Veteran new police officer

Chapter 341 Progress!

As soon as the words came out, Cheng Wenming realized that blocking the road was not a good idea.

If we really do that, not only will those who deliver raw materials be unable to enter, but the goods in the den will also be unable to be delivered, but it can be done by preventing those who deliver generators from entering.

He weighed it up, opened the door and limped into room 302, chatting with Xu Zhi about Han Xin's speculations and ideas.

Xu Zhishen thought so and immediately called his subordinates to adjust the direction of the investigation.

He did not come alone, but with two professional anti-narcotics policemen from the corps.

An old anti-narcotics officer named Yu was responsible for checking logistics information. A deputy captain named Wei was asking for help from the local municipal bureau in identifying people from Fujian Province.

A deputy captain of the Yuezhou Municipal Bureau's anti-narcotics detachment, who was transferred to the first investigation team the day before yesterday, is conducting surveillance with the help of local colleagues.

Li Zheng and three criminal policemen from the Yuezhou Municipal Bureau are responsible for monitoring drug manufacturing dens.

Xu Haoran was assigned to the information research and judgment team. Together with the technical investigation, economic investigation, and network security personnel who were transferred to the team, Xu Haoran used technical means to monitor the mobile phone calls of suspects such as Liang Xiaodong, Li Zhicheng, and Wu Bin, and investigated several suspects. People’s WeChat and QQ chat records, as well as their WeChat, Alipay accounts and bank statements.

It is worth mentioning that the second investigation team and the Tang branch’s pursuit team also have police officers in the information research and judgment team.

Everyone is busy, but the two leaders, Cheng Wenming and Xu Zhi, are very idle. The only thing they can do is wait for news.

We waited until after seven o'clock in the evening, and finally got some good news.

Xu Zhi was overjoyed after answering the phone.

Cheng Wenming asked with a smile: "Has Lao Yu found any clues?"

"Six pieces of logistics information were found to be very suspicious. Whether it is true or not remains to be verified."

"What's so suspicious?"

Xu Zhi forwarded the logistics information just sent by his subordinates to the computer, clicked the mouse, pointed at the screen and said with a smile: "Lao Yu has been investigating for a long time with the help of comrades from the county bureau and still can't find any clues, so he just doesn't do anything anymore. In the name of the Corps, please ask the three surrounding district and county public security bureaus to assist in the investigation.

It was found that these six batches of plastic granules were sent from four different places to four different freight stations in three surrounding districts and counties, and they were all picked up by themselves.

The name of the consignor is false, and the name of the consignee is also false, but the mobile phone number left by the consignor is the same, and the mobile phone number of the consignee is also the same! "

Cheng Wenming took out his mobile phone, clicked on the electronic map, entered the locations of several cargo stations to check, and immediately frowned: "The two furthest cargo stations are more than 100 kilometers apart!"

"If we take the drug manufacturing dens we have learned as the center of the circle, then these freight stations are all within a radius of 60 kilometers."

"The situation on the shipper's side is probably similar."

"If the shipper also avoids tracing in this way, then there will be trouble next."

"What's the trouble?"

Xu Zhi closed the document page, searched for the electronic map, first zoomed out and then zoomed in to the approximate location.

Then he used his finger as a compass and drew three circles in a row. Taking the intersection as the center of the circle, he used the mouse to draw a red circle on the screen:

"Cheng Zhi, look at this, this is the junction of three provinces, involving four prefecture-level cities in three provinces!"

If it were not troublesome, this case would not be listed as a drug target case by the Ministry of Public Security.

Cheng Wenming stared at the computer screen and said thoughtfully: "The top priority is to find out whether these six batches of plastic particles are related to Wu Hengye's gang."

Xu Zhi looked at the time in the lower right corner of the screen and said with a smile: "This is not difficult to confirm. Wu Hengye is so cunning, he will definitely not come forward in person, so the only recipients can be Liang Xiaodong, Li Zhicheng or Wu Bin!"

"There should be surveillance at the freight station."

"Lao Miao is rushing over there, and I plan to ask Lao Wei to go there too. After all, there are several freight stations, and they are in different places."

Xu Zhi thought for a moment, then continued: "Even if there is no surveillance or the surveillance records are covered, we can still make a fraudulent phone call to listen to the sound."

Cheng Wenming thought for a moment, raised his head and said with a smile: "Then advance the tripping time from midnight to eight o'clock. When Liang and Li found out that there was a power outage, they would definitely go to Wu Bin. Then they would call this number and check their mobile phones. Ring or not!”

"What if they don't go to Wu Bin, but just call Wu Bin?"

Xu Zhi didn't want to fight an uncertain battle, so he added, "What if Wu Bin doesn't go to the electrician, but just calls the electrician?"

Cheng Wenming believed deeply and said decisively: "Then let's make a rumor. Didn't they just go to the East China Sea? Let our village cadres bring the village cadres to the door and ask them if they have passed by the patient who was just diagnosed with the infection. place, and take their temperature by the way."

"Where's Wu Bin?"

"Arrange two groups of people to come to the door at the same time. The workshop is originally in his name. He is the boss in name. His workers are running around during the epidemic. The village must ask clearly!"

"There is no need to advance the trip time. It is still arranged in the middle of the night. When they wake up and find a pot of liquid methamphetamine, we will see what they do."

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away."

Thinking that a dragnet has been laid here, and Han Keng will not be able to play a big role if he continues to stay here, Cheng Wenming lit a cigarette: "Xu Zhi, I have another idea."

Xu Zhi subconsciously asked: "What do you think?"

"If we can confirm it later, we will form a special team and move the front to the area you just delineated. You arrange for two comrades to be in the light and ask the local comrades for assistance. I will arrange for one person to be in the dark. , responsible for implementing the investigated situation.”

"Cheng Zhi, you mean to first arrange for two comrades to investigate how many workshops there are that recycle and pellet waste plastics, and then check them out one by one?"

"The workload is too much, so we can conduct targeted checks. For example, the location is relatively remote and consumes a lot of electricity, especially if the operators are from Fujian Province."

"I think it will work. After all, the surveillance of several logistics parks over there needs to be checked."

"Then it's settled, you hurry up and make arrangements."


At the same time, Tang Zhi also made a breakthrough.

Through side investigation, it was found that when Wu Hengye came back in May last year, he brought a young woman in her twenties with him.

Because too much time has passed, the hotel's surveillance video has been covered.

But that woman once had a beauty treatment at a beauty shop diagonally opposite the hotel. Not only did she have a consumption record, but she also added WeChat under the influence of the beauty shop proprietress’s sharp tongue.

The problem now is that there were too many ladies going shopping in those days, and the boss lady had more WeChat friends, so it was not easy to check her identity.

Zhang Mengcheng asked the beauty shop proprietress to wait, walked into the office opposite, and said with a wry smile: "Tang Zhi, that woman only added WeChat and didn't apply for a card..."

Tang Zhi turned around and signaled to wait. Only then did he notice that the leader was calling Li Zhendong to ask if there was any progress with the information research and judgment team.

"Okay, I would like to ask the comrades from the technical investigation and network security to work hard and report any news as soon as possible."

Tang Zhi put down his cell phone, sat down and asked, "Lao Zhang, what did you just say?"

"That woman only added the boss's WeChat account and did not apply for a card in the store. However, the boss's wife has hundreds of WeChat friends, and most of them have no notes. She really can't figure out who is who."

"The scope has been narrowed down to a few hundred people. Using the elimination method, it shouldn't be difficult to check!"

"I know, I have thought of a way, but...but it may require some funds."

As long as money is involved, it's troublesome!

Tang Zhi finally understood why he stopped talking, looked at him with a smile and asked, "How do you want to check?"

Zhang Mengcheng said quickly: "Please do some activities to give back to customers, such as purchasing some cosmetics. I must buy cheap ones. We can't afford expensive ones.

The local ones ask people to come and pick them up, and the out-of-town ones send them to others. That is to say, first contact the customers one by one and ask for their names, contact information and delivery address. "

"That woman is definitely not a local. In this case, the locals can be excluded?"

"There is no other way because it is too difficult to check through transaction records."

"Why is it so difficult to check?"

"That shop not only provides beauty treatments but also haircuts. There were hundreds of transaction records during that time period, and some of them collected payments through Alipay and WeChat."

Looking at the leader's thoughtful look, Zhang Mengcheng emphasized: "And what projects that woman has done and what services she has received, the boss lady has long forgotten and can't even remember. If that woman, the mobile payment is bound to It’s someone else’s bank card, so it will be even harder to check!”

I contacted the company that provided the monitoring equipment in the afternoon, and they were very cooperative.

The problem now is that after their engineers saw the device number, they checked in the system and found that the customer who used the remote monitoring platform had not logged in for a long time.

The APP developed by this company, after the user registers and logs in, not surprisingly collects a lot of customer information, including the most critical location information!

But I haven't logged in for a long time, and my phone is probably turned off, so I really can't check it now.

There is no progress in the monitoring line for the time being. If you want to find Wu Hengye as soon as possible, you can only use Zhang Mengcheng's method.

Tang Zhi weighed it up, stood up and said, "Go and ask the proprietress how much it will cost to hold an event."

"I just asked, and she said...she said it would cost thirty or forty thousand anyway."

"Is she helping us handle the case, or is she trying to make money from us?"

"If we don't hold any activities, we can just send them one by one on WeChat and ask them how to speak and what to say to those customers?"

Thirty or forty thousand yuan is not much, but where does this money come from and how will it be reimbursed in the future?

Tang Zhi was having a headache when his cell phone rang suddenly.

When I looked at the caller ID, I saw that the call was from "Crazy Cheng" who didn't care about his old company at all.

However, Tang Zhi was not unhappy, because he knew "Crazy Cheng's" temper better than anyone else. He quickly got through and asked, "Cheng Zhi, what are your instructions?"

"You are the captain of the detachment, how can I give you instructions?"

"Cheng Zhi, you will always be our old leader!"

"Am I that old? I will say this again when I hold a memorial service. Remember to add that it will always live in your hearts."

Tang Zhi was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say. Cheng Wenming got down to business: "Let me tell you something. We plan to cut off the power tonight so that the two little bastards hiding in the ravine can't make good products. They You will definitely be anxious after you find out that something went wrong, and there will probably be something unusual."

"I see, thank you!"

"What's there to thank you for? Besides, I don't know if this trick of knocking the mountain and shaking the tiger will work."

"It will definitely work. You helped me a lot!"

"I have another operation here, so hang up first."

What actions were taken were mysterious and mysterious.

Tang Zhi muttered secretly, turned around and said with a smile: "Lao Zhang, don't worry about the event in advance. Quickly call the monitoring equipment provider and ask them to arrange for engineers to work overtime. Pay attention to whether the account that was just verified in the afternoon will log in."


"And the boss lady, I must make it clear to her that it must be kept secret. If she leaks it, she will be legally responsible."


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