Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 290: Are you kidding me?

The town of Guanshan seemed to have become very old overnight and lost its vitality.

So after the initial dazedness, a deep breath of despair spread in the town.

If it weren't for Li Hanqiu to gather and suppress, what might it be like here?

"The food can be eaten for another five months, the reserve of spiritual salt is still 13 months, the reserve of jerky monster meat is one month, and the spiritual fruit and vegetables can basically be self-sufficient."

"The ration of villagers cannot be reduced, because these mortals are on the borders of demons and ghosts, and their lifespan must be guaranteed for more than 100 years. In addition, the consumption of spiritual salt and spiritual fruit can also make the villagers' souls strong. Can be drawn to the underworld."

"This is very important. There is an indicator for the number of deaths in a village and town to enter the underworld, and it must reach 80% or more, otherwise the underworld will not issue too many soul reincarnation quotas. Without soul reincarnation, the birth of a newborn is not guaranteed. It is very possible that some lonely souls, wild ghosts, or demons and ghosts were reborn. The worst thing is the rebirth of strangers. That would disturb the secrets of heaven."

"So, the head, I suggest that we invite at least one celestial master to Guanshan Town. The original celestial master has moved away a few days ago. Without a celestial master, no one can communicate with the underworld and cannot communicate with the underworld. The villagers dare not have children, and even if they die, they will not be peaceful, because without the protection of the heavenly master, the weaker soul of the dead will not find the entrance to the underworld."

After Zhang Yang settled down on the mountain gate, he hurried to Guanshan Town, but Li Hanqiu's performance made him shine. He actually stabilized the population of nearly three thousand people, one word, cattle!

However, Li Hanqiu's next report to him caused him a headache.

"Also, the trade roads between Yening City and Xuantie City must have stopped. Without considering the future crisis and pressure of our Heavenly Sword Gate, we must keep Guanshan Town, because there is a spiritual spring here. There are five hundred acres of immortal rice fields, which cannot be discarded. Farming requires population. If the school is to develop, the new population is also very important."

"But of the thousands of villagers in Guanshan Town, at least half of them rely on trade routes to survive. If we don't find a way for them, we have to raise them."

It's not that Zhang Yang couldn't deal with the various things Li Hanqiu said, but he has more important things, such as the threat from the monster race and the coveting from Ye Ning City. How can he have the time and energy to deal with these.

"You are solely responsible for these things, aren't the villagers insecure? Take out 100 acres of the five hundred acres of fairy rice fields and divide them equally among every villager. Everyone has a share, regardless of gender."

"Now, the one hundred combat sword repairs you found for me, I want to take them up the mountain, I have to let them have combat effectiveness in a short time."

Li Hanqiu was taken aback, and then smiled bitterly: "You probably won’t understand the importance of the fairy paddy fields, the future development of a sect, um, okay, just follow the command of the head, the people’s hearts are stable, those villagers From now on, I will never escape from Guanshan Town easily. In addition, I will direct them to cultivate more land. It should be safe for more than ten years, but it is very important that the commercial road is opened sooner or later."

"No hurry, you have to eat bite by bite, and you have to walk step by step."

Zhang Yang comforted Li Hanqiu and asked him to take it to see the one hundred fighting sword repairmen.

"Head, I did not choose a strong warrior as you ordered. In fact, I can't choose a strong warrior, because the strong and powerful warriors are the guards of the four major families. The big family moved to Yening City, and now what is left is either crooked melons, or handicapped old people, so I can only choose from the rich experience."

Li Hanqiu hurriedly explained to Zhang Yang, for fear that he would run away because the situation was too bad.

Especially when Zhang Yang saw the so-called one hundred combat sword repair candidates, his eyes would jump out to be a table tennis ball.

This is so special.

The average age is 75 years old, the oldest is 89 years old, and the youngest is 62 years old. Well, this can be tolerated. Who makes the mortals in this world have a long life for various reasons, especially those who have cultivated various ways. It is possible for a warrior to live to be 150 years old, which is a brief introduction to martial arts.

But, missing arms, lame legs, missing eyes, what the **** is this?

Well, their experience must be rich, and their mood must be strong.

"Old Li, what potential do you think this combat sword repair has?"

"I don't know, head, but this is indeed the best I can find. From the perspective of mortals, they are all first-rate masters, at least once. Most of them are not locals in Guanshan Town. They have spent their entire lives licking their blood, accumulating a certain amount of wealth, and then they feel that Guanshan Town is suitable for the elderly. That’s why they bought real estate and settled here. As a result, people are like heaven. Now they pick it up again. Swords can be regarded as an opportunity, because no immortal cultivator in the world is so embarrassed to use them for combat sword repair."

"Now, it's up to the boss to agree."

Zhang Yang grinned for a few seconds, and finally he could only wave his hand, "Let's go, everyone, as the saying goes ~ Wealth is in heaven, you are all old fried dough sticks, you should understand that waiting for you What is it."

In this way, Zhang Yang led away the hundred gray-haired old men and old ladies.

That's right, there are nine old ladies, it is said that they used to be sassy and heroic, famous women!

A day later, under the peak of Qiao Lin, a hundred old guys lined up, all carrying swords on their backs. No matter what weapon they used to use, they could only use swords at the Heavenly Sword Gate.

"You are not qualified to go up the mountain now, because there is one final hurdle. It is not that I want to make things difficult for you, but to see if your body can still be transformed.

Zhang Yang said calmly, he was really not making things difficult, but doing his best to provide these old guys with a chance to remake them.

And this opportunity is to use the sword energy radiation to slowly modify the body meridians of these old guys.

Zhang Yang is very poor now, but he has a unit of standard heaven and earth aura every day, which is very useful. In the past ten days, he has found an excellent position between Qiaolin Peak and Luofu Peak and built it into Swordman Valley.

In addition, if it is possible, he can even split a little bit of rhyme.

In short, his waste door cannot become a real waste door.

"If you are afraid of death, you can go back now." After Zhang Yang said this, he couldn't help but smile, because this is really a joke. If it is a young man who is not familiar with the world, this may have some effect, but this The group of old people didn't even blink their eyelids.

"Go in, and do your best. If you can live, you will live, if you can work hard, you can't guarantee longevity, but it's impossible to be reborn!"

Zhang Yang shouted like a wolf, and then the hundred old guys rushed in like a ferocious wild boar!

Perhaps this is their only advantage, not taking life and death seriously.

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