"How dare I!" Wei Yan knelt down quickly, "Prime Minister, it's all because of my poor teaching that Qingqing behaved so unruly! I'm guilty, I'm guilty! I hope the Prime Minister will forgive me!" Immediately, Wei Yan grabbed Wei Qingqing's hand and glared at her, "Why are you still standing there? Kneel down quickly! Kneel down!" Wei Qingqing was stubborn: "That's right! Grandpa, didn't people say that the spirit beast was from the Prime Minister's house? Prime Minister, your spirit beast hurt people wantonly, can the Prime Minister just sit back and watch?" "How dare you!" Wei Yan said, "It's common for bureaucratic families to keep spirit beasts in captivity. When there are too many spirit beasts, some of them are difficult to keep in captivity, and it's understandable that they escape privately. I know this is not the Prime Minister's intention!" Wei Yan was anxious. He still planned to marry Wei Qingqing to Chen Yuan, but now, I'm afraid Wei Qingqing's favorability has been lost with Chen Yuan, right? You are really my good granddaughter! At this time, Ye Fei also spoke up.

"I didn't expect that in Northern Qi, if the spirit beasts raised hurt people, they would not be held responsible."

When two countries are at war, envoys are not killed.

Ye Fei spoke out to help Wei Qingqing this time, and he really didn't believe that Chen Yuan would dare to do anything to him.

I am the little poet of Dongyi!

Seeing Ye Fei jumping out and looking at the strong golden luck behind him, Chen Yuan forced himself to hold back his smile.

Qin Yang's luck has been harvested almost, but he didn't expect such a big piece of fat to be delivered to the door.

"Sir Wei, since it was my spirit beast that hurt people, then I will kill the spirit beast and cook it into soup another day, and send someone to send it to Wei Mansion, what do you think?"

"Prime Minister! I am terrified!" Wei Yan almost wanted to tear Ye Fei's mouth off.

Originally, because of being late, I was afraid that I had already lost points in the Prime Minister's heart, and now he actually wanted the Prime Minister to be responsible for his injuries?

Is he sick?

"Prime Minister, whose spirit beast doesn't suddenly appear? This accident is all my own fault. If I had come earlier, wouldn't it be such a coincidence? Prime Minister, I know that this is not your intention. Please don't say anything inappropriate. This... This is really embarrassing for me!" Immediately, Chen Yuan looked at Ye Fei. "You saw it. I want to take responsibility, but Lord Wei doesn't need it." "Yes, yes, yes!" Wei Yan hurriedly responded, "I have a deep personal relationship with the Prime Minister. How could I care about such a small matter? Isn't it just a bite from a spirit beast? Are people in Dongyi so fussy?" Ye Fei's face changed slightly, and Xue Jianyao behind him couldn't help but secretly pinch him. As a member of the royal family of Dongyi, Xue Jianyao would not allow anyone to slander Dongyi. But Wei Yan didn't plan to let Ye Fei go. I finally got close to the Prime Minister, and you had to make trouble, right? Well, don't blame me for being rude!

"Gentlemen, everyone in Beiqi has excellent cultivation talents. It's just that he was bitten by a spirit beast. The injury will heal within a day. Why do you have to worry about such a thing? I think the cultivation talents of the Dongyi people should be satisfactory."

"Otherwise, why would you be so upset about a mere spirit beast? Prime Minister, do you think what I said makes sense?"

This is a naked show of goodwill to Chen Yuan.

He said he didn't mind being bitten by a spirit beast before, and even took the initiative to join Chen Yuan to suppress Ye Fei.

Chen Yuan is not a fool, and naturally he can hear the flattery and goodwill revealed in Wei Yan's words.

Prime Minister, please don't blame me, I really dare not blame you for the spirit beast! It's because my granddaughter was taught too well by me that she dared to talk back to you. Please don't take it to heart!

This Ye Fei dared to speak rudely to you, just wait and see how I deal with him!

Chen Yuan smiled: "Master Wei's words are very much in my heart."

Hearing this, Wei Yan was slightly relieved.

Ye Fei's face turned green and purple. He had clearly said he would help him, but he actually cooperated with Chen Yuan to bite him back, and even involved Dongyi.

Offstage, many other talented people from other countries were already somewhat amused.

"This Ye Fei, clearly wanted to help the Wei family, but ended up getting himself into trouble."

"Is this kind of person really worthy of the title of Dongyi Little Poet?"

"That's right, in my opinion, is it just a false reputation?"

In Wei Qingqing's heart, Ye Fei's image was a little taller.

All the people present were just people who curry favor with the powerful, and only Ye Fei had the courage to speak for justice.

He is really worthy of being the man that Wei Qingqing likes!

If we continue this topic, I am afraid it will be like being stuck in a quagmire, getting deeper and deeper.

Thinking of this, Ye Fei quickly changed the subject.

"Since Lord Wei is here, let's start the Yawen Poetry Contest."

Chen Yuan sneered contemptuously: "You little rascal, whether the conference starts or not should naturally be announced by the supreme Majesty Qianrou of Northern Qi. How can you, a child of Dongyi, be so presumptuous here?"

Hearing this, Ye Fei's face became even uglier.

The other talented people from various countries present all laughed secretly.

The poetry contest has not officially started yet, and Ye Fei's face is almost swollen.

The Thousand Illusionary Spirit Eyes opened, and as expected, just the verbal suppression, Ye Fei's luck light also dimmed significantly.

Immediately, Chen Yuan closed the Thousand Illusionary Spirit Eyes without showing any expression.

Ye Fei's face flushed, "In this case, please ask Her Majesty the Queen to announce the start of the conference."

Okay, Chen Yuan, you wait for me, let you be arrogant for a while, and when the conference starts, I will conquer everyone here with my talent!

Chen Yuan then bowed to the Queen Qianrou.

"Your Majesty, please announce the start of this poetry gathering."

"Okay!" Qianrou stood up, pretending to be majestic with her small body, "In that case, I declare that this Yawen poetry gathering officially begins!"

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