"You are building a level 3 county city. Warning, the current terrain does not conform to the construction of a level 3 county city. If you build it forcibly, you will be responsible for the consequences."


A message came out, and it was not surprising to Zhang Yang. How big is the stone mountain at his feet, and it can accommodate a level 3 county town?

In fact, with a radius of a few hundred miles, there would be no terrain suitable for building a level 3 county city.

The so-called high mountains and dense forests, deep waters and thick grasses refer to this place, where even the mirage demons don't bother to come here on weekdays.

It is conceivable that the cost of building a level 3 county city here is at least ten times that of other places.

But what is the situation?

"Just build it here, but before that I need a professional."

Zhang Yang opened the village building order and clicked the summon option.

This is one of the rewards he received after he overfulfilled the mission of building a fantasy village. It can summon ten outstanding populations in the 2200-year history of the development of the village civilization, including but not limited to emperors, generals, advisers, craftsmen, etc.

But now Zhang Yang wants to summon craftsmen.

As soon as the thought flashed, the names of the pieces were automatically arranged in the village building order. These were the best craftsmen in history.

"Just you."

Zhang Yang clicked on a person's name, Zhao Zhou, the great-grandson of Zhao Tiezhu, a legendary master craftsman, and his whole body attribute skills are powerful enough to explode.

Name: Zhaozhou

Occupation: Master Craftsman (Legendary)

Age: 52

Strength: C+

Agile: C+

Defense: C+

Soul: B+

Talent: Ingenious hand, finishing touch

Achievements: Once presided over the construction of the new royal capital of the Da Zhang Dynasty. This capital has experienced wars for more than a thousand years and is still there today. It is currently the capital of the Wei Dynasty.

Main skill: build/repair 1200 (proficiency is great)

Secondary skills: bow and crossbow manufacturing/repair 1200 (proficiency is great).

Secondary skills: cold weapon manufacturing/repair 1200 (proficiency is great).

Secondary skills: tool equipment manufacturing/repair 1200 (proficiency is great).

Secondary skills: 1200 building manufacturing/repair (proficiency is great).

Secondary skills: 310 herbal medicine manufacturing (proficiency).

Secondary skills: mining and smelting 810 (proficiency).


Quite a cow, and this is Zhang Yang's greatest advantage.

"Zhao Zhou has seen the lord."

A white light flashed, and then a spirited old man appeared in front of Zhang Yang. This age was the peak of his skills.

"That's great, I have to Zhao-forget it, think of a way to build this level 3 county town for me, no, give priority to building granaries, oversized granaries, the sooner the better!"

Zhang Yang originally wanted to pull two sentences, but think about it and forget it, because there is no need, the loyalty of the little old man Zhao Zhou summoned is directly full.

Zhao Zhou didn't pack the tickets directly, or immersed himself in doing it. Instead, he looked around for a while from the top of the mountain, then glanced at the mountain of grain and supplies in the valley, then turned around and paid homage to Zhang Yang again.

"Congratulations to the lord, I found an unformed dragon vein."


Zhang Yang was very surprised. I asked you to quickly build a city and build a granary for me. I didn't let you show me Feng Shui. No, what kind of Feng Shui is your bad old man?

And he doesn't believe in a casually broken valley, which is an unformed dragon vein. Are you kidding, Ou Huang doesn't have such a dick!

"Zhaozhou, our main task at the moment is to build a city and build a granary. We can talk about the dragon veins in the future."

"What the lord said is wrong!"

Who would have thought that this old man of Zhaozhou was very stubborn and upright, hey, did you go wrong?

"Is the lord doubting the abilities of his subordinates? The way of building, breaking through the mountains, breaking the water, and moving around without water. Every detail has a big story. If you are an ordinary craftsman, you can naturally be ignorant and fearless. Dare to say that you have reached the top, it is a little bit of experience."

"The unformed dragon veins just mentioned by the subordinates are not really rare things, but refer to a landscape that is self-contained, superbly crafted, uncarved, just like rough jade, this kind of topography can generally be called It is an invisible dragon vein. In short, it is only necessary to build a city based on the pattern of the place. It will be suppressed by the king's qi. Over time, it will become a dragon vein. By then, the dragon vein will protect the city and the landscape will nourish the qi. Within ten generations, there will be many outstanding people."

"Therefore, the subordinates urge the lord not to focus on the grain and grass materials in the valley, and not to ruin the Feng Shui here for these vulgar objects."

As soon as Zhaozhou's voice fell, a line of information popped out of the open eyes.

"Because a legendary craftsman joins the level 3 county city you are building, the construction level is automatically increased by 1, and the dragon vein building branch task is triggered at the same time. This task requires 10 king qi points. Do you accept it?"


Zhang Yang didn't hesitate this time.

And Zhao Zhou said at this time, "Lord, are you sure you want to build a county city? Be careful of the weak and strong branches. Forgive your subordinates to say bluntly. In the past few decades, although they have not been able to set foot in the world, they have encountered problems. There are also many jade-like feng shui dragon veins. It is only one case that the dragon veins may be built into the city."

"My lord, you are in the world, but in the future you may not have the time and opportunity to build a better city than here. If the city is not here, over time, it will not be able to suppress, and the world will be chaotic. Therefore, the world will be protected by dragons. Those in the city are all kings. For the rest of the city, if you dare to build a dragon-veined castle, you must be rebellious."

Zhao Zhou flicked, Zhang Yang was stunned, because he had never thought about building his royal city in such a remote and difficult place, and in his opinion, the construction of the royal city could be delayed for a long time. of.

But what Zhao Zhou said seems to make sense.

"How many levels of royal cities can you build?"

"Since it is a dragon vein protection, it is of course the best and most perfect one-time building. The most regrettable thing for the subordinates was the construction of a 5th-level royal city. Although this is already an unparalleled king city in the world, there are loopholes in the end. Yes, this loophole will one day be known by people with ulterior motives, and it will cause disaster."

Zhao Zhou said that he was heartbroken, and Zhang Yang suddenly changed his mind, isn't it, if he could build a 6th-level royal city back then, then it would be impossible for a demon girl to confuse the emperor twice in a row, and in the end his mission of building a village could not go further.

"It must be level 6, what is the need?"

Zhang Yang asked, he was completely persuaded at the moment.

"Master Xie, build a 6th-level royal city fast, stable, and keep secrets. Therefore, the materials in this valley should barely be enough to build a 6th-level royal city. In addition, I need 1,000 advanced craftsmen and 2,000 captain-level cities. Soldiers, such three thousand people, should be able to complete the initial construction within a year."

"3000? You want 3000 people?"

Zhang Yang's voice has changed. The 5,000 people in the village building order were still planning to be his extraordinary soldiers. As a result, the old man cut him off by more than half.

"Yes, Lord, there must be 3000 people."

Zhao Zhou is very determined.

Zhang Yang was silent. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Okay, I will give you three thousand people."

"Thank you Lord, if this doesn't happen, please put a head on Zhao Zhou's neck."

Zhao Zhou led the way, full of spirits, like a commander in command, 1,000 senior craftsmen, 2,000 captain-level soldiers were recruited, and he gave orders one by one, and the order of command was clear and soothing.

Only Zhang Yang was depressed by the side.

Population, population is a big problem.

If he was in the Great Wei Dynasty, the population of the people would be very easy to obtain, but here is the hinterland of the Abyss Demon Race, where to get the population of the people?

Moreover, as he decides to build a city here, he must start preparing the army to prevent the demon from attacking.

"Then summon another famous general!"

Zhang Yang once again opened the village building order. In the village civilization of 2200, there are still many capable people who can command the troops. Even many monarchs and emperors are unborn geniuses.

For example, his great-grandson Zhang Gan, although this little **** died young, his strategic strategies are quite powerful. If it weren't for the fact that he was out of command and was cursed by Jianglong, it would be hard to say what the future will be.

Then Wu Yuan's grandson, Wang Lei, was also a very powerful general, who had usurped his position.

And his son Wu Ya is even more powerful. The second generation of Stone King, the current territory of the Great Wei Dynasty, does not even have one-third of the territory that Wu Ya laid down.

Then, Zhang Yang’s great-great-grandson was not the righteous son Zhang Wenyuan, but the great-great-grandson Zhang Liang, who was really left by his blood. He was also an incredible guy, cruel, decisive and simple, and there was no way to govern the country.

There is Lei Ming's grandson Lei Ming, Duan Jiusi, the descendant of Duan Kuan, and even now the Great Wei Dynasty, the famous general has gone.

"Let’s choose Wu Lei first. This guy is relatively better at defending, and he is very scheming. He has the demeanor of Sima Yi, and his son Wu Ya is the one who must be summoned. There are two generations of stone kings. My city is almost the same. It's stable."

A white light flashed, and a tall man in his forties with Wu Yuan's three-point charm appeared in front of Zhang Yang.

"Chen Wu Lei, met the lord!"

Unlike the talented Zhaozhou, Wu Lei knelt down to worship. In fact, Zhang Yang was also curious, does he know his identity? But this does not seem to be important.

"Get up, I'll give you 500 soldiers. You will be responsible for patrolling this forest for the time being." Zhang Yang said calmly. A king-level talent like Wu Lei must have room to play. Now he doesn't even have a city. What defense is he talking about?

"Lord, the minister has something important to report!"

"Well, what's the matter?" Zhang Yang asked. Just now, Zhao Zhou had tossed out 3,000 people for him to make a big pie of the 6th level of the city. He wanted to see what Wu Lei did?

"The lord, the minister just looked at this mountain forest, there is a faint dragon and tiger roar, and seeing that Zhaozhou kid is busy, you can know that the lord wants to build a king city here, and since it is a king city, how can 500 soldiers be enough? , I am willing to recruit refugees and recruits for a period of one year, and will surely be able to recruit three thousand recruits for the Lord!"


Zhang Yang was stunned, and at the same time, a piece of information was mapped.

"Your camp has a king-level commander to join. Your army morale is improved. You have the talents of the Legion, good at defending, recruiting, and triggering a branch recruitment mission. This mission requires food and energy. Do you continue?

Zhang Yang was overjoyed, and suddenly realized that ten historical figures, every time they summon one, they can bring a side mission. This feeling is a good thing.

"Wu Lei, how many refugees and recruits can you recruit?"

"Return to the lord, as long as you have grain and money, you need as much as you want."

"Well~www.ltnovel.com~ recruit 10,000 refugees and 3,000 recruits."

Zhang Yang wanted to call me to recruit millions of refugees back, but unfortunately this is already the upper limit of the side mission.

"Thank you Lord!"

Wu Lei strode away, and then disappeared directly into the air under the open gaze.

This is actually an officially allowed trial!

At the same time, in Zhang Yang's order to build a village, 100,000 tons of grain and 100,000 points were deducted for energy.

"Well, Wu Lei is a thief, but he is still very useful."

Zhang Yang was suddenly in a good mood, and he began to look forward to what side tasks the remaining eight historical figures could bring him.

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