Veteran new police officer

Chapter 343 The dawn of staged victory

The morning light slowly opened, and another colorful morning came to the world with freshness.

The morning sun rises, the diffuse fog gradually subsides, and the woods and bushes are all wet. The green branches and green grass leaves are covered with dripping crystal water drops, shining with magnificent colors.

The mountains and rivers here are beautiful, just like a beautiful picture. Any photo you take can be used as a computer desktop.

The place is full of smoke and smoke, and the older villagers are still used to burning firewood and grass. Not far away, the sky above the village is filled with smoke.

Looking from a distance, it's hard to tell which is fog and which is smoke.

The loudspeaker at the entrance of the village began to broadcast a notice from the epidemic prevention and control headquarters again, reminding villagers not to go to Qingcuishan where an infected patient had just been diagnosed. People who have been to Qingcuishan in the past half month are required to voluntarily isolate themselves at home and report to the village office.

Liang Xiaodong's hometown is in a mountainous area. He is not interested in the surrounding scenery, nor does he care much about the epidemic outside.

After staying in this remote ravine for nearly a year, the only feeling I felt was loneliness, missing my home, my wife, and my children.

But it is easy to go back, but it is difficult to come back after you go back.

Jiang Zhengfei just couldn't stand the loneliness and wanted to go out and work alone. Boss Wu also gave him a chance. In the end, not only did he fail to achieve anything, but he seemed to run away after running into some trouble.

It's obviously not made for big business. If you have to mess with it, it will definitely not be good.

Liang Xiaodong just let his wife buy a house in his hometown county, with an area of ​​148 square meters. It is in the center of the city and is in the best school district. He still owes the bank more than 400,000 yuan. If he works hard for a year, he can pay it back. He doesn't want to imagine Jiang Zhengfei lost his job with a monthly salary of 30,000 yuan.

As for risks, there is no risk in going to work in a factory, but you can’t save much money even if you work hard.

What's more, although Boss Wu is young, he is very cautious in doing things. He just asks him and Li Zhicheng to make goods here and then deliver the goods to the designated place.

There is no need to meet with customers, no need to collect payment, and no need to even make phone calls to customers. As long as you pay attention, what can happen?

He washed his face and took a few breaths of fresh air. He was thinking about waiting for the epidemic to pass and asking Boss Wu for half a month's leave to go back and have a look. Li Zhicheng suddenly shouted: "Brother Dong, it seems there is a power outage!"

"When did you stop?"

"How did I know? I only found out when I saw the rice cooker didn't light up."

Thinking that the circuits in the school building were old and kept tripping last summer, Liang Xiaodong put down the electric shock protector and said, "Go and check the electric shock detector to see if there is any leakage or tripping. I will go to the workshop behind to see if there is anything wrong with the barrels of materials." "

"Okay, I'll go take a look."

You don't know it by looking at it, but when you open the door and take a look, Liang Xiaodong realizes that he is in big trouble.

He quickly took out his mobile phone, logged into a circumvention software hidden in the "tool kit", refreshed it several times, clicked on a line with the best signal, connected to the external network, then used another Internet phone software, and quickly called Pick up the phone.

"Boss, I'm Xiaodong. I don't know why there was a power outage at night. The air conditioner didn't turn on and the temperature wasn't controlled well. Several large barrels of goods were made like this..."

"Don't be impatient. Tell me slowly. How did it turn out?"

"I can't tell clearly. I'll take a photo and send it to you."

"No need to film, I'll watch on the surveillance camera."

"Okay, I'll open the door and let the light be better, otherwise I can't see clearly."

Several cameras have solar power panels on them. When installing them, we also bought some inverters and large power supplies similar to batteries. A power outage will not affect monitoring.

As soon as Liang Xiaodong opened the door, the camera in the room slowly started to rotate under the remote control of Boss Wu.

"Boss, what should we do now?"

"This is the first time I have encountered this situation. It is a pity that several large barrels of materials were dumped. I will call Master Qian later to see if it can be repaired."

Just when Liang Xiaodong didn't know what to say, Li Zhicheng ran in with a voltage test pen: "Brother Dong, our electric shock safety device didn't trip. It's not our fault."

"The line is pulled from the pump room. Call Uncle Wu quickly and ask him to go and see what's going on."

"Okay, I'll hit him right now."

Wu Hengye heard it clearly and thought that it was spring now and it was not summer with thunder and rain all the time. Logically speaking, there should be no power outage.

He felt that it was necessary to find out. He held a mobile phone specially designed for watching surveillance, switched the surveillance signal, adjusted the camera angle, and looked at the gate first, and then the front yard.

After confirming that there was nothing unusual around the school where I went to when I was a child, I picked up the mobile phone at hand and said: "Dongzi, no matter what the reason is, the power will be cut off once and it can be cut off a second time. The power in rural areas is unstable and the weather is getting warmer. It is common for the circuit breaker to trip when there is thunder or rain in summer.”

"What should we do?"

"I bought a generator online and asked the manufacturer to send it to the logistics park where I last picked up the goods. I left you your phone number and you drove back after the generator was delivered."

"I won't pretend."

"I don't know how to learn. There must be a manual. I'll call the manufacturer's customer service later. I don't know how to call."

At the same time, Tang Zhizheng and Zhang Mengcheng were sitting in the riverside room waiting for news.

The two didn't sleep well all night, and they didn't take a nap until early in the morning.

Maybe I smoked too many cigarettes and drank too much strong tea. Even though I brushed my teeth and rinsed my mouth, my mouth still felt bitter.

Zhang Mengcheng took out a piece of mint-flavored chewing gum from his bag, took out a piece and handed it over.

Tang Zhi took the tinfoil and peeled off the outside, and just put the candy into his mouth when his cell phone suddenly rang, and the caller ID showed it was Li Zhendong calling.

Zhang Mengcheng quickly picked up the answer: "Zhendong, what... Okay, okay, great, send the location quickly, I will report to Tang Zhi right away!"

Tang Zhi asked eagerly: "Have you locked the position?"

Zhang Mengcheng was so excited that he no longer felt sleepy. He glanced at the message just sent by Li Zhendong, and then raised his phone to Tang Zhi: "The suspect has logged in. This is the location information provided by the surveillance equipment manufacturer. Although it is only a rough range, It shouldn’t be hard to find.”

"It turned out to be hiding in the East China Sea!"

"What should we do now?"

"I'll report to my superiors first. You quickly pack your things and get ready to go."


Cheng Wenming and Xu Zhi were having breakfast. As soon as they sat around the coffee table, they received a notification from the hunting team.

Director Yang called immediately and asked with a smile: "Lao Cheng, Xiao Tang and the comrades of the second investigation team all agreed that the number of drug addicts we have is probably only a small part, and Wu Hengye's main market is probably In the East China Sea.

Mr. Wang is communicating with the Anti-Narcotics Corps of Donghai City Public Security Bureau and asked me to go there in person. In short, now that the man named Wu has appeared, it shouldn't be difficult to find him. I want to hear your opinion first on whether to arrest him or not. "

Knocking on the mountain and shaking the tiger really worked.

Cheng Wenming and Xu Zhi looked at each other, held up his mobile phone and said confidently: "Director Yang, it will take you at least an hour and a half to rush to Donghai and meet the leader of the Donghai Anti-Narcotics Corps. After the communication is completed, wait for others to assist you. To find out exactly where the suspect is hiding, I estimate it will take until three or four o'clock in the afternoon at the earliest."

"So it won't have any impact on your side?"

"There will be news from our side soon. After the information research and evaluation team has locked the location of the shipper, Xu Zhi and I split up into two groups. I took some police officers participating in the war to support the special operations team that was just re-established last night. Xu Zhi The branch will stay here to organize the closing of the net."

"Okay, let's split up first and report any new developments in a timely manner."

It was on the speakerphone, Xu Zhiquan heard it, picked up the soy milk and sighed: "Cheng Zhi, if the main market with the surname Wu is really in the East China Sea, it will save us trouble."

"The results are already considerable, not to mention that during the epidemic, handing it over to others is indeed more conducive to investigation."

"Can the main criminal be brought back?"

"The main criminal must be brought back, otherwise how can he explain to so many policemen who not only have not had a good year, but also risked being infected when they came out to handle the case!"

"As long as the main criminal can be brought back."

Xu Zhi smiled, thought about it and then asked: "Cheng Zhi, if the technical reconnaissance can locate the shipper, how long will it take for your 'hidden' subordinate to confirm the target?"

Cheng Wenming didn't like drinking soy milk, so he took a few sips of porridge and said firmly: "If I guess correctly, Wu Hengye's drug manufacturing den and the drug trafficking network he spun are probably copied from his previous family in terms of organizational structure and operation model. It may even be taught by the superior family.

In other words, as long as the general scope of the ephedrine factory can be delineated, it should not be difficult to find such a large target, and it should be easy to confirm it.

The only thing that gives us a headache is that what we can find now is probably just a few small characters similar to Liang Xiaodong and Li Zhicheng, and the real big boss is likely to be hiding in the dark like Wu Hengye. "

Thinking of going together, this is what Xu Zhi is worried about!

He put down the soy milk, frowned and asked: "If this is really the case, then is it not appropriate to arrest Wu Hengye now?"

After locking Wu Hengye's position, Cheng Wenming thought about it all night long.

When I got up in the morning, I even called Han Xin to ask for his opinion.

Seeing that his colleagues in Zhejiang Province were worried about alerting the enemy, Cheng Wenming smiled and said: "If it were another suspect, it would really be difficult to catch him. But Wu Hengye's situation is quite special. He is very cunning and good at hiding. He gave us a lot of headaches before, but now we are not Our next investigation will be very beneficial.”

Xu Zhi asked in a low voice: "Are you saying that the family probably doesn't know where he is hiding?"

"They are all men with their heads tied to their belts. Even my own mother and I can't believe it. I bet they won't believe anyone else."

Cheng Wenming smiled and continued: "Catch him if he needs to. As long as he doesn't make too much noise, I think it won't affect our subsequent investigation."

Xu Zhi nodded, thought about it and smiled: "Tang Zhi's side is coming to an end. Although Wan Zhi's side has heavy tasks and great pressure, they also see the dawn of victory. We are different. We just started to warm up. When we find the drug making The factory still needs to find a real big boss.

When we find the real big boss, we have to go up and trace the source of the precursor chemicals used to make ephedrine, and we also have to dig deep and dig deep to go down. I bet that the big boss can’t only have a customer like Wu Hengye. "

This is how we build channels and chains.

Cheng Wenming picked up a small pickle and said with a smile: "So Wanzhi only saw the dawn of a staged victory. Once they uproot the drug trafficking network spun by the few small drug dealers they have mastered, they will probably have to move the battlefield to support them. Let’s, come and help us fight down.”

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