Village Building Order Frenzy

Chapter 291: Quick beater

This looked like an ordinary valley, covered with sharp gravel. If you walked past it, even if you were wearing animal leather boots, you might be cut apart abruptly.

Could it be said that this is the first level of assessment?

Many people thought about it, and then before they tried, they heard a thumping sound in mid-air, and their boots were all cut into pieces.

"Is the assessment so simple? The old man was surprised!"

At this time, a tall old man raised his head and laughed three times, but he simply took off his coat, barefoot and strode across the gravel everywhere.

Even if his feet and legs were quickly cut into wounds, he didn't even wrinkle his eyebrows, but his speed became faster and faster. There is really a fierceness that can be as fierce as a sword and a sea of ​​fire.

With this old guy taking the lead, the other old guys and old ladies, regardless of their disability, are all catching up. These old guys who have killed most of their lives together, don’t mention how many injuries and sufferings they have suffered in their entire lives, right now This test is really pediatric.

In less than three minutes, all one hundred old guys passed the 500-meter-long gravel valley.


Zhang Yang appeared at this time, but in his eyes, there was no gravel valley, only a hundred old guys were set in place, and they were shrouded in clouds of mist, which was an illusion.

And the gravel valley they walked barefoot was just the first wave of sword energy radiation Zhang Yang sent them.

He wanted to use this method to activate the strong willpower of the old guys. No way, the old guys have no potential to tap. Apart from their arrogance and arrogance, there is really nothing worth mentioning.

If you want them to pass the test of sword qi radiation, they must carefully run in their best and most proud things.

"It's a bit bad! The bodies of these old men and old ladies are too weak."

Zhang Yang walked over and carefully injected a mouthful of life energy into the bodies of these old men and old ladies one by one, and then slowly repaired their physical injuries and the nearly dried-up meridians.

After a lap, Zhang Yang consumed 450 natal auras, which made the situation of these old guys a little better.

"I'm making it. It feels like I'm doing a loss-making business. Even if I change to an ordinary mortal, it's not that bad, right?"

Zhang Yang was a bit speechless, but in the end he sighed. Among the remaining 3000 mortals in Guanshan Town, there are indeed healthy adults, but they have the courage to walk the 500-meter long with bare feet and eyebrows. Gravel valley?

Although it was said that this was an illusion made with mysterious rank weirdness, it was true that the radiation of sword energy fell on the body, and it was really painful.

So from this point, these old guys are also qualified.

"Go ahead! If it's a big deal, use aura!"

Next, Zhang Yang continued to manipulate the mysterious-level weirdness, guiding the souls of these old guys into the second illusion, the fiery illusion, a total of 1,000 meters, the ground was covered with red charcoal fire, and flames were burning from time to time.

But in fact, it was Zhang Yang who increased the radiation of the sword energy by 50%, that is, the pain increased to 50%.

The old guys didn't really run on it, but their strong willpower could ensure that they would not die in a coma. At this time, with the illusion, it would be easy for them to give birth to the idea that they are old and strong, and I will never admit defeat.

It turns out that the old guys are very tugged.

In the second level, only two old guys were eliminated. It was not because they died of pain, but they seemed to have experienced some nightmare in their early years. As a result, they triggered the death option in the illusion, and died before Zhang Yang stepped forward to rescue. Up.

He was so angry that he slapped the table!

"Dare to double-heartedly, I chopped you to make firewood!"

Table: Wrong!

The second hurdle ended soon, and Zhang Yang hurried over and poured a mouthful of his life spirit into it without money. He felt that he might be the stupidest boss ever.

After this round, all the natal auras in his double spirit vein sword pill were consumed, but the effect was only one percent of the normal immortal cultivator's entry.

The simplest example, Zhang Yang used 980 natal auras to build the foundation successfully, and the nine heavenly veins were completed in one go.

And ordinary transcendents, with at most 100 natal auras, can barely succeed in the three major celestial channels.

But now, these old men and women have consumed 1,200 of his life spirit, but everyone's progress in building the foundation is only one percent.

"Sometimes, I really suspect that there is a problem with my IQ!"

Zhang Yang sighed at Tianchang, what else could he do?

Next, he trapped these old guys with the mysterious level weird so that they could not feel the passage of time.

However, Zhang Yang was desperately absorbing the aura of his life, thanks to the fact that he now has a mysterious-level earth spirit hub, one hundred units of heaven and earth aura every day, plus one unit of standard aura obtained from the background modifier - it is still not enough.

Fortunately, with the beginning of the third level of the illusion, some old guys can no longer hold it, because at this time the sword energy radiation has spread to most of their bodies, almost one-third of their meridians, the kind of pain is like being killed by a thousand people. Dao Wanqi is much more serious.

By the time of the fourth level of fantasy, there were only sixty-two old guys Zhang Yang swears that this is the cruelest person he has ever encountered in his life.

It is understandable to be cruel to others, but cruel to yourself, this Nima, Laozi admires the five-body.

Table: Forty-four people can be eliminated, they can't survive the fifth level, and even now, they can do an excellent combat sword repair.

Zhang Yang was not surprised at the passing of the idea of ​​the table, because when the mysterious level was weird, it was indeed possible to communicate when the fourth level changed.

He even had no doubt that when the mysterious level weird evolves to the sixth level, a person will definitely change.

"it is good!"

Zhang Yang agrees very much, because he can't bear it anymore. If this continues, he may not go bankrupt, but he will definitely go crazy.

As a result, the forty-four old guys woke up from the illusion. Originally, they seemed to have experienced the torment of **** in the illusion, but only then discovered that it was just a phantom dream. They had no injuries at all, no, no. , Their bodies have actually become younger, full of strength.

It seemed to be thirty years younger suddenly.

"Congratulations, you have officially become the combat swordsmanship of the Heavenly Sword Gate. From now on, I will teach you the first sword technique. That is Qingyun Imperial Sword Skill!"

Zhang Yang said with a cold face, and passed on the sword art. Now each of these forty-four old guys has been nourished by at least 30 natal auras in their bodies. Although they may never be able to build a foundation, they are advanced and transcendent. Swordsmanship can compete with ordinary foundation-building cultivators, but there is no problem.

Besides, Zhang Yang also intends to let them go to the Liberty Palace to comprehend the sword intent of mountains and rivers.

In any case, this is also the first batch of quick hitters that Zhang Yang has gotten in this world, which can be used to station in Guanshan Town or to patrol the mountains.

This saves him from lack of skills and exhaustion.

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