Veteran new police officer

Chapter 482 Take you home!

Nothing can happen!

Nothing can happen to the young man!

He is only in his twenties and he is not married yet!

Cheng Wenming became anxious when he thought of Jiang Yue waiting for the young man in his hometown and what Miao Chengyu had told him when he returned from Mangjing.

But there's no point in just being anxious. The top priority is to get the young man to the hospital as quickly as possible.

It takes fifteen minutes to get to the "robbery scene" from the Guatian surveillance point. It is about 11 kilometers from the "robbery scene" to the connection point near the 220 border post on the China-Myanmar border. The road is slippery on rainy days and the motorcycle cannot drive fast. It is difficult to get to the connection point. It takes half an hour.

There is a town over the port, and the health center in the town is estimated to only be able to perform minor surgeries such as caesarean section and appendicitis. The pick-up point is about 78 kilometers away from the county people's hospital, which has medical conditions. The navigation shows that under normal circumstances, one is needed. half an hour.

But can the young man persist for more than two hours?

Moreover, from the "robbery scene" to the pick-up point, Zhang Da's people could only use motorcycles to transport them. I can imagine that they had to tie the young man to themselves and then run all the way, bumpy all the way...

Under normal circumstances, there would be no problem, but if the young man was shot, would he be able to withstand such a bump? He might turn a minor injury into a serious injury, and make it impossible to rescue a serious injury that had a chance to be rescued.

He was secretly anxious and calculating when the police from the headquarters suddenly called to report a situation.

It was okay if he didn't answer the call, but he immediately became angry when he answered: "Does it make sense to report now? Wait until you report that the day lilies are cold! Don't tell me this, please contact the County People's Hospital quickly and ask them to arrange for breast cancer The best surgical operation and the most experienced medical staff in rescuing!”

"Cheng Zhi, don't worry about rescuing us. We will definitely do our best. Your people are also our comrades! Can you calm down first and report the latest situation of the main suspects and several dens?"

"Report, report, you know how to listen to the report. What's the use of just listening to the report without making decisions? I'm busy, I'll talk about other things later!"

Cheng Wenming was completely angry. He quickly weighed the current situation and immediately picked up his phone: "Team Zhang Daqian, I, Cheng Wenming, please answer if you hear me."

"Received, received, Cheng Zhi, please speak!"

"We can't just listen to the command center on everything, let alone wait for the command center to make adjustments."

Zhang Da realized that "Crazy Cheng" was really "crazy", but then again, his men were shot, how could he not be crazy? If one of his own was shot, he would be just as anxious.

Then thinking about the fact that he, a tall man, was holding up the sky when it fell, Zhang Da really had nothing to worry about and asked eagerly: "How to adjust, please give the order."

Cheng Wenming took a deep breath and said categorically: "The policeman who was shot lost a lot of blood, and his ribs may have been broken by the bullet. It was raining so heavily outside, so transporting him on a motorcycle will only make the injury worse.

It's too late for your people to find the car now. Why don't you let him drive the suspect's car and take the shot policeman, the four main suspects, and the three gangsters involved in the operation with another policeman I have over there? return! "

If his people could arrive in time, there would only be two policemen who could take action.

Not only do we have to bring back the brother who was shot, we also have to escort the four main suspects and three gangsters back. This is no small matter. What if something unexpected happens along the way?

Zhang Da did not dare to agree and could not object, so he could only remind: "Cheng Zhi, the superiors are negotiating with the SAR government. Maybe the list has been given to them. Now, bring back the four main suspects and ask the superiors how to follow up tomorrow." People explain.”

"What's not easy to explain?"

Cheng Wenming clenched his fists, thought about it and said coldly: "They were robbed by Yang Tao and other suspects while they were fleeing in fear of crime. When Yang Tao and other robbers saw that they didn't get much cash, they kept doing it and came up with the idea of ​​kidnapping. , so they took them hostage and fled in a hurry, trying to find a place to hide first, but because the terrain was unfamiliar and the visibility was not good at night, they entered the country in a daze and were caught by your border management department!"

Zhang Da asked with a grimace: "How can there be such a coincidence in the world? Do people believe it?"

"It's up to them to believe it or not. Besides, it's not like we don't have evidence. It's difficult for cars to pass through at the pickup point. You can leave Yang Tao and other robbers' cars there. As long as the Judicial Committee over there wants to investigate, they'll be there soon. I can find out.”

"Cheng Zhi, for such a big matter, why don't we ask the headquarters for instructions first..."

"Your people are almost here. My people have been shot and are bleeding. Their lives are passing quickly. How can there be time to ask for instructions and report now? And bringing the four main suspects back immediately will be conducive to the subsequent closing of the net. At least it can Explain the policy clearly to them and ask them to call or send WeChat messages to stabilize dozens of suspects in several dens.”

From the perspective of closing the net, it would be more advantageous to escort the four principal criminals back first than to tie Wuhuada there and wait to be arrested tomorrow by the military and police on the opposite side, but this would become a kidnapping.

Thinking that rescuing people is like putting out fires, the policeman who was shot cannot wait. Zhang Da gritted his teeth and suggested: "Cheng Zhi, how about this? Let your people and mine kill the brother who was shot and several suspects first." Bring it back, and then ask them to leave a car at the border, drive a car back to exchange for a motorcycle, and continue to monitor the suspects in several dens."

"No problem, that's it. Hurry up and give orders to your people."


Zhang Da thought about it and couldn't help but remind him: "Cheng Zhi, you'd better report to the headquarters and escort the seven suspects back. We can't have anyone here to take over."

Cheng Wenming said impatiently: "I will call the headquarters. You should explain clearly to your people first."

Cheng Wenming was not only thinking about bringing the young man back for rescue as quickly as possible and in the safest way, nor was he just thinking about the ensuing encirclement of the net. In fact, he had a deeper plan, and he didn't even dare to say more about it. Think about it.

At this point in the investigation of the case, if we just pick up the young man and then act according to the original plan, what is the point of the young man getting shot?

Perhaps in the eyes of those who don't understand the situation on the other side, the young man was careless. Not only did he cause chaos to the big guys, he even almost ruined the entire operation!

He made a prompt decision and brought back the four main suspects and the three gangsters who could help provide cover. This meant that the task of arresting the four main suspects was completed, and no one could escape the hard work.

If the young man can't hold on, if there is something wrong with him, I can at least confidently help him apply for a first-class hero model in the future!

Of course, if given a choice, Cheng Wenming would prefer that the young man can be as active as before, rather than being posthumously awarded a role model.

At the same time, Han Xin's face was pale, his expression was extremely painful, his heartbeat was racing, and the wound that was pressed with clean clothes was still bleeding out.

Judging from the location of the wound, the bullet might have damaged the heart!

Xu Jun used the self-adhesive tape he had just found from the car and hurriedly fixed the clean clothes on the outside of the wound, while crying and saying: "Cheng Zhi Cheng Zhi, Han Xin can't stand it any longer and can't open his eyes. No matter how much I shouted, there was no response, he... he seemed to be in shock."

"I know, reinforcements will be here soon. As soon as the reinforcements arrive, drive him and several suspects back."

"Everyone go back? Drive back?"

"If he doesn't drive, how can he be allowed to ride a motorcycle? Xu Jun, I know you are worried about his safety, but at this critical moment, you must stay calm!"


"Not only must you bring Han Xin back to me, but you must also pay attention to the safety of the escort. No matter who gets into trouble, I will hold you accountable!"


Just as he was talking, a motorcycle drove over with its headlights on.

Xu Jun quickly bit off the tape with his teeth, asked his old comrade to lie flat on the back seat, and then got out of the off-road vehicle to greet him.

The situation was urgent, and the visitor could not heed the rule of not communicating.

As soon as he saw Xu Jun, he asked in a low voice: "Where is the brother who was shot?"

"He is in the car and the keys are not out. I will leave him to you."

"Okay, you go and do your work, and you have to move quickly. I'll turn around and set off."

"Thank you, please."

Xu Jun patted the arm of his unfamiliar colleague with a bloody hand, then ran to the front of the Porsche and carefully took the gun from Yang Tao: "Brother Yang, we can't stay here for long. You and Brother Liu drive this car, and Brother Zhang drives the car." The one in the back, I’ll get in the car in the back, hurry up!”

"where to?"

Yang Tao wasn't very scared just now, but now a brother was shot. He was so scared that he couldn't help but think about it and then turned around and asked, "Who was that just now?"

Xu Jun opened the car door and took a look, confirming that Lin Baoying had been cut off by the traction belt with a machete, and the strips were tied like a rice dumpling. He said with a sullen face: "A good brother, Xiao Jiang also knows him, he is a local, and he is very interested in this place." He's very familiar, let's go with him."

"What about these dog farms?"

"Take them away together. How much cash can they have on them? The money must be in the bank. My brother can't take this shot in vain. Even if it is squeezed, we must squeeze out the money they defrauded!"

Yang Tao had long run out of ideas. After hearing what Xu Jun said, he seemed to have a backbone and said quickly: "Okay, we will listen to you."

Xu Jun didn't have time to say anything more to them, so he immediately walked over and opened the Toyota's overbearing rear door: "Brother Zhang, you drive, I'll sit in the back and stare at them!"

Zhang Junbing reacted and quickly got into the cab. He put down the machete and tied it tightly. His mouth was stuffed with tissues. He punched Gouzhuang who was sitting in the passenger seat: "Be honest, don't you dare to mess up?" If you touch me, you will die!"

"Yeah..." Huang Qingfa was so scared that his legs were weak and he nodded hurriedly.

Han Xin was shot, Zhang Da's subordinates were equally anxious and felt equally uncomfortable.

We worked together for more than a month, during which we met once and delivered supplies three times. When we were tracking and monitoring our respective targets, we met almost every day. However, we were unable to talk because we had to abide by confidentiality regulations, and even because we were wearing helmets, masks, and glasses, we couldn’t talk. I don’t know what the other person looks like.

This kind of comradeship can only be found here. He got into the car borrowed by Yang Tao and others, quickly adjusted the seat, fastened the seat belt, started the engine, and turned on the car lights.

While holding on to the steering wheel and looking at the reversing mirror to turn around, he choked to Han Xin, who was lying in the back seat: "Brother, you must hold on, don't fall asleep, I will take you home..."

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