Seeing Li Hao's cold attitude, Xu Lingdang frowned slightly and said: "Are you dissatisfied with the reward I gave you?"


Li Hao said: "I am satisfied that I can keep this life. I just wonder if we will have a chance to meet again. Then, I will force you to do something for me like today."

"You? Force me to do something?"

Xu Lingdang pointed at her nose and almost laughed.


The golden nose ring sneered behind her.

He didn't think Li Hao could surpass Xu Lingdang.

"Are you afraid?"

Li Hao tilted his head and asked Xu Lingdang.

"I am afraid?"

Xu Lingdang laughed, "As long as you have the ability to go to the urban area, leave a letter to me in the Warrior Guild, and I will definitely give you a chance."

She is a third-level warrior and a superpower, and her superpowers are unconventional. Now she is the most outstanding among her peers in the Warrior Guild of Xingtan City.

Li Hao raised his eyebrows and stopped talking.

He just wanted to leave his impression in Xu Lingdang's heart.

He would "conquer" this woman sooner or later.

And it's better to do it sooner rather than later.

This was originally Qin Yu's "connection".

After arriving in the urban area, I will "conquer" her first!

Li Hao thought fiercely in his heart.

[Ding! ]

[Villain system: Congratulations to the host for successfully triggering the task of snatching Xu Lingdang, the current progress is 0%! ]

[Tip: Complete the task and you can get the branch reward! ]

The system's prompt sounded.


Walking outside the school, Li Hao and Xu Lingdang and the other five went their separate ways.

"Remember, don't die in the hunting competition. I'm still waiting for you to challenge me in Xingtan City!"

Before leaving, Xu Lingdang said to Li Hao with a chuckle.

She thought this dog slave was quite interesting, at least in the dog slave area, he was definitely a strong existence.

But she didn't believe that Li Hao could catch up with her.

Li Hao just nodded and didn't say anything.

After watching Xu Lingdang and the others leave, he didn't go back to school directly, but walked towards the East Street.

After wandering around the street for a long time, he was sure that no one was following him, so he went to Green Fruit.

Just near the middle of East Street, he really saw Green Fruit.

The sign at the door was the kind of retro style, dark brown, wooden. Now it has decayed a lot, and the paint is mottled.

Two empty storefronts, five-story building.

The shop was already in a mess, with fruit racks scattered all over the place.

Li Hao walked into the shop and went straight upstairs.

If the warrior's body has appeared now, it should be in the living room on the third floor of the shop.

As soon as he reached the second floor, Li Hao's heart suddenly beat, and then frowned.

There was a strong stench, the kind that makes people sick.

It's the stench of a corpse!

It seems that the body is indeed here, but the unlucky guy has not been dead for too long.

In the original novel, when Qin Yu and "Li Hao" found the body, it had completely turned into bones, and there was no corpse stench spreading.

Quickly go up to the third floor.

The stench of the corpse is even stronger.

The door is open.

The moonlight shines in from the broken window.

There is a body lying on the sofa in the living room. The eyes are "staring" at the door.


Li Hao almost vomited on the spot.

Because the body of this guy has begun to swell and rot, even the eyeballs have burst out of the eye sockets.

But he still resisted the nausea and walked over.

First, pick up the E1-level alloy long sword on the ground next to it.

The style of this sword is somewhat like the ancient Tang horizontal sword, about one meter and one meter long, with a geometric blade.

From the beginning to the end of the blade, there is a flame-like pattern running through it.

The handle is made of hard sandalwood and inlaid with fine and complex golden patterns.

It looks pretty good.

"Shua shua!"

Li Hao held the knife in his hand and played with it twice.

It's very handy.

This knife is about three pounds.

[Ding! ]

[Villain System: Congratulations to the host for snatching the protagonist's opportunity, and get +3000 villain points! ]

The voice of the system suddenly sounded in Li Hao's head, making Li Hao ecstatic!

E1-level alloy, exchange points for every 100g - 200 points.

This knife should be exactly three pounds, that is, 1500g.

Double harvest again!

Li Hao has received the largest villain point reward so far.

He put the E1-level long knife into the storage space and looked at the corpse again.

That guy should have been seriously injured by the golden-horned pangolin with the golden-horned beam, and then died here after escaping here.

There was a fist-sized hole on his chest.

Even the alloy armor he was wearing was completely pierced.

The warrior must be strong, otherwise, he would not have been able to get here.

Li Hao had just gained something, so he naturally didn't care about being disgusted. He quickly took off the leather jacket that this guy was wearing outside and took off the alloy armor inside.

Only the lining was left inside, which was soaked in rotten blood and sticky, as if it was covered with ketchup.

[Ding! ]

[Villain system: Congratulations to the host for snatching the protagonist's opportunity and getting +1040 villain points! ]

The system's prompt sounded again.

This armor is a soft armor made of gold wire and is very light.

In addition, the price of F9-level alloy is only 130 villain points per 100g, so the villain points rewarded are incomparable to that of the E1 long sword.

But this is still enough to make Li Hao very happy.

4040 villain points!

He also went out hunting with Qin Yu?

Hunting for nothing!

He decided not to go out at night and stay in the house with Su Liluo to sleep and have sex!

Li Hao happily took off the clothes of the dog slave area and put on the gold silk soft armor inside.

With the toughness of F9 alloy, it is absolutely no problem to resist the sharp claws of beasts below level 3.

Unfortunately, it is not a hard plate armor.

Otherwise it would be better.

As for the E1-level long sword, it should have no problem breaking the scales of any beast below level 4.

If he met the Iron Wolf again now, Li Hao would be confident enough to take it down with one sword.

Li Hao opened his attribute panel.

Attribute panel:

Cell activity: 1720

Spiritual power: 1500

Superpower: Telekinesis (level 1)

Martial arts: Meteorite sword technique (proficiency: 0)

Villain points: 4300


Level 3 warriors need cell activity to reach 7500 points, which is 1480 points short.

In order to reach the level of a third-level warrior before the hunting competition, he needs to exchange a few X2 cell potions.

However, Li Hao is not so anxious.

As a second-level warrior, there is a huge gap in strength.

If he now adds all the villain points to cell activity, he can become a very top-notch second-level warrior in the blink of an eye.

"Add 300 points of meteorite swordsmanship!"

Li Hao decided to try to improve his martial arts.

In an instant, a realization surged into his mind.

The system panel also changed.

Martial arts: Meteorite swordsmanship (proficiency: 300-0.01%)

Li Hao: (ヾノ꒪ཫ꒪)

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