Zhang Yang just glanced at the plundering information of the Jiancun Order, and then slowly moved forward with 3,000 antler cavalry.

And Wu Ya in front immediately led 500 iron lions into formation, and the adult glyph opened the way in front.

This time, they will take the initiative.

At this time, on the big map, the red dot represented by the Demon Qianlong stopped. Obviously he was very cautious. The red skin monster was killed in an instant. This means that the most basic point is that the red dot is above the extraordinary. Although it might not be afraid of its strength, it doesn't have to be so reckless, because behind it there is an army of demons coming one after another.

So after hesitating for a while, the Mozu Qianlong slowly backed away, exactly the same pace as Zhang Yang went forward.

Both sides have their basis, both sides are very confident.

Three hours later, Zhang Yang led the cavalry group to move three hundred miles north, and stopped under the last broad hill. This is the best main battlefield. The 20 kilometers ahead is a gentle downhill, and the **** will not exceed At 5 degrees, the left and right sides are spacious, and the vision is good. It is most suitable for cavalry group charge.

This is where Zhang Yang plans to fight the demon army.

That's right, he didn't plan to kill that Demon Qianlong. The opponent is above the otherworldly. If he wants to escape, he can't catch up, but the Demon army is different. If he dares to come, he must be wiped out.

As long as this demon army is annihilated, the demon will not want to quickly encircle the blatant king city, because they have to continue to deploy troops from the front line, and it will take a few months to come and go. Do you really think that the battle on the front line of the Demon Race is easy?

The demon army that was drawn out before, besieging the redskin monsters all moved around, the five thousand, the ten thousand, Zhang Yang doubted whether the demon had any extra troops.

There are fewer soldiers, it’s here to deliver food. If there are more soldiers, the front line is about to collapse. After all, it’s now at the end of the third year of the game, and soon the fourth year. All the Qianlong contending for supremacy has become a prince, strength Strong, it’s impossible to cut melons and vegetables like the opening game.

Moreover, the main force of the Demon Race is confronting the main force of the Demon Race in Linnan County. This battle between the two sides will determine the ownership of the three states in the south of Zhongdu County.

If you lose these three states, the Demon Race will be in trouble. Similarly, if the Demon Race can’t control these three states, it will be the Demon Race’s turn to trouble.

Well, the Bald Ridge Fortress hasn't fallen yet. At first, I thought the most cruel battle of hell, but now even a decent battle has not happened.

I don't know if those Human Race Qianlong have seen through the conspiracy of'Dong Cheng'?

If not, ha, Zhang Yang has no idea, because the straight-line distance is almost 20,000 miles away, and it is beyond reach.

The demons arrived an hour later. Although they were tired, their morale was high, because until now, they didn't know that there was a level 6 royal city 800 miles away. Maybe they were worried, but after all, that is not true.

This demon army is about 10,000 people, all of which are the most elite. Because of their elite, they run fast.

They only saw Zhang Yang standing at the highest point of the hills, alone, looking like a lonely person seeking defeat.

Then they chose to station and wait for the follow-up friendly forces. As for the Demon Qianlong, he actually stepped back to 50 miles away. He didn't want to fight against Zhang Yang at all, but wanted to use Demon soldiers to kill Zhang Yang's strength.

I have to say that the Mozu is really rich. After all, they have been operating in the southeast six counties for hundreds of years, and they are extraordinary soldiers.

"Wu Ya!"

"The minister is here!"

"Develop offensive tactics and determine the timing of the offense. You don't have to ask me. You are an expert in this area."

Zhang Yang said indifferently, he didn't plan to make a move, did he expose the truth that he was not above the extraordinary?

Without supernatural power, the Demon Qianlong on the opposite side can do it recklessly. Maybe it can't attack the 6th-level city, but it can harass it.

"Yes! The minister will live up to the Lord's high expectations!"

Wu Ya said excitedly, he was really worried that the cavalry class's offensive was not that simple. If you rushed up, it was looking for death, unless the opponents were all **** troops, but now the opponents are obviously extraordinary demons.

Wu Ya chose to continue to wait, because the demon was obviously waiting for the addition of the follow-up long-range arms.

Finally, another hour passed, smoke and dust billowed in the distance, and almost 8,000 demons rushed all the way, immediately before the ten thousand demons began to change.

"It's this moment!"

"A thousand antler lancers, cut in from the right flank as fast as possible, tear open the array of demon's subsequent reinforcements, don't stop!"

Wu Ya roared wildly, and instantly a thousand Great Horned Deer Lancers charged directly from behind the hills.

The advantage of this kind of bighorn deer light cavalry is undoubtedly revealed at this moment, that is, the starting speed is too fast, the charging speed is too fast, and the iron lion can't catch up.

The demon's army is still changing. Even if you see a thousand great horned deer cavalry rush out, there is no time to make changes, or even if the commander has time to order, the demon soldiers have no time to respond.

Because it's too fast.

A thousand antler lancers are like flashes of lightning, galloping along the broad hills and flat ground at a speed of nearly two hundred kilometers per hour, like a sharp knife, before the demon’s long-range arms can react The right wing stabbed.

From the sky, nearly one-third of the eight thousand demon reinforcements were wiped away, like a blood-red rag.

But this is just the beginning, because Wu Ya's orders are continuous.

"A thousand antler sword cavalry, cut in from the left edge of the demon reinforcements!"

"A thousand antlers rushed into the cavalry battle, and finally attacked and defeated the enemy!"

That's right, the three thousand antlers cavalry were trained by Wu Ya, a master of cavalry tactics and strategies, into three different types of cavalry.

They are the Lancers that can be trained on the advantages of high speed, low center of gravity, strong collision force, and more stability. This is more fierce and brutal than the war horse Lancers.

A war horse lancer rushes into a wave and has to be half disabled, because the horse has a high center of gravity and low stability. Besides, unless it is a war horse with monster blood, how can it be compared with the mount of the bighorn deer monster?

Three different types of antler cavalry under the precise command of Wu Ya at this moment staged a **** **** feast in less than half a minute.

Just like three razors, the eight thousand demon reinforcements trampled back and forth, causing heavy casualties.

At this time, the commander of the demon race finally gave the order to gather the 10,000 demon soldiers in the front, but it seemed to be a step late. Seeing the friendly army wailing and dying in a nearby place, they were actually gathering meaninglessly. Commander, is there a hundred magic maggots in your head?

We should tear them apart! Damn little human mouse.

The roar kept protesting, and the demon soldiers cursed, and in this case, the demon commander finally issued an order to make it regret for life.

"Crush those little human mice!"

Hula la, 10,000 emotionally excited, the already red-eyed Demon Clan main force is like a monster that has exited the gate, roaring wildly at the three thousand antlers cavalry, revealing the back.

At this moment, even Zhang Yang felt that if he didn't win, I would go find a stone and sit down and eat melon.

"Iron Lion!"

"Stop everything!"

Wu Ya roared, and personally led the 500 iron lions to rush out from behind the hills, along the gentle slope, making thunderous hoof sounds, with a murderous intent to the sky, like a fist of a demon, a punch!

The commander of the opposite Demon Race was dumbfounded, and the Demon soldiers were dumbfounded. They were indeed the strongest transcendent demon, but at this moment they had already spread out, and the last moment they had come out like a monster, then this moment is the flock of sheep out of the valley.

They shouted desperately, assembled, assembled!

But where is there still time?

A group of Wu Ya BUFF, military pressure, and then like an eighteenth hurricane, rushing into the demon army formation, those demon soldiers running around on the ground, even if they are extraordinary?

It was almost a face-to-face, and it was trampled and killed!

You must know that this is an iron lion, with attributes comparable to that of the Captain of the Heavy Armor Mo Sword, and their mounts are still stubborn beasts. The power of the collision from top to bottom at a speed of hundreds of miles per hour is almost more than a hundred thousand catties.

A piece of hell!

For the first time, this most elite demon's main force collapsed.

The demon commander chose to flee directly, and was hopeless.

But it could not escape.

Because there are three thousand antler cavalry on the opposite side.

These light cavalry, who are superior in speed and maneuverability, will not be easily entangled by a large number of infantry.

What does the light cavalry exist for, oh, be surrounded by your infantry? Isn't that a joke?

There is no such thing as a frontal charge. We only chase the flanks, the flanks forever, and walk away from the side forever. If you want to get caught up, dream.

The slaughter is ongoing.

The iron lion breaks through the center like a heavy hammer. The fleeing demon soldiers, including the demon commander and a submerged dragon, are harvested on the spot by the antler light cavalry relying on speed.

No demon can escape.

Especially in this, the main battlefield most suitable for cavalry to play.


Zhang Yang was still motionless, mysterious and unpredictable.

On the big map, the Mozu Qianlong also left, and it is estimated that the remaining Mozu reinforcements also retreated immediately.

Because I can't beat it.

Zhang Yang didn't give an order to catch up. It didn't make sense. Going further north, there would be mountains and hills. Where can I find such a comfortable battlefield?

Can the cavalry run at full speed?

He has been very satisfied with ~www.ltnovel.com~ this battle has won him at least another six months.

If you are lucky, one year will be fine.

Zhang Yang kept watching, watching the red dot of the Demon Qianlong disappear from the big map, the other party was very decisive and withdrew directly.

However, even if the opponent made a shot in the first battle, it will definitely die, but the price is that Zhang Yang will die dozens or hundreds of iron lions.

"Above the extraordinary!"

Zhang Yang took a long sigh of relief and was in a good mood. In one month, he will also build the foundation successfully and become extraordinary.

At that time, even if the Demon Race returns to the 100,000 army, don't be afraid.

"Back to the city!"

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