Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 168: Extraordinary arms

"Am I going too far in?"

Zhang Yang couldn't help thinking like this when Zhao Zhou handed him the budget list for the 6th-level royal city.

His village building authority is only enough to build a level 1 king city, and the current level 6 king city is all determined by the legendary architect Zhaozhou, so it is inevitable that the resources needed for this are gone.

This thought flashed, and Zhang Yang thought about it for a few minutes.

Then I came to the conclusion that if there is no wave at this time, there will be no chance again.

First of all, it is the beginning of Qianlong's battle for hegemony. Everyone, including those who are above the extraordinary and who have won the first-level war medal, no one can build a sixth-level royal city at this time, and it is estimated that no one wants to build it because of this. The resources consumed are too great. In case the opponents spotted him, it would be deadly, so it would be more cost-effective to create 5,000 extraordinary soldiers. After all, this is a battle for world hegemony, not a construction competition.

Secondly, Zhang Yang is now an invisible figure. Everyone thinks that he is now incarnate as Dong Cheng, working as a field mouse on Bald Ridge Fortress. Thanks to the previous reserves and the support of the cheap father-in-law, as long as the demon army does not attack with all its strength, Dong Cheng's stay on the Bald Ridge can at least attract publicity for more than 5 years.

Third, that is his location, the rear of the Demon Clan’s base camp, a barren mountain and wilderness, inaccessible, a place that even the Demon Clan himself could not think of. It is very safe, very safe, and there is no need to worry about being disturbed by the enemy. But it’s no trivial matter. As long as it is completed, it is equivalent to being invincible. There are outstanding talents and talents. It is no joke. Oh, you have ten king-level talents. I'm sorry, the 6th-level city can be wholesale king-level. Talent.

Based on this, who will allow the opponents to build 6th-level royal cities among the world's dragons? Then you can't attack in groups.

In fact, these potential dragons who are contending for hegemony have spare capacity to build a 4th-level royal city within ten years, which shows that they are very powerful.

Fourth, it is the general trend of the world. Now the main force of the demon clan is in Zhongdu County and cannibalize all around; the demon clan is the strongest, and the main force is divided into three, one part confronts the four counties of the Tianliang Great Wall, and the other confronts the border of the three counties of Beidi. Some of them gathered in Linnan County; the remaining human Qianlong and part of Yaozu Qianlong were actually trapped in the four counties of the Tianliang Mountain Great Wall.

It is equivalent to playing chess, with golden horns and silver sides with grass belly, and the demon clan occupying the central capital county is equivalent to occupying a corner of the world and controlling a quarter of the trend.

The demons occupy the six counties in the southeast, which is equivalent to occupying the corner of the world plus one side. If the Linnan County is breached, it will control a quarter of the general trend.

The remaining two corners need a long expedition to decide, but this is tantamount to having fallen behind, being left far behind by the demons and demons.

Therefore, Zhang Yang's construction of a 6th-level royal city here is equivalent to giving the Terran an independent trend in addition to the original general trend of the world!

Because of the prevailing situation in the world, he could no longer get in, so he fell behind when he entered.

Fifth, it is related to the fact that his village building order has opened up a state of war. This state is a bit similar to PVP, that is, if you encounter it within three thousand miles, you will have a feeling.

But so far, Zhang Yang has not sensed the other 12 enemies who have started the war, and the enemy has naturally not sensed him.

Then there is only one reason, he ran far enough.

So, for these five reasons, why didn't Zhang Yang build a 6th-level royal city?

As for the resources that will be consumed as a result, it is impossible to recruit extraordinary soldiers, this is not a problem at all.

The so-called extraordinary soldier has many concepts.

One kind of attribute is extraordinary, also called extraordinary, and two kinds of attribute are extraordinary, also called extraordinary.

A- is extraordinary, A-level is extraordinary, and A+ is extraordinary.

Zhang Yang can indeed recruit extraordinary soldiers, that is, Hurricane Swordsman, but this is the kind of extraordinary attribute, or the minimum configuration of A- extraordinary.

Recruited and encounter soldiers with two extraordinary attributes, and even three extraordinary attributes of the enemy, don’t they want to be hung in the mud!

So this matter is not in a hurry, because among the remaining eight historical talents he is about to summon, among the soldiers they once led, there are extraordinary soldiers with more powerful force.

It's like a tiger and leopard rider. You can't recruit if you have the resources. Who are you? It's great to have resources.

You have to summon Cao Cao or Cao Ren, Cao Zhen or something, or get the Tiger and Leopard Cavalry Talisman.

The same is true now.

Zhang Yang, the king of stone, Wu Ya, who will inevitably be recruited in the future, has an extraordinary unit under his hand. He swept thousands of miles and beat Jianglong, relying on this extraordinary army. Of course, Wu Ya's own strategy is also necessary. .

There are also Zhang Liang, the great-great-grandson Zhang Liang, Lei Ming's grandson, Duan Jiusi, the founding emperor of Great Chu, and even the founding emperor of Great Wei. They don’t even have only one extraordinary unit, but two or three, three or four. .

Really think that the development of civilization in 2200 is so easy?

Among them, the most powerful one is Emperor Duan Jiusi of the Great Chu. The environment for the prosperity of this family is similar to today. There are 1,000 Qianlongs competing for hegemony, and there are at least ten transcendents. The difficulty of the situation is not weaker than today. Once Earth Civilization also sent a national team of 30 people to participate, and the result was a mess.

Then including the ghost tribe, monster tribe, demon tribe, all were driven to extinction by the emperor Duan Jiusi of Great Chu, the four words "unify the world" are enough to prove everything.

Therefore, Zhang Yang planned to summon Duan Jiusi in the fourth. As for why, of course, it is because of insufficient resources. The extraordinary soldiers under Duan Jiusi may be three-attribute A+, such an extraordinary soldier, and an extraordinary soldier with only one attribute A-. Not in one dimension.

With the resources that Zhang Yang currently possesses, he feels that he can recruit 300 as the limit.

Therefore, what is going to sweep the world, let him talk about it for ten or eight years.

Anyway, the return of the king will take 30 years.

"This budget list is accurate."

After Zhang Yang had done enough mental construction, he finally agreed with the pain, because it meant that most of the materials in the 15th-level storage orb would have nothing to do with him.

Look at how cheating this list of materials needed to build a level 6 king city is.

Celestial Stone×120 pieces, (each piece contains ten units of mana)

Purple hopes a fragment.

10 pieces of golden hope.

3000 units of dragon scale stainless steel.

5000 units of the best warm jade.

One piece of Zhenlong seal.

300,000 units of high-quality steel ingots.

Five million units of high-quality bluestone.

One million tons of grain.

100,000 tons of jerky.

One hundred tons of table salt.

And what was left to him was three million tons of grain, 400,000 tons of dried meat, 10,000 tons of salt, armor weapons capable of equipping 50,000 people, an unsheathed short knife, a bunch of unrecognizable materials for cultivation, and one piece with a fragrance. , With a beautiful handkerchief painted on it, fifty giant siege crossbows, and 500,000 feather arrows/crossbow arrows.

"So what's next?"

Zhang Yang is a bit empty, because now he is putting all the bets on the 6th level of the city, winning or losing in one move, which is not suitable for his usual style.

"In order to build a 6th-level king city, be silent, everything is mainly hidden, so I can no longer catch the demon to practice magic words, at least not within half a year, besides, I cannot stay here, otherwise once there is an opening If the enemy in a state of war appears within three thousand miles, both of us will sense each other, so at this time, I should go to another place to hide."

"Based on this, we can only summon Stone King Wu Ya in advance."

Open the village building order, click the recruitment option, find the stone king Wuya, consume 3 points of Wang Qi, and summon him.

Name: Wu Ya

Age: 35 (Note: This summoning age is based on this person's greatest brilliance in history and the most peak moment)

Strength: A+

Agility: A+

Defense: A

Soul: B

Achievement: Once led an army to sweep thousands of miles invincible, laying a solid foundation for the expansion and continuation of this civilization.

Special arms under his command 1: Palace guard, melee output arms, strength A, agility B+, defense A-, soul C. Wu Ya needs personal training and training.

Special arms under his command 2: Iron Lion, cavalry rushing into a melee unit, strength A+, agility A-, defense A, soul B. Wu Ya needs personal training and training.

Talent: Tenacity, Iron Wall, Insight, Commander, Inspiration, Deterrence (Exclusive to King Talent)


This Wu Ya is more bullish than his father Wu Lei, even though his father is also a king-level talent with extraordinary triple A attributes, Wu Lei has only one special unit.

Rock heavy step, melee defense unit, strength A, agility B, defense A+, soul C.

"Chen Wu Ya, see the lord!"

A white light flashed, and a five-strong, three-thick, armored general appeared, and even more amazing was that there were five palace guards with full armor and weapons behind him, so is this the benefit of recruiting emperors?

Moreover, Wu Ya's voice was loud and powerful, and he was domineering and spontaneous, and the eyes exposed under his dark visor were shocking.

It is indeed a domineering stone king who expedition thousands of miles.

"Wu Ya, please."

Zhang Yang rarely lowered his attitude, it was because this guy gave him too much sense of deterrence, although he knew that as long as he was called, Wu Ya would never play with Yaozi.

"Thank you Lord!"

Wu Ya stood upright, like an iron tower, silent, which was very different from his father.

"Wu Ya, do you have any suggestions?"

Zhang Yang could only ask.

"Return to the lord, now that the progress of our army's side missions is full, it is not appropriate to regenerate the branches."

" you will be responsible for the defense and security around the royal city. In addition, I hope you can start training and training more soldiers."

"Return to the lord, now that the royal city has not been built, there is no barracks and training grounds, so training is not possible, but it is not without exception. If you consume a little bit of majesty, you can get ten training places for palace guards, or three training places for iron lions ."

Zhang Yang was speechless.

He had a total of 16 points of Wang Qi, 10 points were used to build the Royal City, 1 point was used to summon Zhaozhou, 2 points were used to summon Wu Lei, and 3 points were used to summon Wu Ya.

"Well, I'll give you 1,000 captain-level soldiers, and you can arrange the dispatch." Zhang Yang can only say that captain-level soldiers can continue to be upgraded. If he recruits Hurricane Swordsmen, he can only be finalized.

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