Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 514: No life, no dead, no corpse

   Chapter 514

  Farming came very fast.

   Only one day has passed, and the village chief announced the harvest.

   Even Ruan Tang went down to the ground.

  Tang Hongxiu didn't want her to go, but seeing her insistence, she had no choice but to agree.

  When farming is busy, the whole village is busy.

  The men and most of the women in the village wore the coarse clothes they usually wear for work, stood in the fields with scythes, bent over and kept reaping.

   Then, another special person took the harvested crops to the threshing floor, threw them, and spread them out to dry.

   Almost everyone is very busy.

   Even some children carry small baskets and keep shuttle in the fields, picking up ears of wheat.

   Very few people stay at home to watch and cook.

   For example, Ji Wanying stayed at home to cook.

   She is still severely disfigured, and even wearing a mask, she still looks very scary.

   Instead of letting her go out and being scorned and despised by the villagers, it is better to stay at home and cook.


   On the threshing floor, mostly women are responsible for threshing.

  Where there are women, there is gossip.

   Everyone belongs to the same village, and basically everyone knows each other.

   So take a look around, and know who came and who didn't.

   Not many people know that Ji Wanying lives in Ruan's house, so no one talks about her.

   It was the two women of the Wang family who became the focus of discussion.

   Several women were chatting sourly while they were busy.

   "Today is busy with farming, and Li Chunlan didn't come out. She's really lazy!"

   "When did she stop being lazy? I can only blame her for having a good life, marrying Wang Lao Er, and she doesn't have to do anything at home all day, anyway, someone will serve you."

   "That's right, Sun Ximei was serving her in the past, but now Wang Zhaodi is serving her, so she is happy."

   "By the way, Sun Ximei's belly is already eight months old, right? I don't know if this baby will be born safely."

   "It's hard to say, how many times has she given birth, and which time did she feed?"

   "So, this person can't do evil. Look at her, if she didn't do evil, how could she have suffered for more than ten years?"

   "That's right, she was that..."

   As soon as he said this, someone suddenly coughed heavily: "Cough! What are you talking about? Are you free? Hurry up and work!"

   Seeing that she was the daughter-in-law of the village chief, they didn't dare to talk about Sun Ximei anymore.

   In fact, Sun Ximei gave birth to a second child, which is not a secret in the village.

   Later, that Erya suddenly disappeared, how could everyone not know the reason?

   It’s just that the child was born without a person and died without a corpse. After all, it’s not a good thing.

   It was chaos again, who knows what happened to that child?

   Once this kind of thing spreads, it's a big scandal. When the time comes to know about it, maybe even the village chief will be held accountable.

  The village chief's wife certainly doesn't want people to talk about it.

   After a few talking women were warned by her, they didn't dare to talk any more, and continued to work in silence.

   But what they didn't know was that Li Chunlan didn't go out this time, not because she wanted to be lazy.

   It is purely because she has been so vacant recently, not only her head is dizzy, but her body is also limp and lacking in strength.

  Where can I go out to work?

   So she and Sun Ximei stayed in the Wang family.

   At this time, the Wang family was not at peace.

  Sun Ximei has been thinking about the red rope that was taken away by Li Chunlan, but when Li Chunlan went back that day, she said that the red rope had been lost, and Sun Ximei was stopped by Wang Debao, and there was no way to take her.

   Later, she was locked in the house and could not get out.

   It was not until today that the farming was busy and everyone from the Wang family went out, so she had a chance.

   (end of this chapter)

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