Vicious Female Partner is a Genius Doctor

Chapter 544: Who the **** rescued her?

   Chapter 544 Who rescued her?

  Wang Zhaodi suddenly became excited when she heard the words of Aunt Wu: "No, that person is my Aunt. She has been at home since she was sick. If she sees someone, I will definitely know!"

   Aunt Wu saw how excited she was, so she could only believe her words.

   is just selfish, she always felt that something was wrong.

   The red rope she gave out could never be broken by herself. Someone must have discovered the red rope and destroyed it. Not to mention the good things that broke her, she also suffered backlash.

   Otherwise, how could she be like this ghost now?

   I also blame this little girl for being unlucky. When it is not good to come to her, it happens at this time.

   She was in need of fresh young blood, and this girl brought it to her.

  What a stupid girl.

   In order to marry a man, he even gave up his life.

   Without even asking about the consequences, he dared to promise to give her twenty drops of blood.

   What is not a fool?

   Such a silly girl, if she doesn't take the opportunity to slap her again, the fifth aunt feels sorry for her own efforts.

   Wang Zhaodi didn't know that, in the eyes of Aunt Wu, she was a mobile blood station.

   is still a fool.

   Aunt Wu saw that she really didn't know, and couldn't help sneering: "I remember that you have to work every day at home, so it's impossible to stay at home all the time.

   So why do you think she hasn't seen anyone else these days?

  You are just now, she just got better recently. How could she get better if someone hadn't helped her? "

  Wang Zhaodi was so frightened that she shivered: " mean, she will get sick because of that red rope?"

Aunt Wu laughed mockingly: "Otherwise? That's a life-for-life thing! Speaking of which, you should thank her, if she hadn't robbed you of your red rope and saved you from disaster, you'd be dead now. "

  Wang Zhaodi's face paled instantly: "Yeah, I should really thank her."

  It's a pity that Li Chunlan didn't die!

  Wang Zhaodi lowered her eyes, her eyes were cold: "You just said that she was rescued? Do you know who that person is?"

   When Aunt Wu heard this, she was so angry that she almost killed her!

  If she knew who that person was, how could she ask a silly girl in this way?

   Such words obviously cannot be said.

   Aunt Wu would not be so foolish as to expose her shortcomings.

   She sneered, pretending to be aloof and saying: "The man hid, and if you want to find out where he is, you must use your blood as a guide."

  Wang Zhaodi suddenly became anxious: "Do you have to use mine?"

   Aunt Wu gave her a deep look and said generously, "I haven't used that method until now. I just see you being pitiful and I can't bear to let you bleed again, so I plan to try another method first."

   Her remarks were very moving. Although Wang Zhaodi had turned black, she still had too little experience, so she was fooled by Wu Shen. She quickly believed Wu Shen's words and was very moved.

   After Wang Zhaodi was moved, she felt unwilling to think of Li Chunlan who had improved.

   So she asked again: "Then... can that person be found?"

  Who rescued Li Chunlan?

   Aunt Wu immediately sneered: "Of course I can find it! It's just that the speed will be slower without your blood."

   In fact, she really couldn't find it, but she wouldn't tell Wang Zhaodi this.

  Wang Zhaodi hesitated for a while, but still didn't say "then use my blood".

   Although she was a little stupid, she didn't want to suffer in vain.

   After regaining her senses, she looked at the still bleeding hand, and suddenly reacted: "Isn't twenty drops of blood enough?"

   Aunt Wu secretly sighed.

   (end of this chapter)

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