Veteran new police officer

Chapter 579 A sudden turn of events

In the early morning, Wang Yan rushed to the canteen of the detention center, said hello to Liu Chunhui, who was organizing the detachment auxiliary police officers to finish their exercise, washed her hands, and picked up the dinner plate to get food.

The breakfast is as sumptuous as ever, with four or five kinds of snacks, as well as milk and fruits.

She was eating, checking her phone, and replying to WeChat messages. She couldn't help but laugh as she ate.

Liu Chunhui asked curiously: "Wang Zhi, why are you laughing?"

"The ancestral graves of Han Xin's family have been dug up, and he needs to take a day off."

“What’s so funny about ancestral graves being dug up?”

"You'll know just by looking at it."

Wang Yan really didn't know how to explain it, so she simply handed over the phone.

Liu Chunhui looked through the chat history and couldn't help but laugh: "It turns out he is a Jinshi. No wonder Mr. Han has to come back overnight!"

Wang Yan took a sip of rice porridge, raised her head and said with a smile: "If experts prove that he is indeed an ancestor of his family, then his family is from a scholarly family, and he is the queen of a famous family."

Liu Chunhui muttered: "Han Shiju, I have never heard of such a famous official."

Wang Yan smiled and said: "Search online."


Liu Chunhui put down his chopsticks and searched online. After searching for a long time, he could not find any record of Han Shiju, a Jinshi, or even an official in the late Qing Dynasty like Han Shiju.

He knew very well what this meant to Mr. Han. He put down his phone and raised his head and smiled: "Wang Zhi, Mr. Han may be disappointed."

Wang Yan also knew that Mr. Han really wanted to have an ancestor who had been a Jinshi, a Hanlin scholar, and a high official. She covered her mouth and smiled and said: "Since the museum told him that he was a Jinshi, there should be no mistake. Maybe... maybe not very famous."

"Even if you are not famous, it is impossible that you have no records. The list of Jinshi in each subject will not be wrong. This can also be verified."

"Mr. Han and Xiao Han should be at the museum now. I'll make a call later to find out whether they are Jinshi or not."

"If it's true, it's worth celebrating and let him treat you when the time comes."

"You can have this, hahaha."

At the same time, Lan Doudou, who was far away in Jiangcheng, was also calling Yu Wenqiang to inquire about the latest progress of President Han's "recognition of ancestors and return to the clan".

Yu Wenqiang didn’t expect that she would ask this on the phone so early in the morning. He couldn’t help but laugh: “It turns out that the ones dug out are his ancestors. I wouldn’t even know if you didn’t tell me!”

"Have you seen the coffin?"

"I've seen it before. We even went to the construction site to maintain order."

"So there are really cultural relics?"

"It's just a coffin and a stele. The coffin is very waterproof and has not rotted very much. As for whether the stele is a cultural relic or not, I don't know." Yu Wenqiang did not expect such a coincidence, and smiled: " If I had known it was his grandfather, I could have called him on the spot and told him. There was no need for the museum to go around a long way and notify his family through the community."

Lan Doudou thought she heard wrongly and asked subconsciously: "There is only one monument on Jinshi's tomb?"

Yu Wenqiang thought about the situation at the scene and confirmed: "It's just a coffin and a monument. They are well protected and have not been damaged. If it hadn't been for the monument, the construction unit would definitely not have called 110, and we would not have informed the museum. It would have been long ago It will be treated as an ownerless grave."

Lan Doudou chuckled and said: "Fortunately there is a monument, otherwise you would not even know that you destroyed the ancestral graves of the scammers."

"Who knew it was his family's ancestral tomb? Besides, it doesn't look like a tomb with archaeological value."

"There's nothing of archaeological value, it's the tomb of a Jinshi scholar."

"Has there ever been a Jinshi from Linghai? How come I haven't heard of it?"

"I...I haven't heard of it either. My dad is very knowledgeable about the history of Linghai. I heard him say that he never even held the title of Juren."

"Then where did the Han Keng family's Jinshi come from?"

"How do I know this? I'll go to work first and call later to ask."

The ancestor of the old Han family has a Jinshi, which is definitely a big event for little Han Lu who is far away in Yanyang, and it is also something to be very, very proud of!

I got up early in the morning to start a video chat with my mom, let her broadcast live, and even prepared to post it on WeChat Moments.

Grandpa Gu has never encountered such a funny thing. He did not go out to volunteer today. He sat in the living room with his wife and watched the "archaeological site" through the video to see how the old Han family recognized their ancestors.

In fact, it was not just the Han family who came to the museum early in the morning, Comrade Lao Jiang and Mother Jiang also came. Taking the yellow paper incense candles I bought early in the morning, I was ready to find a place to set them up and let Mr. Han lead the whole family to worship their ancestors.

I thought I would see archaeologists, but the only people receiving the crowd were Director Cui and the old director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau and a few retired senior cadres.

After Curator Cui's introduction, everyone realized that these veteran cadres were all seniors who cared very much about the history and culture of Linghai. They were not very professional, but their expertise covered a wide range, from archeology to collecting and sorting out folk legends and songs.

Han Xin realized that this was an amateur team and could not provide the official certification that Mr. Han needed.

The ancestor's bones have been taken out of the coffin. They are not white, but black. The coffin boards collapsed due to rot after the coffin was opened, making it difficult to put them back together.

Curator Cui pointed to the "cultural relics" that had been put on display in the glass showcase and introduced with a smile: "Mr. Han, we have screened a total of seven valuable funerary objects, including official uniforms, official hats, court beads, glasses, jades, Although the jade ring finger and folding fan have been preserved for hundreds of years, they are well preserved. After research and decision by superiors, they will be temporarily kept by our museum."

You can tell at a glance that it's worthless, so it doesn't matter if I give it to you.

Han Xin and Jiang Yue looked at each other and continued walking forward with Director Cui, Mr. Han and others.

Mr. Han didn't care about those "cultural relics", he only cared about the identity of his ancestors. He looked at a stone tablet displayed in the display case and asked, "Director Cui, Director Zhang, is this the tombstone?"

"This is not a tombstone. The tombstone should be exposed above the ground and should be seen."

"Then what is this?"

"This is what we often call an epitaph. The front is the epitaph and the back is the epitaph."

As soon as Director Cui finished speaking, the old director of the Cultural Affairs Bureau explained in detail: "The epitaph records the life of the deceased, and the tombstone is a summary and evaluation of the life of the deceased. Although our Linghai has a long history, we discovered that in the Qing Dynasty This is the first time for an official tomb.

Compared with those grave objects, this epitaph is a real cultural relic. It has important archaeological value and precious historical value. It should be properly preserved and used as a valuable historical material for our research on the Qing history of Linghai. "

Although the lights were on in the showcase, the writing was blurry and all were in traditional Chinese.

Mr. Han looked at it for a long time and could only vaguely make out the words "Sui Jinshi Candidate Han Gong's Epitaph for Confucian Instruction". He turned around and asked with a smile: "Director Zhang, it says that my ancestor was Sui Jinshi. Sui means Nian." Didn't I miss a few characters and forget which year my ancestor was a Jinshi?"

The gray-haired old director was stunned, then he held his glasses and said, "Mr. Han, you may have misunderstood. Sui Jinshi is not the kind of Jinshi we thought."

Mr. Han asked: "What kind of Jinshi is that?"

The old director organized his language and explained with a smile: "Sui Jinshi is not a Jinshi in the imperial examination, but an elegant name for 'Sui Gong Sheng'. The so-called Sui Gong refers to the Qing Dynasty's collection of contributions from various prefectures, prefectures, and Among the scholars in the county, those with the best grades or qualifications were selected to study in the Imperial College in the capital. Later, the selection criteria changed. Regardless of whether they were excellent or not, seniority was usually determined by seniority, so there were also seniority rankings. "Gong'."

It turned out that he was not a Jinshi, but a Gongsheng student who was slightly better than a scholar...

Mr. Han was extremely disappointed that his ancestor would see the light of day again after a hundred years, but he couldn't show it. He hesitated and couldn't help but ask: "What about the candidates for training? What kind of official is this?"

After studying the history of Linghai for so many years, someone is finally willing to listen to me.

The old director was very happy and explained with gestures: "A scholar who pays tribute is equivalent to graduating from a prefectural, prefecture or county school and becoming a supervisor of the Imperial College, which means he is qualified to serve as an official. As a rule, you can only do A "candidate for Confucian teaching" is a candidate for the deputy academic officer of the state or county school.

However, the vast majority of 'candidate training' are just fictitious titles that are difficult to teach and cannot be compared with the Jinshi who fought with real swords and guns in the imperial examination. Judging from the epitaph, it is true that your ancestors never held official positions. "

"If you've never been an official, how can you wear official uniforms?"

"It is equivalent to a virtual title, and it also has grades, either from the seventh grade to the eighth grade. If it can be taught in practice, it will be equivalent to the current deputy director of the Education Bureau."

I originally thought I was a Jinshi, but turned out to be just a Gongsheng, and I had never really been an official.

Mr. Han was extremely disappointed, and he really hated his grandfather's grandfather so much.

Han Xin never thought that she needed her ancestors to improve her family's social status. She would not be disappointed if she had no expectations. She wanted to laugh but didn't dare to smile in front of her father, so she simply put on the mask she took off when she came in.

Jiang Yue also knew that Mr. Han was disappointed and wanted to laugh, but she knew more clearly that now was not the time to laugh, so she quickly changed the subject: "Zhang Ju, what is written on the epitaph? It is densely packed, all in traditional Chinese characters, not even a punctuation mark. None, we can’t understand.”

"We made several copies. We studied it for two days and translated part of it. I will read it for you."

The old director took out his notebook from his pocket, adjusted his glasses, and read in a measured tone: "The reign of Emperor Mu of the Qing Dynasty changed to the Yuan Dynasty, and the maritime ban was relaxed. The negotiations between China and foreign countries were complicated and difficult. The capital of the General Administration was established, and the ministers were appointed to expand the territory. Open the library, name it Tongwen, recruit talented people, and recruit students from the Hanlin Academy. They will teach five languages: English, French, German, Austrian, and Russian..."

Han Xin roughly understood that the Qing Dynasty established the Tongwen Museum, but what did this have to do with the ancestors of the old Han family.

He was looking at the epitaph when the old director suddenly shook his head and read in a cadence: "The official name of the emperor is Yushan, and he is from the Han family in Ba County. He is a disciple of a weak official, and is given excellent food. He is selected into the Tongwen Hall and shares the English, Arithmetic. The king's equipment is lofty, his character is extraordinary, and his energy is extraordinary. He attacks both China and the West in the palace, and his achievements are great...

It's a pity that I'm getting older, and I have been hampered by personnel and things, and have been tossed around and delayed, and even fallen into disuse, with frequent separations and reunions. The wind and rain are dim, and I often think about the gentleman. After thirty years of accumulation, I have become poor and old, and you have passed away. Don't take it with you, but if you take it away, you will be in trouble. However, Ru Jun has already accomplished what he has learned, but he only taught in the academy and did not reach the middle age. Oh, what a shame! "

The following words were so profound that Han Xin couldn't understand a single word.

Jiang Yue's literary proficiency was much better than his, but she sounded confused and asked curiously: "Director Zhang, you just mentioned the Han family in Ba County. Where is Ba County? Are you mistaken? Could it be that Director Han Xun is an ancestor of our family?"

"There should be no mistake."

The old director put down his notebook and said with a smile: "Do you know who wrote this epitaph?"

Mr. Han subconsciously asked: "Who?"

"We checked the state and county annals and researched a lot of historical materials and found that this epitaph was written by the dean of Fengshan Academy. Your ancestors were indeed from Ba County, Xichuan, and their hometown was in what is now Shancheng City. But since then Judging from the epitaph, he came from a scholarly family, not only went to the Tongwen Hall in the capital to study Western learning, but he was also a filial son."

"A filial son?"

"His father, your ancestor Han Xiufeng, is relatively famous in history. In the 27th year of Daoguang's reign, he was the supervisor of students, and in the 7th year of Xianfeng's reign, he was awarded the title of Juren. From inspection to second-rank official, because he was implicated by Sushun, He was dismissed and returned to his hometown, which is recorded in "Guangxu Ba County Chronicles Talents"."

A second-grade officer!

What a twist.

Mr. Han was overjoyed and asked eagerly: "It turns out that my family's ancestral home is in Shancheng, so how did this ancestor come to Linghai from Ba County?"

"Han Shiju was born to Han Xiufeng's concubine. The epitaph clearly states that his biological mother is from our area. After Han Xiufeng died, his mother missed her hometown very much, so he accompanied her all the way back to the mausoleum. ocean."

"and after?"

"His mother came back to live for two years and died of illness, so he sent her mother's body all the way back to Ba County to be buried with his father. During the two years he spent with his old mother in our Linghai, he made many friends in Linghai. , his mother even took the initiative and arranged a marriage for him, so he came back later, and this is how your branch was reproduced."

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