Veteran new police officer

Chapter 475: Tighten your belt and live a hard life

Talking about her sister-in-law who was facing the first big exam in her life in the examination room, Jiang Yue suddenly remembered something that Da Hanlu mentioned in the video last night.

She looked back at the leaders who had just been sent away by Xu Suo and other policemen from the north city police station, turned around and said with a smile: "Dad, Mom, Lulu has worked very hard in the past six months, and her grades have improved rapidly. I am not worried about her poor performance. But I’m worried that she’s performing too well.”

"You performed well and did well in the exam, isn't that bad?" Mr. Han asked puzzledly.

"Of course it's good to do well in the exam, but the foundation is there. No matter how well she performs, it will be difficult to reach the admission score of 985 or 211, but she also wants to study medicine. If she performs very well, her grades will be neither high nor low, neither above nor below. , it may be awkward to fill out the application form at that time.”

"What do you mean, Xiaoyue, please tell me carefully, I really don't understand this."

Jiang Yue explained patiently: "There are many medical schools enrolling students in our Jiangnan. There are universities with high rankings and universities with less reputation. The scores for clinical majors in less-famous universities are not very high. What if she reaches someone else's? When the score is raised, will you let her fill out her application form and study clinical majors?"

Mr. Han was delighted: "As long as she strives for it, as long as she can pass the exam, how could I disagree?"

"But if you go to less prestigious universities, it will be difficult to find a job after graduation. Even if you can find one, you can only go to a township health center or even a community health care center."

Jiang Yue paused and then continued: "Besides, studying medicine is very hard. Others can start working after four years of undergraduate study, but it takes at least seven or eight years to study medicine! If you go to a university that is not well-known, and you finally persist until graduation, can you find a job? Work is another problem.”

Mr. Han understood and asked with a grimace: "What about studying nursing?"

"It's much easier to study nursing. As long as you can get into an undergraduate college, it's not difficult to find a job after graduation. You can even work as a nurse in a big hospital."

"Then let her study nursing!"

"But in order to encourage her to study hard, we gave her a picture that if she studied well and passed the exam, she could become a doctor, and she took it seriously. But then again, who would want to be a nurse if she could be a doctor."

Mr. Han also felt that being a doctor was better than being a nurse, and asked curiously: "What about studying anesthesia?"

Jiang Yue scratched his head and said with a wry smile: "The scores for the anesthesia major are similar to those for the clinical major, and it also takes many years of study, and at least a master's degree before you can find a job."

I used to worry that my daughter wouldn't be able to get into a serious university, which was a headache.

Now my daughter is working very hard and her grades are improving rapidly, but she still has to worry about what major she should choose to study in the future!

Mr. Han ran out of ideas for a moment and subconsciously looked at Ge Sulan.

Ge Sulan did not think this was a problem and said without hesitation: "No matter what major, as long as she can pass the exam, let her take it. As for whether she can find a job, that is a matter for the future. We will talk about it then."

Jiang's mother has always admired her mother-in-law and felt that everything her mother-in-law said was right. She couldn't help but smile and said: "Su Lan is right, let your children learn if they want to learn. They can learn when they want to learn. What if they can't find a job in the future?" Sample?"

The Han family is not short of money!

To put it bluntly, it really doesn’t matter whether Xiao Hanlu will work or not in the future.

Mr. Han felt that what his wife and mother-in-law said made sense, he chuckled and said, "Then let her do it. She can major in whatever major she wants. We'll talk about the future later."

At the same time, Cheng Wenming was on the phone with Han Xin, who was monitoring the target but flew to his hometown.

"Your sister should have entered the examination room by now. I know you miss home and your sister, but in our line of work, it is difficult to take care of your family. Not to mention investigators like you, even community policemen at the police station are the same .”

"I know, I'm fine."

"You don't mean what you say, Xiao Han. I can understand your mood, but I believe that your sister and your family can definitely understand you."

“They have always been very supportive of my work.”

"That's it. Work wholeheartedly first. When this task is completed, when you go back, spend time with your family and make up for it."

The young man is still very capable, but because he has a girlfriend, a family, and worries, his condition is not as good as before!

Cheng Wenming secretly made up his mind that after the mission here is over, he must talk to the bureau leaders and not arrange similar missions for the young man again.

Thinking of the young man's low mood, he immediately changed the topic: "I almost forgot to tell you that your old unit just took a major exam. The report card came out yesterday. The exam was not very good, and next year's budget has been completely cut. Three hundred thousand was lost.”

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Which old unit?"

"Narcotics detachment."

"What a big exam, why do we need to cut funding?"

Cheng Wenming clicked the mouse, typed quickly on the keyboard, and found a document published by the Binjiang Municipal Finance Bureau a few days ago. He smiled and said: "The Municipal Finance Bureau entrusted an accounting firm to conduct a review of your old unit from June last year to this year. The performance evaluation of the use of special anti-drug funds in June. The evaluation is not high, so of course the funds will be cut."

"Asking an accounting firm to evaluate the performance of our special anti-drug funds is not a mistake. What is the difference between this and a layman directing an expert?"

"That's right, they are very professional. Besides, they not only evaluate your use of special anti-drug funds, but also evaluate other units."

Cheng Wenming glanced at the performance evaluation report and smiled again: "But the God of Wealth does some things that are really not authentic. They only talk about others, not themselves. They have the nerve to write it in the report and post it online. .”

When it came to the old unit's limited funds, Han Xin asked: "What happened to the God of Wealth?"

"It is mainly reflected in the availability of funds. It is said that your anti-drug budget last year should have allocated 2.5 million, but in fact not all of it was allocated. Not only was it allocated directly to relevant units related to anti-drug work, but it was also allocated according to 3% What kind of poverty relief funds should be withdrawn proportionately, and it should be withdrawn directly.”

"Aren't the units related to anti-drug work the members of the Anti-Narcotics Committee? They give money to others. If they don't use it for anti-drugs, the account will also be charged to our anti-drug detachment?"

"The blame should not be placed on the Anti-Narcotics Detachment, but on the Counter-Narcotics Office."

Cheng Wenming slid the mouse and smiled again: "The results... are the so-called project performance status. I won't read it to you. I will only read the existing problems, because this is the reason why people cut the funding of your old unit."

Although Han Xin has been transferred to the detention detachment, she still feels that she is from the anti-drug detachment, so how could she not care about this matter.

After all, in a prefecture-level city as big as Binjiang, the city's anti-drug office only has a total of 2.5 million in funds, and it still needs to be cut. This is ridiculous!

He said eagerly: "Nian Nian, what are the problems with the use of funds in our detachment?"

Cheng Wenming looked at the public announcement documents on the computer and read in a measured tone: "The Anti-Narcotics Office does not have enough control over the overall anti-drug work. First, the Anti-Narcotics Office has limited staff and cannot clarify the work responsibilities of each department. The Anti-Drug Detachment must not only manage publicity but also In managing and handling cases, there is insufficient coordination in both aspects; secondly, the overall coordination among various anti-drug member units in anti-drug work is insufficient, and a pattern of joint efforts and joint management has not been formed.”

"Since we know that there are only a few of us and we can't coordinate, then this can't be a problem!"

"What do you know? If people say you have a problem, you have a problem. Even if there is no problem, you can find the problem."

Cheng Wenming continued: "Then the anti-drug propaganda work is not in-depth enough. There is a basis for what they say. They conducted spot checks on the Municipal Federation of Literary and Art Circles, the Youth League Committee and some schools, and found that the anti-drug propaganda is more concentrated around the '6.26' International Anti-Drug Day. It is not normalized throughout the year. The anti-drug propaganda work is not fully covered, and it is not really implemented in all key corners and key locations, such as schools and communities.”

Han Xin asked dumbfounded: "That's all?"

"Of course it's more than that. This is just an overall performance evaluation, but there are also specific ones."

"What specifically?"

"The detailed budget of special funds lacks accuracy and scientificity, and the use of some funds does not match the budget. For example, the budget for anti-drug publicity is 585,000 yuan, but the actual funds used for anti-drug publicity are only 246,500 yuan; special funds for major target cases, pursuit of fugitives The budget for funds and special operations was 560,000 yuan, and the actual expenditure was 397,000 yuan.”

Cheng Wenming paused and continued: "Another example is that the budget for mass reporting rewards and anti-drug special situation funds is 300,000 yuan, and the actual expenditure is 70,200 yuan; the budget for anti-drug conference expenses is 50,000 yuan, and the actual use is 4,000 yuan; the budget for anti-drug equipment is 30,000 yuan Ten thousand yuan, but no actual purchases were made;

The budget for outing study and training activities was 50,000 yuan, but 2,600 yuan was actually used; the special expenses for saliva and urine tests for drug addicts were budgeted at 100,000 yuan, and 29,500 yuan was actually used; the daily office expenses were budgeted at 305,000 yuan, and 490,200 yuan was actually used... …”

As "Crazy Cheng" said, as long as people are looking for it, there will definitely be problems.

Specific to the anti-drug detachment, there are even more problems, because anti-drug funds are mainly used by the bureau, and the detachment does not really have much at its disposal.

But after being cut off by 300,000 yuan at once, the bureau leaders will definitely have thoughts about the detachment leaders, and may even think that the detachment's work is not done well.

Thinking of this, Han Xin asked dumbfounded: "Cheng Zhi, are Xiao Zhi and Political Commissar Yun very depressed when they encounter this unfortunate incident?"

Cheng Wenming took out the Hongtashan that had not been changed for thousands of years and said lightly: "They didn't call me, and I didn't ask them, but I don't think they were particularly depressed. After all, the epidemic has had a huge impact on the economy. Except for the health care system, the budgets of other units will be significantly reduced."

Han Xin reacted: "So if we cut off 300,000 yuan from us, they will still show mercy."

"It can be said that compared with those units whose budgets have been cut in half, the anti-drug detachment has only been cut by 300,000 yuan, which is very good."

Cheng Wenming thought for a while and then smiled: "Besides, I participated in the investigation of a major drug case in the first half of the year, and the fine was not that much if it was seized. Even if several companies were divided proportionally, the reward for the anti-drug detachment would not be less than 300,000. It's a pity that this money It must be spent this year and cannot be saved until next year, so your old unit will still have to tighten its belts and live a hard life next year."

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