Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 146


Chapter 146 Bought

How is this possible?

Isn't a Small Fox like him more attractive to a little girl than anything?

Is he not cute enough, or is he not pretty enough?

Don't say that women in this world are not interested in cute little animals. For a little child of this age, kill it!

Also, Mo Jiu just saw a bit of love in Li Muxian's eyes, why did he suddenly change his mind?

The female Taoist asked: "Really don't like it?"

Li Muxian's eyes flashed with a hint of hesitation, and once again called the head: "I don't like it."

"Can you tell the teacher why?"

"'s a demon." Li Muxian whispered.

The Taoist priest's face showed some clarity: "Muxian, it is not a demon, it is just an animal with spirituality."

"With spirituality, in the end it will be Transform into a demon." Li Muxian clenched her fist slightly.

Mo Jiu listened to the conversation between them and was a little confused. How could he be a demon?

And even if he is a demon, he has not intentionally harmed or killed anyone.

The female Taoist looked deeply at Li Muxian's little face, and her voice softened: "But it is not yet, you can buy it, shape its character, tame it very docile, that way when the time comes, even if there is a one-thousandth chance of turning into a demon, it won't have any viciousness, it won't hurt people at will, and it can be regarded as saving some people's lives."

Mo Jiu felt that This female Taoist speaks a bit nonsense, and does not look at his age, her temperament has already been fixed, how can she be easily tamed?

But fortunately, he is not a real fox. In order to get luck, he doesn't mind being 'domesticated' by Li Muxian. He is docile when he should be docile. Anyway, he's just an animal now, so it's not ashamed.

So, as if he understood, he kept nodding his head there.

The female Taoist glanced at him and added: "And if it's really wild and untamable, you can just kill it, it's also considered to be killing the people."

hearing this , Mo Jiu's spine froze, almost frizzy, how to say it well, he began to think about when to kill him?

The female Taoist priest kept persuading Li Muxian, hoping that she could tame Mo Jiu. First, she could see that she really liked this fox, and second, she planned to use this to open her heart.

Li Muxian already has an obsession with demons, even ordinary animals are like demons in her eyes, which also makes her a little precocious at such a young age, completely different from little girls of the same age. different.

But even though the female Taoist priest said so much, after a long silence, Li Muxian still said: "I don't want it, I don't like foxes."

The female Taoist priest lightly sighed, since Li Muxian With such persistence, she couldn't say anything else. The gentleness on her face subsided and turned into an elegant and easy-going smile, but she was obviously not sincere, just dealing with other people's usual expressions.

She turned around and said lightly with a smile to the group of people: "My discipline doesn't like this stuff, you should take it away."

The smile on the Taoist priest's face She froze suddenly, she solemnly vowed to say that this fox has spirituality, which some Taoist temples or Taoist priests in Taoism will definitely want, but the result is unexpected.

She would be the first to come to this place, of course, because she has the greatest confidence here. There is a female Taoist priest with a profound culture, and she can see the value of this fox at a glance. If you go to the Taoist sect or Taoist temple that she knows about, the Taoist priests there will not know much about the goods. Even if you want to buy it, the price given may not be as high as that for the rich children.

The most important thing is that several Dao Accumulation behind her looked suspiciously on her, making her face a little hot, as if she had been slapped.

Of course, no matter what her inner thoughts are, she will not show it on her face, the Taoist priest will look the head, with a trace of regret on her face, as if she will suffer a big loss if she doesn't buy this fox .

"Since the senior doesn't want it, then Junior will take it away."

Said, moved towards Mo Jiu and walked over, everyone thought he would Taking the opportunity to escape, Mo Jiu knew that he couldn't escape at all. Two Taoist priests with cultivation bases were here, and he really couldn't escape even with his wings.

He hesitated for a while, but finally he was ruthless and rushed towards Li Muxian.

Seeing this, the female Taoist almost shot directly, worried that the fox was going to hurt Li Muxian, only to find that he actually stretched out his two front feet and hugged Li Muxian's white and tender feet. The little head made a low whimper at her, as if begging her to buy him.

Li Muxian's calm little face immediately showed a bit of panic and bewilderment. In short, she was stunned.

No matter how mature her temperament is, she is still a child after all. Facing the pitiful cry of a small animal, her heart is still as hard as iron.

While Li Muxian was hesitating, the Taoist priest had already walked over and glanced at Mo Jiu, who was clinging to the former, and then looked at Li Muxian's Master: "senior, this..."

The female Taoist pointed a finger indifferently, and Mo Jiu suddenly became weak, fell off Li Muxian's leg, and was caught by the Taoist.

“senior, farewell.”

Mo Jiu knew that if he was really taken away at this moment, he would not know when he would be able to see this lucky girl again, so he sent it out again. With a whimper, her tone was full of misery: "gu gu..."

Li Muxian was stunned, she even saw a little crystal clear liquid in the fox's eyes, is it crying?

"Wait!" she called out subconsciously.

The female Taoist priest looked towards her discipline: "What?"

"Master, buy it..." Li Muxian whispered.

The female Taoist's eyes narrowed slightly: "Really?"

"en. ”

"Okay." A smile appeared on her face, which was a break The first step in the heart knot, Li Muxian wants to buy it for the poor sake of the fox, which means that she still has gentleness and kindness in her heart, and she did not become a cold-blooded person because of her obsession with demons.

The Taoist priest also looked surprised, handed Mo Jiu to Li Muxian, said with a smile: "It's yours."

Li Muxian looked at the snow-white fox in front of him, and slowed down. Slowly stretched out his arms and hugged it, Mo Jiu immediately rolled into a ball in her arms, moved towards her and let out a few cheers full of joy, the snow-white fox tail was still shaking slightly, sweeping her neck.

"Giggle..." Li Muxian was a little itchy, and suddenly laughed lightly, her clear and tender eyes flashed brightly, and it seemed that she finally had the lively and lively appearance of peers.

Mo Jiu is also very happy. He was bought by Li Muxian, which means he can stay by her side all the time. It doesn't matter even if it's just a fox. First, cultivate feelings, and then work hard on cultivation. When she exclaimed, 'If only you were a human being', he took the opportunity to transform into a human, wouldn't it be a wonderful love?

Deliberately selling miserable little Mo Jiu

(end of this chapter)

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