Veteran new police officer

Chapter 516: Everything depends on money (2)

Anti-drug detachment, office of the deputy detachment leader.

Ren Zhongnian, who was on duty today, was about to go downstairs to the canteen to eat when Xiao Zhi suddenly called.

"Xiao Zhi, what's the matter?"

"Xiao Han called me just now and said that he planned to go back to the detachment in the afternoon to visit, but I am staying with the elderly in my hometown and won't be able to go back for a while."

"He's just a little better, why is he running around!"

Thinking of what Han Keng said on the phone just now, Xiao Yunbo couldn't help laughing and said: "He wants to talk to us about cooperation. You have a good talk with him in the afternoon. If he puts forward any conditions, as long as they don't violate the principles, you can satisfy them as much as possible. "

Ren Zhongnian was confused: "What kind of cooperation does he want to discuss with us?"

"you do not know?"

"I don't know anything. What's going on?"

Xiao Yunbo looked back behind him and explained with a smile: "Cheng Zhi is here. When he saw that Xiao Han was not adapting to the new work life, he thought of how the old detachment leader found work for him, so he came up with a trick. With the approval of the bureau leaders, Xiao Han will be allowed to join the newly recruited batch of auxiliary police officers..."

Ren Zhongnian figured out the whole story and couldn't help but think of the informant Li Gu from back then. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's interesting. I really found the right person to let Han Xin do this."

"And Zhang Yuhang just happened to be transferred to the Municipal Bureau again. Now he is the deputy director of the Municipal Bureau Office and the deputy director of the Intelligence Command Center. With the two golden signs of the Intelligence Command Center and the Intelligence Detachment, Han Xin has become famous."

"Where's Wang Yan? Does Wang Yan agree?"

"Wang Zhi will definitely support it. After all, the retention detachment also needs results."

While we were chatting, the doorbell rang.

Ren Zhongnian hung up the phone and walked over to open the security door, only to see Han Xin standing in the corridor with a silly grin.

"Hello Ren Zhi!"

"Xiao Zhi just called and said you were coming over. I thought you were coming in the afternoon. Why are you here so quickly? Have you eaten?"

"I just ate at the buffet at the detention management center."

"Then how did you get here?" Ren Zhongnian was not at ease and subconsciously walked out to look at the stairs.

Han Xin explained: "Xiaoyue drove me here. She is downstairs."

"Why don't you come up together?"

"Her classmate from the police academy is getting married today and is videotaping someone in the car. Leave her alone."

It is normal for young people not to want to play with their uncle. Ren Zhongnian did not ask Jiang Yue again, but patted his arm, looked at him with a smile and asked: "You are recovering well. Do you really remember me?"

Han Xin quickly said: "Really, I can't forget you if I forget anyone!"

"That's pretty much it. I guess you have a conscience."

Ren Zhongnian brought him into the office, sat down and asked with a smile: "Xiao Zhi said that you plan to talk to us about cooperation. Tell me, how do you want to cooperate?"

Returning to his old unit, Han Xin didn't have so many scruples and said carelessly: "Ren Zhi, I can provide outsourcing services for drug case clue collection to my old unit."

Ren Zhongnian was happy: "So we are Party A and you are Party B."

Han Xin laughed and said: "As long as he is rich, he is Party A's father to us."

Ren Zhongnian had never encountered such a funny thing. He walked over to open the file cabinet and found a reward announcement for clues to drug cases last year. He gently placed it in front of him: "No problem, just click on the reward above." How about the terms? You participated in formulating these terms when you were in the detachment."

Han Xin took one look and said without hesitation: "This won't work."

"Why not?"

"This is a reward for the whole society, for the masses to report clues. For the masses, if they find clues, make a phone call to report, and get some reward, it doesn't matter even if there is no reward. But we are different, we are full-time professional collectors Those who have intelligence clues rely on this to make a living."

Ren Zhongnian simply pretended to be dumbfounded: "So based on this standard, is the reward too high or too low?"

Han Xin said confidently: "It must be too low. People only report it when they have clues. We have to go out every day to help you find clues even if we don't have any clues. Can this be the same?"

"Xiao Han, it's not that I don't help, it's just that this matter is difficult to handle. Only with clues can we get money. Without clues, even if we have money in our account, we can't give it to you."

For fear that the young man would not believe it, Ren Zhongnian emphasized: "Where are the anti-drug funds spent? Not only the superiors have to audit, but even the Finance Bureau has entrusted an audit firm to audit us."

"I know."

"It's good to know, long live understanding."

“But we can work around it!”

"How to adapt?" Ren Zhongnian asked with a smile.

I came out to beg for alms today. My old workplace is the first stop in the afternoon. I will go to the Criminal Police Detachment later. If time permits, I will also go to the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center.

Han Xin was well prepared and said with excitement: "Our detachment has many auxiliary police officers. In addition to providing outsourcing services for collecting intelligence clues on drug cases, we can also provide outsourcing anti-drug publicity services, such as organizing several anti-drug publicity activities."

Ren Zhongnian looked at him with a smile and asked, "Is this okay?"

"Okay, I've seen the audit report of the Finance Bureau you just mentioned. In the first half of the year, our detachment also gave a lot of money to the Youth League Committee and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles, asking the Youth League Committee and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles to help with anti-drug propaganda. This money has to be spent anyway, to which unit? Not for you!”

"But there's a problem."

"what is the problem?"

"The Youth League Committee and the Federation of Literary and Art Circles are members of the Narcotics Control Committee, and they have to carry out anti-drug propaganda. Your detachment is not a member of the Narcotics Control Committee, and it doesn't even have an account. How can we ask the Finance Bureau to allocate this money to you?"

This is indeed a problem...

Han Xin thought for a while and asked with a smile: "Is the Discipline Inspection Commission a member of the Narcotics Control Commission?"

Ren Zhongnian nodded: "The Discipline Inspection Commission is."

"This is easy to handle. We can allocate the funds to the Commission for Discipline Inspection, and I will find a way to get the money out of the Commission for Discipline Inspection."

"You're so awesome, you actually have a way to get the Discipline Inspection Commission to help you cash out!"

"Our special service team is originally to serve the Discipline Inspection Commission, and the Discipline Inspection Commission must help with this task."

"I went back to ask Xiao Zhi, and Xiao Zhi said that if there is no problem, then there is no problem." Ren Zhongnian smiled and reminded: "You also have to make an agreement with the Discipline Inspection Commission and don't allocate the money when the time comes. , they won’t give it to you.”

Han Xin was confident: "The Discipline Inspection Commission doesn't have a big problem, and they don't like these three melons and two jujubes."

Secretary Guan cared so much about him, and with the help of Ma Mingyuan, the director of the Sixth Investigation and Investigation Office who tried his best to transfer him to the detention detachment, this problem was indeed not a big deal for him.

Ren Zhongnian believed that Xiao Zhi would definitely find a way to help him solve the "first pot of gold" for starting a business. After all, he helped earn a large part of the money for anti-drug accounting. He smiled and asked: "In addition to anti-drug publicity funds, , what else do you need from your mother’s family?”

"Ren Zhi, I won't be polite to you anymore. I need to borrow a car."

"The car is easy to handle, I can make the decision now."

"Thank you Renzhi."

"Don't thank me. As my parents, we should have given me a ride. Besides, you didn't ask for it in vain, but you cooperated with your parents. In the future, whenever you find clues about drug cases, remember to call me as soon as possible."

"It's necessary. You can rest assured that the money spent will definitely be worth it."

"I almost forgot, I haven't said much yet."

"I'm not greedy. Just give us whatever you gave to the Youth League committee in the past."

It seems to be 50,000 to 60,000, which is really not much if you think about it.

Thinking again about how the young man and "Crazy Cheng" helped the Bureau "make" millions in Nanyun this time, and half of those millions were given to the Criminal Police Detachment and the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center, Ren Zhongnian said with a half-smile. : "Tang Zhi will pay at least 100,000, and Director He will also pay 100,000. Go back and find them. This is what they owe you. Don't be embarrassed to ask!"

Really thinking about it, Han Xin grinned and said: "Understood, I'm not that thin-skinned, and I won't be polite to them."

It feels so good to help your old subordinates rip off others.

The more Ren Zhongnian thought about it, the more interesting he became, and continued: "They are different from us. We at least have the golden name of the Anti-Narcotics Office, and at least have a certain degree of autonomy in the use of funds. Although they have money in their accounts, they don't want to spend it. It can be spent, so you don’t have to ask for money, you can just ask them to find a way to help with reimbursement and invoicing.”

Han Xin nodded: "This is a good idea. We can reimburse them with invoices for the expenses we incurred in collecting intelligence clues, so as not to embarrass them."

"There are also the Chonggang Branch and the Development Zone Bureau. They have a lot of money. You can go talk to them. If you don't sponsor some funds, when the intelligence clues collected in their jurisdictions are collected, they will not be told and left to other units to investigate and deal with. You can even have the Intelligence Command Center investigate and deal with it directly to embarrass them!"

"This is a bit like a threat. Isn't it appropriate to do this? Besides, will people care about my threat?"

"That's the threat, they definitely care."

"Ren Zhi, I am also a hero and model after all. I can't act like a blackmailing evil force."

"It has nothing to do with whether you are a hero or a model."

"It doesn't matter why."

"It does have something to do with it, but it's more because you have a reputation for cheating! They can get away with it for free, as long as they're not afraid of being cheated."

Han Xin was made to laugh and cry: "What you said makes it sound like I like to deceive people and am professional in deceiving them!"

Ren Zhongnian laughed and said: "You kid is very cheating to begin with. If you throw your arms around, you will cheat on anyone who is stingy. Remember to call me when you are cheating and ask me to follow you, hahaha."

The intelligence command center is the "nerve center" of the municipal bureau. Not only does the 110 command station belong to the command center, but also the research room and so on.

No matter which unit makes an own mistake or makes a joke, as long as the command center knows about it, the bureau leaders will know about it soon!

Han Xin suddenly discovered that it was nice to have the big tree at the back of the intelligence command center. From now on, he could really "walk sideways" along the riverside. Who dared not give him face?

Rather than being a model who has to be a role model no matter what she does, Han Xin prefers to be a "Han trap".

Thinking that it had been a long time since I had cheated anyone, I couldn't help but laugh and said, "No problem, I'll cheat whenever I have the chance to see who gets unlucky first."

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