Veteran new police officer

Chapter 379 Another car crash

The highway traffic police and colleagues from the Xin'an Public Security Bureau were very helpful. Not only did they set up a temporary prevention and control point in such a short period of time, but the arrest operation went more smoothly than expected.

By the time Han Xin and Wu Jianjiang arrived at the service area, the four suspects had been controlled and were being held in the Xin'an criminal police and highway traffic police cars respectively.

Wu Jianjiang was very excited. After thanking him, he got into the car and went to interrogate Wei Xiaoyong.

Han Xin was just the driver who sent him here and was not interested in the interrogation. Instead, he asked curiously: "Chen Da, where is the suspect's gun?"

"Here it is."

Chen Da opened the trunk of the car, pointed at the two seized guns and smiled: "Single said on the phone that they were dangerous, which made us very nervous. It turned out that there were indeed guns, but they were not the ones I thought."

Han Xin leaned over and looked at it, then turned around and said with a smile: "The steel ball gun is just like a gun, and it can kill people at close range."

Chen Da just talked not only with Shan Zhi, but also with "Ren Dasha" on the phone. Knowing that Han Xin was "Ren Dasha"'s subordinate, he looked at Han Xin with a smile and asked: "The suspect has finally been caught, what should we do next? "

"Chen Da, you ask me, I ask who is going, I am the driver."

"So you don't care?"

"This is your jurisdiction, and this is not our case. We have no right to take charge of it even if we want to."

"Don't take credit when you have it. This is not your style."

"Are you saying that our Ren Zhi likes to grab credit?"

Chen Daha laughed and said: "Others are afraid of him, but I'm not. He just likes to do this, but he can't take away the credit today."

It can be heard that the person in front of me has not only worked with Shanzhi, but he should also be familiar with "Ren Dasha".

Han Xin finally realized how powerful the "Liangzhuang Gang" was. She took out her mobile phone and checked the time: "Chen Da, Wu Da's reinforcements will be here soon. I can't help here, so why don't I go back first."

"You don't want to wait for a single shot?"

"What am I waiting for? I have to go to work tomorrow."

After finally catching four drug dealers, it was quite troublesome for a policeman from the Binjiang Public Security Bureau to stay here.

Chen Da felt that there was no need to stay, so he patted Han Xin's arm and said with a smile: "Since you have something to do tomorrow, I won't keep you. Go back and rest early. If you have the opportunity to come to our Xin'an to handle a case in the future, remember to call me."

"Okay, if you go to Binjiang, you must tell me."

"If I really go to Binjiang, I don't need to look for you, I will go directly to your Renzhi and let you treat me."

Everyone was busier than the other. Han Xin didn't want to cause trouble to others, so she drove back without even saying hello to Wu Jiankang.

Unexpectedly, as soon as I turned around from the front exit, Wu Jiankang's call came.

"Captain Han, I'm sorry, we just found out a new situation, so I may need to trouble you again."

"What's new?"

"They are not four people, but five people. There is also a 23-year-old woman named Zhang Hui, who is still in Linghai at the moment."

"Wu Da, are you saying that they asked the female suspect named Zhang to drive the car that Wei Xiaoyong drove before?"

After watching for such a long time, and even following him all the way from New Island to here, I still haven't figured out the basic situation of this drug gang.

Not to mention how embarrassed Wu Jianjiang was, he said sheepishly: "The Qian Haijun who was just arrested is the main culprit. The Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin we knew before were just Ma Zai, and Zhang Hui was Qian Haijun's mistress.

Qian found out that Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin were being targeted by us, so he asked Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin to get into his car and asked Zhang Hui to drive the original one. "

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Let a woman drive that car, do they want that woman to divert our attention?"

Wu Jianjiang confirmed: "Wei Xiaoyong fully explained. He said that Zhang Hui had no criminal record and there was nothing to worry about even if he was caught. So Qian Haijun asked Zhang Hui to drive the car, trying to get Zhang Hui to attract our attention. attention to buy them time to escape.”

"Then can they contact Zhang Hui now?"

"Wei Xiaoyong and Shi Bin don't know Zhang Hui's contact information. The man named Qian must know it, but he is lucky and refuses to speak."

"I understand, please send Zhang Hui's information. As long as she is in Linghai, she shouldn't be able to escape."

"Sorry, I always cause you trouble."

"What are you talking about? We should have provided assistance."

Han Xin thought about it and asked: "Wu Da, Qian didn't say anything. Wei and Shi probably don't know the situation in the family. What are your plans next?"

The young Jiangnan colleague was really good at predicting things. Even Wei and Shi could guess the situation of the Shang family without knowing anything about it. Wu Jianjiang admired him from the bottom of his heart and said with a wry smile:

"We can only take the four suspects to the Xin'an Public Security Bureau for interrogation first. We won't know until the interrogation is completed as to how we will investigate next."

"Did Wei Xiaoyong explain how they found out they were being targeted by you?"

"As you guessed, a drug addict was really arrested. He was arrested the night before yesterday. The Fatty Wang we monitored was also a drug addict. As soon as Fatty Wang received the news this morning, he quickly informed them."

Although this drug gang does not sell a lot of drugs, its cunning is comparable to those of major drug lords.

Han Xin secretly reminded herself that she must not mistake the drug dealers in her hometown for drug dealers, otherwise it would be easy to fall into the same trap as her colleagues in the new island.

Just when he received the female suspect's information from Wu Jianjiang and was about to forward it to Li Duwang, the command center discovered the whereabouts of the suspect vehicle.

As soon as Li Duwang arrived home, he received a call from the command center. He had to put on his clothes and rush to Pearl City.

"Xiao Han, are you mistaken? Didn't Xin'an close the net? Why did that car appear again and another suspect appeared?"

"That's right, the female suspect who just appeared was a smoke bomb set by the main criminal. We originally wanted the female suspect to divert our attention, but as luck would have it, he was caught before the female suspect."


"I was about to tell you. I will send you the suspect's information right now."

"Send it over quickly. We only know where the car is parked now, not who is driving it. With the information, I don't need to ask the Chengnan Police Station to help adjust the surveillance."

"So many cameras didn't capture the suspect's face?"

"It was photographed. He was wearing a hat and glasses. He couldn't tell whether he was a man or a woman."

Thinking of the incredible things that happened tonight, Li Duwang smiled again and said, "Also, can you be more humble?"

After Han Xin forwarded the information, she held the steering wheel and asked, "Li Da, why am I not humble?"

"You just said that they are not as good as gods, but they have accomplices, and the accomplices came to our Linghai in advance to arrange and take care of things. It was obviously your kid who thought of it. Didn't you just say that you are gods? .”

"What the hell, how could I compare myself to the sky? But in the past, many people always criticized me for being lawless."

"Who criticized you for being lawless?"

"There are a lot of people criticizing me. Li Da, you should work first. Help Wu Da catch the suspect as soon as possible and go home and rest early."

"That's right, let's talk later."

Li Duwang hung up the phone and took a look at the suspect information that Han Xin had just forwarded. He was about to forward it to Li Yijun, asking Li Yijun to check if there was any hotel accommodation record of the female suspect, when he suddenly noticed the police lights flashing in front of him.

The suspect's car is parked not far ahead, and several police cars are coming, which will alert the suspect.

Realizing the seriousness of the problem, Li Duwang quickly parked the car on the side of the road and ran up to see what was going on.

Unexpectedly, I ran to the nearest police car and saw that not only the family members of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade and the deputy director of the Chengnan Police Station, Yu Wenqiang, were here, but also Yang Biaohan, whom I hadn’t seen for several days. Without asking, I knew that the Criminal Police Brigade had another collision with the Chengnan Police Station. .

"Jiao Yang, Yu Suo, what are you doing?"

"Li Da, why are you here too?"

Seeing a young woman sitting in the police car of the Chengnan Police Station, with two auxiliary police officers on the left and right, sandwiching the young woman in the middle, Li Duwang suddenly reacted: "Yu Suo, you are moving fast enough, you know Who did you catch?"

"have no idea."

"I don't know why you still arrest me?"

"I know there is something wrong with the car she is driving. The command center has sent us a police report and asked us to pay attention to the car parked inside. Besides, we are not arresting, we are conducting a routine investigation."

I hurriedly hurriedly and slowly, but it was still a step too late, and I was intercepted by my old employer again.

Yang Qianli was very unhappy. He touched the corner of his mouth and asked angrily: "Lao Li, why are you coming here in the middle of the night?"

"The command center asked me to come."

"Who is the commander tonight? He's just giving random orders. Let's break up and go back to bed early."

It's not something that happens every day when two seniors are frustrated.

Yu Wenqiang was in high spirits at the happy event. He opened the car door and said with a smile: "You two, it's time for me to go back. If you want to have a late-night snack, come with me to the place. I'll order takeout and I'll treat you!"

Being intercepted by the Chengnan Police Station, Li Duwang didn't feel very embarrassed.

After all, this is the area under the jurisdiction of the Chengnan Police Station. Not only does the Chengnan Police Station have many civilian police officers and auxiliary police officers, but it also has a police grid and has recruited so many community grid members and urban management coordinators that its informants cover almost half of the city.

More importantly, the "public enemies of the precinct" are now family members of the anti-drug brigade.

Li Duwang looked back at the disgraced Yang Biaohan, turned around and said, "Yu Suo, don't leave in a hurry. You only know that the car is suspicious, but you don't know what happened to the person driving it. I'll give you a phone call. You can follow Please contact me.”

"Who should I contact?" Yu Wenqiang asked subconsciously.

"A colleague from Dongshan, at their request, we helped them find the car and the female suspect in the car."

"What do I contact them for? I report to the command center. I take the people back first and drive the car back first."

"If you report it to the bureau, the bureau will definitely notify me. Otherwise, I will let Doudou be responsible for it. Whether the female suspect in the car should be detained for questioning or what to do, you two can discuss it."

"The bureau will notify you...Li Da, are you saying she is a suspect in the drug case?"

"It's not our case and has nothing to do with our brigade. We are just providing assistance."

It's not bad to catch a drug suspect. Regardless of whether he has to be handed over to others tomorrow, at least he has completed another task. Yu Wenqiang was happy: "Okay, I'll call Doudou right now."

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