Xu Jun arrived faster than expected, driving an old motorcycle just after dark.

As soon as Han Xin received the call, she ran down and took him to the surveillance point where he had been staying for a few days. She didn't even bother to reminisce about old times and was too busy going through his bag to find food.

Xu Jun took out an infrared night vision device and took over the surveillance of the target villa from his old comrade. He laughed and cursed: "You are reincarnated as a starving ghost. Have you not eaten for several days?"

"It's not that I haven't eaten for several days, it's that I haven't eaten meat for several days. Those bastards across from me even grilled me in the open air in the afternoon!"

"Eat, eat slowly, don't hold on."

"I brought so much, and also vacuum-packed it, thank you."

"Don't be in a hurry to thank me, just stay away from me first."

Han Xin took out a roast chicken from the convenience bag and asked while eating, "What do you mean?"

Xu Jun looked back, pinched his nose and asked with a smile: "Brother, you haven't taken a shower in a few days, and you smell so bad. This is how you met me. If it were Xiaoyue, I guess she would never let her go again." You touch her."

Han Xin subconsciously lowered her head and sniffed, then grinned and said, "If it were you, you would stink worse than me!"

This is for work, not for a picnic with him.

Xu Jun couldn't care less about joking anymore. He looked at the villa opposite and asked, "How many targets are there?"


"Ke Chengzhi sent me more than twenty photos."

"Those are accomplices. In other places, it is unlikely that they will come here, but these five in the villa basically go to check their work every day."

Xu Jun asked: "Are there people watching the other two dens?"

Han Xin's mouth was full of oil and she didn't even bother to wipe it. She opened a can of beer and took a sip. She raised her head and said with a smile: "There are people watching. They should be colleagues from the brothers' detachment and the Public Security Bureau across the border. I contacted one of them. I've been through it twice and it looks very professional, so I'm sure I'm a true peer."

"It's a bit interesting to meet real colleagues."

"You can only nod and pat your arms when you meet them. You can't sit down and drink and eat meat like us."

"You are eating and drinking, okay? Don't take me with you."

"Speak as if you haven't drank during the working day." Han Xin raised her head and glared at him, then smiled and said: "I know about Xiaoyue going to the team. Thank you. I'll wait for the work here. After that, I’ll go back and treat everyone to dinner.”

"No need to thank you. This is what you should do. Besides, you don't need to invite me."

"I really don't need to invite you, Brother Xu, since when have you become so easy to talk to?"

Xu Jun smiled and said: "Xiaoyue will treat us. Although you have a lot of money, you are not a master. Is it useful to tell you so much?"

Han Xin was stunned and asked subconsciously: "She said she wanted to treat you to dinner?"

Xu Jun put down the night vision goggles, sat down and said: "Not only do you want to treat us to dinner, but we also plan to hold a wedding banquet at Mangjing. In this way, we can all attend your wedding, drink your wedding wine, and eat Here’s your wedding candy. Of course, we can also send you our sincere blessings.”

"Did she really say that?"

"Why are you lying to me? If you don't believe me, you can call her and ask her after the work is done."

"My wife is really a thoughtful person. Ouch, why didn't I think of that!"

"I told you, don't be unhappy. It's not that you didn't expect it, but you didn't take us old comrades to heart. Then again, you are a popular drinker in your hometown, but you didn't expect us to live in deep mountains, old forests, and remote mountains. It’s normal to be a bitter old comrade who defends the country.”

"Where are you thinking? How could I not miss you? In the final analysis, the main reason is that you are always busy with this and that, and you have never thought about getting married."

"That's pretty much it." Xu Jun took out his phone and clicked on the photo Cheng Wenming sent him: "We'll eat later. First, mark the five suspects we want to keep an eye on."

It’s important to get down to business!

Han Xin quickly wiped his hands, took the phone and marked it, while reminding: "We have to focus on five main targets, which does not mean that we can ignore the secondary targets."

"Isn't this nonsense? I'm not a rookie."

"Also, there's nothing wrong with watching here, but if you go out to watch, you're likely to run into a car with your colleagues. Although Cheng Zhi is in the middle of the dispatch and keeps in touch with their superiors. But if there is an emergency, they have to go through a long circle of communication. It is likely to delay fighter jets and may even cause misunderstandings.”

Xu Jun asked in a low voice: "What should we do?"

Han Xin took a bite of the chicken leg and said proudly: "I passed Cheng Zhi, and Cheng Zhi made an agreement with them through their superiors that no matter where they go or what they do, they must tie a red belt on the trunk of the motorcycle. The coat must also be marked according to our old rules."

There is a local method of "identification friend or foe" system, which is relatively safe.

But Xu Jun thought about it and asked: "This way there will be no misunderstanding, but won't our and their identities be exposed to each other?"

"Now is the time of the epidemic. We have to wear masks, and they also have to wear masks."

"Just wearing a mask isn't enough."

"You can put on a helmet and a pair of glasses. Besides, you don't have to meet someone face to face. As long as you make sure it's yours, avoid it if you can."

"Okay, I'm here to support you. From now on, you are my leader, and whatever you say will be whatever you say."

Just as he was talking, two suspects came out with several women.

I saw them opening the car door and getting into a Toyota SUV, apparently planning to send the women back.

Xu Jun immediately took out his motorcycle keys and said without hesitation: "You're tired, just stay here and watch. I'll go down and see where they are going."

Those bastards rarely went out at night, so when they suddenly went out, Han Xin was really caught off guard.

Because night is no better than daytime, if you want to follow and monitor quietly, not only can you not follow too closely, you can't even turn on the lights within three kilometers of the villa, and the mountain road is not easy to walk, and it is pitch black and it is easy to cause a car accident.

The old comrade has just arrived and is not familiar with the environment here, especially the road conditions.

Han Xin didn't want anything to happen to her old comrade, so she quickly said, "I'll follow you, and you stay here and watch."

"You just drank."

"A can of beer is nothing. Besides, no one checks for drunk driving here."

The target vehicle had already started, and Xu Jun did not dare to waste any more time. Thinking that he was indeed more familiar with this place than himself, he could only agree: "Okay, but you have to be careful."

"It's okay. If anything happens, please contact me in time."

At the same time, Jiang Yuegang handed over the people he picked up to the police at Toutun Police Station.

I originally planned to go home quickly, take a shower and have a good rest, but I didn't expect that when I was about to go back, I received a call from Lan Doudou, asking me to go to the common people's restaurant for dinner.

"Sister Doudou, are you back?"

"Today is the weekend, and I don't have to go to work on the weekend. I can't go home and see."

After traveling thousands of kilometers back and forth for three days, Jiang Yue was really tired. Like the Linghai Overlord, she didn't want to participate in "ineffective socializing" anymore. As she walked home, she smiled and said: "Sister Doudou, you finally came back. You should spend more time with me." So and the children."

"Come with me, Xiaoyu is by my side."

Lan Doudou looked up at Li Yamei's family of three and smiled: "Sister Yamei's lover and baby are here too. Today is a family gathering."

Jiang Yue said with a smile: "Then I can't attend your family reunion. What should I do alone? Besides, I just came back from a business trip. I'm a little tired and want to go back and rest early."

She didn't want to come since the villain was not here. Lan Doudou didn't want to force herself, so she immediately changed the subject: "Xiaoyue, has your scammer been transferred to the retention detachment?"

Although the municipal bureau did not publicly release the appointment and dismissal documents regarding the transfer of the Linghai Village bully, it was not a secret to colleagues in the system.

What's more, although Li Yamei is now the deputy instructor of the Anti-Narcotics Brigade of the Linghai Branch, she is actually still a police officer of the Municipal Bureau's Anti-Narcotics Detachment. If others don't know, she can't possibly not know.

Jiang Yue really had nothing to hide, so he smiled knowingly and said: "It is true, but he has other tasks and has not reported to the detention detachment yet."

Lan Doudou was really happy that the villain was making progress. He subconsciously looked back at the "Public Enemy of the Branch" who was eavesdropping, and snickered: "This is the captain. His promotion speed is faster than that of Zhang Bureau. There is no need to go first." I will serve as the deputy captain and serve as an instructor for two years as a transition."

"Can the captain of the retention detachment be compared with the captains of other detachments? Besides, this is just a job promotion. It used to be a full-time job, but it is still a full-time job now, and it is not a minor promotion."

"Now that we have the position, it's only a matter of time before we take on the sub-subject position!"

Lan Doudou paused, then asked with a smile: "Have Wang Xiaohui called you during this time? I heard that she was assigned to the Sixth Investigation and Investigation Room of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection. Is this happening?"

Yu Wenqiang's head got bigger, he held up his chopsticks and said impatiently: "Eat your food, why bother with so many things!"

Jiang Yue heard it clearly and chuckled: "My master called me twice. She was not assigned to the Sixth Inspection and Investigation Room. Now she is just going to study with the class, and she will go to the Urban Management Bureau after three months. "

"It turned out that she was studying with a classmate, so I asked her how could she be assigned to the investigation and investigation room. The investigation and investigation room is a case-handling department. She had never handled a case before and had no experience at all. She was not even as good as the female auxiliary police officer at the police station. At least she was still Help take a look at the female suspect, help search the female suspect’s body!”

These two people are definitely "lifelong enemies."

Every time I meet or make a phone call, I always ask about the other person's current situation. I can't say that my teacher is not good, nor can I say that my boyfriend's teacher is not good. It feels really uncomfortable to be caught between them.

However, thinking about the "public enemy of the bureau" seemed to be even more uncomfortable, Jiang Yue couldn't help but say: "I heard from my master that several people from the investigation and investigation room were transferred to the inspection office, and there is a shortage of people now. If you perform well during the study period, maybe you can Can stay in the review and investigation room."

"Can you stay?" Lan Doudou was doubtful.

Jiang Yue suppressed a smile and confirmed: "It is difficult to be transferred to the review and investigation room, but there is a chance of being seconded to the review and investigation room."

No matter whether you are seconded or transferred to the investigation room, as long as you can work in the investigation room, you will be great.

Thinking about how wide the channels for advancement in the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission were, with so many major and minor positions, Lan Doudou muttered, "That's amazing. She has become a blockbuster even without making a name for herself."

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