Veteran new police officer

Chapter 483 Speed ​​of Life and Death

In the port parking lot, Zhang Mengcheng was sitting on the bus reading the materials just distributed by the police at the headquarters.

Nearly two hundred police officers have gathered here. When the commander gives the order, they will cross the country and go out to carry out the task of arresting and collecting evidence. There are as many as seventy-eight suspects to be arrested!

Not all police officers have the opportunity to participate in such a big operation.

Zhang Mengcheng was really a little excited. When he was excited, he wanted to smoke, but obviously he couldn't smoke in the car.

He was just about to find an excuse to go down to satisfy his craving for cigarettes, when he saw the commander wearing a raincoat standing next to a police car, as if giving orders to several leaders.

Immediately afterwards, a second-level police inspector ran over in the rain, climbed into the car and asked: "Is Comrade Zhang Mengcheng here? If so, please raise your hand!"

"Here, I am Zhang Mengcheng."

"Please get out of the car and follow me."

"Hello, where are you going? I have a mission here."

"Let's talk when we come down, Xu Da, please return Comrade Zhang Mengcheng's mobile phone to him."

"It's here, I'll look for it right now." The action organization sitting in the front row calmed down, quickly opened the black convenience bag at his feet, and rummaged through Zhang Mengcheng's cell phone.

Zhang Mengcheng was confused and didn't know what had happened. A police car sped over and stopped next to the bus.

The second-level police inspector looked back, opened the door and got into the passenger seat.

Zhang Mengcheng took the police pass and personal mobile phone from the team leader, jumped out of the car, opened the door of the police car and got into the back seat.

Before he could say anything, the driver turned on his lights and siren and set off.

The second-level police inspector held the mobile phone and turned around and said: "Comrade Zhang Mengcheng, look at your mobile phone. There should be several missed calls. Please call Cheng Zhi quickly."


Zhang Mengcheng calmed down and quickly took out his mobile phone from the plastic bag. He didn't know it by looking at it, but he was shocked when he saw that the old leader had indeed made several calls.

He quickly called back, but the old leader's cell phone was always busy.

The second-level police inspector was on the phone. He didn't know what to say to the other party in the local dialect. It seemed very urgent. Zhang Mengcheng couldn't ask more questions and could only continue to call.

At this time, a police car appeared in front, as if clearing the way.

Looking back, I saw several police cars following me, and even a SWAT bomb-proof vehicle.

What happened? Could it be that the plan is not as good as changes and new actions, but what does this have to do with the old leader far away in Spring City...

While he was puzzled, the old leader's cell phone finally rang.

"Cheng Zhi, I, Zhang Mengcheng, what instructions do you have?"

"Han Xin was shot, and I'm rushing to you! You're close, so go and respond first. Now, on behalf of our Binjiang City Public Security Bureau, please ask the medical staff to do their best to rescue him, and report any situation in a timely manner! "

Zhang Mengcheng was shocked: "Han Xin was shot. Is he seriously injured?"

"I'm not very clear about the specific situation. In short, you don't have to worry about anything else from now on. Just take good care of Han Xin for me until he is out of danger!"


"The operation is still going on. My phone can't always be busy, so hang up now. If the call doesn't go through later, send me a message."


How could Han Xin be shot, and how could he be shot!

If several people come together, they must go back together. If he has a problem, how will he explain it to his family after he returns?

The more Zhang Mengcheng thought about it, the more worried he became. The more he thought about it, the more anxious he became. Tears welled up in his eyes.

The second-level police inspector could understand his mood at this moment, but he did not bother to comfort him. He put down his mobile phone and picked up the intercom of the car radio: "Attention, all groups, attention, all groups, I, Sun Mingdong, my injured brother and the seven suspects will Reached the boundary post fifteen minutes later.

We have about five minutes to prepare. Please cheer up and control the suspect resolutely, quickly and decisively while ensuring the safety of the injured brother. When necessary, pursuit can be carried out across the border, but not too far, up to 500 meters. "

"One group received it, the other group received it!"

"The second group received it, it's over!"

"Three groups received it, three groups received it."

He was injured and came back with seven suspects arrested. What happened...

The more Zhang Mengcheng thought about it, the more confused he became. At this time, the second-level police inspector changed the frequency and called: "Wang Da, Wang Da, Sun Mingdong from my border defense brigade, where is the ambulance? Can it arrive at the designated place in time?"

"Sun Da, Sun Da, we have received the ambulance and are guiding it to your side. We should be able to arrive at the predetermined location before nine forty-five and be on standby."

"Stop the vehicle when you arrive at the designated location, do not turn on the lights, and do not get out of the car and move around. Wait until I finish the work here, and when you receive my notification, you can take the ambulance to the intersection north of the boundary pillar."

"Don't worry, Sun Da, we won't ruin your business."

The Chinese government cannot have any diplomatic relations with the "special zone" across the street, but the local county committee and county government have "foreign affairs relations" with them because there are many economic and cultural exchanges between them.

During the epidemic, county leaders also investigated the epidemic prevention and control situation.

There is also cooperation in combating cross-border crimes. For example, the other side helps to count the Chinese people stranded there.

Because of this, the closer Xiao Lameng is to China, the better the roads are built.

If we had taken the national highway, we would have arrived long ago.

But now they can't take the national highway or enter the country through the national gate. Zhang Da's subordinate turned around and glanced at the rearview mirror, turned on the turn signal, turned the steering wheel lightly, and turned the car into a muddy path.

It was raining heavily, and Yang Tao had just been robbed and his brother was shot. Yang Tao was already in a panic. He didn't pay attention to the road sign just now, so he followed the car in front and drove the Porsche off the national highway.

Zhang Junbing followed closely, just walking along without knowing where he was going.

It was the same road he took when he came here. Xu Jun knew that he was not far from the border, but he couldn't be happy at all because he didn't know what the situation of his old comrades was at the moment, and he couldn't call and ask questions in front of several suspects. .

Just as he secretly prayed that his old comrade could survive this test, the car in front stopped.

Zhang Junbing stepped on the brakes, turned around and asked, "Brother Li, what should we do now? There is no one around!"

"Get out of the car and follow my brother."

"What do they do?"

"Leave Xiao Jiang to my friend, and the four of us will be responsible for each one." Xu Jun pushed the door and got out of the car, turned around and dragged out the tied-up Zhang Desheng.

Zhang Junbing jumped out of the passenger seat, opened the back door and dragged out Lin Chengyun, whose hands were also tied and his mouth was stuffed with tissues.

Yang Tao, who had just gotten out of the Porsche, ran over in a tacit understanding, opened the Toyota Domineering passenger door, pulled Huang Qingfa out of the car, held Huang Qingfa's shoulders tightly, turned around and asked, "Brother Li, what should I do with the things in the car?"

It sounds like a robbery, but in fact it was a robbery, but I'm so busy that I haven't even had time to search the car or body, and I haven't seen the money yet!

Xu Jun knew what he really wanted to ask. He looked at his colleague who was carrying Han Xin and said coldly: "Lock the car, go with my friends first, lock them up when they get to the place, and then Come back and get your stuff.”

"Is it far?"

"It's not far, just in front. Come on, we have to find a doctor for Xiao Jiang."

"Oh, I'll lock the car first."

There are only a few checkpoints on this side of the border, unlike the police auxiliary police from the border police station on the other side who patrol. Moreover, it is raining outside, and during the epidemic prevention and control period, domestic control is very strict, and there are very few people crossing the border illegally, so there is basically no need to worry about running into the military police here.

Brother Xu and Yang Tao, each holding a suspect, followed their colleague who was carrying Han Xin on his back, and walked forward in the dark on the muddy mountain road in the rain.

Lin Baoying didn't know where this place was, let alone what he would face next. He was so scared that his legs were weak.

I wanted to run but I didn't dare. After all, the gun was in the robber's hand.

If you try to linger, you will get beaten again, especially that "Brother Yang" who speaks with a northeastern accent. Not to mention how ruthless he is, you can only bite the bullet and stumble to keep up.

After walking along the faintly visible path for about five or six minutes, we climbed up a small slope and could vaguely see several two-story houses in the distance. Yang Tao was about to turn around and ask Brother Li if he was almost there when he suddenly heard someone around him. He scolded sternly: "Don't move, we are from the border police station, everyone stay down!"

Where is this?

His heart skipped a beat. At this moment, dazzling lights came on, blinding people.


public security!

There are police and police all around!

Yang Tao reacted and his legs trembled with fear.

Zhang Junbing never expected to be surrounded by a group of armed police officers. He no longer cared about the dog farm he was guarding. He quickly dropped the machete, held his head in his hands, and squatted down.

Liu Xinda was completely stunned. She still held the "Dog Village" tightly and stood there stupidly, not daring to move.

Although Lin Baoyuan was afraid of the police, he felt relieved when he saw the police. After all, the police had to act according to the rules, unlike the vicious robbers around him who could do anything.

Not only did Lin Chengyun, Zhang Desheng and Huang Qingfa think so, they even took a chance and secretly figured out how to respond when the police asked them later.

The good brothers and suspects were all sent to the place. Xu Jun relaxed a little, carefully put down his gun, and shouted: "Comrade Public Security, one of our brothers was shot. Please save my brother and call an ambulance for him." .”

The colleague who brought Han Xin all the way here also shouted: "I have shed a lot of blood here. Please, please move quickly. It doesn't matter how much money you spend."

"Leave the people to us, you stay here and don't move!"


As soon as Sun Da finished speaking, Zhang Mengcheng suddenly reacted and hurriedly went up to meet Han Xin with a local colleague, carefully carrying Han Xin on his back.

At the same time, the border police who arrived here five minutes ago to set up an ambush swarmed up and took control of Lin Chengyun and Yang Tao's gang. They verified their identities with the photos on their mobile phones, and then three of them took charge of each, according to the plan they made when they arrived, and the He led several suspects through a sugar cane field and led them to a police car parked on the roadside.

Zhang Mengcheng was carrying Han Xin on his back, not walking, but running. As he ran, he said urgently: "Han Xin, I, Zhang Mengcheng, do you hear me? You should say something. The ambulance is in front. Hold on for two more minutes." It'll be fine once you get in the ambulance..."

I supported Han Xin on the side, and kept reminding my local colleagues who were running with me: "Open up, the road is slippery, be careful where you step."

"I know, I'm talking to my brother."

Seeing that Han Xin did not respond, Zhang Mengcheng became anxious. Looking at the ambulance that had opened the back door not far away, he said with tears in his eyes: "You are Han Keng. Life is so hard. You must hold on to whoever you see cheating someone! You I haven’t even settled the matter with you for cheating on me!”

As early as when he was shot and carried into the car by Xu Jun, Han Xin was still conscious. It's just that my chest hurts so much that I can't breathe and can't speak.

When a stranger rushed to the "robbery scene" and told him to take him home, he vaguely heard it. But not only was I speechless at that time, but all that flashed in my mind were Jiang Yue, Xiao Han Lu, Da Han Lu, and my father and mother.

Then he lost consciousness and fell into a coma. His eyes were dark, he couldn't hear anything, and he didn't know anything.

After shouting all the way, Zhang Mengcheng's heart felt cold when he saw no response.

As soon as he saw the doctors and nurses coming towards him, he shouted urgently: "Doctor, save my brother, please, please..."

"Leave the person to us, don't worry, we will do our best to rescue him, be gentle."

"Okay, please."

Zhang Mengcheng gently put Han Xin down, and together with the medical staff, he just carried Han Xin onto the emergency bed in the ambulance. The colleague who had been trotting all the way was outside and helped close the door.

Then, a piercing siren sounded from ahead.

Two police cars cleared the way and one police car came from behind to escort the ambulance to the County People's Hospital as quickly as possible.

Sun Mingdong, the deputy captain of the border management detachment who led the team to respond, did not know Xu Jun, but he knew his subordinates. He watched the ambulance speed away and turned around and said: "The person has already been loaded into the ambulance. Please don't worry, we will definitely do our best." rescue."

Xu Jun calmed down and said quickly: "Thank you, leader."

"Although the four suspects have been escorted back, the mission has not been completed, and it is not convenient for us to go there. Please go there quickly to collect evidence. After delivering the suspects' belongings, you have to go back and continue to keep an eye on the other suspects."


"Thanks for your hard work."

"It's not hard."

The large troops evacuated with a few suspects, and it became dark again near the boundary posts. Only the sound of wind and pattering rain could be heard.

Sun Mingdong watched the two young men running down the hillside, slowly raised his arms, looked at their backs and saluted.

The three policemen who were waiting for evidence at the boundary pole reacted and quickly saluted these unknown heroes together. They paid tribute to these unknown heroes.

The eyes of one of the three policewomen were red, and her mask was wet with rainwater and uncontrollable tears.

At this time, the commander's call came from the intercom: "Response team, please report the situation, please report the situation."

Sun Mingdong quickly raised the walkie-talkie: "Report to the headquarters, report to the headquarters, the injured policeman has been sent to the ambulance, and all seven suspects have been arrested!"

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