300 villain points, only one ten-thousandth of it was realized!

This was beyond his expectation.

It seems that to fully understand the Meteorite Sword Technique, an astonishing number of three million villain points is needed.

How long will it take?

Li Hao did not dare to continue adding the remaining villain points to the Meteorite Sword Technique, always feeling that this was a bottomless pit.

Instead of improving the Meteorite Sword Technique now, it is better to improve his martial arts level first.

However, he did not add cell activity right away.

Anyway, the villain points will not run away here, so he plans to wait and see.

He now has other ways to improve his strength.

That is to comprehend the second superpower.

However, he has not yet figured out what superpower he should comprehend as the second superpower.

In the original novel, there is such a saying that there is no strongest superpower, only the strongest superpower combination.

Because even the superpower with the highest ranking sequence may be restrained by the superpower with the lower ranking. Some junk abilities can also produce incredible changes when combined.

Li Hao took out the E1-level alloy long sword from the storage space and went downstairs.

No matter what ability you comprehend, you need a crystal core.

He planned to hunt ferocious beasts first, and if he had the right ability at that time, he would try to comprehend it.

After leaving the green fruit, Li Hao returned to the school and put the body of the golden-horned pangolin into the storage space, and then left the town.

In the middle of the night, except for a few ferocious beasts that hid during the day and came out at night, most of the other ferocious beasts would stay in their nests.

The streets were empty, desolate and cold, making people panic.

With the departure of Xu Lingdang and the others, it is very likely that Li Hao, the only warrior left in this relatively remote town, exists.

He dared not hunt alone in a town where ferocious beasts were entrenched.

Although the golden-horned pangolin was dead, there were still many third-level beasts in the town, which he could not afford to provoke at will.

The beasts in the town were too dense, and the noise made during the fight would most likely attract more beasts. At that time, he would have to die here.

Unless one had the strength of a fourth-level warrior, or had a very strong means of escape, such as teleportation like Qin Yu, otherwise, hunting in such a town would be like eating arsenic and seeking death.

Li Hao estimated that if the golden-horned pangolin had not been entrenched in the remote Xiangqian Primary School, Xu Lingdang and others would not dare to attack the golden-horned pangolin.

With his current strength, it is more reliable to hunt lone beasts in the wild.

After leaving the town, Li Hao breathed a sigh of relief.

Although there were some accidents during this trip to the town, it was finally safe.

Besides getting the E1 long sword and F9 gold silk soft armor, he also got an X2 potion from Xu Lingdang, as well as the body of a golden-horned pangolin. This harvest was beyond his expectations.

Walking on the deserted road from the town to the dog slave area, Li Hao was no longer so cautious.

He walked slowly, looking around.

It was rare to come out, so he naturally didn't intend to "return empty-handed".

Finally, after dozens of minutes, two beasts finally appeared in Li Hao's sight.

They were two cats like wild boars.

They were black in color, and in the moonlight, they were a little purple.

The second-level beast - the phantom cat.

This beast's attack power is not strong, it can only rely on its claws, but its speed is extremely fast, and it can create afterimages.

Its crystal core ability is also "Phantom", which belongs to the enhanced ability and is not ranked high.

Li Hao doesn't like it.

But it can be used to exchange for X2 potion from the one-eyed dragon.

As the saying goes, you can't miss it if you pass by it.

Moreover, now is a good opportunity.

Because at this moment, the slightly stronger phantom cat is lying on the other phantom cat.

Doing something shameful.

Li Hao felt that if he didn't seize such an opportunity, he would be sorry for himself. If it were normal, he would have to spend some effort to deal with the extremely fast phantom cat.

Under the control of Li Hao's telekinesis, the alloy long sword slowly approached the two phantom cats who were oblivious to the world around them.


When the distance was only a few meters, it suddenly accelerated.


Phantom cat: (;≧Д≦)y

They obviously couldn't imagine that when they were happiest, there would be a sudden crisis of death.

Even if they were known for their speed, they had no time to react.

The alloy long knife pierced through the heads of the two phantom cats.

There were only short and sharp cries, and then the two phantom cats "couple""They fell to the ground together, and did not separate until they died.

Li Hao ran over, and it took him some effort to pull the two phantom cats apart.

With barbs?

He grinned and put the two phantom cats into the storage space.

Unknowingly, several hours had passed.

Li Hao returned to the gap in the high-voltage power grid.

Although he was a little embarrassed, he was grinning.

Outside the safe zone, there were indeed many more ferocious beasts than inside the safe zone.

This time he made a fortune.

Battle With F9-level gold silk soft armor and E1-level alloy long sword, he can completely crush ordinary third-level beasts.

After a few hours, he killed three third-level beasts, six second-level beasts, and eleven first-level beasts.

Although there are no rare beasts like the ghost-faced bat, they are just common beasts with ordinary crystal core abilities, but it is definitely a rich harvest.

The price he paid was that the dog slave area work clothes on his body were rotten into rags.

This was caused by a third-level beast evolved from a wild dog. .

This beast has some kind of berserk ability, and its combat power is quite explosive. Although Li Hao has telekinesis, he finally added all the villain points to the cell activity to kill it.

"Today is a good day, what I thought about~~~"

Li Hao hummed a little tune while taking out the two phantom cats and the body of the black-scaled snake from the storage space.

Then he quietly waited for Qin Yu to come back.

He didn't dare to take out all the harvest, because when hunting in the safe zone, the security team could turn a blind eye, but away from Opening the safe zone is something the security team cannot tolerate.

If they are discovered by the patrol team, even they will be punished.

And if Li Hao takes out all the harvest, the one-eyed dragon will definitely guess that he went hunting outside the safe zone.

These harvests must be taken out slowly in batches.

After waiting for about half an hour, Qin Yu came back.

Behind him was a fireball rabbit and a blue-eyed weasel dragged by vines.

But this kind of ferocious beast was obviously no longer in Li Hao's eyes.

"Are you back?"

He greeted Qin Yu with a smile.

Qin Yu nodded, and his eyes were immediately attracted by the corpse of the phantom cat that Li Hao placed in front of him.

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