Veteran new police officer

Chapter 490 Wake up!

Menghai County Hospital, Intensive Care Unit.

Jiang Yue sat on the chair on the left side of the hospital bed, listening to the beeping sound of the instrument, looking at Han Xin who was lying on the bed without any reaction, chatting about things at home, work, and relatives and friends. thing.

He was resting on an ice pillow, with tubes inserted into his nose, mouth and body, and even his hands were connected to wires from instrument sensors.

In the morning, the doctor came to check whether the sutured wound was infected. She saw it was so long, like a giant centipede.

Too scary, too scary!

Normally, she would not dare to look directly at anyone else.

However, he is none other than her little overlord of Linghai Village.

It's been three days since I came in, and I'm just sitting on the edge talking to him. I've said everything I can think of, and I can only say it again. I can only say it wherever I can think of.

"Lulu actually did very well in the exam this time. She scored 371 out of the cut-off score of 347. But she was unlucky. There were so many candidates applying to medical colleges this year. Even those who majored in clinical medicine at medical universities in other provinces The minimum grade-level score is more than 20 points higher than the original score."

She lowered her head and looked at her phone, and then said: "The admission scores of medical schools in other provinces are not that high, but it is definitely better to go to a medical university than to a less famous medical school, so my ambition is to meet their minimum admission score. Filled in.

There are Heierbin Medical University, Hui'an Medical University, Yanyang Medical University, Southwest Medical University... If the competition among these medical universities is too great, then you can only go to medical school.

The admission score of Nanhai Medical College is not high, and the minimum admission score is 350. She will definitely be able to get in, but it is the second one..."

Just as he was talking, Xiao Hanlu's voice came from the mobile phone that was recording the video: "Sister-in-law, don't just talk about me, talk to my brother about something else!"


Jiang Yue put her mobile phone on the bedside table, pulled up her mask, and continued: "Uncle Wang, the one you sent to your father's construction site as a custodian, don't worry about you. I insisted on adding your father's WeChat account a few days ago and forwarded it. For two thousand yuan, let your dad help buy nutritional supplements for you.

I heard in the morning that I was here to accompany you, and I called your dad again. He insisted on adding me on WeChat, asking to video chat with me, and wanting to see you. He also said that this was the first time he saw me and sent me another two hundred yuan red envelope. He was still unhappy when I refused to click or accept it. "

Xiao Han Lu didn't like the unknown cook and custodian. She felt that the old man was weird, so she muttered: "Tell me what that old man is doing, tell me something that my brother cares about!"


Jiang Yue glanced at the video and continued: "You are not the only one who is hospitalized. Your old leader, Huang Da from the Criminal Police Brigade, is also hospitalized. He usually looks quite healthy, but he collapsed at the drop of a hat. The examination at the People's Hospital revealed that it was intestinal cancer and that surgery was required.

The work of the Criminal Police Brigade cannot be affected. Before arriving, the bureau planned to let Yang Biaohan succeed Huang Da as the captain. As a result, Yang Biaohan said that he could take charge of the work of the brigade, but he could not be the captain of the brigade. Even if he could do it, he would have to wait until Huang Da recovered..."

Just when she was thinking about something, Xiao Han Lu suddenly exclaimed: "Sister-in-law, is my brother blinking?"

"Ah, let me see."

"He seemed to have blinked just now!"

Jiang Yue didn't care anymore and stood up immediately, staring into Han Xin's eyes.

Da Hanlu reacted and hurriedly grabbed the phone: "Sister-in-law, go on, what did you just say? Keep going!"

Jiang Yue realized that if Xiao Hanlu hadn't been dazzled just now, it meant that the little bully of Linghai Village was very sensitive to what she just said. He hurriedly said: "Husband, don't worry about Huang Da. I didn't make it clear just now. He is suffering from It was rectal cancer, and it was discovered early. The doctor said that as long as I had an operation and a few days of chemotherapy, I would be able to recover.”

Da Hanlu reminded: "Keep talking, don't stop!"

"We used to think that Yang Biaohan and Huang Da were easy to deal with, but we didn't expect that their relationship would become so good after they formed a team..."

Who is Yang Biaohan?

What happened to Yang Biaohan?

Han Xin vaguely heard the familiar yet unfamiliar name "Yang Biaohan" and opened her eyes subconsciously.

However, a huge feeling of sleepiness came over me. Before I could clearly see everything in front of me, I closed my eyes and fell asleep again.

Jiang Yue saw it clearly, and her little heart was beating with excitement.

Da Hanlu also saw it through the video and said happily: "Sister-in-law, my brother is awake, he is really awake!"

Xiao Han Lu was happy, excited and nervous at the same time. She said in an almost trembling tone: "Sister-in-law, call the doctor quickly!"

Jiang Yueru woke up from her dream and quickly reached out to press the call button on the bedside.

After waiting for about a minute and a half, a nurse wearing a one-piece protective suit and wrapped tightly ran in, and soon after, the doctor arrived.

Jiang Yue asked eagerly: "Doctor, he just opened his eyes, glanced at them and closed them again. Does this count as waking up?"

The doctor turned around and looked at the display screen of the instrument, confirming that all vital signs were normal, then turned around and said: "Forget it, it's been three days and it's time to wake up. This is a good thing. Keep talking to him. If he wakes up again, don't Let him sleep again.”

"Oh well."

Jiang Yue was extremely excited and continued to talk about topics related to "Yang Biaohan".

However, after talking for nearly an hour, Yang Biaohan really couldn't think of anything else to say, and Han Xin still didn't respond.

Just when she was talking until her mouth went dry, Han Xin slowly opened her eyes.

"Honey, wake up! Don't sleep again. I'm Jiang Yue. Can you see me? I know you can't talk. Can you wink at me?"


The eyes were open, but they were dull and confused.

Jiang Yue was both happy and worried. While pressing the call button, she cried: "Husband, it's me. You can't see me or you don't recognize me. Do you know how worried I am about you?"

If something happens to you, your dad and mom can cry, Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu can cry, my dad and mom can cry, but I am more worried than them but I can't cry, and I have to persuade them! How could you do this to me? I really can’t stand it anymore and I want to cry too..."

Only then did Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu realize that their sister-in-law was not really strong, but had to be strong, and they couldn't help crying.

He called me brother over and over again, and kept calling Han Xin to prevent Han Xin from sleeping again.

The doctor rushed over, checked, figured out the situation, and quickly comforted: "Xiao Jiang, don't cry. He just woke up, his consciousness is a little impaired, and he can't remember what happened before. This situation is very common."

"Then when will you remember?"

"It's almost time. A normal person would be confused just after waking up, let alone someone like him who has undergone major surgery. Don't be nervous, don't worry, take good care of him and keep talking to him."

In fact, the doctor is not sure whether the patient is conscious or not, but that's all he can say now.

Jiang Yue realized that whether she could truly wake him up depended on both him and herself, she quickly wiped away her tears and choked up her voice and said: "Husband, look at me, Xiaoyue, I am your wife, do you want to marry me? When exactly are we getting married?"

Han Xin woke up, but there was only a figure in front of her, and her mind was blank. There seemed to be sounds in her ears, but there seemed to be no sounds. She couldn't feel the pain of major surgery. She was just so confused, with her eyes open aimlessly.

The doctor said that he could no longer sleep, so Jiang Yue naturally did not dare to let him sleep, and said eagerly: "You are not in a hurry, I am not in a hurry, our parents are in a hurry, and even the Youth League Committee is anxious for us. On Chinese Valentine's Day, the Youth League Committee plans to organize a collective At the wedding, they called me to ask if I wanted to attend.

I have been to your old army, and I promised Captain Li and Sister Yang that we should either not get married or do it twice, once in my hometown and once in your old army, so that they can all attend our wedding. Can drink our wedding wine. "




Old troops!

Captain Li...Sister Yang...!

Han Xin heard it, saw it clearly, and remembered it. She stared at her dreaming girlfriend and wanted to say something, but she couldn't. I wanted to grab her hand, but it seemed like my hands were gone and I couldn't do anything.

The doctor stood at the bedside and could see clearly. He clenched his fists and smiled: "My eyes are clear. I am really awake this time. Xiao Han, I know you want to speak but can't, but you can talk to me." Girlfriend eye contact.”

Who are you?

What is this place?

Why am I here?

Han Xin recognized his girlfriend and thought of Captain Li and Sister Yang, but couldn't think of anything else for a while. She could only turn her eyes from the stranger dressed like "Dabai" to his girlfriend.

He couldn't move his body, and couldn't speak with a tube in his nose and mouth, but his eyes could move, and he was looking at himself. Jiang Yue was ecstatic, clutching his left arm that was not infused and crying with joy.

Now the person responsible for the treatment is not only "Huang Yidao", but also the chief physician of the brain department.

The doctor in the ICU confirmed that the patient was really awake, and immediately called "Huang Yidao" and the director of the brain department to come for consultation...

At 6:30 in the evening, Cheng Wenming was about to go downstairs to eat when he received a call from Director He.

Director He was heard saying excitedly on the other end of the phone: "Cheng Zhi, Han Xin is awake! Director Huang and the others just went to check and confirmed that he is really awake, and he recognized Jiang Yue and made eye contact with Jiang Yue!"

"Okay, great, I'll make a video call with Jiang Yue and see if he can recognize me."

"Cheng Zhi, don't worry. Director Huang and others said that it takes a process to regain consciousness. It will be restored gradually, not all at once."

Thinking that he seemed to have been lying in bed for several days before slowly remembering everything, Cheng Wenming asked thoughtfully: "Have you called Mr. Han?"

"I haven't cared about it yet."

"Call quickly, Mr. Han and the others are waiting for news."

"I'm in their family group. If I tell them in the group, I will contact them even if I don't contact Jiang Yue."

Director He really relaxed this time, and said excitedly after thinking about it: "Cheng Zhi, I will hang up first. The leaders of the headquarters, department leaders and bureau leaders are all waiting for the news. I will tell Xiao Han's family group first. Once again, we must report to leaders at all levels immediately.”

Cheng Wenming was also relieved and sighed: "Let's report it quickly. It seems that we don't need to make any plans or charter a flight to transfer to another hospital."

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