Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 543: Then she'd lose a lot

   Chapter 543 Then she will lose a lot

  Wang Zhaodi is actually not a very strong temperament. She was abused by the Wang family since she was a child, and she has long since become submissive.

   Even though she has turned black now, her nature has not changed much.

   As long as the opponent's attitude is tough enough, she will involuntarily weaken.

   So when the fifth aunt asked, Wang Zhaodi forgot her purpose and couldn't help recalling Li Chunlan.

   She remembered that Li Chunlan fell ill the day after she stole the red rope.

   Then he got sicker and sicker day by day.

   That is, it has only gotten better recently.

   It was only after she saw that Li Chunlan was sick, she was completely sure that the red rope was not a good thing at all!

   Sun Ximei's so-called "safeguarding" is simply lying to her!

  Wang Zhaodi hesitated for a moment, but still told the story of Li Chunlan: "The day after that person took the red rope, he fell ill. Then he became more and more ill day by day, and only recently got better."

  I don't want Wu Shen's face, which was already full of wrinkles, to become distorted in an instant when Wu Shen heard this.

   The wrinkles on her face were deep enough, and even when she was expressionless, her face seemed distorted.

   Now that she is excited, that old face is instantly distorted even more.

   But she was sitting in a dimly lit corner, and her face was too dim to see. This twist made her look like a ghost in an instant, causing Wang Zhaodi to scream "ah".

   "What's your name?" Aunt Wu glared at her dissatisfied, "It's going to be healed soon, don't move around, or all your previous efforts will be forfeited, and your blood will be wasted."

  Wang Zhaodi was too frightened to move.

   Although she didn't know what the fifth aunt did, she faintly realized that the blood was definitely not ordinary blood.

   Otherwise she couldn't be so weak.

   If the blood is really knocked over by her, then she will lose a lot!

  Wang Zhaodi could only hold back the fear in her heart and keep comforting herself: It's okay, don't be afraid, it's just scary looking. It will be fine soon, hold on a little longer, hold on a little longer and you will be fine.

   Her comfort was really helpful.

   It's just that she didn't dare to look at Aunt Wu anymore, for fear of being frightened by Aunt Wu again, and even more afraid of offending the old witch, who would turn her face and deny the account.

   So she endured it desperately, her eyes fixed on the fingers that kept squeezing blood, and she asked nervously, "Okay? How many more?"

   Aunt Wu gave her a cold look, and said impatiently, "It'll be all right soon."

   After she finished speaking, she asked Wang Zhaodi again, "Did you find someone to show her after the person you mentioned was sick?"

  Wang Zhaodi couldn't understand why she asked this question, but after thinking about it, this question had nothing to do with her, so she decisively betrayed Li Chunlan: "She has seen Dr. Zhou in our village, but after taking medicine, it still doesn't get better."

   "Doctor Zhou?" Aunt Wu thought for a while, and felt that the one who destroyed the red string should not be him, so she asked again, "What else?"

   "It's gone." Wang Zhaodi looked at her puzzled, "What's the matter?"

   "That's not what you should ask." Aunt Wu gave her a warning look, "Are you sure there's really no one else besides him?"

  Wang Zhaodi tried her best to recall it for a while, but she really couldn't remember who Li Chunlan had been in contact with after she was ill, so she could only say helplessly: "It should be no."

   "Impossible!" Aunt Wu was instantly excited, "That person must have met someone secretly, but you just don't know."

   (end of this chapter)

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