
"The perfect boyfriend?" Yan

Ruyue was full of sadness, and the ghost made God almost click in.

[Requirements: handsome, calm temperament, Chinese medicine supergod, age: no more than 35 years old. 【

Rental period: half a day!】【

Meeting time and place: ten o'clock in the morning, Baicaotang!】After

entering the requirements, Yan Ruyue directly paid 888 yuan.

After paying the payment, she came back to her senses.

What did she do?

She would believe such unrealistic advertising.

Handsome and temperamental, such a person is rare, but it is still relatively easy to find.

But to know extremely high medical skills, or Chinese medicine, it is a bit nonsense.

Traditional Chinese medicine has declined, not to mention extremely high Chinese medicine skills, now young people know less about Chinese medicine.


, if Chinese medicine has reached a very high level, if it is not from a Chinese medicine family,

it is the kind of old man with rich experience and experience.

This is also the reason why she has age requirements.

Even she comes from a family of Chinese medicine.

Since he was a child, he has been in contact with traditional Chinese medicine, and he has the guidance of the old man, a master in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and now he does not dare to say that traditional Chinese medicine is superb.

The reason why it is said that let the boyfriend treat the old man is purely a joking tone to comfort the old man.


Place an order with this.

Su Han, who had just come out for breakfast and was about to go to see the house, had already received an order request.

As before, he first clicked in to check the basic information.

[Name]: Yan Ruyue

[Age]: 26

[Height]: 173

[Charm]: 96 (full value 100)

[Identity]: The current treasurer

of Baicao Hall


"Yan Ruyue?" Su

Han's eyes lit up.

This turned out to be another heroine.

Yan Ruyue, born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, controls the most famous traditional Chinese medicine hall in the magic capital.

Old man Yan is a titan in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and even the Yan family has a very high status in the magic capital.

If memory serves, the

old man of the Yan family has a strange disease,

and various organs fail.

Even his superb medical skills could not be cured, but only relieved.

According to the results of the examination, he has not lived for a few years.

The old man has a wish, that is, to see if the boyfriend made by the most beloved granddaughter is a good match.

At that time, Lin Feng showed amazing medical skills, was favored by Yan Ruyue, and pretended to be her boyfriend.

Now this heroine seems to be cut off by him.

[You have a new order, do you accept the order?]

Su Han clicked to confirm without hesitation.

This is an opportunity to network.

If you put your face like a moon bubble... Ah no... It is to catch the line of the Yan family.

He doesn't have to worry about offending anyone in the future.

[Ding... According to the customer's request, you have obtained god-level medical skills. 【

Ding... According to the customer's requirements, your temperament becomes more mature. As

the system sound falls.

There was a tingling in Su Han's mind, it was all kinds of information about medical skills.

It was as if what I had learned with great painstaking was imprinted in my mind and lingered.

Although I didn't know about medicine before.

But even if he applied it immediately, he felt like he was in hand.

"God-level medical skills, this skill is good. A

smile appeared on Su Han's face.

It's a skill that quickly expands relationships.

Lin Feng was able to traverse the Flower Capital, relying not only on force, but also on his brilliant medical skills.

Let's ask you -

what big man doesn't want to have a good body and live a long life?

Su Han's eyes flashed, since he accepted the order, he had to wait for the house.

Since he pretended to be his boyfriend and went back to see the old man.

He had to get ready.


Hundred Herb Hall -

Yan Ruyue returned from the imperial capital to run an errand, so she first went to the Hundred Herb Hall to take a look.


She was in her office looking at problems from recent days.

Bang bang bang......


There was a sharp knock on the office door.

Yan Ruyue frowned.

Just listen to the urgent call of the assistant outside.

"The treasurer is not good, someone in the hall suddenly fainted..." Yan

Ruyue was shocked, did not read the report, and walked out of the office.

Baicao Tang is not only a Chinese medicine store, but also a famous Chinese medicine hall.

There are many people who come to see the doctor.

There are not a few such sudden changes.

The assistant is so eager today, something big must have happened.

"What happened?"

asked the assistant while hurrying quickly.

"The treasurer is like this, just now a patient came to see the doctor and suddenly fainted in the hall. The

assistant did not stop, his tone hurried.

"Several gentlemen have looked at the pulse, as if... It seems that she is about to stop breathing..." Hearing

this, Yan Ruyue's brows furrowed tightly.

As a doctor and as a businessman, she was instantly aware of this crisis.

Nowadays, Chinese medicine is in decline.

Baicao Tang as the best Chinese medicine hall.

If the patient had an accident in Baicao Tang, it would undoubtedly be another major blow to Chinese medicine.

Baicao Tang is the brainchild of my grandfather, with the dream of promoting Chinese medicine.

It is -

Yan Ruyue must not let such a thing happen.


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