Veteran new police officer

Chapter 378 Late night arrest!

At 11:17, Jiang Feng and other police from the New Island Anti-Drug Detachment received the order and quickly drove to pursue him all night long.

If the suspect fled toward Yanhai on the highway, it would take at most 40 minutes to leave Anle.

If he ran towards Jiangcheng or south at a speed of 100 kilometers per hour, he would not spend more than an hour and a half within the jurisdiction of the Anle City Public Security Bureau.

It can be said that Niijima colleagues are racing against time!

Considering that they were unfamiliar with the place and there were many traffic lights on the way to the nearest highway entrance, Li Duwang decided to help them to the end and drove a police car with Li Yijun to clear the way for them.

Lan Doudou stayed behind and continued to look for the gray car that Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin drove before with the auxiliary police officers on duty at Chengdong Police Station.

In the past half hour, many things have changed.

Until this moment, Jiang Feng still felt that everything was so unreal.

Thinking that his comrades and the two cars were all here, Wu Da was alone in the Linghai Branch. He looked at the police car in front, held up his mobile phone and said: "Li Da, Li Da, I am Xiao Jiang, our Wu Da just said to let go We hurriedly chased him without telling him what to do."

Li Duwang motioned to Li Yijun to drive faster and asked, "You didn't call him?"

"I called, but I didn't get through. His phone is busy."

"Don't worry, he is with the Korean team. I will call and ask the Korean team for you."

"Thank you Li Da."

Li Duwang hung up the phone and quickly dialed Han Xin's mobile phone. Unexpectedly, Han Xin's mobile phone was also busy.

After waiting for a while, the call finally came through. Han Xin was heard on the other end of the phone asking: "Li Da, what's the matter? Did you find the car?"

"Che Doudou is looking for me. Xiao Li and I are taking Jiang Feng and the others to the highway. Where are you now? Is Wu Da with you? How does he plan to chase the suspect?"

"Coincidentally, I was also on my way to send Wu Da to chase the suspect. We just arrived in Xitang and got on the highway immediately."

"It's good if you send him away."

"Li Da, my phone can't always be busy. I'll hang up first."

"It's okay, just go about your business."

Just as he was talking, the entrance to the Chengdong Expressway was approaching.

Li Yijun held the steering wheel tightly and asked: "Li Da, what should we do now? Should we pursue him?"

The person to be arrested is probably a gun-toting drug dealer. Li Duwang wants to chase him, but the drug dealer has already left the jurisdiction of Linghai Branch. Not to mention that he may not be able to catch up. Even if he can catch up, there will be no credit or hard work.

There was still a lot of work to do tomorrow. Li Duwang didn't want to plant other people's fields and waste his own land, so he said with a bit of regret: "We won't chase him. We will turn back when Xiao Jiang and the others get on the highway."

This was the first time Li Yijun encountered such a thrilling mission, and he couldn't help but say: "But my brother has already chased me."

"He is him, and we are us. Besides, he sent Wu Da there."

"Okay, I'll park in front."

Jiang Feng received a call from Li Duwang and confirmed that the team leader had taken the Korean team from the Binjiang Anti-drug Detachment on the highway. He quickly thanked his colleagues, signaled his colleagues to turn on the double flash, and sped past the police car that had just stopped. , and got on the expressway through the ETC channel.

The second car followed closely behind. Because it was driving too fast, the police officer who was driving the car had no time to lift the automatic lifting pole, so he had to slam on the brakes.

The staff at the toll booth was startled. Just as he opened the small window to see what was going on, the car had already accelerated and rushed past.

If something like this happens, people must find out and maybe report it to the highway traffic police.

Li Duwang quickly opened the door and got out of the car, and ran over to help explain.

At the same time, Jiang Feng finally received a call from Wu Da.

"Don't worry, there are many big cars at night, so be sure to pay attention to safety. The suspect can't escape. The Korean team has helped us contact the leader of the Anti-Narcotics Detachment of the Anle City Public Security Bureau. They are asking the highway traffic police for assistance and are studying how to help us intercept them. .”

"So you already know their whereabouts?"

Wu Jianjiang looked back at Han Xin who was driving, and said with a bit of embarrassment: "It's locked. They are running towards Yanhai and driving very fast."

Jiang Feng asked eagerly: "Can we catch up if we drive faster?"

"They drove up the highway nearly half an hour ahead of us. Even the Korean team and I couldn't catch up, let alone you."

"What should we do?"

"Now it's up to An Le's companions. If they can't arrange the arrangements in time, we can only continue to chase until we catch up!"

At the same time, the couple was rushing back overnight.

His wife was driving, while he was sitting in the passenger seat and busy making phone calls. He used the police call, his mobile phone and his wife's mobile phone.

"Xiao Han, my friends from the highway traffic police detachment said they have seen you. They are setting up and they should have time. Don't drive so fast and be sure to pay attention to safety."

"How is it arranged? The suspect probably has a gun in his hand. Can the traffic police handle it?"

"Don't worry, they are just assisting. The police from the Criminal Police Brigade of Xin'an Public Security Bureau have already passed by."

"Can our colleagues from the Xin'an Public Security Bureau catch up?"

"They are close, so they can definitely catch up."

Shanzhi didn't bother to explain anymore, picked up the police call that he had hung up just now, and asked eagerly: "Old Chen, tell me exactly how long it will take you to arrive at the ambush location. Don't let the highway traffic police arrive at that time. They have all been arranged for us, but you didn’t arrive!”

Chen Xiangyang, deputy brigade of the Criminal Police Brigade of the Xin'an Public Security Bureau, was annoyed by the questions and said unhappily: "Why are you urging me? If you think I'm slow, give me a helicopter later."

"What kind of helicopter does it deserve? Do you think I am the director of the Public Security Bureau?"

"You are not the director, but your old boss is older than the director. It will definitely be no problem to find your old boss."

The old comrade was in the mood to joke and said he would definitely catch up.

Shanzhi couldn't help but smile and said: "My old leader is also your old leader. It's not like you haven't handled cases under his leadership."

"If that's the case, I'm still working under his leadership. I won't kid you, I saw the triangular pyramid."

"The suspect may have a gun in his hand, so be careful."

"Don't worry, we will pay attention."

As Chen Da said, on the spacious and flat highway, there are many triangular cones that are particularly conspicuous under the headlights. Every fifty meters, there is also a warning sign reminding vehicles to slow down.

The three lanes were gradually divided into two lanes by an endless triangle of cones.

Large vehicles traveling north had to slow down.

Three vehicles from the Criminal Police Brigade of the Xin'an Public Security Bureau followed a large vehicle into the carriageway and drove forward for about three kilometers. The two lanes turned into one lane.

Big data is really powerful. These triangular cones have just been set up by the highway traffic police, and the navigation prompts that there is congestion ahead.

Chen Da rolled down the window and was about to poke his head out to see what was going on in front of him. His friend from the traffic police who had just called him fifteen minutes ago actually called again.

"Chen Da, this is Xiaoguan. The suspect vehicle is about nine kilometers away from you. Come over quickly and prepare. Take the emergency lane."

"Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome."

Chen Da didn't dare to waste a moment. He immediately put down his mobile phone and signaled his subordinates to turn into the emergency lane.

The three vehicles drove forward along the emergency lane for about two kilometers, and a service area appeared in front of them. Two traffic policemen wearing reflective vests were directing the long queue of vehicles to pass in an orderly manner.

Chen Da and others didn't even bother to say hello to the traffic police, and quickly drove into the service area.

A highway traffic policeman came up to me, pointed at the car parked on the opposite side and said, "Chen Da, your clothes are in the car."

"Okay, I'll give you some trouble."

"One family does not speak two languages."

The traffic policeman looked back, turned around, opened the door and smiled: "Don't worry, the suspect vehicle is blocked behind. I told the two brothers on the roadside to let them go slowly."

Hurry and hurry, and finally catch up.

Chen Da finally breathed a sigh of relief, and while hurriedly changing into protective clothing, he ordered: "Change your clothes and check the gun, and move quickly!"

A criminal policeman smiled bitterly and said: "Chen Da, these clothes have no pockets, no place to hide the gun, and no place to put the handcuffs."

"How long has it been? How could there be so many things!"

Chen Daleng snorted, and after thinking about it, he felt that his subordinate's words made sense, and said quickly: "Old Hu, those of us in the front don't have guns. Xiao Xu, Xiao Wang, you follow us with guns."


"Acting according to the plan discussed on the road will cheer me up."


Chen Da zipped up, put on a blindfold, and took the temperature gun from the traffic policeman.

Interpol Lao Hu took out a folder from the car, and several other interpols were also ready. They followed Chen Da and ran to the prevention and control point set up urgently with the help of the highway traffic police.

The two traffic policemen on duty saw them all arriving and tacitly agreed to speed up and let them go.

Large vehicles passed in front of them one after another. It was not until the intercom came out that the suspect vehicle was about one kilometer away from the prevention and control point, and the traffic police signaled an oncoming off-road vehicle to stop for inspection.

"Hello, please take your temperature and show your health code."

"We need to check the health code again. Is there an epidemic here?"

"Epidemic prevention and control must not be relaxed at any time. Please cooperate."

"Okay, right away."

Chen Da and Lao Hu led seven criminal policemen in protective suits and wrapped them tightly into two groups. One group was on the left side of the slow lane, checking the driver's health code and taking the driver's temperature. One team checked the health code of the co-pilot passenger and took the temperature of the passenger sitting in the co-pilot.

After checking one vehicle and letting the other pass, they soon spotted a black Volkswagen off-road vehicle driving slowly towards them.

Shanzhi said on the phone that there were at least three suspects.

However, the cameras along the road could only capture the front row and could only confirm that the two suspects were in the car. It was not clear whether or how many people were in the back row.

Chen Dading calmed down and raised his arm to knock on the car window: "Hello, we are the epidemic prevention and control personnel of Chengxi Street, Xin'an City. Please show your health code."

The middle-aged man driving the car just thought there was a car accident, but he didn't expect it to be a prevention and control point.

He quickly pressed down the window and picked up his cell phone.

The young man sitting in the passenger seat was a little nervous at first. When he saw the two traffic policemen running to punish the car coming from the emergency lane, he realized that his worries were unfounded. He pressed down the window and said with a smile: "Okay, right away."

Chen Da raised the temperature gun and asked loudly: "How many people are in the car?"

"four people."

"You have to take your temperature and roll down the windows."

A young man sitting in the back seat leaned on the back of the passenger seat, stretched out his arm and asked, "Can't I measure my wrist?"

"If you're not sure if you measure your wrist, you'd better measure your head."

"It's so troublesome."

Several criminal police officers gathered around him. Seeing that the man driving the car was impatient, Chen Da added, "There is also a trip code."

"How do I get the itinerary code?"

"Sweep this."

Chen Dad handed over a plastic card with a QR code that he had prepared earlier. When he saw the man driving the car holding up his mobile phone to scan, he suddenly dropped the card and opened the door.

Detective Xiao Xu stepped forward, holding a gun with both hands and pressing it against the middle-aged man's forehead: "Don't move, we are the police!"

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