Veteran new police officer

Chapter 472 Good News Bad News

In the mountains and forests, Han Xin had persisted for three consecutive days.

During the day, the vision is good. Although the video picture is not as clear as taking pictures, you can vaguely see the situation of the villa on the mountainside opposite. Cheng Wenming can help keep an eye on it for several hours through the video.

The video effect was not good at night, so Han Xin could only order with the naked eye.

To ensure nothing goes wrong, they even need to be monitored as closely as possible.

The power problem is easy to solve. I prepared a small foldable solar charging panel and a large-capacity power bank before arriving.

There is no need to worry about food and water. Before the dry food I brought with me was finished, the colleague who met but could not communicate took the time to bring supplies.

The only headache is personal hygiene.

It was inconvenient to wash up, and I didn't have clean clothes to change. I was unshaven, and my body had a sour smell and was sticky. Not to mention how uncomfortable it was.

What's even more troublesome is that including the one who was in charge of the casino, there are now five targets in the villa, and they go out every day.

Sometimes two people go to the casino together, and sometimes three people go to the den in the melon field together. Although there are people watching at the casino and the melon field, no one can follow them along the way, otherwise they will not know if they run away.

Han Xin could only put her mobile phone on a tree, ask Cheng Wenming who was far away in Spring City to remotely monitor the villa through video, and then go down the mountain to follow him alone. I am always busy with my time, always worried about making mistakes, and afraid of focusing on one thing and losing another.

Half an hour ago, several targets came back.

Their little life was very fulfilling. They bought a lot of ingredients and beer, were busy barbecuing, and brought back a few girls to add to the fun.

After not having a decent meal for more than ten days, Han Xin was so greedy that she ate a piece of ham sausage and drank half a bottle of mineral water. She looked at the bastards barbecuing in the open air and leaned against the tree trunk and asked: "Cheng Zhi, isn't it?" You said you only need to keep an eye on me for three days? I’ve already been keeping an eye on you for three days, why haven’t your superiors closed the net yet?”

Cheng Wenming was more anxious than he was, but this was something that could not be rushed. He hesitated for a moment, pretending to be relaxed and smiled: "There is good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first."


"How can you be casual? Do you have a sense of humor?"

"Let's hear the good news first."

"That's right."

Cheng Wenming stretched himself, yawned and said: "The good news is that the leaders of the headquarters know that you frontline investigators are very hard and tired. They held a meeting this morning to study how to relieve you of some pressure. They think that at this time, we should ask the higher authorities to Technology requires police power.”

This place is far away from the villa on the mountainside opposite, and there is no wind today, so the smell of barbecue over there can't be blown over at all, but Han Xin, who has been eating ham sausage, country bumpkin eggs and biscuits with just mineral water for a few days, really feels that she can smell it The mouth-watering aroma of grilled skewers on the other side.

He swallowed his saliva and asked listlessly: "What high technology, how do you plan to get it?"

"It is obviously impossible to call on satellite surveillance at every turn like in American blockbusters, but we have high-tech equipment such as fixed-point surveillance drones, which also carry high-definition digital cameras, video cameras, low-light cameras, infrared and other police equipment. If given You can save a lot of trouble with just one."

"Then send me one quickly!"

"But it is a complete set of equipment. It is equipped with a ground operation station, which is equivalent to a large remote control. There is an automatic tracking directional antenna like a radar, a box-type intelligent ground station, and a communication command vehicle. It's really If we can send it to you and set it up smoothly, you can remotely see the real-time surveillance footage from the front lines while sitting at the Ministry of Public Security."

"So it's impossible and unrealistic?"

"It's obviously unrealistic. After all, it's outside the country."

Han Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "Then what good news is this!"

Cheng Wenming laughed and said: "The good news is that the leader paid attention to it and thought of it. The bad news is that although the leader thought of it, it was difficult to implement it and had to give up."

Han Xin smiled and said: "Cheng Zhi, you are just teasing me."

I'm just teasing you, helping you relieve stress...

Cheng Wenming took a deep breath and said helplessly: "If you want to catch the big boss, you need to launch international police law enforcement cooperation. It takes time for superiors to communicate and coordinate with the Philippine police, and it also takes time for domestic colleagues to find out the situation of the entire gang.

Not to mention others, there are as many as 263 suspects involved in money laundering for helping cybercriminal activities, and the minimum amount of money laundered among them is more than 500,000 yuan. And it covers a wide area, now covering five provinces and cities. "

What we are fighting against is not a criminal gang, but a criminal industrial chain!

Han Xin could imagine that although she was very hard and tired, her colleagues in China who were involved in investigating this case would not be relaxed either, and might even be even harder and more tired.

After all, what I do is rough work, and I just need to keep an eye on a few goals, while others require not only physical labor but also mental labor.

"So the big boss didn't go to the Philippines from Singapore?"

"I don't know what caused the delay, but judging from the monitoring records, the two big bosses must be going there soon."


"Don't think so much, it's useless even if you think about it."

"Okay, I'll keep watching. Anyway, I'm not the only one watching here."

"That's pretty much it."

Cheng Wenming smiled with satisfaction, and then changed the topic: "I was joking with you just now, now I have two pieces of good news for you."

Han Xin no longer believed what "Crazy Cheng" said, and couldn't help laughing: "Another good news, two more!"

"What's your attitude? Do you want to hear it?"

"Think, you tell me, I'm listening."

"The first good news is that your girlfriend has gone to your old army. 'Boss Chen' and Captain Li are very enthusiastic and specially held a banquet for her in the most upscale hotel in Mangjing. I didn't even enjoy her treatment when I was there! "

"Cheng Zhi, are you kidding me? How could she go to my old army?" Han Xin couldn't believe this was true.

Cheng Wenming smiled and explained: "She went to the border to pick up people with their brigade instructor, and stopped by your old army on the way."

Han Xin asked eagerly: "Who are you picking up?"

"The person who returned to China and surrendered is said to be a woman and is suspected of illegal exit and telecommunications network fraud."

"But the immigration brigade doesn't handle cases, so why would the branch arrange for them to pick them up?"

"Suspected of illegal departure from the country will be under the control of the immigration department. The suspects who returned to the country and surrendered were investigated and dealt with by the Entry-Exit Brigade of the Zhengkang County Public Security Bureau. The Linghai Branch arranged for them to pick up their appropriate counterparts."

Han Xin still didn't believe it and asked: "As long as a suspect returns to China and surrenders, will the Public Security Bureau of the place of residence have to arrange for someone to come to the border to pick him up?"

Cheng Wenming lit a cigarette and explained: "I don't know about other places, but our municipal bureau requires this. This reflects our Binjiang's emphasis on anti-email fraud. This arrangement also takes epidemic prevention and control into consideration. Putting people Take him back directly to prevent the suspect from running around outside and accidentally contracting the virus."

There are many people in my hometown who have been defrauded and defrauded more money. However, due to limited conditions, few telecom network fraud cases have been uncovered. Therefore, the Linghai branch has always been able to work hard on anti-telecom fraud propaganda.

Thinking again that no matter what kind of work he does, he must achieve results, Han Xin smiled and said: "I understand, no matter what, at least make some noise, hahaha."

"Why are you laughing? What's so funny?"

"Nothing, go on."

"They have already picked up the person and will fly back at noon. They should be home soon."

Cheng Wenming thought for a while and then added: "The reason why I don't tell you about Jiang Yue's visit is not because I am worried that you will be distracted, but because I don't even know about it."

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Then how did you know?"

Cheng Wenming didn't want to go around in circles with him anymore. He puffed his cigarette ashes and smiled: "This involves the second good news. I know that you are very tired and sleepy, and you can't bear it anymore. It's unrealistic to provide you with high-tech equipment. I We can only request reinforcements from our superiors.”

"What did the superior say?"

"The superior agreed and asked me to recommend candidates. Who else can I recommend besides your old comrades, so I recommended Xiao Xu. He received the order at noon and is on his way to your side right now. In another two or three hours, you and him will be able to fight side by side again."

Han Xin was amused and asked with a grin: "Did he tell you about Xiao Yue coming to pick him up when he reported to you?"

Cheng Wenming smiled and confirmed: "Well, I was surprised at first. I didn't expect such a thing to happen."

"It would be great if Xu Jun comes. When he comes, I can at least get some sleep."

The more Han Xin thought about it, the happier she became, but after thinking about it, she asked in confusion: "Cheng Zhi, didn't the superiors not allow them to go abroad to perform tasks? Why did they let them go now?"

"You're a civil servant, why can't you understand this?"

"I really don't understand..."

"Let's put it this way, it was their superiors who did not allow them to go there to perform reconnaissance tasks before, mainly because of epidemic prevention and control. After all, epidemic prevention and control is a territorial principle, and the Entry-Exit Border Control Station and the State Public Security Bureau The main responsibility must be implemented, and if something goes wrong, the leader must take responsibility.”

Cheng Wenming paused and then continued: "Now the Ministry of Public Security has assigned him to participate in the operation. Even if something happens, it has nothing to do with their superiors."

"Understood." Han Xin smiled and asked: "What about the colleagues who sent me supplies? Do they have any reinforcements?"

"Yes, but I don't know exactly how they arranged it, and it's hard to ask."

"Cheng Zhi, Xu Jun should still be in the country at the moment. Can you call him for me and ask him to bring me some food?"

"You're out of food. Didn't I just send you supplies?"

"The food is not out, and supplies have just been sent to me, but what were they sent to me!"

Han Xin glanced at the bastards on the mountainside opposite, and grinned: "I don't have any fat in my stomach, so I need to improve my food!"

Cheng Wenming reacted and couldn't help but laugh: "Whatever do you want to eat, I'll call Xu Jun and ask him to bring it to you."

"Let's have a roast chicken, some beef with sauce, and two pig's trotters with sauce. It's best to bring a few cans of beer. Buy more vacuum-packed chicken feet with pickled peppers to refresh yourself at night."

"I want a beer, are you on a surveillance mission or are you planning on having a picnic?"

"Cheng Zhi, no, Brother Cheng, you are my brother, please have mercy on me!"

"Okay, okay, I'll help you contact Xu Jun."

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