Veteran new police officer

Chapter 491 Don’t cause trouble to the government!

Han Xin really woke up, and woke up several times.

Every time I wake up, I feel no pain, as if I am in a dream.

After a while, I fell into the dark abyss. I couldn't use my strength to grab anything, and I wanted to call for help, but I couldn't.

For a while, I was in a space surrounded by white. I could see and hear several people wearing white clothes standing together with my girlfriend, talking, but I didn't know what they were talking about.

I felt so powerless and helpless, I could only stare at my girlfriend and rack my brains.

But I finally thought of some people and things, and my head hurt so badly that I even had difficulty breathing, and my vision went dark and I didn’t know anything...

Jiang Yue was worried at first. It wasn't until a neurology expert said that judging from the electrocardiogram and other monitoring data that his mood fluctuated greatly every time he woke up, which showed that he was thinking hard and that his consciousness was slowly recovering, he relaxed a little. tone.

What she can do now is not only talk to him, but also help him turn over and massage him.

When his lips are dry, he needs to spray some water with a small spray bottle, and even use a wet towel to carefully scrub his whole body.

Before I knew it, I had been nursing like this for eight days!

And Han Xin woke up more and more often, and the time she spent waking up was getting longer and longer. Whenever she woke up, she would keep her eyes open, or look straight at her, as if she wanted to say something.

Or they stare closely at the medical staff who come in to check and change dressings, with scary and strange eyes, as if they want to ask something?

Yesterday morning, I asked him to try moving his fingers.

He obviously heard it, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it at first. Yesterday at around three o'clock in the afternoon, his fingers finally moved, and then he squeezed her hand tightly and would not let go no matter what.

My recovery is better today, and I can lift my left arm without infusion!

In fact, Han Xin not only raised her arms, but also wanted to learn how to express her feelings with "affectionate" eyes. However, she thought that she might not be able to do it, but she just couldn't learn it, so she could only stare at her like this. .

Jiang Yue was so excited that she wanted to cry, but now was not the time to cry. She quickly picked up a magnetic drawing board used by children to write and draw according to the doctor's instructions, and quickly wrote "Do you know who I am?" on it, and then wrote on it. There are two answers given below, one is yes, the other is don’t know.

Han Xin felt pain today. It was fine if she didn't move, but the pain in her chest was like tearing when she moved.

But I didn't want to make my girlfriend worry more, so I endured the severe pain, raised my arm tremblingly with all my strength, and pointed at "know"!

Jiang Yue was ecstatic, and quickly pulled the elimination stick under the drawing board, and quickly asked the second multiple-choice question with a magnetic pen: Do you know what happened, and do you know why you came to the hospital?

Han Xin remembered it yesterday, but her hands and feet were weak, and there were tubes in her nose and mouth, so she couldn't express herself. Now that I can answer questions with my finger, I quickly raise my hand that I just put down and point to "know".

His heart stopped twice, which must have lasted for more than six minutes in total. He must have suffered brain damage, but I don't know if it was serious or not.

Doctors were worried that he would not be able to regain consciousness, and even if he could, his memory would be affected.

Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu could see clearly through the video, and they were so nervous that they didn't even dare to breathe.

Jiang Yue was both happy and nervous, and quickly asked the third multiple-choice question: How many points did Xiao Hanlu score? And to increase the difficulty, four answers are given!

Han Xin was stunned and thought hard for a while before pointing to the third answer with trembling fingers.

Three hundred and seventy-one!

He chose three hundred and seventy-one!

Little Han Lu looked at her phone, waved her little fists in excitement, and shouted "Oh yeah"!

Da Hanlu shouted eagerly: "Sister-in-law, don't stop, keep asking questions."

Jiang Yue had already seen that he was in pain and knew that it was very difficult for him to raise his arms so high. He turned around and said, "Wait, let me change positions first."

"Sister-in-law, hurry up, my brother is looking at you!" Xiao Hanlu said eagerly.

Jiang Yue moved the chair aside and was about to lower the drawing board so that his hand would not have to be raised so high. The doctor who came after hearing the news suddenly said from behind: "Xiao Jiang, that's it, no need to adjust. He needs both now and then." Brain resuscitation also requires exercise!”

"But he seems to be in pain..."

"It doesn't matter. A mother who has just given birth has to get out of bed and walk around. He is so young and his heart and lungs have recovered relatively well. He will definitely be able to bear it. There will be no problem."

"All right."

Jiang Yue looked distressed and couldn't bear her boyfriend to suffer, but she had to listen to the doctor's words, so she could only grit her teeth and continue to ask the question: Can you hear us?

Han Xin could hear it yesterday and heard it clearly, insisting on pointing to "neng".

Jiang Yue became more and more confident about whether he could recover as before, and asked excitedly: "Then let me ask directly, if you heard it directly means knowing or not knowing, can or can't, okay?

Thinking that he couldn't speak, he quickly erased the previous question and quickly wrote the two options "good" and "bad".

From the day she regained consciousness yesterday to now, what exactly is she doing and busy with, how tired and sleepy she is these days, what is she even worried about, Han Xin can see it and hear it, feeling uncomfortable and apologetic. heart.

He would rather be in pain than let his girlfriend, who was already tired, sleepy and nervous and worried for so many days, write one more word and point to "ok" tremblingly.

This means hearing is restored too!

The doctor immediately took two steps back and held up two fingers.

Jiang Yue reacted suddenly, quickly erased "good" and "bad", wrote "can" and "can't", then held up the drawing board and asked: "Husband, can you see how many fingers the doctor raised?"

This time it was really a capsize in the gutter!

I was actually shot by a "dog farm", leaving me lying here like a cripple. Not only did I have to communicate with my girlfriend in such a useless way, but I even frightened my girlfriend, family and leading comrades.

Not to mention how depressed and guilty Han Xin was, she turned her gaze to the doctor and stared at it for a while, then looked at the drawing board held by her girlfriend and pointed at "can".

Jiang Yue quickly erased these two options and replaced them with three options: "two sticks", "three sticks" and "four sticks".

Han Xin did not disappoint her again and got the answer right again.

The mobile phone that was set up next to the bed to record the video suddenly heard the cheers of Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu.

Cheng Wenming and Director He quickly received the good news and rushed to the hospital with Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu. After listening to "Huang Yidao" and other treatment team members introduce the situation, they returned to the hotel to see Da Hanlu and Xiao Hanlu in front of them. Face to face, video chat with Mr. Han and Ge Sulan who are far away in Jiangcheng waiting for news.

"Mr. Han, Xiaoyue has already told you. I heard that she also asked you to video chat with Xiao Han. We just met with some doctors. They said that Xiao Han's consciousness is basically awake, and the test results this morning are also good."

"Did you check again this morning?" Mr. Han really didn't know about this.

Cheng Wenming lowered his head and glanced at Director He's cell phone, and said with a smile: "I had color ultrasound and X-ray done this morning. The color ultrasound showed that the heart structure is intact, the valves are well closed, there is no pericardial effusion, and the pulmonary blood flow is normal; the chest X-ray showed small Han’s left pleura was thickened and both lung fields were clear.”

Mr. Han clutched his phone tightly and asked, "So you are recovering well?"

"Well, the operation was successful and I recovered quickly."

Cheng Wenming smiled and continued: "Several directors said that the next step is to strengthen language training and physical function training. This mainly depends on Xiaoyue, and it also requires Xiaohan's cooperation."

Mr. Han has never been so happy and said excitedly: "He has regained consciousness. He will definitely cooperate. I will video chat with him later and have a good talk with him!"

"It's time to talk to him. What he needs most now is encouragement."

Cheng Wenming nodded slightly, then changed the topic: "Mr. Han, I need to discuss something with you. The conditions of the county hospital are not as good as those of large hospitals, and there are only a few intensive care units in total. Director Huang and others agreed Xiao Han is recovering well and there is no need to stay in the ICU anymore. We plan to transfer him to the veteran ward of the Department of Surgery."

The ICU that has been occupied for so many days cannot affect the treatment of other patients.

Director He was afraid that Mr. Han would disagree, so he couldn't help but add: "Mr. Han, the veteran ward is a single room and the environment is better than the intensive care unit. Although there are two beds in it, Director Huang said that no other patients will be arranged. .”

The trip to Nanyun a few days ago gave Mr. Han a great impression.

He used to only know how to make money, pay off debts, and then make more money to make more money... Economic construction has been done well, but spiritual civilization construction has not kept up, and ideological awareness needs to be improved.

My son has previously won first-class merit, two second-class merit, and third-class merit twice. He was also rated as an advanced individual in "pulling nails and chasing escapes" by the National Narcotics Control Office and the Narcotics Control Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security. He has made such great contributions to the country. After receiving so many honors, he, as a father, did not take it seriously, and even thought that honors could not be used as food.

In fact, honor cannot be eaten as food, but the honors and respect his son has won cannot be bought no matter how much money he spends!

I was too narrow-minded before, but now I have woken up.

No matter what you do from now on, you must stand higher and see farther!

Mr. Han has learned from the painful experience and has regarded "not causing trouble to the government" and "not causing trouble to the country" as the first rule of the Han family no matter what they do in the future. Even his father-in-law and mother-in-law deeply agree with this and have begun to review , start taking action.

For example, the owners of Ruyi Community started causing trouble again!

The district installed railings and an automatic parking charging system outside the community, and began charging cars parked in the circle of parking spaces outside the community.

The owners believe that it belongs to the community, and even if they receive the money, it should belong to all the owners. The resettled households in Laolinghai Village have always been the main force in rights protection. Jiang Ma had already joined in before.

But now is not the past. She cannot discredit her son-in-law or cause trouble to the government, so no matter what the old neighbors try to do, she is determined not to participate.

It is worth mentioning that if this power can be maintained, she will still be happy to see it succeed.

In short, the government cannot cause trouble!

As an advocate and practitioner of all this, how could Mr. Han disagree with the medical staff transferring Han Xin out of the intensive care unit? Not only did he agree, but he also offered to thank Director Huang and other lifesavers.


PS: I recommend a new book by a friend, titled "My Son is a God". Introduction: When I was a child, I thought the whole world would like me. When I grew up, I discovered that I was wrong. It was not the whole world, but the whole universe...

Just reading the introduction is very exciting and addictive. Brothers and sisters who are interested should not miss it~

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