Vicious Villain’s Whitewash Plan Chapter 147


Chapter 147 Accompanying him

Just for Li Muxian to tame him, deliberately sell him miserably, and forcibly squeeze a little tear out It's a bit embarrassing, but from the current result alone, Mo Jiu is still very satisfied.

The Taoist priest looked at Li Muxian's Master, and even though he tried his best to restrain himself, the smile on his face became a bit flattering: "senior, isn't it..."

The female Taoist priest understood and smiled lightly, He took out a small bag and gave it to her: "There are ten middle-grade Spirit Stones in it."

The value of ten middle-grade Spirit Stones is about the same as one high-grade Spirit Stone, but Spiritual Qi is of higher quality. It will be slightly inferior, but the Taoist priest is not dissatisfied, but a little excited: "Thanks Senior!"

For her, a high-grade Spirit Stone is not as good as ten middle-grade Spirits at this moment. Stone, because she's not alone, there's a group of people waiting to share the pay.

A high-grade Spirit Stone is really not very good, because how can ordinary shops have Spirit Stone this thing? There are a few low grade Spirit Stones, and it is estimated that they have to be hidden like treasures.

The female Taoist gave ten middle grade gems directly, which saved them the trouble of searching everywhere to replace the high grade Spirit Stone with the middle grade Spirit Stone.

The female Taoist lightly said with a smile: "Poor Daoist will not send you all, walk slowly."

"No need to send, no need to send." The Taoist waved his hand quickly, then turned around When he left, his face returned to a calm look.

She knows how to pose in front of who.

For a person like her who has no power and travels alone, this ability is no different from instinct.

The female Taoist watched the group leave, then looked back, and found that Li Muxian's face was full of smiles, and she had already gotten into a fight with Mo Jiu, so she couldn't help saying with a smile: "No. Say you don't like it? Why are you smiling so happily."

Li Muxian felt a little embarrassed after being punctured, and puffed up her pink cheeks, moved towards Mo Jiu, and said, " It's crying and wants me to save it."

"So you saved it?"


"Fine." Female The Taoist priest touched Li Muxian's head with relief, "Let's go, go back to the Taoist temple, it's almost time to eat."

Li Muxian held Mo Jiu in one hand, raised the other hand, and volunteered Said: "I'll do it today!"

The female Taoist glared at her: "You little doll, I usually let the Master do it for you, but now I bought you a Small Fox, just thinking Honoring Master?"

Li Muxian scratched her head a little sorry: "Master's cooking is more delicious."

"You..." The female Taoist smiled and laughed the head, "Why don't you go soon?"

"Good Master!" Li Muxian hugged Mo Jiu, moved towards the kitchen and ran over.

I have to hold this Small Fox even to cook, and said I don't like it.

The female Taoist looked at Li Muxian's petite silhouette kindly. At this moment, it seemed that she was no different from a normal little girl.

I don't ask this fox to make Li Muxian forget the revenge of killing her parents. Even if she wants to forget, she won't really let her forget it. I just hope that when Li Muxian is still a child, she can maintain the innocence and childishness unique to children, so that she can have a childhood worth remembering. This is enough.

As for revenge? That's after growing up...

"Alas." The female Taoist priest lightly sighed, she actually has some selfishness. She should have seriously urged Li Mu to become an immortal cultivator, so that she would have the ability to take revenge in the future.

But as long as she thought of that night, she found the only surviving child in a burning village with blood on her tender face, and she couldn't be ruthless.

For this reason, over the years, she not only did not urge Li Mu to practice immortal cultivator, but also tried to make her forget the pain of losing her parents.

She should remember this hatred, but she should not have been immersed in pain throughout childhood.

Then she'll just be a vengeful puppet.

She didn't want Li Muxian to be like that.

"Even if you really don't have the ability to take revenge in the future, you can take revenge for your teacher." The female Taoist muttered to herself.

She walked slowly into the Taoist temple.


In this way, Mo Jiu lived in this Taoist temple. He knew that he was a 'special fox with spirituality'. His performance was no different from that of a human being, and he stayed by Li Muxian's side.

Even when he was sleeping, Li Muxian hugged him. He's fluffy, and it's very comfortable to wrap himself up, let alone hold the whole one in his arms.

Mo Jiu is also very happy, Li Muxian has a good smell on his body, he likes it very much.

And as he got along with Li Muxian, she often talked to him, and he probably knew her background: both her parents died, and even the entire village where she was located was destroyed. The culprit was a A demon that transforms into a human.

As for her current Master, she happened to pass by there that night, and when she saw the fire, she rushed over quickly, but it was already a step late, the demon had already left, and she searched all over. The whole village finally found Li Muxian in a rice jar with a lid.

No wonder she hated him so much at first, because her parents were killed by demons.

He has spirituality, and to a certain extent, already has the prototype of the demon.

Mo Jiu couldn't help but be a little worried, Li Muxian hated demons like this, after he turned into a human, wouldn't she really hate him too?

But on second thought, she is still young now, and it seems that her Master also hopes that she can forget the pain, in the company of him and her Master, when he grows up, maybe he will not hate demons so much. already?

Even if you still hate the demon, you shouldn't hate him.

Until this time, Mo Jiu was still thinking of getting luck from Li Muxian.

But as half a year passed, the bond between Mo Jiu and Li Muxian gradually deepened, and he became a little softer.

It's true that he has no resistance to child, and Li Muxian is so cute that he hugs him all day and refuses to let go. When he talks to him, his voice is soft and soft, for fear of scaring him.

In the last world, Luo Qingwan still looked like a child. When Mo Jiu abused her, she probably had to think about it a little bit.

Forget it, let's talk about it when she grows up.

Mo Jiu thought with some distress, thinking that the Lord God knew that it was difficult for him to deal with children, so he deliberately arranged for him a daughter of luck when he was a child, and asked him to raise a 'daughter' again.

In this way, to prevent him from getting luck, then there is really nothing he can do.

Ok, I got it.

In this way, half a year has passed in a blink of an eye, and a whole year has passed, and the season has once again turned into winter, between Heaven and Earth began to snow, snowflakes fluttered, and the cold wind was blowing, Mo Jiu was held by Li Muxian in his arms Here, it is a rare quiet time.

Li Muxian was originally looking up at the snow, but suddenly he looked down at the snow ball in his arms: "You will never leave me, right?"

Mo Jiu has some unfathomable mystery , but still nodded, and called out twice softly: "gu gu."

Li Muxian smiled: "Alright, you can't leave me."

(End of this chapter)

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