Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 179: First kill

"Wu Ya!"

"The minister is here!"

"Raise all the iron lions, 3000 bighorn deer cavalry, and set off now!"

The first thing Zhang Yang did after returning to the royal city was not to order the entire army to enter emergency combat readiness, but to gather all the cavalry. After a quarter of an hour of assembly, go out of the city gate and follow the built bluestone official road to the north. Kill it.

The red-skinned monster is going to cause trouble. This trick is indeed cruel, but so what!

At least he has been preparing for nine months longer than before.

All the way to the north, before rushing out less than a hundred miles, Zhang Yang shuddered slightly, but he had already sensed the second red dot on the big map, a demon hidden dragon belonging to the demon camp and in a state of war.

But he didn't care, and together with Wu Ya, he led the cavalry to the north.

At this time, the Mozu Qianlong was naturally shocked and inexplicable, because it knew how many friendly forces in its hinterland had started a state of war.

Now that I was about to win that Demon Race, another one appeared. What is it for? Is the knife that bullied my Demon Race not sharp enough?

So the red dot didn't move, and it was certain to dispatch troops.

And the red-skin monster has also slowed down on the big map. It seems that it must be, resolutely, and must lead the demon to the public lair. Even if the jade and stone are burned, it is still At any rate, it was really mad and gritted his teeth with hatred.

But Zhang Yang is still advancing fast, giving people a kind of intention that I must intercept the Redskin Monster, not let it find my lair, and then guide the Demon Qianlong elsewhere.

This intention is normal and reasonable.

After all, the red dot represented by Zhang Yang moves very fast on the big map, very fast.

So it can only prove that he is a person. After all, there are mountains and cliffs over there. A person with a large army marching so fast, is that a joke?

And that day, the Redskin Monster didn't approach the reconnaissance either, only knew that Zhang Yang was doing things, but didn't know that Zhang Yang was building a road, and that it was five hundred miles away.

These five hundred miles were the most difficult to walk. The mountains were overlapping and extremely steep, but because of the repair of an official road, they arrived in only an hour.

"Dismount, rest, and wait for the enemy to deliver food!"

Zhang Yang gave the order that the road was built here for a reason, because the valley ahead happened to be more than ten kilometers long.

The valley is very flat and there are no rocks. It is very suitable for cavalry groups to charge. Even out of this valley, about fifty or sixty miles on the mountain road, you have already left the mountain, and there are hills with gentle slopes everywhere.

From this point of view, it shows the importance of this official way.

But the Redskin Monster didn't know, nor did the Qianlong of the Demon Race.

So they all speed up.

The Redskin Monster thinks that Zhang Yang is just a person, with dozens of extraordinary subordinates at most, so it wants revenge, and it wants to copy the miserable fate that happened to it on Zhang Yang.

So it will never bypass Zhang Yang, it must entangle Zhang Yang so that he cannot succeed in trickery.

And that Mozu Qianlong had no reason to detour.

Of course, it must have instructed the demon army to seize the time to rectify, and then gather in batches to go south. This is our hinterland. Now there are two mice popping up. It is really unbearable!

They must be knocked to death with a stick!

In this way, two red dots, one after the other, hurried fast on the map.

Zhang Yang remained motionless. Wu Ya showed fierce light behind him. Five hundred iron lions lined up in a charge array, murderous, and 3000 antler cavalry were also ready to go.

An hour later, the red-skin monster was covered in blood and exhausted, but still appeared at the northern end of the valley with high spirits. It was very strong, very strong.

Beyond the extraordinary.

After fighting day and night for more than two months, he was still able to break through the siege and ran three thousand five hundred miles in one breath.

It is very strong.

It even has self-confidence to cling to the publicity that is likely to be above the extraordinary.

More than a hundred miles away, the Demon Qianlong is also approaching frantically. It is also very confident, because it has basically been replenishing its energy in the past two months.

"Da da da!"

Zhang Yang drove right away, before the red-skin monster had found the clue, suddenly exploded the soul field, covering a radius of ten miles.

Yes, he is provoking.

He was letting the Redskin Monster awaken the memory.

Although the Redskin Monster has guessed, this familiar soul field, this familiar fluctuation, this familiar sneak attacker!


A heart-piercing howling of a red-skin monster resounded in the valley!

It hates it, it is this human king bastard, it is him, it is his father who attacked it in a despicable and shameless manner!

Then let a perfect plan completely bankrupt.

It has lost its powerful father, it has also lost its chance of final victory, as well as that massive amount of supplies.


A red shadow soared into the sky, like a group of red storms coming towards Zhang Yang at high speed.

That red skin monster is desperate, desperate at all costs!

Killing his father's hatred is nothing to do with it, it doesn't want to run away.

It's going to kill the insidious villain, bastard!

But, the next second,

Rumble, heavy as a mountain, and thunderous hoofs sounded.

The black flag is like a cloud.


That kind of accumulated legion's aura, like a devil god, glaring at the sky!

what's happening?

For a moment of stunned Redskin, at the far end of the valley, behind Zhang Yang, a black torrent swept out.

Iron ride!

Black horse!

Black, extraordinary rushing cavalry!

The red-skin monster, who was rushing forward frantically, almost went black. Why?

How can it be?

It regrets a bit, it wants to stop, it wants to avoid it.

Even if it is beyond the ordinary, but it is tired, scarred, only the last bit of combat power, no, no, no, even if it is still the pinnacle, I dare not force such a formed, extraordinary heavy cavalry!

And this is not an ordinary heavy cavalry.


"Alien animal?"

"My Nima!"

Countless thoughts flashed, the red monster screamed, turned around and fled, but the next second an overwhelming aura pinched him like a small bug. This is Wu Ya’s commanding skill. The momentum of the group's charge converged to one point.

This point seems to be nothing but heavy as a hundred thousand mountains.


Can you escape?

It was like a million big drums rang.

The sky fell, the ground fell, and the whole world turned away.

The Redskin Monster couldn't even resist or kill one. It was dark before he had the idea.

Trampled by the iron hoof!

What about transcendence?


"Successfully killed Yaozu Qianlong 029!"

"Complete the first kill in the PVP mode of the civilization battlefield!"

"Because the target Qianlong is a special existence, it gains 5 points of Kingness."

"You get a level 2 fairy soul, the goal is beyond the ordinary, the foundation period."

"You got a piece of incomplete Xianxia village building order."

"You get a complete high-level village building order."

"You get a crippled drawing of the demonic civilization code."

"You get 50 units of monster blood."

"You got a bone of the monster clan during the foundation building period."

"You get a level 1 war medal."

"You get a level 2 storage orb."

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