Veteran new police officer

Chapter 580 The History of the Han Family

Compared with his unpromising ancestor Han Shiju, Mr. Han was more interested in his ancestor who had been a second-grade official. In fact, Han Xin was also curious about how his ancestor could become such a high official.

The old director did not disappoint the Han family because they were organized and established an association called Jianghai Culture Research Association more than ten years ago.

The members are all veteran cadres of the Linghai propaganda and culture system. The "office" is in the Veteran Cadres Bureau, and they have studied almost all the history and culture that Linghai can study.

In the past few years, it was purely for self-entertainment. In the past two years, the superiors have wanted to create a culturally strong city and invested in the construction of high-end libraries, museums and cultural and art centers. Hard power cannot be achieved without soft power. They can finally flex their muscles. Discover all the history and culture that can be discovered, and help the district tell the story of Linghai well.

In short, from the moment the coffins and epitaphs of the ancestors of the Han family were accidentally dug up, the Jianghai Culture Research Association began to carry out comprehensive research.

Considering that the exhibition hall was not a place for talking, Director Cui and Director Zhang invited everyone to the conference room on the third floor. While asking the museum staff to help play the PPT, they introduced the results of their research and verification in detail.

"Mr. Han, this historical material comes from Volume 182 of "Manuscripts of Qing History: Biography"."

The old director took a sip of tea, looked at the projection and smiled: "Han Xiufeng, whose courtesy name is Zhixing, was born in Ba County, Xichuan. He became an official through donations and went out to inspect Taizhou. He made the most contribution in preventing Guangdong bandits in the battle of Wanfu Bridge. He was promoted to Deputy of the Huaihe and Huaihe Transport Department, concurrently informed by Songjiang Prefecture, Supervisor of Jiangguang Customs, and informed by Yongding River Channel, given the title of Segubatulu."

The ancestors are so powerful, this is a true and true name that will go down in history!

Mr. Han was afraid that he would not be able to see it if he left here, so he quickly raised his mobile phone to take pictures.

Han Xin thought that if you can find it online, I can find it too. She didn't rush to take photos like her father, father-in-law, and mother-in-law. Instead, she asked curiously: "Bureau Zhang, what does it mean to donate money to become an official?"

This question is on point, and it's not a very honorable thing to do.

The old director wanted to save some face for the Han family, but he thought that as the president of the research association, he must be academically rigorous, so he hesitated and explained: "Donating to be an official means donating to be an official."

"Donate an official?" Han Xin asked.

Jiang Yue quickly pulled his arm: "Our ancestors bought this official position with money, not through the imperial examination."

Han Xin didn't even go to high school. She spent most of her time in junior high school playing games and didn't really have any research on history. She asked in surprise: "That's okay. Can I buy an official position with money?"

Director Cui couldn't help laughing and said: "Yes, it was legal at that time. There are scenes like this in movies and TV shows. How many taels of silver can you buy a magistrate? How many taels of silver can you buy a magistrate? How many taels of silver can you buy a Taoist platform? The price is clearly marked , Children and old men are not deceived."

If you want to be an official, why don't you take the exam and have to spend money to buy it? How embarrassing is this to say...

Mr. Han felt that he could not post to Moments for the time being, so he coughed dryly: "Director Zhang, please continue."

"Oh well."

The old director looked at the projection and continued: "Later, he was recommended by the Minister of Military and Aircraft Wen Qing: 'Xiu Feng has courage and strategy, and when he was stationed at Jianghai Customs, the foreigners were afraid of submission.' He was specially summoned to Beijing, moved to the General Affairs Department for consultation, and the military aircraft Zhang Jing went to Beijing for additional travel.

In the fifth year of Xianfeng's reign, his father returned home worried and served as emperor.

When the Guizhou bandits were in trouble, Sushun asked Xiufeng to supervise the group training in the countryside because he had a strategy. In November, things were decided in eastern Sichuan. Those who had made great contributions to the suppression campaign would be given the title of Taoist officer and be rewarded with wearing a yellow mantle.

In the sixth year, he was transferred to Beihu, led the brave soldiers to attack the Han Wuyue bandits, guarded Luxiang, broke the stone to rescue the bandits, all of which were the most successful, stole the love and entered the capital, and moved to the Shaoqing of Taipu Temple, the Qing of Fengchenyuan, the Qing of Shangsiyuan... …

In the 10th year of Xianfeng's reign, he went to Bali Bridge to prevent the blockage and killed and injured more than 80 barbarian soldiers. He was awarded a second-grade top belt and the title of minister of the Ministry of War, and escorted the northern hunter. Daxing Emperor Bintian took a concubine in Xiufeng. He was found guilty and returned to his hometown. He died in the countryside and worshiped the local sages. "

Although it is also written in classical Chinese, it is easier to understand than the epitaph.

Mr. Han probably understood the life story of his ancestor and couldn't help but sigh: "It turns out that my ancestor became the minister of the Ministry of War, which is equivalent to the current deputy minister of defense. He is also qualified to wear a yellow jacket."

It seems that the Han family has little research on history. The old director thought it was necessary to explain it. He took off his glasses and said with a smile: "Mr. Han, your ancestor was the Minister of the Ministry of War at that time, not the Minister of the Ministry of War. This is somewhat equivalent to today's He was a high-ranking official, and his actual position at that time was still the minister of the Shangsi Academy."

"What does Shangsi Yuanqing do?"

"The Minister of Shangsiyuan is the chief official of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, responsible for the administration of horses and the provision of horses for the emperor and the inner court."

Han Xin said out of nowhere: "Bima Wen."

The son was too ungrateful. Mr. Han quickly coughed and asked, "What about Mr. Fengchen Yuan?"

"He is also an official in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, in charge of the royal gardens. Zhongnanhai now will be under the control of our ancestors at that time."

"Where is the young minister Taipusi?"

"Those who are in charge of horse administration, but not everyone can hold these official positions. For example, the Shaoqing of Taipusi, commonly known as Xiaojiuqing, is qualified to participate in the affairs of the court. Another example is Fenchenyuanqing and Shangsiyuanqing. Ministers are usually held by nobles from Manchu and Mongolia. They were born in Lingzu, and they are neither Jinshi nor Hanlin. It is very difficult to be a second-rank official."

The old deputy director of the Propaganda Department, who had been retired for an unknown number of years, took over the conversation and said with a half-smile: "Mr. Han, although your ancestor has never been a chief official like a county magistrate, magistrate, or Taotai, he has done everything with real power. A well-oiled official."

"Minister Ji, I don't understand this very well. Can you explain it to us?"

"no problem."

The old minister put down his teacup and said with a smile: "The inspections we did in the earliest days were somewhat equivalent to the current police station chief, but the jurisdiction was much larger than the current police station. Zhou Tong was an assistant official, and the ancients jokingly called him the shaking master. He had no real power. But within a few days of being in charge of this post, he won military honors for fighting against the Taiping Army and was promoted to the deputy of the Lianghuai Transport Department. Although this official position is also a second-in-command officer, it is very lucrative."

"What kind of official is the deputy of Lianghuai Yun?"

"The deputy envoy of the Lianghuai Salt Transport Envoy Department, also known as the Salt Official."

The old minister smiled and continued: "The supervision of Jiang Customs is also great, equivalent to the current Commissioner of Donghai Customs. Considering the system at that time, its actual power is greater than the current Commissioner of Customs."

The old director couldn't help but laugh and said: "It's even more serious when it comes to General Affairs Councilor and Military Aircraft Zhang Jing. General Affairs Councilor is usually held by Jinshi Hanlin, and Military Aircraft Zhang Jing is known as a small military aircraft. He has to be assigned to the Military Aircraft Department, which is quite a big deal. To the current staff of the General Office of the CPC Central Committee and the General Office of the State Council!"

Mr. Han was happy, clapped his thigh and said with a smile: "No wonder our ancestors have achieved such great success. It turns out that they have both local work experience and central work experience. They have also led troops to fight in wars and have military merits."

"Military merit is the key point. Baturu is equivalent to the highest-level honorary title. It is usually awarded to military attachés. Your ancestor is a civilian official. It is not easy to obtain such an honor."

"It's a pity that he was dismissed from office for taking concubines."

"Accompanying a king is like accompanying a tiger. Judging from the biographies, the relationship between Lingzu and Sushun was unusual. It was also very difficult for him to escape unscathed after Sushun's death. As for the matter of taking concubines, I think he should be in Self-defeat, Zeng Guofan was so wise in protecting himself back then."

Mr. Han hurriedly said: "It's possible. His official position is so high that it is impossible for him to make such a low-level mistake as taking a concubine after the emperor's death."

The reputation of the ancestor is more important than anything else. People must not let people think that the ancestor of the Han family is a lecher. Han Xin nodded slightly in agreement.

Minister Ji gestured to the staff to continue playing the PPT and said with a smile: "Why was Ling Zu dismissed from office? In fact, there is another version in Ba County Chronicles. Mr. Han, look at this, this is the historical data we just checked last night."

When I looked up, I saw that it was also the life of my ancestor, but it was much more detailed.

Han Gong Xiufeng, named Zhixing, was born in Ba County, Xichuan. He was a supervisor in the 27th year of Daoguang's reign. In the first year of Xianfeng, he went to Beijing to submit his confession. He went out to inspect Taizhou and was stationed in Linghai to observe the people's sentiments, train local braves, catch thieves, and interrogate thieves. If you are a traitor, you will stay at night. The place will be safe and blocked, and the people will be safe and have no rest.

Three years later, the Guangdong bandits fell into Yangzhou, and Taizhou was in danger. Han Gong was worried about the country, so he cultivated military force to contain the rogue bandits, and accumulated reserves to prepare for severe famines. He led the acting state tong to attack the bandits bravely, and won at every turn, and Tongtai was protected. For his first achievement, he was awarded a lotus bag, a fifth-grade headband, and was promoted to deputy envoy of the Lianghuai Salt Transportation Department.

In August, there will be chaos in heaven and earth, the East China Sea will fall, and Duke Han will be ordered to face danger...

From fighting against the salt lords, to fighting against the Taiping Army, fighting against the Xiao Dao Hui in the East China Sea, to fighting against the Eight-Nation Allied Forces at Bali Bridge, and then after resigning from office and returning to his hometown, he organized a training regiment to help the court break stones. One by one, Han Xin suddenly discovered that his ancestors were doing this official work. It was not easy, it could be said that he had to fight his way out of a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood.

The Taiping Army and the Xiaodao Society were peasant uprisings that our ancestors helped the Qing government suppress. They were politically incorrect and even reactionary, but some of the things they did later were remarkable.

Together with Xue Huan, the former minister of the Ministry of Industry who resigned and returned to his hometown, he and fifteen officials and gentry in the province wrote to Sichuan Governor Wu Tang and Sichuan Academic Affairs Zhang Zhidong to build a new academy. They received the support of Zhang Zhidong and the Qing government It was approved and named Zunjing Academy, which is the main historical source of Nishikawa University.

In other words, the ancestor of the Han family was one of the founders of Xichuan University!

Judging from the records of Ba County Chronicle, the ancestor gave birth to three sons. The eldest, Han Shichang, was admitted to the Juren Examination and became a disciple of Zhang Zhidong. He went abroad as a diplomat and later assisted Zhang Zhidong in pursuing foreign affairs in Beihu. ;

The second eldest son, Han Shilu, was admitted as a scholar, and later went to Shandong to work as Ding Baozhen's staff. Later, he donated an official position and served as a prefect under Ding Baozhen's recommendation.

Han Shiju, who had always been thought to be the least promising, was actually the least carefree of the ancestor's three sons, and the one most worthy of admiration by future generations.

At the age of fourteen, he entered the Zunjing Academy, which aims to cultivate "learned scholars and practical talents." He was recommended to the Tongwen Hall of the Capital for further study because of his mastery of Chinese and Western knowledge.

Song Yuren, known as "the first person to see the world with open eyes" in Xichuan, was his classmate at Zunjing Academy, and Liao Ping, the proposer of the "restructuring through ancient times" theory of the 1898 Reform Movement, was also his classmate at Zunjing Academy.

Yang Rui, one of the "Six Gentlemen of 1898" who died heroically because of the reform movement, was also his classmate and friend at Zunjing Academy.

He was well versed in both Chinese and Western studies, and his family had connections like Zhang Zhidong and Ding Baozhen. However, instead of becoming an official, he traveled all the way to Linghai, which was a corner of the country at that time.

Judging from the historical materials collected by the Jianghai Research Association, it was entirely because he participated in the "Bus Letter" and followed Kang Youwei, Liang Qichao, and Tan Sitong to carry out reforms. After the failure, he could only run to the place where the old man once served as an official to avoid trouble.

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