Veteran new police officer

Chapter 342 Progress (2)

Eight o'clock in the evening is not too late in the city.

But in this remote mountain village, eight o'clock is already very late.

As soon as a gray car drove to the gate of the abandoned elementary school, two cameras with LED lights automatically turned on, illuminating the gate like daylight.

I made a phone call before arriving. As soon as the village cadres wearing protective suits got out of the car accompanied by two village cadres, the iron door opened and two young men wearing masks came out.

The big wolf dog heard the noise outside and was barking in the yard.

"Director Wang, it's so late, what's going on?" Liang Xiaodong asked with a bit of anxiety.

Li Zhicheng often went to the small shop owned by the village director to buy things. He was familiar with the village director. Not only was he not nervous, but he also took out a cigarette to smoke.

Just as Director Wang was about to speak, the "village cadre" held the folder and reminded: "Young man, don't come over, just stand there!"

Director Wang reacted and said quickly: "Xiao Li, during the epidemic, keep your distance."

"Oh, sorry, I forgot."

"Let me introduce, this is Section Chief Ding who came to us from the county to strengthen epidemic prevention and control. We just received a call from the epidemic prevention and control headquarters to find out more about the situation."

Li Zhicheng subconsciously asked: "What happened to us? What do you want us to know about?"

The "resident cadre" said expressionlessly: "Young man, don't be nervous. Let's take your temperature first. Director Wang, please take it first."

"Okay, Xiao Li, Xiao Liang, stand still..."

The village director took the temperature gun and looked down: "Ding Ke, you don't have a fever, your body temperature is normal."

"Let me see."

The "cadre stationed in the village" glanced sideways, picked up the note and recorded it, then raised his head and asked: "Who is Liang Xiaodong?"


"So you are Li Zhicheng."


"Have you two been out in the past few days?"

"We...we delivered goods. We didn't go to Beihu, we just went to Yuezhou."

"Which road did you take? Did you pass Green Mountain?"

"We took the highway and didn't pass Green Mountain."

The "village cadre" reminded: "Young man, the village has repeatedly publicized the regulations on epidemic prevention and control. You should know that if you conceal it and fail to report it, you will be held legally responsible!"

It turns out that someone in Green Mountain was infected with the virus...

Liang Xiaodong finally relaxed and said quickly: "Chief Ding, we know, we understand. You cannot go to places with epidemics. You must wear a mask whenever you go out."

Li Zhicheng did not want cadres from the county to enter the courtyard, so he lost no time in adding: "We must have fewer gatherings and wash our hands frequently."

"It's not enough to just do these things. The most important thing is to go out less, reduce the flow of people as much as possible, and cut off the transmission channels of the virus. It's good for you, you still go to such far places during the epidemic. Big data analysis has reported that prevention Control the headquarters!"

"Chief Ding, we went out to deliver goods, does Big Data know about it?"

"You don't even look at how many cameras there are outside. Big data can analyze which car has gone where. Do you understand if you are smart?"

Just as Liang Xiaodong was about to speak, his cell phone suddenly rang, and the call came from an unknown number.

Boss Wu would not make calls under normal circumstances, but if he did, he would definitely use an unfamiliar number.

He was about to hang up first and come back later when Section Chief Ding suddenly said: "Answer the phone first. After answering the phone, we will tell you in detail how you got to Yuezhou. The headquarters is waiting for feedback."

Liang Xiaodong had no choice but to bite the bullet and answer the call.

I thought it was the boss, but as soon as I got through, I heard a woman with a Fujian accent speaking in broken Mandarin on the other end of the phone: "Hello, I am the customer service staff of Tianhai Bank. I heard that you have recently needed funds..."

How could the bank’s customer service not even speak Mandarin well!

Liang Xiaodong had received similar calls many times and blocked many of them. He hung up without thinking, put down the phone and said with a wry smile: "You know it's a scam without asking."

"I have a strong sense of prevention, but to be honest, telecom fraud is so rampant now. I receive fraud calls and fraud text messages almost every day."

"We are not greedy and we will not be fooled."

"This shows that Director Wang's anti-email fraud propaganda has been done well. OK, let's continue."

Han Xin could see everything that was happening clearly through her cell phone with its incredible camera function, but she was too far away to hear it.

Just as he was wondering whether the call Liang Xiaodong had just received was arranged by his "cousin-in-law", the call came from his "cousin-in-law".

"Brother-in-law, what's the matter?"

"That's him. A friend has seen him. Should you go there today or go there early tomorrow morning."

"I'll go over now."

"It's dark and the roads are slippery, so be careful on the road."

"Don't worry, I won't drive too fast."

Cheng Wenming looked at Xu Zhi's happy expression and continued: "My friend over there found a mobile phone number for me. It's too late today. I'll call you tomorrow morning. If I can get through, I'll call you."

The mobile phone number mentioned by the "cousin-in-law" obviously belongs to the shipper.

The so-called call again tomorrow morning is to apply for inquiry of call records and mobile phone location.

The scope can be further narrowed, and the drug manufacturing factory can be destroyed as soon as possible, and those bastards who illegally manufacture and sell ephedrine can be arrested and brought to justice, so that they can go home early.

Han Xin didn't want to waste a moment, so she immediately put on her seat belt and started the engine.

Wang Guozheng, who was sleeping in the back row, woke up with a start, got up and asked, "Xiao Jiang, where are you going?"

"Go to Yujiang. My brother-in-law said that someone named Jiang was seen working there."

"Yujiang...Yujiang is quite far from here."

"Uncle Wang, have you been there?"

"Yujiang is the poorest county here. I have nothing to do there. There is a girl in our village who was married from Yujiang."

"It's none of my business whether you're poor or not. As long as you find that bastard, it's better than staying here and staring."

Han Xin raised her head and glanced at the rearview mirror, then changed the subject: "I haven't had a hot meal for several days. When we get on the highway later, go to the service area to see if there is anything to eat, and I will buy you a bottle of wine by the way."

When wine was mentioned, Wang Guozheng immediately became interested. He leaned on the back of his chair and asked, "Don't you have some?"

"I drive, I can't drink."

"Oops, I almost forgot that you can't drive after drinking alcohol now."

"It wasn't possible before."

"No one cared about it before. The few gangsters in our town used to drink it every day."

It's better to have a companion than to perform tasks alone. At least you can chat and talk when you burn the midnight oil.

Han Xin was already used to the smell of Wang Guozheng's body, and had long given up the idea of ​​asking him to find a place to wash himself and clean himself up.

Just as he was rushing to Yujiang at starry night, Xu Zhi was sitting in a hotel room in the town, eating the takeout he had just ordered, and curiously asked who the policeman was "in the dark".

I showed my face on a video conference call a few days ago.

Director Yang feels that since it is a special operations team, it must reflect something "special", and maintaining a sense of mystery is very special.

Cheng Wenming thought there was some truth to it, so naturally he would not tell the truth. He held up his chopsticks and said with a smile: "I am traveling with you, but he mainly performs close-up tasks, and he is involved in the investigation of several cases at the same time, so... so his identity needs to be Keep it confidential.”

"Can't you even tell me?"

"We need to ask our bureau leader for instructions. If the bureau leader doesn't say anything, I really can't talk nonsense."

"Cheng Zhi, you are both a senior and the leader of the bureau. What instructions do you need to ask for?"

"I am the leader of the bureau. Since I have already stepped down to the second line, I must have the consciousness to step back to the second line. When I need to ask for instructions and report, I must ask for instructions and report."

"Okay, I won't ask anymore. Don't pry if you shouldn't pry."

"Excuse me."

"What's the point of being embarrassed? Come on, I'll give you a toast with tea instead of wine."

"Okay, let's go one."

The person in front of me has a transcendent status, and the department leaders must treat him with courtesy.

Xu Zhi took a sip of tea and said with a smile: "Cheng Zhi, you can go to bed early after dinner and leave the tripping and power outage to me."

Cheng Wenming was indeed a little sleepy, and Xiao Cui, the driver and "nanny" sent by the work unit, as his last name suggests, had come over several times to urge him to rest early and pay attention to his health.

Taking good care of life is a task assigned to the young man by his superiors. The young man cannot be embarrassed. Cheng Wenming is not pretentious and agrees: "Okay, I will go to bed after eating."

Tang Zhi was also very sleepy, but he didn't dare to sleep and couldn't sleep. He just sat in the hotel room opposite the county bureau, smoking and drinking tea with Zhang Mengcheng and waiting for news.

"Tang Zhi, do you want to call and ask?"

"Cheng Zhi should rest now."

"You can call and ask Xu Zhi."

"Not in a hurry."

Holding a cigarette butt, he yawned and said, "They must wait until the two suspects fall asleep before opening the gate, but it's only past ten o'clock now."

Zhang Mengcheng was confused: "When the suspect falls asleep and pulls the switch, then when they know that they can't give birth, we don't have to wait until tomorrow morning!"

"The division of labor is different. Our task is to hunt down Wu Hengye, and their task is to trace the source of ephedrine. For us, a power outage may alarm Wu Hengye, and we can use this opportunity to locate Wu Hengye; but for them, pulling The main reason for the power outage is to let the suspect destroy the drugs, use up the suspect's raw materials, and force the suspect to purchase more."

"Wouldn't we be able to figure out the source of ephedrine if we catch Wu Hengye?"

"Wu Hengye is so cunning. Wu Hengye's boss will only be more cunning. A two-pronged approach is definitely better than hanging from a tree. Therefore, at this stage of the case investigation, you can't just attack your own Xiao Jiujiu. You must master the rhythm and consider cooperation."

"In this case, there is no need for you to wait. I can just keep an eye on you. You can rest early."

"What if the two suspects didn't sleep so soundly and woke up when the power went out."

There is no doubt that if the two suspects find out that there is a power outage, they will definitely contact Wu Hengye immediately.

After all, this not only involves the inability to produce normally, but also the raw materials are purchased at a high price. If losses are caused, the boss must be reported as soon as possible.

Zhang Mengcheng nodded, thought about it and said, "Tang Zhi, there is a problem with Cheng Zhi's actions!"

"what is the problem?"

"It's a problem for us. If you think about it, the entire abandoned school building has a power outage. Those cameras will be useless. Even if Wu Hengye logs in to that account, he can't watch it on his mobile phone."

Tang Zhi pointed at him and laughed and scolded: "I don't pay attention to study usually. It's a joke."

Zhang Mengcheng asked in confusion: "Why are you making a joke?"

Tang Zhi explained: "Those cameras have solar panels on them. Just like the solar street lights outside, they don't need additional power supply."

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