With the announcement of the end by Empress Qianrou, the highly anticipated Yawen Poetry Meeting finally officially began.

Many great scholars sat down one after another, ready to feel the atmosphere of this poetry meeting.

Although Ye Fei was slapped in the face by Chen Yuan just now, if he can make some popular poems, he can return the favor to Chen Yuan.

This is also the mentality of the spectators. Ye Fei, can you give Chen Yuan a little shock in terms of poetry and prose attainments?

Although the empress has announced the end, many talented people in Northern Qi have not yet come on stage to recite poems.

These talented people are not fools. They can see who has the final say in the court of the Northern Qi Xian Dynasty.

"Everyone, His Majesty has already announced the start. If so, start reciting poems and composing essays. Why are you all standing there?"

As Chen Yuan's voice fell, only then did the talented people dare to come out and recite poems.

"Since that's the case, I'll throw out some ideas. I'm Li Rong from the Li family of Northern Qi. I'm here to meet you all."

"It's the golden autumn season, the moon is bright in the sky, and I'm inspired to write a poem about the colors of autumn."

Immediately, Li Rong held his sleeves and paced, chanting slowly.

"Flowers bloom and fall, and I've always enjoyed them in front of Baishi Rock.

The morning sun shines on the green curtain outside the clouds, and the autumn colors on the riverside fill the capital."

Several great scholars nodded frequently. Although there were some flaws, it was generally acceptable.

Afterwards, a talented scholar from the Southern Wilderness also chanted slowly.

"Nanhuang Jialuo Academy, Wu Yanhu, I'm sorry to show my ugliness."

"The shadows of the mountains and rivers move in the cold autumn light,

The light of the river shakes and the night air condenses.

A song in front of the wine cup brings the Milky Way closer,

The sad wind and fallen leaves follow."

Chen Yuan also nodded slightly. It seems that even without Ye Fei, the level of poetry and prose in this world is still okay.

But it is definitely not comparable to the thousands of years of poetry and culture in China.

"You call this a poem?" Ye Fei sneered.

Li Rong was angry, "Mr. Ye, what do you mean? If there is anything wrong with this poem, I hope you can teach me."

Wu Yanhu also said, "According to what Mr. Ye said, it is our poetry that is not good enough to please Mr. Ye?"

Even Wei Qingqing couldn't help but take a second look at Ye Fei.

With Wei Qingqing's literary talent, she naturally felt that the poems written by these two people were still good. Although they were definitely not as good as Ye Fei, they should be considered rare masterpieces in the Northern Qi Dynasty.

Could it be that Mr. Ye had any other masterpieces that could crush these two people?

Ye Fei stood up proudly and said loudly.

"Whether it's Brother Li or Brother Wu, the whole poem is full of sadness for spring and autumn."

"Brother Ye, what do you mean? When autumn comes, won't the sadness for autumn come?"

"That's right." Wu Yanhu also said, "Since ancient times, every autumn, talented men and beautiful women are sad. This has almost become a consensus among talented people in various countries!"

Ye Fei looked down: "So, this is why you can't surpass me. Who said that autumn must be sad?"

Li Rong and Wu Yanhu looked at each other.

"What advice do you have, Mr. Ye?"

"Listen to this one."

"Since ancient times, autumn has been sad and lonely.

I say autumn is better than spring.

A crane flies above the clouds in the clear sky,

and it leads the poetic sentiment to the blue sky!"

Many of the people present are talented people, so they can naturally appreciate the heroic sentiment of this poem.

Different from the previous sadness for spring and autumn, Ye Fei's poem takes a different approach, using the autumn scenery to contrast the lofty ambition.

Chen Yuan lowered his eyes slightly.

Liu Yuxi's Autumn Poem.

Are you copying Liu Yuxi's poem this time?

Wei Qingqing was a little anxious. When she heard that she was to write a poem on the theme of autumn, her thoughts came to her and she wrote a poem on paper.

The bright moon is invisible, where do the white clouds come from?

The mountains are empty, the water is flowing, and the cicadas are crying in the wind.

The bell of the wild temple just stopped, and the lights of the river boats are still on.

I miss you but I can't see you, I watch the tide on the cold beach and return.

But after hearing what Ye Fei said, he crumpled the manuscript into a ball of paper.

Consistent with what Ye Fei said, Wei Qingqing's poem is still sad and melancholy, and even the last two sentences faintly express her longing for Ye Fei.

But compared with Ye Fei's heroic poem, it is simply a show of skill in front of an expert.

Wei Qingqing secretly looked at the many talented people of Northern Qi behind him. They all blushed and wanted to chant a better poem, but they racked their brains and couldn't come up with a sentence.

Ye Fei said proudly.

"Your Majesty Qianrou, I wonder how talented Ye is in poetry?"

"Ah?" Empress Qianrou looked at a loss, "Are you asking me?"

Empress Qianrou was a 15-year-old child, how could she understand poetry? Ye Fei was actually disgusting Northern Qi by doing this.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two poems written by Li Rong and Wu Yanhu cannot be compared with the poems written by Ye Fei.

They are already 10% behind in terms of emotional expression.

Qianrou was a little anxious. She just heard something like "autumn" and "loneliness", but how could she know what this poem meant?

"Prime Minister? What do you think of Ye Fei's poem?"

Ye Fei looked at Chen Yuan with a proud look. Even Chen Yuan should be able to tell the difference between the three poems, right?

Wei Qingqing was a little anxious. Could it be that no one in the entire Northern Qi could beat Mr. Ye in poetry?

She was in a very complicated mood at the moment. On the one hand, she was sincerely happy that Ye Fei could write such a good poem.

On the other hand, she didn't want Ye Fei to put pressure on Northern Qi and slap Northern Qi in the face.

In any case, she, Wei Qingqing, was also a citizen of Northern Qi!

But at this moment, even she couldn't come up with a poem that could rival Ye Fei's.

At the entire poetry gathering, many talented people looked as pale as pig livers.

The officials who came to the meeting also secretly complained.

Prime Minister, Prime Minister, we have long said that we cannot let Ye Fei hold this event smoothly. Now let's see, it is said that it is a poetry gathering where a hundred flowers bloom, but in the end, it is still Ye Fei who stands out?

I only regret that my Northern Qi has not produced a person as talented as Ye Fei!

"Prime Minister." Ye Fei's mouth corners slightly raised, "What do you think of this poem of Ye Mou? Ye Mou is here to hope that the Prime Minister of Northern Qi can teach me one or two."

Qianrou was a little anxious. Although she didn't understand the meaning of this poem, judging from the atmosphere on the scene, the poems of the two people before should not be as good as Ye Fei's.

She didn't understand what poetry was, let alone what autumn was. She just hoped that the people of Dongyi could not show off their power in Northern Qi.

"Prime Minister..."

Qianrou couldn't help but tug at Chen Yuan's clothes slightly.

Chen Yuan turned around and signaled that she didn't need to be nervous.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, leave this to me."

Immediately, he turned to Ye Fei and spoke loudly.

"The poem is good, of course, both in rhythm and emotion, it is impeccable."

Ye Fei couldn't help but raise his lips. Sure enough, even Chen Yuan, who was a top official in Northern Qi, had to admit his talent for poetry, right?

But Chen Yuan's next words made everyone present unable to remain calm!

"But this poem, I'm afraid it wasn't written by you, Ye Fei?"

Ye Fei's heart suddenly trembled!

But before Ye Fei could respond, Xue Jianyao beside him couldn't help it, stepped forward and faced Chen Yuan.

"What nonsense! If this poem was not written by Ye Fei, who else could it be? I didn't expect the Prime Minister of Northern Qi to be so despicable. Seeing that no one could beat Ye Fei, he began to confuse right and wrong?"

"How dare you!!"

The officials of the Shen Party stood up one after another, "But a small envoy from Dongyi actually offended the power of the Prime Minister of Northern Qi?!"

Chen Yuan waved his hand and motioned them to sit down.

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, we are not unaware of the etiquette of the Dongyi people. It's normal for a barbarian land to be ignorant of etiquette."

Hearing this, everyone present, except the Dongyi people, couldn't help laughing.

Xue Jianyao was even more furious.

"You said that we Dongyi are a barbaric land and don't know etiquette. Does the Prime Minister insist that this poem was not written by Ye Fei, and it is in accordance with etiquette?"

Chen Yuan talked freely.

"Everyone, when I was training at the Shen family, I came across a secret realm. In the secret realm, I met many poems and essays. And these poems and essays are exactly the same as those created by Ye Fei!"

Hearing this, everyone present instantly exploded!

Chirping, arguing endlessly!

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