Veteran new police officer

Chapter 518 Who are the people chosen?

"Look right, look forward, and walk together!"

"One two one, one two one, raise your head and chest out, right, right, right, use your peripheral vision to look at the formations on both sides..."

The military training for the newly recruited police officers has ended early. The people walking in line on the training ground are all newly recruited auxiliary police officers. It can be seen that at least half of them are veterans, and their movements are very standard.

The instructors who organized the training knew, without asking, that they were from the special police detachment. They were wearing training uniforms and armed belts, standing in front of the queue and shouting commands.

Chen Changjun glanced curiously and found a small conference room on the second floor of the annex building with ease.

Unexpectedly, Liu Chunhui, political commissar of the detention detachment, was also there, sitting at the conference table studying a mountain of auxiliary police information.

"Director Chen, welcome."

"Political Commissar Liu, why are you here?"

Liu Chunhui shook hands with him, walked to the window and looked at the auxiliary policemen who were training below, and explained with a smile: "People are recruited by the bureau. The bureau leader asked us to pick first. There are few policemen in our detachment, so I can't come over." Who’s coming?”

Chen Changjun nodded: "The nature of your detachment's work is special, and the personnel must be politically reliable. You should be selected first."

Liu Chunhui asked him to sit down and said with a smile: "So the previous political review does not count. Once the personnel are confirmed, there will be another political review."

There are also many auxiliary police officers in the command center, and they have organized their own recruitment in the past.

Chen Changjun knows very well how difficult it is to recruit people now, and he knows that the previous "political review" only checked whether there was a criminal record. Only those auxiliary police who are determined to go to particularly important positions will obtain files, visit and inquire, and undergo very strict political review, just like conscription.

He sat down and took out cigarettes and handed one over: "Political Commissar Liu, how many do you want to pick this time?"


"Doesn't the package include special forces?"


"Has the candidate been confirmed?"

"Except for the special situation team, everything is basically confirmed." Liu Chunhui didn't rush to light up his cigarette and poured him a glass of water first.

Chen Changjun raised his lighter and helped him light his cigarette while curiously asking: "How many have been identified by the special intelligence team?"

Liu Chunhui lit a cigarette, picked up a stack of resumes, sat down and said with a smile: "After three days of selection, we have confirmed three. Director Chen, after the team is established, the training is completed, and it is put into actual combat, it will serve your intelligence command center. , please help us check it."

"What you said is that we are taking advantage of you." Chen Changjun smiled, took the resume and asked, "By the way, where is Xiao Han?"

Liu Chunhui pointed in the direction of the training ground: "We are organizing military training downstairs, and he is now a guest instructor."

"Where's Cheng Zhi?"

"I don't know if there was a meeting or some other activity at the Chonggang Branch in the morning. Each bureau leader was busier than the other and couldn't get away to attend, so I entrusted him to attend. I figured it would be time to come back."

"Crazy Cheng" has been a professional representative in recent years. Chen Changjun doesn't find it strange, but this has little to do with him, the deputy director in charge of the intelligence command center.

In the past, it was mainly coordinated by Director Liu of the Political Department who was also the director of the bureau office. Now it is Zhang Yuhang, who is in charge of the general department and secretarial department, who helps the bureau leaders invite "Crazy Cheng" to come out.

It is worth mentioning that asking is one thing, but whether "Crazy Cheng" is willing to go is another.

It depends on the mood of "Crazy Cheng". If he is not interested and unwilling to go, let alone Director Liu calling, even if Mayor Xu calls himself, it will be useless.

Thinking of some of the things discussed during the meeting more than a week ago, Chen Changjun suddenly discovered that "Crazy Cheng" still gave Zhang Yuhang a lot of face.

He has held quite frequent congresses in the past week or so, and has basically responded to all requests from Zhang Yuhang, the chief steward of the municipal bureau.

Could it be because Zhang Yuhang served as deputy director in Si Gang, the hometown of "Crazy Cheng", but Zhang Yuhang didn't work in Si Gang Public Security Bureau for a long time, so the two of them should have little intersection...

Chen Changjun felt very strange, but thinking of the purpose of this trip, he immediately looked through the resumes of the three special affairs that had just been determined.

At this time, a whistle came from outside.

Following the commander's order, the auxiliary police officers participating in the training were grouped into district teams and sat cross-legged on the lawn on the left side of the training ground to rest.

Liu Chunhui walked to the window and took a look. He took out his mobile phone and called Han Xin. The leader of the unit that was about to be "affiliated" was here. His nursing brigade captain and special intelligence unit captain had to come and ask his future "immediate boss" Okay, let me report on my work by the way.

Chen Changjun heard it clearly, but now his attention is on his resume.

Everyone is sure who the candidate is!

Is there nothing better or more suitable?

He simply put down the resumes of the three personnel he had identified and looked through the information of other auxiliary police officers.

As expected, there are many with better conditions in all aspects. You don't need to look carefully. Just close your eyes and pick out three resumes at random. They are all better than the three that have been determined.

Could it be a related household...

Just when he didn't know what to say, there were footsteps outside. When he looked back, a young man wearing training uniforms, an armed belt, and the rank of First Class Superintendent came in with a smile.

"Xiao Han, this is Director Chen from the Intelligence Command Center."

"Hello, Director Chen. Policeman Han Xin of the detention detachment is here to report. Please give me instructions."

"Han Da, there's no need to be so polite. How is your body recovering? It's no problem to be an instructor and organize military training for the auxiliary police."

No matter what, the young man is also a hero, not to mention that he is not only the captain of the brigade, but will soon be promoted to deputy department. Chen Changjun stood up and held Han Xin's hand tightly with a smile on his face.

This was his future "backer". Han Xin was also very humble and polite. After being polite, he sat down and reported on the preparations for the special intelligence unit.

"...It seems that we have raised a lot of funds, and several brother detachments and three branches are also very supportive of us, but what we need is money that can be sent to the special situation, so the 100,000 sponsored by the Criminal Police Detachment cannot be counted. .”

Han Xin talked eloquently, and Chen Changjun listened attentively.

Liu Chunhui was afraid that others would think that his subordinates were asking for money, so he quickly said: "Xiao Han, if there is a funding gap, don't worry. We will think of a solution later. We will definitely be able to solve it. Let's talk about the candidates first. In addition to the ones sent by Chonggang Branch and Linghai Branch Of the two for training, only three have been confirmed now, and I can’t wait too long, and I can’t divide one thing into two.”

Han Xin subconsciously asked: "Political commissar, you mean the political review?"

Liu Chunhui raised his head and said, "We don't have the final say when the political review will take place. It has to be arranged by the bureau. The Political Department called us this morning and asked us to hurry up and submit the list."

From the day when the auxiliary police officer came to the police officer training center to report, Han Xin began to observe quietly. He had been observing for several days. He didn't know how many times he had studied his resume. Thinking that there were only so many people in total, he couldn't observe anything. , simply pick up the roster.

"Huo Jianwei from the first squadron, Cao Xinghe and Huang Dong from the second squadron."

"That's only three."

"People are more valuable than finesse, and with the ones confirmed before, there are almost six."

"Okay, let me find out the resumes of these three people first."

The candidates for the special case have been determined, but these six people will go out to collect intelligence clues under the banner of the intelligence command center in the future!

Chen Changjun didn't want to shoot himself in the foot, so he couldn't help but pick up a resume: "Han Da, is this Zhao Hailin a bit old? He is already thirty-five this year. And judging from his resume, he has been engaged in many industries, including I have worked as a medical representative, opened a restaurant, sold insurance, worked in sales at a home textile company, studied car repair, and even worked for Didi.”

Liu Chunhui had had the same question before, so he just laughed and said nothing.

Han Xin smiled and asked: "Director Chen, are you worried that an 'old fritter' like him will not be easy to manage?"

"I'm not worried about being difficult to manage, but I think there should be someone with better conditions. Besides, he is in his thirties, has accomplished nothing, and has two children at home..."

"Having worked in many industries, from another perspective, I have rich social experience. As for being in your thirties, you have accomplished nothing, and the financial pressure on your family is relatively high. In my opinion, this is also an advantage."

Chen Changjun asked puzzledly: "What advantage?"

Han Xin explained: "He will cherish this job more than others, and in the selection process, the first thing we have to consider is whether we can retain the person after selection."

Liu Chunhui suddenly said: "Director Chen, the mobility of the auxiliary police is too great. I am deeply impressed by this. In less than a year since our detachment was established, more than twenty people have left."

Han Xin took over the conversation: "And after a few days of observation, or to be precise, through a few days of getting along, I found that Zhao Hailin is still good at dealing with people, and his personality is relatively cheerful. There are subjective reasons why he has accomplished nothing in his thirties. , but it’s more of an objective reason.”

"What objective reason?"

"He went to college and studied Chinese medicine, but it was really hard to find a job in this major, so after graduation he worked as a medical representative with a relatively corresponding major. In the medical representative industry, not making any money is not a bad thing. As for what happened later It’s normal to open a restaurant and lose money.”

He is 1.65 meters tall and weighs 78 kilograms. Looking at the fat headshot in the upper right corner of his resume, Chen Changjun really doesn't know how to evaluate him.

Considering that who to choose or not to choose was ultimately their business and he had no say in it, he simply picked up the second resume: "This Geng Wanyu has never been a soldier. Judging from the photo and height and weight, doesn't he look a little bit... He is thin and his eyesight is not very good.”

Han Xin knew that he would have questions. In fact, Political Commissar Liu had asked him before.

He took the resume and couldn't help but smile: "Director Chen, you must think I'm joking. Among the six candidates who have been selected, Geng Wanyu is the one I'm most optimistic about!"

"Most promising?"

"He is thin, wears glasses, and is elegant. Although he has just graduated from college and is not very old, he looks younger than his actual age. He changes into school uniform and looks like a teenage high school student. He carries a bag and gets a copy Resumes are for college students who have just left school and are looking for a job.”

"But he looks a little shy."

"He just looks introverted. In fact, the young man is very smart. He is very active during breaks in training and is even better at playing games. There are almost no games that he can't play that can be downloaded on our mobile phones. It's just... he's just like me. , is not very handsome, and no matter how he behaves, the newly recruited female auxiliary police officers are not very interested in him."

Liu Chunhui understood the principles of selecting people under his subordinates yesterday. He handed over the three resumes he had just found and said with a smile: "Director Chen, we are selecting for special circumstances, not security guards standing guard."

"Understood." Chen Changjun nodded, thought about it and asked: "But he is a college student at Han University. Aren't you afraid that he will resign because he thinks the salary is low while he is still working?"

Han Xin is confident: "I believe he will not resign, because a young man like him can only find a sense of accomplishment with us."


"He has wanted to be a soldier since he was a child, but because of his health and especially his eyesight, he failed to pass the test several times. He actually has leadership skills. He is the 'boss' in the game, and many RMB players who have paid for it have followed him. He messes around. I believe that in reality, he also needs recognition from others and a sense of accomplishment."

A fat man who looks down and out and a man who is addicted to games. Who are they chosen? But they sound reasonable.

Chen Changjun didn't want to look at the three resumes Liu Chunhui had just found, so he raised the last resume he had seen and asked, "Where's this Gong Zhiyong? Judging from his resume, his previous work background was a bit complicated."

When talking about this person, Han Xin was happy: "He served plates in a restaurant, worked as a waiter in a karaoke bar, and worked as a security guard in a bathing center. He also delivered takeaways in his spare time. He was previously engaged in the service and entertainment industries. This is an advantage for us.”

Chen Changjun nodded without comment, turned around and asked with a smile: "Political Commissar Liu, for a young man like this, the political review in your detachment may not be easy."

Liu Chunhui calmed down, leaned back in his chair and said with a smile: "Special circumstances are treated with special treatment. For the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee, Xiao Han chose auxiliary forces who can go out into the field, not auxiliary police officers who have to perform nursing tasks. I'll think of a solution, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Seeing the leader of the "affiliated" unit thoughtful, Han Xin couldn't help but say: "Actually, Gong Zhiyong has another advantage."

"What advantage?" Chen Changjun asked subconsciously.

"He is a local. His home has just been demolished. He received a cash compensation of more than 8 million yuan. He can also enjoy a preferential price when he buys a government-designated resettlement house. It is much cheaper than you and me."

"Is this also an advantage?"

"Of course, he is an only child. He now has a house, a car, and money. All he needs is something to do. And what we can give him is not only something to do, but also a sense of accomplishment that he doesn't have with anything else!"

What Chen Changjun dislikes the most is the auxiliary police officer whose family is rich.

There is a little girl at the 110 police reception desk. She drives a red Porsche sports car to work at the bureau every day, and she even parked it coolly in the middle of a row of police cars.

As a result, the former director, Mayor Zhang, who had just been investigated by the Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision some time ago, saw this and called him over to criticize him, saying that the impact was too bad.

It's really ironic when you think about it. The leader who thought it was a bad influence went in. That little girl is still working in the command center, and now she drives that Porsche into the bureau every day.

Just when he didn't know what to say, Liu Chunhui actually turned around and said with a smile: "Xiao Han, so Gong Zhiyong and you have something in common. You are both second generation, so we can definitely play together."

"I can't compare to him. His family was demolished in the urban area. How much compensation did I receive when my family was demolished..."

I came here today just to understand the situation and express my attitude. Chen Changjun didn't want to waste time and asked with a smile: "Political Commissar Liu, Han Da, when do you plan to hold the opening ceremony?"

Han Xin was stunned by the question. She looked back at Political Commissar Liu and said helplessly: "Director Chen, the opening ceremony must be held. After all, there will be no cohesion without a sense of ceremony, but the time cannot be determined yet."

"Isn't the candidate determined?"

"The candidate has been confirmed, but I would like to ask Director Yang to help me stand up." Han Xin smiled and said with an embarrassed look: "Secretary Guan of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection heard that we were going to hold an opening ceremony and planned to Let the leaders of the review and investigation room attend, so time will depend on the chance, and you have to wait until the leaders on both sides have time."

It got so big that even the Executive Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection paid so much attention to it!

Chen Changjun felt it was a bit exaggerated, and said with a half-smile: "Political Commissar Liu, if I remember correctly, on the day your detachment was established, it seemed that only the leaders of the Case Supervision and Management Office attended the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Committee."

There are only six students in total. Counting the two auxiliary policemen sent by Chonggang Branch and Linghai Branch for training, there are only eight students in total. And the total number of leaders attending the opening ceremony will probably be more than the students.

Liu Chunhui also felt it was a bit exaggerated and couldn't help laughing: "On the day our detachment was listed, the bureau leaders didn't have time, so they entrusted Cheng Zhi to go there. So... the opening ceremony of this special training class was indeed better than when our detachment was established. All high."

Han Xin also remembered that there were auxiliary police officers sent by the branch to participate in the training, and added: "I almost forgot that leaders from the Chonggang Branch and Linghai Branch may also participate."

The power of heroes and models is great!

Chen Changjun was completely convinced and couldn't help but ask: "Is there any leader from the sponsoring unit?"

"Oh, Director Chen, thank you for reminding me that people are sponsoring us, so it would be a bad idea not to invite them. I'll call them later and invite them first. Whether they have time to come and whether they want to come or not is their business. It's polite. Isn’t it strange that there are so many people?”

Seeing Han Xin's sudden realization, Chen Changjun was a little confused.

I originally thought I was the protagonist, but turned out to be just a supporting role among the supporting roles. I can imagine that on the opening day, I, the deputy director of the Intelligence Command Center, would not even have a chance to speak, and might even have to sit in the audience and applaud.

What are you doing? It's boring.

They have people, money, and leadership support, and basically have nothing to do with the intelligence command center.

Chen Changjun was a little depressed and didn't want to waste any more time: "Han Da, don't you need our command center to arrange two policemen to connect with you? I have also decided on the candidate over there. I will give you your mobile phone number and Push your WeChat ID to them and let them contact you.”

"Okay, thank you, Director Chen."

"You're welcome. You can't leave anyone in the command center. I sneaked out and I have to go back quickly. If anything happens, we'll call you."

"Okay, I'll give it to you."

"Don't send me off, stay. Political Commissar Liu, don't see me off either. Come and sit in our command center when you have time."

PS: I haven't been in good health these past two days, so I only have one chapter, brothers and sisters, please forgive me.

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