Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 114


Chapter 114 Uninvited Guest

Luo Qingwan cleaned up the marks on Mo Jiu's body, but did not put on a daoist robe for him, leaving him to be clean Ruyu's body is exposed in the air like this.

This time it was through Monster Qi that Mo Jiu's desire was aroused. Hope made him submit. If he wanted to acknowledge allegiance to her, he had to continue to consume his self-esteem and shame. .

Immediately, Luo Qingwan took out a jet-black chain from the Universe Ring. This is what she got from that site, or to put it in a more appropriate name, from the mass grave.

It was locked on top of a solid white bone. After an unknown number of years, this white bone has not been corroded and weathered into ashes. You can see what kind of realm the corpse is.

But even so, that person has no way to break free of the lock. Chain, he can roughly guess what material the lock. chain is made of, I am afraid it is the highest Mithril steel essence.

With a smile on her face, Luo Qingwan locked Mo Jiu's hands like this, not connecting them to the solid stone wall.

She had tried this chain, and it didn't block the mana, but even so, she believed that Mo Jiu couldn't escape at all.

He had nothing to hide and was bound like this, even if she opened the cave and gave him a chance, he would not dare to escape.

Escape and let everyone see his body?

With Master's character, I'm afraid that I would rather die than let this happen.

Luo Qingwan took off the Universe Ring from Mo Jiu's finger, and he had no chance of escaping.

Unless he kills her directly.

But she is no longer her former self. With her current cultivation base, she can easily interrupt Mo Jiu's control of mana.

And if it really got to that point...

"I believe Master is reluctant, right?" Luo Qingwan smiled and kissed Mo Jiu's cheek.

At this moment, a voice suddenly sounded outside the Cave Mansion: "Moxuan Junior Brother, Long'e has something important to ask for."

Luo Qingwan complexion slightly changed.

She didn't hesitate, picked up Mo Jiu and moved towards the pill room and ran.

If Long'e was made to perceive everything in Cave Mansion, her life would be at risk!

Luo Qingwan took Mo Jiu into the pill room, and then she was sighed in relief. Looking closely, her face was pale.

Fortunately, Long'e is worried about Mo Jiu and dare not peek into Cave Mansion at will, so that she has a chance to enter the Formation, otherwise...

Her cultivation base is still too weak, if she is the same realm with Long E, will she run away like this?

She should have killed her!

Luo Qingwan's eyes were cold, containing anger and killing intent.

Suddenly thinking of something, she lowered her head and looked towards Mo Jiu, stared deeply at his face, then her anger dissipated, and she laughed softly: "Master should also want to kill Long'e? Then help me. How's the power of Disciple? When the time comes, I will avenge the Master."

tone barely fell, and I heard Long'e's voice again, which contained mana, and was clearly transmitted through the Formation and the cave. When he came over, his words seemed to be a little more anxious: "I really have something important to ask for."

What nonsense, I just want to find an excuse to see the Master.

But it's so urgent to get the Master of One Peak to come in person. Could it be that...the Master has cut off relations with Long'e?

Long E's appearance at the moment does not seem to have a good relationship with Mo Jiu.

Yes, with the character of the Master, how could he take the initiative to hand over his innocence to others? He must have wanted to seek the help of Long'e, so that she could suppress the restlessness in her body. As a result, the woman took advantage of the opportunity. , forcibly did that kind of thing to the Master.

Thinking like this, Luo Qingwan was both angry and happy, angry that Long'e had taken Mo Jiu's innocence, and the joy was that the Master had no feelings for Long'e, everything was just an accident.

"Moxuan Junior Brother" rang out again and again in her ears, Luo Qingwan's inner anger was constantly provoked, and she wished she would go out and kill Long'e now, it was really noisy!

At this moment, Mo Jiu's eyelashes fluttered slightly, and then he opened his eyes directly.

Luo Qingwan's joy instantly overwhelmed her anger: "Master, are you awake?"

Mo Jiu was stunned by Luo Qingwan's joyful tone, as if they Nothing happened in between, it was still master and disciple.

But soon, he recalled everything that had happened before, and he was clear about his situation.

Mo Jiu looked at Luo Qingwan quietly, a little bit of chill appeared on his face, covered with a layer of frost.

It's just that he doesn't have an inch. Not only does he not have the imposing manner he used to be arrogant, but he also gives people a more excited feeling of wanting to humiliate him.

The joy on Luo Qingwan's face slowly subsided, her eyes were slightly cold, and she said indifferently: "Master is not frank again?"

Hearing this, Mo Jiu's body trembled instinctively For a moment, I thought of Luo Qingwan's method, and the madness and despicable appearance after being tortured by desire for a long time.

In the end, his eyes softened a bit, and he turned his head away from her.

The sound of "Mo Xuan Junior Brother" came again, Mo Jiu turned his head suddenly and looked towards Luo Qingwan, a little unbelievable.

Why is Long E here?

Looking at the shock in Mo Jiu's eyes, Luo Qingwan's eyes flashed a hint of coldness: "Is the Master calling?"

Mo Jiu shook the head subconsciously, and he followed up with him. How could Long E'en call her over when she was righteous?

But at this time, it seems that only Long'e can help him escape from here.

Mo Jiu can feel the mana in his body, but most of it was used to suppress his desire and fire before, and there is not much left, and he can only hit one blow at most.

But he didn't think about taking action against Luo Qingwan, not because he was reluctant, but because he felt that Luo Qingwan dared not limit his mana, there should be other means, and his action would anger her.

Mo Jiu is a little simple in some respects, but he is not stupid, only a fool can train to this level without a magic cultivator.

He thought about it for a long time, and it seemed that the only choice in front of him was to ask Long'e to help.

But the way he is now...

Mo Jiu said, "Luo Qingwan."

Luo Qingwan's expression suddenly turned cold: "Master was not before. Call me that."


"en." Luo Qingwan smiled again, "Master, what do you want to say?"

Mo Jiu looked at her gloomy and uncertain face, and felt more and more that this person was not the little girl he was familiar with, and the Monster Qi on her body... Could she be possessed by some monster beast? !

Mo Jiu's eyes shrank slightly, staring at Luo Qingwan's purple pupils, as if he had found the truth.

His heart finally cooled down completely, and he strengthened his killing intent towards Luo Qingwan. He didn't know if this guess was what he really thought at the moment, or for the one he found for himself in order to alleviate the sin of the murderer. reason.

Mo Jiu sighed and said, "I'm going out to see Long'e."

Before Luo Qingwan's attack, he continued: "Even if I ignore her, I will at least give a response, which is what I always do. If I don't return to Rain Dragon, I'm afraid she will forcefully break into Cave Mansion and see what happened to me."

" You wouldn't want her to find out about our relationship, would you?"

(end of this chapter)

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