidemic Prevention Station..."

Deputy Director Chen from the branch office was obviously only responsible for the "decoration" and not the subsequent management. He invited Director Li from the epidemic prevention station and asked Director Li to conduct surprise training for Han Xin.

The entire building is divided into clean areas, buffer areas, contaminated areas, isolation areas and observation points, and safe passages are established.

After "checking in", quarantined personnel are required to strictly abide by the zoning regulations. The contaminated area, buffer zone and clean area do not cross each other. The ventilation system is completely closed and the use of air conditioners is strictly prohibited to ensure safe coverage without blind spots.

After walking around upstairs and downstairs, we returned to the lobby.

Director Chen took out another document about disinfection from his bag and asked that all areas should be fully disinfected every day according to the procedures in the document, and all domestic waste should be put into the newly established collection point.

Anyway, everything must be carried out according to regulations, and some kind of "closed loop" must be formed.

Han Xin glanced at the temperature gun and temperature registration form beside her, and asked curiously: "Director Chen, you are gone, who is in charge here?"

Seeing that the workers were almost busy, Director Chen turned around and said: "The bureau leader said that when the suspect is transferred, Yu Wenqiang will be in charge of the contaminated area and isolation area. You have never been to Hanwu, so there is no need to go in. You will be responsible for the clean area and buffer zone.”

"I'll guard the door for them down there?"

"Not just guarding the door, isn't it overkill for you to guard the door? You are also responsible for the observation point and monitor the suspect's situation at any time through surveillance!"

Can't we observe via video in the brigade? Do we have to come here?

Han Xin felt that this arrangement was a bit ridiculous, but thinking about the "public enemy of the branch" who had not slept well for many days, she didn't say anything.

After all, I'm either spending the New Year here or going to the brigade, and I can't go home anyway.

He asked how to deal with meals and confirmed that the Chengnan Police Station would deliver meals on time. Director Chen called Liu Haipeng and Yu Wenqiang and asked them to prepare to send the suspect.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Han Xin walked upstairs again and found that the two rooms where the suspects were about to be detained were different from other dormitories.

They use anti-theft doors and have anti-theft windows welded with steel bars on the outside, and they are not temporarily installed.

There was no TV inside, and there were very few sockets.

Unlike the rooms next door, the TVs were all temporarily removed and the power to the sockets was temporarily cut off.

As for the so-called observation point, it is the duty room on the left side of the hall on the first floor.

The temporarily installed monitoring system has all signals connected. Sitting in the duty room, you can see every move in the rooms and corridors upstairs.

"Team Han, put on your protective clothing quickly. Yu Wenqiang may have to wait a while. Chen Ju and the others will come here first."

"Director Chen, what is Director Chen doing here?"

"Send the suspects away. The two suspects who were escorted back from Yanyang are also arranged to be isolated and observed here."

Director Chen looked at the message he had just received and said with a smile: "Xinba Gang Police Station may also send a suspect, but don't worry, whoever sends the suspect will be responsible for custody. We only provide an isolation observation place."

Han Xin did not expect that this place would turn into a temporary detention center. She asked with a wry smile: "Director Chen, didn't the municipal bureau designate the Xingdong Public Security Bureau Detention Center to take custody?"

Director Chen raised his head and said, "District Chief Zhang called and asked. It's not done well over there. It will take three days at the earliest."

Deputy Director Ding of the Police Security Office put down his mobile phone and added: "I heard that there is one cell for each suspect over there. Think about it, how many suspects can be detained if the entire detention center is freed up, so we have to rely on ourselves. "

While they were chatting, a police car slowly drove over.

Chief Ye from the community team of the Chengnan Police Station got out of the police car and ran over to stand at attention and salute.

Director Chen and Director Ding hurriedly came forward to say hello. After all, they are old-timers and will retire in a few months.

Han Xin felt really uncomfortable seeing the people who had "dealt with" her back then.

But when he thought that this person could be regarded as a great matchmaker between him and Jiang Yue, his discomfort immediately disappeared.

"So you're here on duty?"

"Since this is the jurisdiction of our Chengnan Police Station, and the rest station is our leader, of course we have to arrange for someone to come here."

Lao Ye raised his hand to greet Han Xin, then smiled and said: "Actually, our Li Office has another consideration. We have arrested several suspects in the past two days, and after warning them, they were released on bail pending trial.

As a result, a boy did not listen to the warning and threatened the reporter after he returned. Not only did he call 110 to call the police, but he also called the Supervisory Brigade's reporting hotline to complain. Suo Li had no choice but to ask Team Wang to catch the boy again. "

Director Chen reacted: "You also plan to send the suspect here for isolation?"

"It won't work if I don't arrest him. It's not appropriate to keep him in the prison, so I can only send him here. Suo Li has already reported it to the bureau leader."

"Just send it here. There are plenty of rooms upstairs."

Now there is no place to send the suspect, which is a big problem!

Lao Ye didn't want to have "a long night and a lot of dreams", so he turned around and made a gesture, and saw two auxiliary police officers taking a slutty young man out of the police car.

Director Chen and Director Ding were originally responsible for logistics work and did not want to deal with these matters.

Han Xin realized that before the "public enemy of the branch" arrived, she was the leader of this temporary detention center. She quickly went to the duty room to get a temperature gun and took the temperature of the suspect and the two auxiliary police officers.

Then let them register, take out a room card and give it to them, and let them go upstairs first.

Director Chen saw that he had quickly entered the state and couldn't help but smile: "Team Han, Lao Ye, let's go first. I have to go to the command center to be on duty, and Lao Ding has to find protective equipment."

"Okay, I'll see you two off."

"Don't send it away. You are busy. I will leave this to you."

Director Chen walked to the car, thought about it, and then turned around and said, "By the way, even if the leaders of the bureau and the prevention and control headquarters don't come to inspect today, they will come tomorrow. Epidemic prevention and control is not a trivial matter, and everything must be done according to procedures. Otherwise, I won’t be able to keep my face when being criticized.”


After waiting for half an hour, I just took Lao Ye to get acquainted with the situation, and just helped him lay out the sheets and quilts, when Bureau Chen and the police from the task force arrived with the two suspects.

Take body temperature, register, explain the rules and regulations of the isolation point...

Everything is done according to the process.

Director Chen was very satisfied with the prevention and control measures here, chatted with the two for a few words, got in the car and left.

Two brothers from the Public Enemy and Special Patrol Brigade of the "branch" came last. Perhaps considering that three police officers were not enough to guard two suspects, the Chengnan Police Station sent an auxiliary police officer.

They have a "travel history" between Han and Wu Dynasties and should be treated with emphasis.

Han Xin was wearing protective clothing, a mask and goggles, tightly wrapped up, and sprayed disinfectant at them.

"Spray less, do you know how tight the disinfectant is now? Can you use it sparingly?"

"Don't talk. Who told you to talk? Please abide by the isolation discipline."

"I can't talk to you anymore?"

"Who knows if you have the virus in you."

How could Han Xin miss this opportunity for revenge? She sprayed "Public Enemy of the Precinct" twice more in the face, and then said with a smile: "You are not allowed to visit after you go upstairs. If you need anything, tell me. You can also tell Sergeant Ye. Anyway, there is a walkie-talkie. .”

Yu Wenqiang did not expect that the bureau leader would arrange for him to stay downstairs instead of going upstairs together to guard the suspect. He pretended to be unhappy and asked: "You kid, please understand, am I in charge here, or are you in charge?"

"You are responsible for the contaminated area and isolation area. The clean area and buffer area are my territory."

"I'm so cool, I have to ask you for instructions and report on everything I do!"

"If I go up, I will still ask for instructions and report to you, but don't worry, I will definitely not go up, hahaha."

"So I'll help you find a leisurely job."

"It's good to stay here. At least you don't have to run around. There is a TV in the duty room. You can watch the Spring Festival Gala tomorrow."

"Actually, people like you should work with me to detain suspects and force them to detoxify."

"Master Wife, I'm sorry to disappoint you."

"Kind of."

"Stop talking and hurry up. If I talk to you again, I will become a close contact."

"You are wrapped up tightly, what are you afraid of?"

"Master, you are the person in charge here. You are the leader. You must take the lead in complying with the isolation regulations. This is what the master asked me to bring to you. Take it and hurry up."

The bureau leader's arrangement makes sense for the bureau leader.

After all, he has never been to Hanwu, so he cannot really turn a person who has never been into a "close contact".

Yu Wenqiang had no choice but to pick up the things Lan Doudou brought and turned around with a wry smile.

How could Han Xin miss this opportunity to add insult to injury? She couldn't help but joke: "Master, at first, my master and I thought it didn't look good if you shaved your head, but now I think you did it right."

"Why did you shave it right?"

"The barbershops are closed now. I want to get a haircut but I can't find anyone. You don't have to worry about that. You can just ignore it for a month!"

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