Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 283: Village building order

Zhang Yang decided to step in.

Because he thinks that the seriously injured disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect is a strange commodity.

Of course, he also considered whether this demon wind and ghost aura was directed at him, but in the end he was still negative, because it was two months apart and tens of thousands of miles apart, the time would not be right.

Therefore, Zhang Yang still prefers that the disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect mastered some important military information.

At this time, the entire Guanshan town was in a panic. How many years hasn't encountered a demon wind and ghost daring to directly attack the village and town? Except for those casual cultivators, the residents here are afraid that they can't even distinguish what is a demon and what is a ghost.

In such chaos, Zhang Yang was not busy taking action. Instead, through the chaos, he rushed into a wealthy merchant in Guanshan Town in a few steps. This rich merchant was a person from Guanshan Town. He was in business for the five generations and his manor was luxurious. Incomparably, the overall area occupies one twentieth the size of Guanshan Town.

Moreover, this wealthy businessman has been very elegant for several generations. He has planted a lot of precious trees in his home. After dozens of hundreds of years of accumulation, these trees are precious in Zhang Yang's eyes. Even if they are sold, they are quite valuable. Value.

It’s just that this wealthy merchant’s family enshrines three casual cultivators and raises almost two hundred warriors. The most important thing is the Sword Sect of the Great Dream, so no one dares to mess with it, including Zhang Yang. He entered Guanshan Town on the first day. I saw the dozens of towering trees full of vitality, and I was greedy.

Nowadays, the rich businessmen are also in chaos, Zhang Yang sneaked in without any effort, and the soul realm unfolded. First, it wrapped a tree surrounded by several people, the bark was golden, tall and straight, like a big tree that is king among the trees.

Just in an instant, this big tree was turned into a wooden spear with unrivalled publicity—well, yes, it was a wooden spear. Although the king of this tree is excellent, it still can’t be compared with a mortal sword, so Might as well be twisted into a wooden spear.

Of course, it is not a simple wooden spear, and the level of Zhang Yang's current level and the level of making the spear of imprisonment is more than heaven and earth.

So he directly carved spells on these wooden spears.

That is triple armor removal.

As a black light flashed, an armor-removing wooden spear had already taken shape. Zhang Yang felt it a little bit. It probably had the effect of two-fold armor removal, but it was already very good. After all, he had warmed up to 8 jade at the moment. The wood spear.

The damage ability of these jade wood spears is limited, and the threat to the extraordinary is almost zero, so the real effect is to remove the armor.

After half an hour, the two precious trees in the wealthy merchant's house disappeared, and Zhang Yang had 500 more jade wood spears in his hands.

Two hundred of them are ready to be imprinted into unarmored wooden spears.

Two hundred are ready to be branded into the forbidden empty wooden spear.

The last one hundred, well, the last one hundred are wooden swords, Zhang Yang hasn't figured out how to deal with these wooden swords yet.

Anyway, he is already ready to fight.

And in this half an hour, the entire Guanshan Township had been completely besieged by the black demon wind and ghost spirit.

In the demon wind, you can see ferocious demon soldiers and demon generals from time to time, and there are also a large number of ghosts.

But the reason why they failed to enter the town was that the stone monument in the center of Guanshan Town persisted. Those casual cultivators were also under the command of the land god, urging a mysterious formation to protect the village, but that is A joke.

After all, who would have thought that ghosts would attack the city under the protection of the Great Dream Sword Sect?

Guanshan Town has been stable for thousands of years.

"Magic Word: Shadow."

Zhang Yang had already released the magic word at this time, turning into a shadow and wandering under the shadow of the buildings, no one could notice him, whether it was foe or foe.

"The land **** seems to want to abandon all the villagers. Now all the 17 casual cultivators and the mysterious iron coffin have been concentrated in the earth temple. There should be a formation there that can continue to be supported, eh? No! "

Zhang Yang was observing, and suddenly found that the sword light outside Guanshan Town shook for a while, and then it actually began to shrink, toward the Didi Temple.

Did the sword spirit and sword intent of the Great Dream Sword Sect left in the town abandon these thousands of villagers?

At this moment, Zhang Yang hesitated.

Suddenly, a long-lost message suddenly reflected in his eyes.

"Due to the triggering of a special situation, the village building order is automatically resetting. The pre-faction mission of martial construction has been activated: Please save at least 500 villagers in Guanshan Town."

! ! !

What the hell?

Zhang Yang was almost scared to pee. Didn't it mean that he had betrayed the village building order camp, didn't he need to build a village in his life?


"Activate the special camp task for sect construction: Please help the monster marshal Huang Gu to eliminate the land **** in the town and the remnant Li Hanqiu of the Great Dream Sword Sect.

Um, wait,

As another message appeared, Zhang Yang seemed to understand something. Is this the background village building order hidden in his body making the initial settings?

It's like a new phone?

For these two camp missions, he chose his camp position.

"Minato, since that's the case, what are you hesitating about!"

Zhang Yang's body shape was linked, and when he reappeared, it was already at the entrance of the village. Here, as the sword intent of the Great Dream Sword Sect to protect the village retreated, hundreds of frightened villagers were caught upright by a demon wind, and their souls were directly separated.

"Invisible Heart Sword! Burst!"

As the eighty-one invisible heart swords instantly appeared, they turned into dazzling meteors, shaking the world, and all the monsters and ghosts within a thousand meters nearby were all deterred. This is the effect of the invisible heart sword.

On the other hand, the villagers whose souls were out of their bodies were awakened from fear and panic.

"Go back to town and hide in Wang's house!"

As Zhang Yang greeted, he threw the armor-removing wooden spear in his hand like a ball of arrows, because forty or fifty demon soldiers were coming, and at the same time, a demon cultivator laughed grinningly, holding a handful of black bones in his hand. Fork, throw it over according to the publicity.

But this is not an ordinary throw, because the black bone fork will turn into an afterimage of the sky in the next second, chasing the villagers and digging through it.

These afterimages can't break the public defense at all, and can be shattered with a single blow, but they are enough to kill ordinary villagers.


Zhang Yang seemed impatient, and the soul realm was released in an instant, turning into a large net of soul manifestation, directly netting all the afterimages, including the black bone fork.

The villagers were saved, but Zhang Yang did not know when he posted three tragic evil ghost heads behind him.

It happened that he didn't notice anything, and the three evil ghost heads seemed to have become some kind of coordinates. As another demon cultivator appeared, he waved the black flag in his hand and saw black clouds rising and covering the sky. , At least more than a thousand ghost chasing ghosts howled and rushed forward, that speed was extremely fast!

Zhang Yang was shocked at this time, his face was shocked, his hands seemed to pinch some trick, but it was meaningless.

With the three evil spirit marks, and missed the opportunity, and then was targeted by 1,200 avatar ghost chasers, then even the golden core stage masters would have to kneel and die.

This is a big move developed by the Demon Race by using the Ghost Race. Even if it has defenses, it is useless. Facing the Human Race Immortal Cultivator on the battlefield, it has repeatedly succeeded.


For an instant, like lightning,

One thousand and two hundred ghost chasers slammed directly into Zhang Yang's body, enough to knock out his soul——

But at the same time, more intense screams sounded, and then there was a terrifying sword aura, a passive ability that appeared after Zhang Yang Soul Mai Jian Wan reached the fifth stage!

Thorns sword array!

In an instant, 128 soul swords strangled like a hedgehog, directly killing most of the ghost chasers on the spot. As for the remaining ghost chasers, they escaped the killing of the thorn sword array, but they immediately found desperately. What they collided with was not a soul at all, it was clearly a big mountain.

Nima! A liar can't die.

They wanted to escape, but it was too late.

From the beginning, Zhang Yang was trying to build a second mana structure circle.

A large fireball with a diameter of more than ten meters is rising like the sun.

Fire is ruthless!

One thousand and two hundred avatar ghost chasers were wiped out.

At this time, Zhang Yang stopped throwing the unarmored wooden spear, let alone pretending to be a ghost, and his subordinates were merciful. Three golden swords were sacrificed. One was one. There was one pair and one pair. The three outcropping demon cultivators used thunder methods. Kill, and then Shi Shiran back.

He drew a line with a wooden spear at the entrance of the village.

The meaning is very clear, the wrongdoer is the one who is wronged, the debtor is the owner, and no villager here can die.

Zhang Yang is also not sure what effect he did, but he really has no reason or motivation to help the people in the Temple of Earth.

The most important thing is that he doesn't know what kind of shofar the fairy xia village building order is smoking?

The threat of publicity was still very effective. Although there were also Jin Dan stage demon commanders in the demon wind, in the end, those demon ghosts did not enter the village to kill.

On the contrary, the direction of the Temple of the Earth is turbulent, and the mana fluctuates It is obvious that a fierce battle is going on.

Except for the unlucky ones, the villagers in Guanshan Town were hiding in the Wang's house. The spacious courtyard was more than enough for thousands of people to crowd in.

Zhang Yang did not show up, just turned into a shadow and watched the changes in secret.

In just ten minutes, the battle in the direction of the Temple of the Earth was over, and two casual cultivators covered in blood escaped into the courtyard of Wang Dahu under the protection of a stranger in white clothes.

There is no doubt that the rest of the people are dead, including the land god, including the surveillance sword soul left by the Great Dream Sword Sect in this small town.

And that unfamiliar man in white was undoubtedly the severely injured disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect who had been healed in the mysterious iron coffin before.

Great Dream Sword Sect, the real cultivating sect.

Zhang Yang watched quietly, his heart burning.

The strength of the disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect was about the Golden Core Stage, but no matter it was the Soul Sword, the Heart Sword, and the Yi Sword, they were all in a mess.

If it were not for serious injuries, he would probably be able to handle the chase outside by himself.

Oh, it's wrong, I can't figure it out, because a demon race, half human and half tiger, appeared.

Just looking at the momentum, Zhang Yang had to admit defeat, because this monster race was twice as powerful as the ghost father he and Qian Muyun had previously killed together.

"This handsome Huang Gu is ordered to hunt down the remnants of the Great Dream Sword Sect. You can retreat. I will only kill him. If I kill him, I will leave immediately. Whatever you say!"

The half-human and half-tiger Yaozu suddenly spoke, saying it was inexplicable, but only Zhang Yang knew that this guy was talking to himself.

"Sorry, this is my territory. I don't care who is or what the remnant is. I have already said something first. Those who are not from my race will die here!"

Zhang Yang laughed, the matter is now, even if he has other options, there is no way to stay out of the matter.

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