Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 113


Chapter 113 is clearly in love with her

"Master, just feel the lust and burn yourself here, I Come back in a month, when the time comes to see if the Master will lie." Luo Qingwan gave Mo Jiu a cold look, turned and left Cave Mansion.

After she left, Mo Jiu manipulated the luck to protect his mind, and the unbearable heat finally disappeared.

He tried to move his hands and feet, and felt a tingling pain in his scalp, he immediately calmed down and dared not move any more.

He gritted his teeth and hissed: "How could she know that?"

He really didn't think about her hair as a tie, he thought Luo Qingwan would at least know Using locks and chains to trap him, it turned out to be such an operation.

It's pretty new.

'Host, she dares to hit you! ' The system clenched her little hands and was very angry, "Why does Luo Qingwan dare to hit you, even someone as strong as Feng Jiuyou has never hit you!"

Can this also refer to Feng Jiuyou?

Mo Jiu was a little helpless: "Then you scold her for me?"

The system was stunned by hearing this, it didn't know how to scold people, those words were blocked by the Lord God .

But since the host wants it to scold...

The system akimbo and scolds: 'She...she's a little tail! '

"pu 呲! Ouch, hiss-" Mo Jiu couldn't help laughing directly, but it pulled his hair and the pain caused him to suck in a breath of cold air again.

But even so, Mo Jiu was still lying there laughing, almost twitching with laughter.

'This is so funny...' The little face of the system blushed a little.

"Hahahaha." Mo Jiu smiled heartless for a while, and finally weakened his smile, lightly said with a smile: "I didn't mean to laugh at you, I just thought you were cute."

"humph." The system was lightly snorted, obviously mocking, it heard it all, and ignored the host.

Mo Jiu was stunned by the system again, and suddenly felt that the 'system' that restrained his freedom was not so annoying anymore.

'Host, if you stay in this state for a month, is there really no problem? ' The system said it was ignoring Mo Jiu, or was a little worried about his physical condition.

Mo Jiu felt it for a while: "If I don't care whether my body will be hurt or not, I will use all this qi luck to protect my consciousness, and it should be no problem to last for a month."

This is equivalent to blocking the sensations of the body, and it counts as using a pain blocking card?

When Luo Qingwan had an attack before, he had used his qi to protect his mind and weakened the feeling of his body. Her slap was simply not painful or itchy.

'That's fine. 'The system was relieved and went to play the game.

Mo Jiu stared at the small silhouette in his mind, and his consciousness also appeared there: 'Come on, I'll teach you how to play. '

Immediately, the system watched helplessly as the host pushed it aside and began to operate the characters in the game.

'That... host, I can beat myself. '

'It's okay, I'll help you. '

The system is about to cry: 'What am I playing after you cleared the level!' '

'Watch me play. 'Mo Jiu concentrates.

Just kidding, blocking feelings is blocking feelings. Could it be that he just lay there and didn't move this month?

Then there is no need for Luo Qingwan to do anything, and there is no need for follow-up plans, he can just suffocate to death.

That's why he thought of the system space that he could enter into his mind and play games made by the system.

Then I watched the system running with tears.

Well, it's not a lot of fun to bully the stupid system.

It was said to be a month, but there was no real month. After only ten days, Luo Qingwan returned to Cave Mansion again.

I saw Mo Jiu closed his eyes tightly, as if he had fallen into a coma, his entire face flushed red.

Luo Qingwan walked over, reached out and touched Mo Jiu's face lightly, and found that it was terribly hot, I'm afraid it was more than fifty degrees, if it was a normal person, I'm afraid that ten lives would be burned to death, But even a dao cultivator can't handle such a high temperature.

And at this moment, Mo Jiu opened his eyes slightly, but there is not even a trace and soberness and calm in it, there is only a hazy mist that seems to drip at any time, and that wisp of water. Horrible.

"Master, can you still enjoy it?" Luo Qingwan whispered.

Mo Jiu didn't respond for a long time, and turned his head slightly after a long time, his eyes looked at her in confusion, and then there was a trace of longing and begging in his eyes.

He was almost burned out, and he didn't even know who the person in front of him was. He just instinctively felt that this person could get him out of this tortured Sea of Bitterness.

Luo Qingwan couldn't help but soften a little when she saw Mo Jiu's absent-minded appearance tortured by desire.

She reached out and untied Mo Jiu's silver hair, and his limbs fell down weakly. He has been in this position for ten days, and the blood supply has long been insufficient, that is, the dao cultivator will not be necrotic. But it was difficult to recover for a while.

Luo Qingwan sat on the bed and hugged Mo Jiu in her arms, the hot and scalding feeling made her body tremble slightly, and she looked down at his absent-minded eyes: "Master, can you? Are you still lying?"

Without getting an answer, Luo Qingwan also knew that her methods seemed to be too extreme, suppressing all the demon blood in Mo Jiu's body, and then feeding him a medicine pill, he finally recovered a trace and soberness and calm.

Mo Jiu stared blankly at Luo Qingwan's face, and acted as if he wanted to raise his hand, but he couldn't, so he raised his upper body with difficulty and put his head into her arms. He rubbed, thirsting for her breath.

Luo Qingwan had a smile in her eyes, but her face was cold, indifferently said: "Master, do you still love me now?"

"Love, I love you... ...Please give me..." Mo Jiu murmured hoarsely, begging Luo Qingwan.

Anyone who sees his shameless and shameless appearance will probably be extremely shocked. Is this still the iceberg snow lotus that is so cold and dusty, like a banished immortal?

Luo Qingwan did not feel distressed when she saw Mo Jiu, who was tortured by desire and desire, who could even abandon her dignity, but gave birth to unprecedented joy and satisfaction.

This kind of Master truly belongs to her, only her possessions.

"Okay, I'll give it to you." Luo Qingwan chuckled and lowered her head to kiss.


Luo Qingwan put down Mo Jiu, who had passed out in a coma, and couldn't hide the smile on her face.

This is the most hearty one. Mo Jiu, who has been tortured for so long, finally got the opportunity to vent his desires. It can be called madness.

Looking down at Mo Jiu, Luo Qingwan gently kissed him sympathetically and said softly: "Master, why don't you love me?"

If you don't love her , why do you want her so much?

It is clear that he loves her very much, but he has to lie and provoke her once to be happy.

What a disobedient Master, she has to make him more obedient and frank.

(end of this chapter)

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