Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 284: Wooden spear despise chain

Shi Shiran, dragging a cart full of wooden spears, appeared.

This way of playing is really against high popularity, even Li Hanqiu, a disciple of the Great Dream Sword Sect who once showed hope in his eyes, is also very disappointed. He thought that a person who can face the demon handsome Huang Gu must be in the golden age. level.

The result-are you sure you didn't come out to find death?

Li Hanqiu still has this vision. He is a sword repair genius who has opened seven kinds of heavenly veins, while Zhang Yang is a fake sword repairer who has no swords.

On the contrary, the demon commander Huang Gu on the opposite side didn't dare to be careless, but he was at best to be cautious, so he didn't even bother to perfuse his words, snorted, and launched an all-out attack.

At this moment, under this demon commander Huang Gu, there are still 12 demon generals at the base-building level. The rest are hundreds of extraordinary level demon soldiers, and there are ghost slaves to help. This initial attack is flying sand and walking stones, black clouds cover day.

Those who don't have the ability, will be frightened just by this battle, and the demon soldiers and ghost slaves are attacking from all directions, looking more than despair.

But this does not include Zhang Yang and the seriously injured Big Dream Sword Sect disciple Li Hanqiu.

However, Li Hanqiu couldn't protect himself at this time. He didn't care about the casualties of ordinary people, so he stared at the demon commander Huang Gu, regardless of his serious injury, but no demon general dared to attack him.

Those demon generals all came for publicity, both temptation and interference.

From this point of view, Huang Gu's tactical intentions were quite clear.

However, Zhang Yang laughed a long time at this time. In the laughter, eighty-one invisible heart swords broke out, directly covering the entire manor, and then the soul domain was spread all over to protect the six senses of all ordinary people.

At the same time, he shouted, magic word: let go of confusion.

In an instant, those ten demon generals and hundreds of demon soldiers were all recruited.

Those demon soldiers were okay. They struggled for a second or two before jumping out of the nightmare, but those demon soldiers didn't want to break free in a short time.

At this moment, Zhang Yang drew out a wooden spear for dismantling from the trailer and called the ten demon generals one by one.

These armor-removing wooden spears can't actually break the defenses of these rough-skinned demon generals, but the double-armor removal technique attached to them is not an exemption.


Huang Gu, the demon commander, was really good, and he immediately noticed the clues, and urged those demon generals to retreat without chasing after him. After all, he had no swords, except for the wooden spear, he couldn't even reach those demon generals who were running fast. .

"Magic Word Armor Removal Technique? Unexpectedly, your Excellency is actually a celestial master who has some skills in swordsmanship. Do you think you can fool this handsome by dragging that car of armor removal tools?"

Huang Gu, the demon commander, seems to have seen the details of the publicity clearly, and this is also reasonable. After all, only the profession that can be constantly resurrected can face it without fear, and only the celestial master can reverse it. Magic Words, and only celestial masters like to play with these messy gadgets.

Well, it treats the wooden spear of Zhang Yang's trailer as a gadget, just like those things that Qian Muyun can take out anytime, anywhere.

"Go to hell!"

The monster Huang Gu roared like a thunderous roar, and his entire body instantly turned into a giant tiger with fangs dozens of feet high. This is Huang Gu's deity and the strongest weapon.

"Roar!" Huang Gu roared again, the protection formed by the unfolding Invisible Heart Sword was blown away directly, and the soul realm also collapsed.

Even the pressure of the terrifying aura directly caused hundreds of ordinary villagers in front to bleed to death on the spot.

This was something that Zhang Yang couldn't help, because he himself was also under greater pressure at the same time, relying on spitting out four or five mouthfuls of blood in a row, then resisted.

"Sword Burning Technique!"

At this time, Li Hanqiu also made a move, and with his severely injured body, he resisted the aura pressure of the Huang Gu deity by more than 70%.

But that's all. He was injured too badly. Now he can only fight to his death and release another sword art. But Huang Gu's deity is a wild alien, the first confidant of Jianping Demon Emperor, not to mention the various talents and supernatural powers, that is the steel bar iron. Bone-like skin and bones are not easily breakable.

"A mere worm, dare to be presumptuous?"

At this time, Zhang Yang suddenly roared. Taking advantage of the moment that Li Hanqiu's breath and Huang Gu's deity were entangled, he suddenly broke out in the soul realm again, and a full 180 unarmored wooden spears flew up instantly, Hao Mighty, like a sword bursting with clouds.


The idiot Huang Gu thought he was a celestial master who didn't do proper work, and deserved it to be unlucky. Don't you know that Lao Tzu is a sword repairman who does not do proper work?

"Mountains and rivers of sword intent! Melaleuca clouds, broken!"

Zhang Yang exploded the sword intent of the mountains and rivers, attached to the 180 unarmored wooden spears, and then locked the ancient deity of Huang and poured it out.

Idiot, dare to look down on Lao Tzu's wooden spear, you deserve to be unlucky!

Perhaps one unarmored wooden spear, even ten, dozens of unarmored wooden spears would not be put in the eyes of Huang Gu's deity, in fact it really didn't care.

These 180 unarmored wooden spears could not even break through the vellus of its body protection, so they were instantly bounced off.

Unfortunately, the most terrifying thing about the unarmored wooden spear is the armour removal technique attached to it.

Even though Huang Gu is a prehistoric alien, he has a strong talent and supernatural powers, which weakens and weakens this armor removal technique.

It can't hold up too many, all of which add up, the effect of removing armor is still extremely terrifying.

At this moment, a great crisis flashed in Huang Gu's heart. He had seen Zhang Yang only throw one by one before, but he never thought of how shameless Zhang Yang is. It can be done by sword repair. Throw these magical objects, no, this is not a simple throw.

Even if these were ordinary magical artifacts, this one hundred or eighty smashed over in one breath is not enough.

Besides, it doesn’t look like a common magical instrument--

With a roar, Huang Gu immediately displayed his escape method. Two huge wings were born out of thin air, and one flickered, rising hundreds of feet high. This is also the most important kind of magical power possessed by being a prehistoric alien. and also.

"Just give me ten breath time, just give me ten breath time!"

Huang Gu's heart was extremely resentful, and its supernatural powers were actually forced into danger by the **** guy. Without defense, as long as it was hit, it would be a real injury.

"Where to go!"

On the other side, Li Hanqiu also caught the change in the battlefield situation for the first time, and immediately urged his sword tactics regardless of his injury. In a short time, his sword turned into a thunder and slashed towards the ancient deity.

However, Huang Gu immediately displayed his supernatural powers again, and there was a flash of silver light on those wings, and he actually teleported thousands of meters away, avoiding Li Hanqiu's life-saving sword.


Huang Gu couldn't help laughing. It already felt that the negative effect of armor removal in its body was rapidly receding, but before its laughter fell, it saw Zhang Yang once again urging a full two hundred wooden spears, overwhelming. Fly over.

But it just ran out of teleport.


The two hundred wooden spears were bounced off as usual, unscathed, but the air forbidden techniques attached to them all took effect.

So Huang Gu was horrified to find that its two huge wings seemed to be carrying two mountains, and it couldn't fly no matter how to fly. Then he could only watch himself falling from an altitude of eight or nine hundred meters like a rock. .

The most terrible thing is that it is now in an ultra-low defense state.



Huang Gu didn't fall into meat sauce, because Zhang Yang had already released three triple golden swords and cut Huang Gu into sixteen pieces directly in the air.

The golden light on the cut surface was shimmering, and it was the lethal sword energy that had its effect.

At this time, Li Hanqiu had fainted from death, and no one in the room was qualified to see it. A golden light flashed by, plundering Huang Gu's huge body.

At the same time, a piece of information is also shown on the public eye.

"The Xianxia village building order was automatically reset successfully."

"Reset description 1: As a product of civilization, as long as the characteristics of civilization are sensed, the corresponding task will be triggered."

"Reset description 2: 4398 villagers in Guanshan Town are in a crisis of life and death, triggering the civilized characteristics of the world and the hearts of the people. This characteristic meets the resetting conditions of the village building order."

"Reset description 3: The demon commander Huang Gu led his army to attack Guanshan Town, triggering the civilization feature of this world: invasion. This feature satisfies the reset conditions of the village building order."

"The faction selection mission is completed. You saved 3,921 indigenous villagers. You have obtained the civilization characteristic of this world: Minxin (1/10). Therefore, you have 10% control over the fairy tale building order."

"Reminder: Because you have the civilized characteristics of this world: people's mind, the world will of this world will not take the initiative to attack you under the premise that you do not continue to operate the village building order in violation of the rules."

"Reminder: Please upgrade the authority of the Xianxia Village Building Order as soon as to obtain the remaining 90% control."

"Hint: Do you want to start the mission of building a village?"

"Note: This village-building task is a village-building task without any additional conditions. It belongs to the type that God does not take it and must be blamed."

"Explanation, because the Xianxia village building order was successfully reset, the plundering feature was automatically turned on (check the specific plundering information). Note: This feature can also be turned off in the Xianxia village building order."

"You succeeded in killing the Jin Dan stage monster race, Huang Gu (a heterogeneous species of the Primordial Bloodline)."

"You succeeded in plundering a wild alien demon soul."

"You succeeded in plundering a wild alien essence."

"You successfully plundered a wild alien wandering soul."

"You succeeded in plundering 5000 units of Primordial Alien Species natal blood."

"You successfully plundered three demon hearts."

"You successfully plundered 50,000 units of the flesh and blood of the Primordial Alien Species."

"You successfully plundered 30,000 units of the bones of the prehistoric alien species."

"You have obtained the Unknown Demon Law (you need to be online for identification, but in view of the current situation, the network needs to be cautious)."

"You have the Unknown Demon Art (ibid.)."


After Zhang Yang read the information, he finally felt relieved.

It turned out that the automatic resetting of the Xian Xia village building order was due to the nature of this thing, as if ice and snow would melt in the sun, and firewood would turn into a flame.

This village building order itself has no faction good and evil, it is just a tool, a tool that will automatically activate as long as it detects the characteristics of civilization.

Now, this tool is in his own hands.

So why not do it?

"Okay, then I will start the task of building the village of Xianxia."

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