In the blink of an eye, it has been more than a week since Zhang Yuhang was working and researching, and he has basically figured out how to do the next work.

The Bureau Office is definitely the most important and most complex internal organization of the municipal bureau. It is also responsible for collecting, analyzing, researching and judging the city's public security work situation, and reporting relevant social conditions and public security information. It is also responsible for organizing, coordinating and assisting in handling major matters. There are as many as fourteen job responsibilities for major incidents and emergency services, adding up to seven to eight hundred words.

But in summary, he is responsible for the four major areas of the municipal bureau’s government operations, emergency command, scientific and technological support, and intelligence research and judgment.

It has a comprehensive department, a command and dispatch department, a secretarial department, an anti-terrorism department and a research department. It also has seven or eight brands such as the intelligence command center and the intelligence information detachment. It can be called the "command" and "staff department" of the municipal bureau. and "Operation Department."

Since Binjiang people are very honest and Binjiang's leaders are relatively conservative, many police system reforms are lagging behind in Binjiang. It is said that a police order department will be established on the basis of the bureau office like the Jiangcheng Public Security Bureau. However, this has little to do with Zhang Yuhang. After all, the director of the police department is at least the deputy director.

Counting his bureau, there are a total of three deputy directors. I heard that one of them is going to be promoted, but he hasn't left yet.

The party committee of the bureau did not explicitly ask him to preside over office work, but only asked him to be in charge of the general department and secretarial department, and to be responsible for the government affairs operation of the municipal bureau. To put it bluntly, he is the leader of the service bureau. In everyone's eyes, this is similar to presiding over the bureau's work.

But the name is not justified, at least the matter in Han Keng is a bit difficult to handle!

He didn't want to leave a bad impression on his colleagues that he wanted to seize power as soon as he arrived, and he couldn't go to Bureau Yang and Director Liu for such a trivial matter, so he took the opportunity of the meeting he just had to talk to Deputy Director Chen of the Intelligence Command Center...that is, The deputy director of the bureau office, who is in charge of command, dispatch and counter-terrorism work, chatted about his old subordinates.

"Old Chen, this morning I accompanied the department leaders along with Bureau Hangzhou and Director Liu to the police officer training center to inspect this year's new police training. I happened to meet Cheng Zhi and Han Xin, the retention detachment who had just been awarded the second-level hero model."

"Han Xin... Director Liu mentioned him to me last time. He seemed to be planning to ask him to help us train a few special agents, but where did the people come from? Where did the funds come from? How to manage it? He didn't say anything, and then nothing happened. Next.”

As the deputy director of the bureau office, Chen Changjun knows very well that what leaders say on some occasions only expresses an attitude. Sometimes it is not even an attitude, and is probably just perfunctory.

In fact, neither Director Yang nor Director Liu took "Crazy Cheng's" proposal seriously.

After all, the Municipal Bureau does have a need to cultivate the use of special circumstances, but this need is not urgent.

The social security is so good, there are very few organized crimes, and there are even fewer gangsters. When the crackdown on gangsters and evil is the most stringent, the specially established professional anti-crime team is living like a year. How can we fight against gangs if we can't find them?

The Linghai Branch busted a gang with an average age of over 70 years old and even published news and publicity in a hurry. As a result, it became a joke on the Internet and even made Binjiang a hot search topic!

There are also very few pornographic cases, and there are very few bathing, shampooing rooms, dance halls and other places now. Several drug cases have been solved in the past two years, and they are all major cases, but they were all carried out in other places.

Because of this, Zhang Yuhang also knew very well that the reason why Director Yang and Director Liu adopted "Crazy Cheng's" suggestion was not only to show their attitude, but also to let the "freshly released" heroes and models find something to do on their own. Anyway, as long as they wear police uniforms Yes, both formal police and auxiliary police can collect clues.

If the bureau leaders really took it seriously, there would be no need to go around looking for money.

Isn’t it just a few auxiliary police officers, and the leaders just flick their pens, and the funds will come!

But now "Crazy Cheng" and "Han Keng" are really serious about it. Not only are they looking for money everywhere, but they even plan to identify candidates for the special intelligence team, so they invite police officers from the public security, criminal investigation, anti-email fraud and other units to help train them. After all, there are many The auxiliary police officers involved in criminal cases do not understand how to allow the auxiliary police officers of the special intelligence unit to discover and collect intelligence clues.

In short, I can't take it seriously now.

Zhang Yuhang thought for a while, took out his notebook, flipped through it and said with a smile: "I chatted with Han Xin for a while, but I didn't expect that he would really choose special cases among the newly recruited auxiliary police officers, and with Cheng Zhi's support Next, we plan to organize special situation training."

Chen Changjun was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Does it have something to do with our command center?"

"It's relevant. He said that he will hold an opening ceremony after the personnel are confirmed, and he would like to invite you to attend."

"What am I going to do? I'm not familiar with him, and this matter has nothing to do with our command center. It's better for you to do it. After all, you are his old leader."

"But people think it has something to do with our command center." Zhang Yuhang put down his notebook with a look of helplessness.

Chen Changjun stared at him closely and asked, "Director Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

Zhang Yuhang said with a somewhat gloating smile: "Listen to what he and Cheng Zhi mean, Director Yang and Director Liu seem to have told them that after this special situation team is established, it will be an auxiliary force of the intelligence command center. It will follow your command and return." You lead.”

Although the intelligence command center is branded as an intelligence detachment, it is actually focused on command. As for intelligence, it mainly consists of big data and rarely goes out into the field.

Chen Changjun didn't think that a group of auxiliary police officers could be of much help, because each branch, especially each station, dispatched all auxiliary police officers. Now they are promoting "police grid plus police grid". What is most lacking now is intelligence clues, but what is most lacking is also intelligence. clue.

He thought about what Director Liu had said casually, and couldn't help but laugh: "Are you kidding me? They are all from the detention detachment and have no affiliation with our command center. How can I command and lead? "

Zhang Yuhang knew that he was afraid of trouble, and in fact it was quite troublesome.

After all, the special intelligence unit under preparation is all auxiliary police. If something happens, the leader will be held responsible.

However, there is no turning back once the bow is fired, so we must find a way to make this happen.

Zhang Yuhang sighed softly and said sympathetically: "The problem now is that Director Yang and Director Liu don't know what they told him. Not only did he take it seriously, he also found a way to get the funds by himself, and even got the city's approval. The support of the Discipline Inspection Commission, if we don’t take it seriously and turn a blind eye, it will mean that the bureau leaders will not keep their word.”

"It's true that Director Yang and Director Liu are just looking for trouble, aren't they?"

"You can't completely blame the bureau leader. Others don't know, but you know best. The leader really can't give in to certain people and things on certain occasions. He must express his position, at least not to dampen the work enthusiasm of the old and young generations of heroes. "

Heroes and models of two generations, old and young...this is a key word!

Chen Changjun took a deep breath and asked with a wry smile: "Then how do you think this should be done?"

Zhang Yuhang opened the drawer, took out a cigarette and handed one over: "There's nothing difficult about this, just let it take its own course."

"Why let nature take its course?"

"We already have the personnel, and they are in the detention detachment. The political review is stricter than other units. We really need to investigate the third generation. We don't have to worry about team management. The Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee is watching them every day. Wang Zhi and Liu Political Commissar are supervising the auxiliary police. The Bit Police Detachment must be strict in their management.”

Several bureau leaders do not smoke, and their main job now is to serve the leaders. Zhang Yuhang started quitting smoking the day he received the order to come to the city bureau. He suppressed his craving and helped Chen Changjun light up. He continued: "The salary and benefits of the detachment auxiliary police are not required. We are worried that they will figure out how to handle their own future funding, so we don’t have to worry about it. In the end, they just want a ‘status’, otherwise they will have no reputation.”

"Collecting intelligence clues under the guise of our command center?"

"Old Chen, I understand your concerns, but from another perspective, this is also a good thing that comes to your door. Think about it, if they can really achieve results, it will be the achievements of our command center!"

"If something goes wrong, we will help wipe it out!"

"Didn't I just say that we are all members of the detention detachment? The management of the Wang detachment is stricter than that of our command center. What mistakes can be made?"

Zhang Yuhang asked back, striking while the iron was hot and said: "If the detention detachment had the power to enforce the law, would they still come to us? Let's put it this way, if we don't want them, some units will."

Chen Changjun was doubtful: "Who wants it?"

Zhang Yuhang smiled and said: "Who doesn't want this good thing that comes to your door? If you don't believe it, we can make a bet. If you don't accept the invitation, don't attend their opening ceremony, and don't make your attitude clear, the Criminal Police Detachment, the Anti-Narcotics Detachment and the Anti-Electronic Fraud Center will definitely come. Hurry and get it!”

Chen Changjun didn't know much about Han Xin. He only knew that Han Xin was an anti-narcotics officer before and was later injured while participating in a special anti-email fraud operation organized by the Ministry of Public Security, but he knew "Crazy Cheng" very well.

Thinking that "Crazy Cheng" had been in charge of building surveillance and spy management in the criminal police detachment, and had investigated many major cases, he hesitated and said, "I don't have time today, and I won't be busy tomorrow. Let's go to the Police Officer Training Center tomorrow." "

"It's okay to go and take a look first. In short, we can't let the bureau leaders stand down because of this matter."

"Okay, that's it."

Chen Changjun put out his cigarette butt, stood up and walked to the door. After thinking about it, he turned back and asked, "Director Zhang, you just said that Han Xin found the funds by himself. Where did he get it?"

Zhang Yuhang opened his notebook again and turned to the page where he recorded yesterday. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "Although he is young, he has a very broad path. The Anti-Narcotics Detachment promised to give 60,000 yuan, which will be allocated directly from the Finance Bureau in the name of the Anti-Narcotics Office. 60,000 yuan of anti-drug propaganda funds will be given to the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, and the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection will find a way to cash them in."

"Are you kidding? This is misappropriation of anti-drug funds. The Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision will not supervise the investigation. How can you cash it out for them?"

"They also have a team and several brands. On the side of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission, they are the special service team of the retention detachment. They specialize in assisting the several review and investigation rooms of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission in handling cases."

"I'll go, this road is quite wild!"

"You just know."

Zhang Yuhang smiled and continued: "The criminal police detachment can't give them cash, but they promised to help them reimburse 100,000 yuan. I found that the telecom fraud center is very powerful, and actually promised to give them 60,000 yuan in anti-email fraud propaganda funds. The Chonggang branch is very adaptable. , even arranged for an auxiliary police officer to participate in their training and gave the police officer training center 20,000 training fees.

The Anti-Drug Brigade of the Development Zone Bureau sponsored 20,000 yuan, which was also anti-drug propaganda funds, and was also paid to the Discipline Inspection Commission. The Linghai branch was the most generous, sponsoring 50,000 yuan. Like the Chonggang branch, it also sent people for training and paid training fees. "

Chen Changjun couldn't believe this was true, and asked in surprise: "So it's already 310,000. He only has a few people under his command, and the salary is paid by the bureau. What does he need so much money for?"

"What he wants to set up is a special intelligence unit. His men are not ordinary auxiliary police officers. Their salary and remuneration cannot go up, and no matter how well they are trained, they cannot retain them. So in his words, if you work in the special intelligence unit for one year, you will not get enough salary." Less than 70,000.”

Zhang Yuhang closed his notebook and said with a smile: "He also wants to promote ideological and political education and team building. Next year will be the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party. We cannot always study party history. He plans to organize a detachment to go to the site of the National Congress of the Communist Party of China. Nanhu, Jinggangshan and other revolutionary holy places received spiritual baptism.

Although he is young, he is still an old party member and a hero. There is also an old hero as the "chief of staff". Do you think we need to worry about team building and team management? Maybe they are ahead of us in terms of political stance, hahaha. "

Chen Changjun understood. It turned out that the boy had just been awarded the second-level hero model and was ready to continue his efforts and achieve some results.

It is precisely because he is a hero and model, and he has the help of the old hero "Cheng Kuangzi", so "everyone carries the sedan chair". Not only are several detachments and branches very proud, but even the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision are very supportive. According to the commission, it is a special service unit "stationed" in the detention management center and serving the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission.

All in all, the boy has higher pursuits after receiving the honor. He probably wants to make further progress. His superiors now like to make some noise and make some highlights.

As for collecting intelligence clues about illegal crimes, that is secondary.

Chen Changjun could imagine that if they continued like this, even if they couldn't collect any clues themselves, their superiors would find ways to get the criminal police detachment, anti-narcotics detachment, anti-electronic fraud center and other units to help them get some results.

After all, they are heroes and models, and they are a brand of Binjiang Police. What the heroes and models want to do must be supported, and this is also good for the bureau.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but smile and said: "I understand, if we don't want this good thing delivered to our door, others will definitely want it. Instead of taking advantage of others, we might as well take this opportunity to show our faces."

Zhang Yuhang could tell from Chen Changjun's tone that Chen Changjun might have misunderstood.

But what his colleagues thought was not important. What was important was to get this done. He picked up his phone casually and said, "You must have Cheng Zhi's phone number. I'll push Han Xin's phone number and WeChat ID to You, you can contact him before you go."

"Okay, push it over."

Chen Changjun took out his cell phone and asked with a smile: "Would Wang Zhi and Political Commissar Liu have any objections to us accepting them?"

Zhang Yuhang raised his head: "The detention detachment will definitely not have any objections. They have no law enforcement power. If they don't cooperate with us, they have to cooperate with others. Anyway, we need to cooperate. With whom to cooperate is not cooperation?"

Chen Changjun reacted: "That's right, cooperating with the anti-drug detachment can only collect intelligence clues on drug cases, and cooperating with the criminal police detachment can only collect intelligence clues on criminal cases. Cooperating with us has a wider path. As long as clues are collected, no matter what the case is, Yes, they are all achievements!”

PS: My blood pressure is high today and my dizziness is severe. I only have one chapter. Please forgive me, book friends.

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