Chapter 515 Something Happened

   In the farmland, Ruan Tang was wearing a straw hat and facing the sun, waving a sickle and busy cutting wheat.

  Xie Ci was standing on her right, almost head-to-head with her.

   Ruan Mingcheng and Ruan Mingli were also nearby, but they were not as fast as Ruan Tang and Xie Ci, and were far behind.

   Ruan Tang was mowing wheat when she suddenly heard a woman's shrill cry from a distance—

   "Help! Sun Ximei has an accident!"

   She straightened up abruptly and turned her head to look in the direction of the voice.

   But there was nothing unusual about the others around him, obviously they didn't hear the sound.

   Also, that person is still far away, they probably haven’t heard it yet.

   Ruan Tang immediately looked at Xie Ci: "Xie Ci, did you hear it too?"

  Xieci nodded, but his face was indifferent: "Something happened to Sun Ximei."

   Ruan Tang didn't pay attention, because she was thinking about Sun Ximei now.

  Sun Ximei actually had an accident at this time, she felt that something was wrong.

   She was carrying a stillbirth, but it shouldn't have happened so soon.

   What happened?

   Ruan Tang couldn't help but care.

   At this time, the voice had come over, and everyone nearby heard it.

   Someone said to Wang Debao: "Wang Debao, it seems that someone said something happened to your mother-in-law."

  Wang Debao grabbed the sickle and straightened up, his face was not very good-looking.

   He thought for a while, and said to someone, "It seems that something happened to me at home, go back and have a look."

   The man also heard the voice and nodded: "Go back."

   The rest of the Wang family also left.

   The rest of the people looked at each other, all curious.

   Not long after the Wang family left, someone started talking in a low voice.

   "Sun Ximei seems to have an accident!"

   "Is there something wrong with her stomach again?"

   "Mostly so. What's wrong with her? After so many years, she hasn't given birth to a son."

   "Maybe it's retribution."

   There was an endless stream of discussions.

   In fact, everyone is far apart at this time, and only those who are close to each other are next to each other.

   In other words, after Ruan Tang practiced, his ears became much more sensitive, so that he could hear those discussions.

   In fact, those people are talking in twos and threes, and the others are basically inaudible.

  Because of the distance.

   But it is precisely because he can't hear him that he is a little reckless when he talks, and he dares to say anything.

   At first, he was still talking about Sun Ximei's stomach, guessing what happened to her.

   As he was talking, someone started talking about Wang Debao and Widow Liu.

   It can be seen that the people in the village are not blind.

  The matter of Wang Debao and Widow Liu is not known to everyone, but some people already know it.

  Some of the older people began to talk, and the door gradually disappeared, and the words they said became more and more vulgar and colored.

   Ruan Tang felt a little uncomfortable after hearing it, and was about to block her ears, but who knew that before she had time to do it, all the voices disappeared.

   She turned her head subconsciously and glanced at the people who were still talking.

   But they saw that their mouths were still moving, but no sound could be heard.

   Ruan Tang understood in an instant.

   She immediately turned her head to look at Xie Ci, but saw Xie Ci was earnestly mowing the wheat, not looking sideways, as if she hadn't done anything just now.

   Ruan Tang couldn't help being a little angry, she lowered her voice and said to Xie Ci: "I remember you said that you can't use your abilities now."

  Xieci saw that she had discovered it, but he didn't deny it. Instead, he got it cheap and said obediently, "It's all thanks to your medicine. I feel much better after taking it."

   (end of this chapter)

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