Veteran new police officer

Chapter 476 The pride of the Han family!

You may think that hiding in northern Myanmar, the sky is high and the emperor is far away, there is nothing to worry about. Lin Baoying and other suspects are not very vigilant.

With several very professional colleagues, including Xu Jun, watching together, and several other colleagues and informants, the surveillance work became very easy.

Han Xin not only took some time out of her busy schedule to go back to Xiaolamengcheng District and bought some clothes, found a place to take a shower, shaved her beard, put on a clean outfit and went to see Brother Yang who was busy with his live broadcasting business, but also passed During this period of tracking and monitoring, we basically grasped the activity patterns of Lin Baoshi's gang.

They are very responsible for the work assigned by the Taiwanese boss and go to their respective respective dens every day.

They treat their "employees" better. They only see rewards but not punishments. They take employees to Xiao La Meng Hua Liqun every three days. They also implement epidemic prevention and control measures better. They specially purchase masks, hand sanitizer, disinfectant and other epidemic prevention measures for employees. supplies.

This may have a lot to do with their operating model. They are not as mean and rude to "employees" as other fraud gangs who pretend to be public prosecutors, leaders or other scammers who rely solely on "customer service" to deceive them. It gives the impression that they are more high-end, at least a bit like southern pyramid schemes in the way they do things.

They were also very crazy about playing, either going to the city to find the little girl, or taking the little girl to the villa to play.

Judging from the feedback from "Crazy Cheng", they all have wives and children, but they have left their wives and children in China. The main reason why they do not bring their wives and children is ridiculous. It is actually because the domestic education, medical and other conditions are relatively good.

In short, they lived a very comfortable life. Not only did the red flags stay at home and colorful flags fluttered outside, but they were also considered big bosses and capable people in the eyes of their relatives and friends back home!

I couldn't go back for the Spring Festival last year because of the epidemic, and I probably won't be able to go back this year, but before, I had to go back to my hometown every year at the end of the year to celebrate the New Year.

Every time I go back, I have to set up a large banquet, give out red envelopes to everyone I see, attend large gatherings of the Lin clan, and even donate money to repair the ancestral hall and help promising children in the village go to college...

They claim to be doing business in Southeast Asia, but in fact they have two companies in the Philippines and India that look like that.

The party and government leaders in their hometown did not know their details. Every time the county held an economic and trade fair to attract investment, they would be sent invitation letters.

The United Front Work Department of the County Party Committee, the Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Federation of Overseas Chinese are more concerned about them. By checking the mobile phone they grabbed last time, we can see that Lin Baoyuan was actually pulled into several groups by the United Front Department, and even asked them to fill out forms to prepare them for social positions. .

Judging from the group chat records, Lin Baoyuan keeps a relatively low profile. Although he often sends red envelopes in the group, he is not interested in official activities and the social positions that the official intends to recommend him to. It is conceivable that they must have been instructed by the big boss in Taiwan. They know that big trees are prone to trouble, so it is better to keep silent and make a fortune.

Xu Jun had been busy with anti-drugs before, but this was the first time he assisted in the investigation of cyber crimes. He sat cross-legged in the woods like a picnic, drinking the Coke that Han Xin bought when he was watching the suspects, and said with emotion: "These bastards, if you like They are pushy and like to hang out in circles, maybe they can become a CPPCC member in their hometown."

"The main reason is that the leaders in their hometowns don't understand their situation."

"What about friends, family and neighbors?"

"I heard from Cheng Zhi that they are different from other members of the electronic fraud gang. They are very promiscuous here, but they are very cautious and strict in their speech back home, not to mention their relatives, friends, neighbors, and even their wives and children. I thought they were doing serious business out there.”

"You even hid it from your wife?" Xu Jun felt a little incredible.

Han Xin sat down and took out a bottle of mineral water from his backpack: "This shows that they have a high degree of specialization. The entire black and gray industry chain, from domestic to foreign, is linked to each other. Each one is responsible for his own work, and the division of labor is clear. , it can be said that they are truly high-intelligence criminals.”

Xu Jun thought for a while and couldn't help but sigh: "Compared with them, it feels like the drug dealers we arrested before are really a bunch of bumpkins!"

Han Xin took a sip of water and said helplessly: "And the money comes in faster than drug trafficking, and the risk is not as high as drug trafficking. So the warlords here are transforming, and even some old drug dealers are jealous and are ready to test the waters." This works.”

"So we also need to transform?"

"You definitely need to transform, at least have one specialty and multiple skills. I don't need it. I just happened to encounter this case, and I'm unlikely to come back again in the future. And I'm not that material, a professional in anti-email fraud. The sex is too strong, I can’t learn what they do.”

"I'm not much better than you. Of the three of us, Lao Lu is the only one who can do this. He will definitely be a leader in the future."

Lu Xiangyang is now not only the backbone of the investigation team, but also the key training target of the detachment.

Whenever the old army encounters a major case in the past two years, he is the first person "Boss Chen" thinks of. Moreover, I have participated in several major operations organized by the Nanyun Entry-Exit Border Control Station and the Narcotics Control Bureau of Nanyun Provincial Department, and have all registered with the big leaders!

This is the advantage of being willing to work hard and learn. Han Xin was envious but not jealous. She looked at Xu Jun with a smile and asked: "Last time I heard Captain Li say that Lao Lu might not be able to work in the team for long. Is this true?"

"It's true, but I don't know where the next stop will be."

Xu Jun paused and then smiled: "Some said he would be transferred to the intelligence center, some said the party committee of the detachment planned to make him the deputy captain of the border defense brigade, and some said he would go to the checkpoint."

"It seems that once this special operation organized by the ministry is over, he will be promoted."

"That's good for Gaosheng. The bigger he gets, the happier I will be. Then I can hug my thighs and enjoy the cool under the big tree."

Han Xin asked: "What about you, what are your plans for the future?"

Xu Jun glanced at the villa on the hillside opposite and said nonchalantly: "What plans can I have? I'm almost the same as you before. What else can I do besides this."

Han Xin said with a half-smile, "But any cadre who leaves our investigation team can be promoted."

"Having said that, the practice in the past few years has indeed been like this, but the first thing is to be able to get out. You don't even think about it, how many people are left in the team now, do you think I can get out?"

"It's true. It looks like you'll have to endure it for a few more years."

Xu Jun didn't want to talk about this, so he immediately raised a topic: "Brother, we have been watching him for more than ten days in the blink of an eye. Have you asked Cheng Zhi when we are going to watch him?"

At first he said he only needed to stick to it for three days, and then he said he would keep watching for another week.

I couldn't help but ask again the day before yesterday, and "Crazy Cheng" actually said that he didn't know either.

There are so many tomorrows.

Han Xin had never encountered anything like this before, and just when she didn't know how to explain it to her old comrades, "Crazy Cheng" called suddenly.

"Cheng Zhi, what's the instruction? Are you going to close the net?"

"Why close the net? I didn't receive the order anyway."

"What are the superiors thinking and how long do they want us to keep an eye on?" Han Xin was afraid that "Crazy Cheng" would be unhappy. Han Xin laughed again: "It's not that I don't want to keep an eye on him, I think it's a waste of resources if we continue like this! After all, we are not ordinary policemen. , we are a valuable overseas investigation force."

Cheng Wenming was amused and couldn't help laughing: "You kid, you take yourself too seriously. You are so precious."

"Even if it's not that precious, we can't just waste it. With this time, we can at least catch a few more drug dealers. Treating the police as auxiliary police officers is nothing."

"If we were in China, it would be a bit overkill for you to keep watching like this. But now we are not in China. Who else can the superiors look for besides letting you watch?"

Cheng Wenming was also a little worried, so he just got down to business: "Stop rambling, there are two pieces of good news. Which one do you want to hear first?"

here we go again!

Good news again!

Seeing Xu Jun's curious face, Han Xin simply put down her phone and clicked on the speaker: "Since they are all good news, let me choose one by one."

Cheng Wenming realized that this multiple-choice question was a failure, and immediately expressed it in another way: "I didn't make it clear just now. One of the two good news is about work, and the other is about your family. Which one do you want to hear first? "

"Of course I listen to work first. Work must be important."

"I guess you are a bit enlightened."

Cheng Wenming smiled with satisfaction and continued: "Director He just received a clue from the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center of the Ministry of Public Security. Yesterday morning, someone accidentally saw Yao Qingqing in a hotel in Sihanoukville and secretly took three photos for us. a photograph."

Han Xin was shocked: "He is quite good at running, but he actually ran to Cambodia!"

"I haven't finished speaking yet. What's even more funny is that this afternoon, he actually went to our Chinese Embassy in Cambodia to apply for a replacement passport, and he wanted to return to his country."

"What kind of fun is he doing?"

"From the feedback from the embassy, ​​he knew that he was wanted for telecommunications and network fraud, and when he applied for a replacement passport, he claimed to return to the country and surrender. However, the situation he explained at the embassy was obviously evasive."

Han Xin did not expect that such a thing would happen, and asked in a low voice: "Is he unable to stay in northern Myanmar anymore?"

Cheng Wenming also found it strange. He frowned and said, "If he can't stay in northern Myanmar, then he can't stay in Cambodia. As far as I know, consumption in Cambodia is higher than in northern Myanmar. Maybe the money is spent." It’s almost done, I don’t want to sit back and get nothing, I want to go back to China to accept the punishment and start over.”

"Even if he really wanted to return to China, why did he go far away from home? Instead of returning from northern Myanmar, he went to Cambodia to surrender to our Chinese embassy there."

"This is not difficult to understand. If you think about it, not only do you have to queue up when entering from northern Myanmar, but you also have to undergo investigation. If you go to Cambodia to surrender to our Chinese embassy there, you will still have to undergo cross-examination, but the main questions will be in Cambodia. Case."

Han Xin reacted: "He knows that the bad things he has done are serious. It is easy to be detected when he returns to China and surrenders. But it is different when he returns to Cambodia. Maybe he can get away with it."

Cheng Wenming took a deep breath, touched the corner of his mouth and said, "Director He and Tang Zhigang had a video call with me. They suspected that it was not that Yao Qingqing couldn't stay abroad anymore, but that he had already made enough money. If they wanted to avoid important matters, they would just explain some trivial matters and accept it symbolically. Take the punishment and start enjoying life.”

"What should we do now? Should we let him go back?"

"It's a good thing that he wants to come back, why not let him? As for what kind of medicine he is selling in the gourd, as long as he dares to come back, he will definitely find out!"

"So, with Yao Qingqing's case, nothing will happen to me?"

"Compared to the case we are assisting in investigating now, his matter is not that big. To use a simple analogy, if he is a co-defendant in the case we are assisting in investigating now, then his status in the entire gang It’s not high, and his criminal behavior is only a small link in the entire criminal industry chain.”

"That's true. He is a technician and only provides technical support to the gambling company."

Cheng Wenming changed the topic: "This shows how important the work you are doing now is!"

Han Xin was stunned, then smiled and said: "Cheng Zhi, you have said so much and gone in such a long circle, so it turns out you want to cheer us up."

"It's not just about cheering, but also about informing the situation."

"Okay, let's talk about the good news about my family. Did my sister's college entrance examination scores come out? Did she do well in the exam?"

"Besides your sister's college entrance examination scores, what other good news can there be for your family?" Cheng Wenming asked back, smiling: "I know you are very concerned about it. As soon as I saw the news that you can check the college entrance examination scores today, I asked Wang Yan to help. Xiaoyue called and asked.

Xiaoyue said that your sister performed well and scored 371 points. Although the scores for the first book have not been announced yet, based on last year’s admission scores, and there are no particularly high requirements for schools and majors, there is really hope for one. "


"Why are you lying to me? I know it's not a trivial matter. Wang Yan confirmed and confirmed it for me." Cheng Wenming smiled and said with emotion: "This time your Linghai test was better than our Si Gang exam, and it was also the best in the city. It can be ranked high in the whole province.”

"How good is it?"

"There are many high-level candidates. I heard that there are more than 80 who have scored above 400 points. Your Linghai district can defeat the entire Yanhai City!"

In the Jiangnan College Entrance Examination, the total score was only 480.

Xiao Han Lu was actually able to score more than 370 points in the exam. In Han Xin's opinion, she was already very, very powerful. She couldn't compare with those who scored more than 400 points in the exam. After all, there are very few academic masters.

Thinking of Xiao Hanlu's wish, Han Xin asked eagerly: "Cheng Zhi, did Xiaoyue tell me whether Lulu can be admitted to medical school with her grades?"

Jiang Yue actually mentioned this to Wang Yan, and Cheng Wenming said helplessly: "If we had left last year, with our current scores, we should have been admitted to medical universities in other provinces, and even studied in clinical majors. But because of the epidemic, those who are the most beautiful Retrograde people are encouraging, there are many candidates who want to apply for the medical major this year.

Although the admission scores of various medical schools have not been announced, experienced teachers said that the admission scores of any well-known medical school this year will not be low. In previous years, the admission scores of second-tier colleges may even be higher than those of ordinary first-tier schools. ! "

Han Xin was anxious: "This is unfair. Is it easy for my sister to get a score of 371? Why can't she study medicine?"

"Your sister, your parents, and your parents are not in a hurry, so why are you in a hurry? Although this score is a bit embarrassing, it is basically certain that you can go to a good university. In Xiaoyue's words, this score has far exceeded expectations."

"That's true. At first we just hoped that she could get into a serious university, but we didn't expect that she would be so upbeat and do so well in the exam!"

What's good?

Even if it's good, it's only for your family.

If in Linghai, if their children did not score above 380, parents would be embarrassed to tell others how their children did.

It can be said that this achievement, not only in Linghai, but also in the entire Binjiang, can only be considered so-so. You have to be low-key when giving dinners to thank teachers and entertaining relatives and friends, otherwise you will be laughed at.

Cheng Wenming was really ashamed to comment, so he simply smiled and said: "I know you will be very happy after receiving this news, so I entrusted Wang Yan to tell Xiaoyue and asked Xiaoyue to tell your sister and your parents that you already know this result. Yes, you are very happy and you are proud of your sister."

"Thank you Cheng Zhi, I am so proud of my sister, she is really the pride of our family!"

"Yeah, it's not easy to be a college student. After the operation here is over, it's time for her to go on winter vacation. Congratulate her in person and praise her well."

Han Xin could no longer describe her happiness as her sister did well in the exam, she was simply ecstatic.

Han Xin was unable to send her sister to the examination room before, and then she had no chance to send her sister to school. Not to mention how regretful she was, Han Xin said helplessly: "This is the only way. I will give her more pocket money then. What does she want to eat?" I’ll take her to eat, and I’ll help her buy whatever she wants!”

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