Veteran new police officer

Chapter 310 Turn your elbows outward

The next work can be summed up as delivering things, disinfecting and monitoring.

Through the monitor, you can clearly see Yu Wenqiang and Liu Yongming of the Special Patrol Team tying Bai Jinsheng to the bed with special bandages.

Bai Jinsheng's condition is not good. He hasn't eaten much for three days in a row. He looks very weak, but he doesn't stop at all.

Although he was tied up, he was still struggling desperately. Looking at his ferocious expression, you could tell how painful drug addiction was.

Zhu Chunwan was like a walking corpse, with listless energy and dull eyes. He was handcuffed to the bed and motionless. No matter how Lu Bin from the special patrol team asked, he remained silent.

The two suspects escorted back from Yanyang were quite honest, and the two policemen responsible for guarding them did not just guard them.

As soon as they settled down, they began to interrogate one of the suspects wearing glasses. The tall and thin one was guarded by two auxiliary police officers.

The suspect sent by the Chengnan Police Station was clamoring for revenge on the whistleblower outside, but now he is honest.

He tried his best to please the two auxiliary police officers who were responsible for guarding him, but the two auxiliary police officers knew that Lao Ye was watching them through the surveillance camera. Not only were they unmoved, but they also warned him to be honest.

The suspect sent by Xinba Gang Police Station was also under the custody of two auxiliary police officers.

Seeing so many auxiliary police officers upstairs, Lao Ye hugged his teacup and smiled bitterly: "The leader arranged for me to come here to perform duty. It was originally a kind of care, but I didn't realize that I had a heavy responsibility after I arrived."

Han Xin took off the hat of the one-piece protective suit and asked with a smile: "Uncle Ye, what are you worried about?"

"If something happens to the suspect, it's useless to just hold the auxiliary police accountable. We will definitely be held accountable when the time comes."

"The Xinba Gang Police Station went too far. Didn't we agree that whoever sent the suspect would be responsible?"

"It's not easy for them either. Since we have sent people here, we can only be responsible to the end."

"This is not a day or two. It seems that we need to arrange it reasonably."

"You are the leader, you look after the arrangements."

"What kind of leader am I..."

Han Xin thought for a moment and picked up the intercom: "Master's wife, Master's wife, I'm Han Xin. Please answer if you hear me."

This is the public frequency of the temporary detention center, and anyone in the building can hear it.

Yu Wenqiang was so angry that his teeth itched, he pretended not to hear and continued to doze off.

Han Xin had no choice but to smile and say: "If you hear anything, please answer."

Yu Wenqiang thought that was enough, so he picked up the walkie-talkie and asked: "Copy that, what's the matter? Please tell me."

"Yu Suo, I found that each 'cell' is a team of two people. Do you want to have a meeting with the big guys to figure out how to arrange shifts? Otherwise, who can handle it if they are kept under constant surveillance 24 hours a day?"

"I'm in quarantine and can't even leave the house. How can I hold meetings and schedule my shifts?"

"Isn't there a walkie-talkie?"

Han Xin smiled and continued: "You are in charge upstairs, and I am in charge downstairs. Over here at the observation point, I have just arranged a shift with Chief Ye. We take turns watching the surveillance, and we change shifts every four hours."

Yu Wenqiang realized that now was not the time to argue with cheaters, so he stood up and asked: "Han Xin, there are so many rooms upstairs, can you give us some room cards so that we can arrange for the brothers to take turns to rest."

"No problem, you study it first. I will send the room card to the stairs later, and you can get it yourself."

"Okay, thank you."

As soon as Han Xin put down the walkie-talkie, Lao Ye frowned slightly and asked: "Xinxin, why has Yu Suo lost weight? It looks like he has lost a lot of weight. He was not like this the last time I saw him."

"The job of serving suspects is not easy. Anyone else would lose weight."

"Didn't he transfer from the isolation point? The isolation point was only established a few days ago."

"He started serving the suspect before entering the isolation point. Now he is serving the second suspect. The previous one is dead. In total, he has been serving the suspect for nearly a month."

"What kind of case has it taken so long!"

"Drug case."

Lao Ye didn't expect Yu Wenqiang to have such a story. He was wondering if his transfer to the deputy director of the Chengnan Police Station was related to the drug case. Han Xin murmured:

"Uncle Ye, have you noticed that his room is weird, and so is the room opposite."

Lao Ye was stunned, then smiled and said, "You don't know?"

"what do you not know?"

"It seems you really don't know."

Lao Ye unscrewed the lid, took a sip of tea, and introduced: "These two dormitories were the places where cadres who violated disciplines were kept by the Discipline Inspection Commission before the establishment of the Supervisory Committee.

After the Supervisory Committee was established, it seems that people were detained here. It wasn't until the detention center in the detention center was built that the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission didn't bring anyone over. "

Han Xin was really surprised and couldn't help but ask: "Double regulations in the party school?"

"It's quiet here and it serves as a warning."

"Organize training for party members and cadres and let them see Shuanggui places?"

"Don't organize training staff to come and watch, just let them know. You and Xiao Li assisted the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision to arrest Chen Guoping. I also assisted the Commission for Discipline Inspection in handling the case, but I was transferred here to help look after a man who was double-regulated. The village party secretary watched it for a whole month."

"It turns out this place has a history. No wonder the branch chose this place as an isolation point."

"There are many places with history. The guest house in the north of the city, the militia training center, and the hotel in the south of the city were all places frequented by case-handling units.

Nowadays, we pay attention to the quality of case handling. We can no longer go to guest houses and hotels. Those that are close to each other must go to the case handling center, and those that are far away must go to the case handling areas of their respective units. "

"So if it wasn't for the epidemic, I wouldn't have had the chance to come here."

Lao Ye looked at the drug-addicted suspect on the monitor and asked with a smile: "Xinxin, do you know why Yu Suo insisted on dragging you here?"

Han Xin had already thought of it, put down the walkie-talkie and said with a smile: "It's not that he insisted on me coming. If I'm not mistaken, it was the bureau leader who wanted me to come.

Who asked me to be a detachment policeman now? If that poisonous man can't handle it and really dies here, when the time comes to hold him accountable, the detachment will help share the burden. "

"I thought you didn't know."

"It's my fault for talking about this. I helped him come up with a bad idea before and brought the supervision detachment into trouble. They must have been inspired, and they also brought our anti-drug detachment into trouble."

Old Ye was happy: "It's good to take care of things together."

Han Xin turned around and said, "Let's not talk about that anymore. Uncle Ye, how do you think we, father and son, will spend this year?"

"Let's spend time here. Do you want to sneak back to have New Year's Eve dinner, or do you want to get some wine?"

"It's definitely not allowed to skip the job, and you can't drink wine. Who knows when the leader will come to check on the post, but the food must be rich. After a hard time of celebrating the New Year, you can't lose the flavor of the New Year."

"The institute has already considered this. In fact, the food during the Spring Festival every year is pretty good. It's a pity that your second aunt had a stroke. If she hadn't had a stroke, the food would have been better."

"The cook now has dirty hands and feet. How dare he embezzle your food expenses?"

"That's not true. The main reason is that my craftsmanship is mediocre and the food I cook is not as delicious as your second aunt's grandma's cooking."

The second aunt is very powerful. She has been in charge of the canteen of the Chengnan Police Station for sixteen years and has conquered the stomachs of so many auxiliary police officers.

It is said that many police officers who have been transferred to other units still miss the food at the Chengnan Police Station and return to their old units to have meals whenever they have the chance.

Thinking of her father-in-law cooking at the Chengbei Police Station, Han Xin sighed with emotion: "My father-in-law's cooking is also delicious. He used to watch the news whenever he had time, but now he doesn't watch the news anymore. He watches cooking videos and studies how to make them." Do some tricks.”

"Really? He really loves what he does. I will definitely go to the canteen of the Chengbei Police Station to try his skills later."

"We will go together when all the suspects upstairs are transferred to the Xingdong Public Security Bureau Detention Center."

While they were chatting, the landline phone in the duty room rang.

Lao Ye picked up the intercom and was about to ask who it was when he heard Yang Biaohan say on the other end of the phone: "Lao Ye, are you at the isolation point with Xiao Han?"

"Yes, Teacher Yang, you call Xiao Han, I'll ask him to answer the phone."

"No, it's the same as you said."

"What instructions?"

"The Xitang Squadron just arrested a fugitive, and we immediately contacted the case handling unit that was searching for him online. As a result, they said that they have regulations there, and they cannot leave the province at this stage, so they entrusted us to take him into custody first."

Lao Ye came to his senses and asked with a wry smile: "Jiao Yang, do you plan to send people to us?"

The epidemic is not without its benefits, at least in terms of arresting fugitives, it is much easier than usual.

The one captured by the Xitang Squadron in the afternoon was discovered when the community was investigating outsiders. Seeing that the guy was hesitating and unable to produce his ID card, he decisively called the police.

The Xitang Squadron went over to investigate and found out that he was a wanted criminal!

Yang Biaohan was both happy and embarrassed. He said helplessly: "That guy is suspected of intentional injury causing death. The penalty is ten years. He has been absconding for so many years in fear of crime. He may even have a suspended death sentence. We certainly cannot let him be released on bail pending trial, and the detention center does not allow him to be released on bail pending trial." It can only be taken into custody and sent to you."

Lao Ye didn't dare to make the decision easily, so he asked in a low voice: "Does the bureau leader know?"

"I just reported it to the bureau leader, otherwise I wouldn't have known you were at the party school, let alone this phone call."

"Okay, you can ask the Xitang Squadron to send the person over, but they have to arrange for the police to come and take custody."

"This is what I want to discuss with you. The manpower is too tight now, so we can only arrange for a civilian policeman and an auxiliary policeman to go there."

"Okay, Xiao Han and I will help you keep an eye on it."

"Thank you, I'll let them pass now."

There are already six locked up upstairs, so I don’t care about one more.

Han Xin took the phone and asked curiously: "Jiao Yang, I, Han Xin, the suspect in the 2.12 case, was the ecstasy seller who was arrested in Xindao. What are your plans?"

"You must be escorted back. We don't have any rules against leaving the province. We just can't go to areas where the epidemic is more severe."

While Yang Qianli signaled his subordinates to put the suspect into the police car, he continued: "This task has been handed over to the urban squadron. They have already set off. Li Yijun also went by car."

"Jiao Yang, have you prepared some protective equipment for them?"

"You need to tell me, we gave them everything we could. We prepared thirty masks for them, including six N95 ones!"

"N95 is a good thing. You can't buy it now no matter how much money you spend. Teacher Yang, where did you get it?"

"You didn't, you didn't know?"

"How can I have such a high-end mask? I really don't know."

Yang Qianli felt that this was an opportunity to crack down on scammers, and said proudly: "Your cousin sent it. She is both a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference and a dance teacher. She has a wide network and a wide network of contacts. She heard that our team was short of protective equipment, so she sent a large batch of it. box!"


Han Xin was indeed shocked and depressed.

I wondered if I had made a mistake. She was not married yet, so she turned her elbows outward and became a family member of the Criminal Police Brigade. Whenever she had good things, she would think of the Criminal Police Brigade, and if she had any good things, she would send them to the Criminal Police Brigade.

Yang Qianli had never been so happy. He felt that his old subordinate was very successful. At least he had taken down the cheating cousin. He found that there was no sound on the phone and asked: "Xiao Han, talk to me. Is the signal not good?"

"No, I'm listening."

"Do you have a shortage of masks over there? If so, I'll ask Xiaotian to bring you some. Teacher Xu gave you so many, so I can give you some."

"No, you can keep it. I have plenty of masks here, and I also have protective clothing!"

"Forget it. I'll leave the suspect's matter to you. As soon as there is news from Xingdong, I will arrange for someone to send the suspect to Xingdong."

Comrade Lao Ye heard clearly and saw Han Xin's expression was wrong. He knew that he felt that Li Yijun was not worthy of his cousin, so he quickly coughed:

"Xinxin, Xiao Li is actually pretty good, and your uncle and aunt are quite satisfied with him."

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