Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 113: Martial Law

Before being close to the village for three kilometers, a team of 200 people rushed out, all at the captain level.

One hundred archers each guarded the mountain packs on both sides of the village, and the remaining hundred infantry lined up in the middle, with the big shield in front, the pikemen behind, and even continued to rush out twenty bighorn deer heavy cavalry, around the upper left wing, It happens to be in a zone where you can charge at any time, which is amazing.

Sure enough, in this dangerous fantasy world, every village that can exist is not simple.

Zhang Yang also made people stop, he took Ren, and Duan Kuan walked forward two hundred meters, waiting for the emergence of the other village chief.

However, even if he released such kindness, the other village chief was still very cautious and did not emerge, but a soldier passed the message.

"You are not welcome here, please go back, this village has no intention of trading, let alone reminiscing with fellow villagers, the road ahead is dangerous, please take care not to send it."

Really, Zhang Yang shouted: "Wu Yu introduced me to come here. I didn't mean anything. It was just when I came, we encountered some kind of unidentified malicious stalking and peeping. I guess it should not be a kid in your village. So I'm here to give a reminder, please be vigilant."

The opposing soldier ran back, and soon ran back and shouted: "You should be wary. As the village chief, you dare to show your face. Are you tired of your life? You are not afraid of being killed by someone else? Yu, that is even more of a fool. Three days ago, he was wiped out by a group of dragons and the bones were all smashed and eaten. Do you feel that your hunting team is more powerful than Wu Yu?"

"Hurry up and go back to your village. The world is dangerous. It's dangerous beyond your imagination. When you feel safe around you, maybe it's when your disaster is imminent."

"What is Guojianglong?" Zhang Yang hurriedly asked, but at the same time, he was shocked. Wu Yu actually died? Although his wandering team only had 40 people left, he was equipped with the spear of imprisonment and replaced with a long knife. The strength was also good. How could he be destroyed.

Hearing Zhang Yang's words, the soldier did not return. Obviously, the village chief had a foreboding that he had this question.

"I will answer you one last time. The so-called "Jianglong" is the village chief who came from other worlds to do the trial mission in our fantasy world. When we are going to complete the heroic trial, we are going to be "Jianglong". Now, it is our turn to be Okay, understand? Go back, just as you are swaggering, you don't seem to be vigilant at all, you have been targeted for a long time, maybe your village has been breached at this moment."

Zhang Yang was shocked. He had also heard of the concept of Jianglong for the first time. Wu Yu, a boasting know-it-all guy, didn't even know. Well, this is the evil result of not building a village.

"Can you tell me the specific information of Guo Jianglong who killed Wu Yu? I will have a big report in the future."

The soldier ran back, and soon came back,

"Those who will pay for it will be avoided. They are all fellow villagers, and they are only things within their ability. Those who cross the river belong to the orc civilization, and they are also reincarnated cross river dragons, which means that any orc tribe’s village chief has spent at least Fifty pieces of White Pankan fragments made a request. In this way, once there are orc village chiefs from other worlds who want to complete the trial of heroes, they will give priority to match reincarnation to this orc tribe."

"Usually, Jianglong reincarnated has main quests. As for the content of the main quests, I don’t need to explain to you, brother, you have been targeted. Is there an orc tribe around your village? If I were You, now you can flee as far as you want, be a Wuyu second, and want to take measures to accumulate white hope to see the fragments, and you can get rid of a hundred pieces."

"As for the hegemony or something, it has nothing to do with you. You are already out of the game. Don't go back to relief, because the enemy must be waiting for you to return to a good spot for help. The strange peeping you encountered before, I This is the goal of suspicion. I regret that you are too stupid, and you have to rely on me to tell you personally, are you too arrogant or have too many stupid people this year?"


Seeing the other soldier returning slowly, Zhang Yang was still stunned. Did he meet a smart person today?

So he immediately yelled and sent his suggestions for free.

"Never, never raise a kid, or any ghost assassin, ghost priest."

"Fuck off! Talking so much to you idiot, I'm almost becoming an idiot." A furious voice came from a distance.

Zhang Yang laughed, not in a hurry.

"Lord Lord, over the village—"

Ren asked.

"It's okay, what about the Dragon River, but Wu Yuan and the others." Zhang Yang is confident. If the Dragon River is the lord of other worlds who come to complete the trial of heroes, then the number of people will not be large, so even add The soldiers of the orc tribe wanted to break through his village easily.

Wu Yuan, Wang Shen, Qin Yidao, Xianyu duo, five heroes sit in town, nearly a hundred captain-level soldiers, hundreds of elite-level soldiers, plus the two walls of the village, unless the orc tribe wants to fight. Both lose out, otherwise there is nothing to worry about.

So, what the smart guy said just now is correct, the other party will definitely play around for help.

This motivation flashed past, and a red message was mapped out.

"Your village is being attacked by the enemy. Please give your support quickly. If the village is breached, you need to apply the village building order to continue building the village. Note: The maximum number of times a village building order is built is 3. Hundred drops."

"Interesting, then back to defense."

Zhang Yang smiled slightly and turned his head hurriedly with everyone.

Since the enemy wants to encircle and fight for aid, we will cooperate tacitly.

Look, our morale is so low, we don't even have a defensive formation, tired and hungry, after the night march, it is a good opportunity to ambush.

"It's really idiots every year, there are so many this year."

In the village in the distant mountain col, the soldier who was in charge of spreading the message stood on the wall of the village, surrounded by several heroes and stars holding the moon.

He was originally the village head, and the acting actually deceived Zhang Yang.

"Lord Lord, do you want to warn them? After all, they are friendly forces."

A hero asked.

"What is the warning? This guy must have received the news that his village was attacked at this moment. Then he ran back like a hungry ghost and reincarnated. Look at the formation. Also, it's going to night, it's so hurried. Going back, he has committed all taboos that shouldn't be committed."

"Oh, I have been mad by this kind of stupid. If the human races on earth are all such stupid stupid, I would rather look forward to the destruction, what else do I want to see!"

"Maybe this person is scheming?" another hero speculated.

"It's all about the plan, well, this guy is really arrogant, but does he know how strong the enemy is? Wu Yu's team is strong enough, and it took less than 20 minutes to get the news from us and rush to the rescue before being wiped out. , Do you understand what kind of force is this?"

"That idiot thought the enemy was fighting for aid, so he was arrogant and wanted to break the ten guilds. He didn't know that the enemy might also be playing a trick. Look at it, the encircling circle has already been set up, and the battle will definitely be on. It starts tomorrow morning, so tomorrow I will send a few people to get me some of their bones and scum. After all, they are all fellow villagers, although they can’t go home, but they have to settle for peace, right."


"Clang clang!"

"Enemy attack! Directly west, the number is one hundred, the hero unit is 3, the front is the eighth, the ninth infantry squad, some villagers are retreating, begging for cover."

When the bronze bell rang, Wu Yuan was having lunch. Today it is his turn to rest. It is Wang Shen who is in charge of peripheral vigilance.

"Start emergency plan No. 1!"

"Prepare to switch the emergency plan at any time!"

Wu Yuan quickly picked up the flag and waved it several times. Since there are no little ghosts in the village, they may be heard by the little ghosts. So Zhang Yang figured out such a set of command methods, including fifteen kinds of emergency plans.

"The first, second, third, fourth archer squad went up to the city wall, and the fifth and sixth infantry squad supported and surrounded."

After Wu Yuan gave the order, he rushed to the city wall to inspect the enemy.

On the other side, after receiving Wu Yuan’s semaphore, Qin Yidao calmly gave orders.

"Sun Goudan, enter the sniper position, Liu Dali enters the concealed position to cover, activate the hidden amulet, and I will hold the line!"

The three of them, as the people with the strongest long-range killing ability in the village, are assassins, like Dinghai Shenzhen.

Learning from the lessons of the previous war, the three of them never emerged at the same time, but one was responsible for covering the other.

Sun Goudan is the first one, responsible for sniping the enemy’s most threatening target with the jade longbow. If the enemy immediately launches an anti-sniper killing and threatens Sun Goudan, then it is Liu Dali’s turn to carry out a second attack. Kill cover.

If the enemy also formulated a second anti-sniper kill, then Qin Yidao would carry out three sniper kills to cover.

Outside the village, the enemy charged quickly, and as if they had already been scouting, they avoided Wang Shen's vigilant team and rushed straight from the western farmland.

The two teams here commanded the busy farmers to retreat, while forming a formation and slowly retreating.

At the same time, the other two infantry squads were quickly approaching, and everything was fast and orderly.

Even Wang Shen's patrol team did not rush over to participate in the battle, but set up defense in the direction of the tavern to prepare for the enemy's follow-up attack.

In less than half a minute, Sun Goudan had already rushed to the tallest arrow tower in the village. This was a five-level arrow tower with a height of 50 meters. It was the best sniper position in the village.

There are standing guards and bronze bells for warning. If you shoot here, you can easily support the village in all directions.

"Grandpa is here too!"

Sun Goudan yelled, and the captain-level bow in his hand was easily pulled into a full moon, swish, and exploded three times in a row. Three invading orc soldiers more than 500 meters away were directly killed in seconds.

At this speed, Sun Goudan alone can kill at least half of them when the two sides are fighting together.

The fighting power of the two-star archer king is not to be trumpeted.

But just as Sun Goudan fired ten arrows in a row, killing him happily, a group of black shadows quickly passed by, and quickly approached by the shadow of the building, and he went up to the arrow tower. But feel nothing.

In the next second, when the shadow was about to slay Sun Goudan almost instantly, there was a scream, and a jadeized heavy arrow was shot by Liu Dali who was hiding in a hidden position!

Even though the black shadow is in a hidden form, there is no shadow on the high tower. Under the sunlight, there is a king of archers like Liu Dali specially locked in, and even the most powerful assassin can't escape.

With a "boom", the black shadow was destroyed in an instant, but even the body was gone.

"not good!"

Liu Dali, who shot this arrow, felt wrong instinctively, but before he jumped out of the concealed position, he heard an explosion like thunder in his ear, but Qin Yidao opened his bow in an instant, this time he finally Sombra was completely killed.

However, at the same time, a big man suddenly appeared beside Qin Yidao. It was Wang Mumu who claimed to be hunting with Zhang Yang. He held the bull tower shield and guarded Qin Yidao who had passed away.

Then I heard the sound of sonic explosion, and a big fireball.

"Clang clang!"


The grand shock wave destroyed Qin Yidao's hiding place, but he was safe, but Wang Mumu spit out a mouthful of blood. This time the enemy was not playing a feint, but attacking with full force.

It's not a fight for aid at all.


Qin gave a low roar, and the jade longbow in his hand was replaced by a captain-level bow. In the blink of an eye, he shot two rounds of sixty-four golden eagle piercing arrows. This is one of his signature skills, thirty-two. Stars in a row.

With this rain of arrows, the third wave of anti-sniper teams arranged by the enemy was wiped out in no time.

Including an orc mage, five captain-level archers, and a heroic archer, they did not know what means they used to hide around the residence and wait patiently until Sun Goudan and Liu Dali took action, and finally set the fire. Almost killed Qin Yidao again.

And to keep Wang Mumu, this is the meaning of the question. The two big villagers, since Zhang Yang took away Renn holding the Buck Tower Shield, he must keep Wang Mumu holding the Bull Tower Shield.

Only in this way can we cooperate with Qin Yidao and Xianyu duo.

Of course, in order to make the effect better, Wang Mumu has always pretended to be other soldiers. During this period of time, he has not appeared in the village, and he is deceiving the enemy's imp.

"Activate emergency plan No. 3! The enemy's situation has Qin Yidao shouted at this time. The wave of fires just now scared him very much. Who would have thought that the enemy would be so cunning, and Also equipped with a mage fireball, that is, Wang Mumu holding a bull tower shield, replaced by someone else's early death.

The enemy is very difficult this time.

"Clang clang clang"

A more rapid bell rang, and all the teams, including Wang Shen's team in the tavern, also began to retreat quickly to the castle.

The villagers in the houses are also evacuated in an orderly manner.

This is the case with the No. 3 emergency plan. At critical moments, farmland can be abandoned, residential buildings can be abandoned, pubs can be abandoned, the walls can be cleared, and the dead can be guarded!

At the same time, a large number of orc soldiers began to emerge outside the village, fearing that there were seven or eight hundred people, this orc lord actually came to attack. The latest chapter of the novel crazy village building order, Chapter 113, Jianglong URL: https://

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