Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 115: winter is here

After resting for another hour and replenishing food and water, Zhang Yang ordered an emergency march back. ?шщЩ

Sure enough, he encountered the orc lord on the way back, but there were only more than fifty orc warriors left beside it. After a bitter glance, it turned in another direction after a long distance.

And Zhang Yang is not interested in pursuing it, because there are still people in the village who want to resurrect.

Finally, before midnight, they rushed back to the village.

At this time, many people could not be saved because they died for more than one day and one night.

"My lord!" Wu Yuan greeted him.

"Stop talking nonsense, are you ready?"

"Yes, my lord, this batch of brothers who are about to be resurrected beyond the time limit, give priority to this batch."

Wu Yuan quickly said that the dead bodies were placed on the training ground by him, and the shed was built.

And Zhang Yang had already exchanged five nine-point wishful dice with all the remnants of the orcs on the road, which happened to be able to rescue 100 soldiers below the captain level.

As for Guo Jianglong, that is, the three orc village chiefs, although they were killed, they all set up heirs in advance, so apart from obtaining blood, essence, and energy, neither the demon soul nor the village building order can plunder. To.

But even so, the three trial heroes brought by these three dragons were not bad, all of them were level 0 or above, and Zhang Yang did not hesitate to exchange the resurrection potion directly.

It’s a pity that Sun Goudan, the first to die in battle, could not be resurrected because of too long time. Qin Yidao was unable to resurrect because he died once. In the end, he could only resurrect Hurricane Swordsman Wang Shen and salted fish Liu Dali. This was the last salted fish. Up.

On the side of the soldiers, 97 people were resurrected. This was mainly because the last battle at dawn was too tragic. The orc lord was attacking wildly. Wu Yuan and the others also fought desperately. Thanks to the village’s united efforts, the attribute has reached /5, otherwise there will be deserters. .

Or some deserters have been killed before they waited to escape.

Although the scale of this battle is small, it is really like a meat grinder.

What really made Zhang Yang heartache was that many of the soldiers who could not be resurrected were among the first 500 people and belonged to his core foundation.

As a result, only 52 of these veterans died now, including Wu Yuan, Duan Kuan, and Song Dahui.

And he was lucky that he took away 0 veterans this time, otherwise, he would die more.

"The village must always have Ruyi dice and resurrection potion. Although the cost of redeeming these things is too high, the war is spent. It can quickly pull up a group of new forces in a fierce **** battle. The effect is completely different. ."

Leave the resurrected soldiers and many other matters to Wu Yuan and others.

Only then did Zhang Yang have the opportunity to examine the specific gains of this tragic exchange war.

There was almost no gain from the demon soul, because all of it was used to exchange the wishful dice and the resurrection potion.

A total of 0 million + points were harvested in energy.

Gray hope fragments 450 copies.

9 pieces of white hope fragments.

Lord Essence and Blood 00 units.

450 units of hero blood.

Then the biggest gain was the all-round plunder of the orc town.

The looted materials were so great that the magical village building order that Zhang Yang bound himself could not hold, but fortunately, he also had a bound game village building order.

The two village building orders brought back all the looted materials.

details as follows:

59,000 units of iron ore.

4500 units of iron ingot

200 units of steel ingot

980000 units of stonework

560,000 units of timber

Grain (including other kinds) million units (6 million catties).

Jade 490 units

Ghost crystal 50 units

Fire crystal 50 units.

One ghost nest can be decomposed to get 50 units of ghost crystal.

Several various tools.

On the whole, the looted materials were almost ten times more than the materials destroyed in the village, and even the food crisis was solved all at once.

"The farmland destroyed by the villagers shall be compensated according to the output."

"Hurry up and plant vegetables in the damaged farmland. There is still a month and a half, and winter is coming."

"Buil the dead and rebuild the mountain temple. This time, the mountain **** did a good job, using 50 units of jade, 500 units of stonework, and 5 units of ghost crystals. You can build it as well as it can be."

It is only a matter of time before the public is constantly watching the situation after the war, and at the same time quickly issuing rebuilding orders. The people's heart must be stabilized, their loyalty must be stabilized, and a lot of resources in their hands to restore the prosperity and livability index of the village.

In this **** battle and after the war, the performance of the mountain **** was remarkable. Not only did it calm and inspire the villagers during the fiercest period of the battle, although they were few, they acted correctly.

However, the greatest role that the mountain **** played was after the war. One hundred and two villagers were killed in this battle. The burial ritual is not just a few orders or rituals. It has to be the appearance of the mountain god. Efficacious.

To this end, Zhang Yang also specially purified two units of mana for the mountain god, for his apparition and sacrifice.

Anyway, after this battle, as long as the mountain temple is built, the 5th level mountain **** can't run away.

People's sentiment is stabilized, and if Zhang Yang turns his head, the military's sentiment is stabilized.

Since the initial number of veterans is getting fewer and fewer, and the rest are recruited from the villagers, there are morale bar restrictions, so many things cannot be ignored.

For example, when soldiers grant land, each captain-level soldier can get ten acres of farmland. They don't need to work on weekdays, they only need to sit back and harvest food.

At this point, all veterans are treated equally, and it is impossible for Zhang Yang to treat them differently because they don't ask or care. Children who can cry have milk, which he hates.

In addition, because nearly a hundred young widows suddenly appeared in the village, Zhang Yang took the lead in setting an example after very careful consideration. From among them, he selected three beautiful and young widows as his wives, and announced him in front of everyone. Will treat them well, including those children, as if they were their own.

This is necessary. In the past, because the village was too small and men and women were not balanced, soldiers could not get married, but that did not mean that they could not get married.

People have what they want.

It can't be as monotonous as the np in the game.

This battle just became the best opportunity.

Let a village completely become a normal village.

And it helps to improve blood vessels.

Under Zhang Yang’s leadership, Wu Yuan also selected two, followed by the resurrected Wang Shen, Ren, Liu Dali, Wang Mumu, Duan Kuan, etc. The veterans are given priority. This is the welfare that Zhang Yang gave them. welfare.

These 500 veterans died so many, he must bear the main responsibility, they can not complain, not blame, follow him forever, but he can't assume that there is no such thing.

In short, after a series of bold measures, the military's mind is stabilized.

Even if there is no wife assigned, but the field is assigned to, the soldiers who have morale bars scream.

Under such an atmosphere, Zhang Yang personally took the lead in building cities, reclaiming fields, digging river channels, eating and living with the soldiers every day, turning grief and indignation into strength, and the wave of reconstruction has risen one after another.

A month and a half later, the re-arranged two walls with better defenses were completed.

Fifteen level 5 residential buildings were built, and a level 5 training ground was built.

Two 5-level granaries were built, and a 5-level mountain temple was built.

A junior tavern was restored.

1,500 mu of farmland was newly reclaimed.

Two-thirds of the canal dug from 20 kilometers away was also dug.

Three births have achieved initial results, and the number of pregnant women in the village has increased by 154 at one go, including the three wives of the village chief.

After receiving the last wave of human monsters of 2 people and harvesting the last crop in the farmland, winter finally came.

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