Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 114: Exchange

Running in the darkness, Zhang Yang's expression was extremely ugly. ◢Щщш

Because in his eyes, there is the data sent by the village building order immediately.

"Twelve of your captain-level soldiers died in battle."

"Your hero Wu Yuan used Ruyi dice to resurrect eight captain-level infantry."

"Your soldiers killed 5 orc captains."

"Your hero Wu Yuan used the authority of the village building order to temporarily upgrade 5 elite-level soldiers. After the upgrade was successful, you got 5 captain-level infantry."

"Your five Captain Archers died in battle."

"Your fifteen captain-level infantrymen died in battle."

"Your soldiers killed 89 orc captains."

"Your hero Qin shot and killed an orc village chief with a single knife."

"Your hero Liu Dali died in battle."

"Your hero Wu Yuan killed an orc hero."

"Your hero Sun Goudan shot and killed an orc wizard."

"Your hero Sun Goudan died in battle."

"Your soldier king carefully killed an orc hero."

"Your fifteen captain-level infantrymen died in battle."

"Your soldiers killed 129 elite orc soldiers."

"Your soldiers killed 28 elite orc soldiers."

"Your village attributes are activated, and 00 villagers took up weapons to defend their homes."

"Your villagers killed 89 people in battle."

"18 elite orc soldiers were killed."

"Your hero Wu Yuan came to the battle and broke through as a three-star hero."

"Your hero Qin made a breakthrough into a four-star hero."

"Your soldier Wang Shen is about to break through as a Hurricane Swordsman."

"Your soldier Deng Jiusi broke through as a quasi-hero."

"Your soldier Wang Bochu broke through as a quasi-hero."

"Trigger a special event, the village attribute is united to advance to /5."

"The enemy's offensive ended, but the siege is still there."


"Turn to the orc tribe."

Zhang Yang almost squeezed these words out of his teeth.

He is not a man of magical calculations, he cannot predict all emergencies.

Just as he had already simulated various responses if the orc tribe came to attack before starting this hunt, he really didn't know that the orc lord who had always been stable would be so decisive!

It cost a lot of money to invite reinforcements.

Actually launched a fierce attack before winter is about to come.

That's right, the two villages have actually reached the point where they can't tolerate each other. Whoever can get rid of each other earlier is the final winner.

It's just that the orc lord took the lead.

"My lord, what's the situation in the village?"

Ryan asked anxiously, he could sense the dangerous aura emanating from Zhang Yang, which was not there before, and something must have happened.

"The orcs are pouring out and are attacking our village."

"Then we should go back to rescue."

"It's useless, it's too late, or there is no need to save it if it is too late! This is a war of exchange. The orc lord paid a huge price to invite reinforcements to destroy our village, and we paid such a huge price. , And also destroy the orc villages."

"I can resist this price!"

"I must do this!"

Publicity's voice has become extremely cold at this moment. This is the battlefield, the cruelest battlefield, one can't hesitate, can't be kind, and can't be indecisive.

All for the ultimate victory.

"But Lord Lord, we only roughly know the location of the orc village, and now it's at night, even if it's a quick march, it's easy to get lost." Renne said tactfully.

"No problem!"

Without saying anything, I just took out the golden-quality pieces of hope. There was a choice.

"Whether to split it into 100 white pieces."


"Show me the direction of the orc tribe."

He took out a piece of white hope fragments and Zhang Yang directly used them. At this time, there was nothing that could not be consumed, and nothing could not be used.

"Go ahead and march at full speed. I want to see the orc village early tomorrow morning."

Zhang Yang is crazy, or not crazy. He just knows very well, what he must do at this moment?

An hour later, the message on the village building order continued to light up.

Orc tribes are attacking overnight, even if they pay such a high price, they will attack overnight.

Zhang Yang has stopped looking at these mapped information. The battle on the other side of the village will end at midnight at most. Unless they can fly, it will be too late.

Instead of this, it is better to kill the orc village directly.

But even so, Zhang Yang still believes in his heart that it is impossible for the orc tribe to conquer his village.

Because up to now, there are still two heroes in the village, nearly a hundred captain-level soldiers, even if they are just upgraded.

Zhang Yang believes that they will still fight to the last minute.

"Your intermediate tavern was destroyed and plundered by the enemy."

"Your mountain temple was destroyed and plundered by the enemy."

"Your farmland was destroyed by the enemy."

"Your house is destroyed."

"Your training ground is destroyed."

"Your outer wall is destroyed."


More information mapping shows the fierce battle.

However, the information that the village was conquered has never surfaced.

"Your quasi-hero Wang Mumu broke through as a one-star hero."

"Your soldier Wang Shen died in battle."

"Your hero Qin died in a battle."

"Your hero Qin killed an orc village chief with a single blow."

"Your hero Wang Mumu broke through as a two-star hero."

"Your hero Wang Mumu broke through as a three-star hero."

"Your hero Wang Mumu killed an orc village chief."

"The enemy's offensive has stopped."

"The enemy has retreated."


At dawn, Zhang Yang’s face was full of tears, but he still kept walking until a large-scale town appeared in front of him, the orc’s lair had arrived, and hundreds of orc soldiers were still guarding the tall city wall, including Hundreds of orc archers.

"Get in, don't keep one!"

Zhang Yang almost roared wildly. In the roar, the soul field was instantly covered with a diameter of one thousand meters, and the twelve imprisoned spears flew out from the backs of other soldiers, instantly tearing open a river of blood on the wall.

This blow was furious, and with his current A Grade extraordinary soul strength and great power, he instantly killed hundreds of orc soldiers.

At the same time, Renn also roared, holding the stag tower shield like a locomotive, and with a bang bang bang, he crashed the five-meter-high and four-meter-wide stone wall. Tens of meters.

This is certainly Ren's own strength, but this half of the power comes from the Buck Tower Shield.

This is one of the cards to show up, a Ren, plus a Bucks Tower Shield, is enough.

Really, enough.

The other soldiers just waited to grab the head.

Besides, there are quasi-hero Song Dahui, quasi-hero Duan Kuan, quasi-hero Zhou Datou, and three Storm Swordsmen.

That's enough.

There is no need to make an order, when Ren rushed in and set off a collision like a sandstorm.

The second one who burst in was Duan Kuan. He endured for too long and saved too long. The long knife flickered and the figure blurred, and the place he passed was a blood line.

The third one who rushed in were the three Storm Swordsmen. Their speed and attack seemed to be open, and the three great swords were swept into a **** whirlwind.

With such a terrifying attack, Song Dahui and Zhou Datou almost could only follow and eat the northwest wind.

As for the other soldiers, there is no difficulty. Everyone forgot to be tired, no matter what the formation, the tide rushed in, the chickens and dogs did not stay.


Zhang Yang followed at the end and directly started the predatory mode of the village building order.

This is the most difficult, because once the plundering mode is turned on, the first thing that needs to be is that the enemy can't stop it, that is, the enemy's vital power must be destroyed in the shortest time, and it can't even be destroyed by fire.

In this way, the plundering mode can be successfully opened, and resources can be obtained to the greatest extent, instead of counting the plunder after the battle is over.

Massive resources flooded into the village building order.

In addition to these resources, there is another thing being plundered, and that is the village building order itself.

But this can only plunder one-third, because the orc lord is not dead, so it can also have two opportunities to build a village.

But this is really enough.

According to the information provided by Wu Yu, the orc tribe has existed in this fantasy world for at least six years.

How many family backgrounds have to be accumulated?

Looking at the string of plundering messages mapped out by the village building order, Zhang Yang's grief and anger only improved slightly.

"You looted 540 units of stone."

"You looted 1,280 units of wood."

"You looted 590 iron ingots."

"You looted 120 units of iron ore."

"You looted 900 units of stone."

"You looted 5800 units of wood."

"You got 2900 units of bacon."

"You looted 5,800 units of food."


The predatory information is like a meteor shower, which is constantly mapped, not stopping at all.

Until Ren, Duan Kuan and the others killed the last orc, and then it took another ten minutes before this plundered information flow ended completely.

The last is a striking red message You successfully plundered and destroyed the level 2 town of orc civilization. "

"Because the orc lord was not killed, the opponent's fantasy village building order was transferred in time, and you did not get any relevant gains."


With a sigh of relief, Zhang Yang howled like a wounded beast. He did not win this battle, nor did he win. His village paid the sacrifice of 140 soldiers, more than 100 villagers, and 4 heroes. And the victory that the village was beaten to Baidi.

More importantly, many people will never be able to resurrect, because he has no time to rush back.

All the soldiers, including Zhang Yang himself, were tired and paralyzed because of this night of running. He couldn't run back without losing his mind, because the orc lord who hadn't died was probably rushing back desperately.

"Rest in place."

Zhang Yang finally gave this order, but his heart was cut.

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