
"There are so many people around here, what happened?"

"You don't know yet, do you? Someone suddenly fainted just now, and now they are in first aid.

"Just fainted, that's fine, Baicao Tang is the most famous Chinese medicine hall, there are several old gentlemen stationed, with them, there will be no accident."

"That being said, there seems to be something wrong this time, the patient's condition is a little serious, I look at the appearance of those old gentlemen, and I can't help..."

How serious is it? Even the Hundred Herb Hall can't be cured?

"Huh... Chinese medicine? It's just a reputation fisherman, and he has no real ability at all.

"Yes, I think if I were sent to the big hospital opposite, now the patient has been cured."



The fainting patient has been transferred to the infirmary.

When Yan Ruyue arrived, the infirmary was already full of people, all of whom came to see the liveliness.

TCM is known for its low cost, quick results and no side effects.

Some small problems, with acupuncture therapy, prescribing a few pairs of drugs can cure the disease.

Change to Western medicine, a small cold first infuse a few bottles of liquid, all kinds of medicine to harm the body.

As the largest Chinese medicine museum, Baicao Tang has naturally attracted the attention of many red-eyed dogs.

Therefore -

when the Hundred Herb Hall was facing something, someone jumped out and took the opportunity to denigrate.

Hearing the surrounding sounds, Yan Ruyue's heart sank, this matter was a little tricky.

Seeing the arrival of the dispenser, several service students quickly separated the crowd into a passage.

"Look, it's Yan Treasurer coming, the patient is saved, don't look at Yan Treasurer is very young, but got the true legend of Yan Lao, the medical skills are brilliant, treating an asthma is not simple?"

"Yan Treasurer is not only superb in medical skills, but also extremely beautiful, if anyone gets her favor, it is simply a blessing from the cultivation of three lives."

"Don't think about it, I don't know how many wealthy young masters are courteous, and Yan Treasurer didn't even take a look."

"......" Seeing

Yan Ruyue's arrival, the crowd fell into noise and talked about it.

Many young people's eyes lit up, but then they lowered their heads again.

Yan Ruyue was so good that they were ashamed of themselves.

Following the passage, Yan Ruyue came to a hospital bed.

A middle-aged man was lying on a hospital bed, pale and breathing very weakly.

He looks like he will lose his breath at any moment.

Several old men were diagnosing him, but all of them looked solemn and shook their heads and sighed.

"What is the situation now?"

Yan Ruyue was not an ordinary person, so she did not show panic at this time, but just frowned and asked.

"No, asthma, he's late."

"Now the patient is just hanging a breath, and now there is nothing to do at all, if it is forcibly treated, I am afraid that it will cause that breath to dissipate."

An old Chinese medicine doctor looked ashamed.

For this asthma, they actually have a set of acupuncture therapy, which will soon work.

But -

the patient came late and only hung his breath.

Faced with this situation, they simply did not dare to strike.

If you make a move, and therefore let the patient lose air, it is indirect killing.

While listening, Yan Ruyue reached out and checked.

After a moment, her heart sank, and sure enough, it was just as the old gentleman said.

Faced with this situation, she was also helpless.

For a while, the atmosphere fell into a strange stalemate.

“WTF? No way? Can't even Yan Treasurer cure it?

"It's just asthma, it's not a big disease, I've treated it here, but the patient himself is late..."

Not a single asthma can be cured, and even the embarrassment to open a medical hall, and also claims to be the best Chinese medicine hall..."

"If you send the patient to the opposite western hospital during the time of your diagnosis, the person will already be cured."

"You're killing indirectly."



Some people defended the Hundred Herb Hall, and some people fanned the flames.

It has to be said that the words of these people played a role.

Some people's eyes began to change.

That was a suspicion of the medical skills of the Hundred Herb Hall.

Seeing this situation, Yan Ruyue was angry in her heart and knew that they might have been targeted.

But at this time, there was nothing to do.

If you want to reverse the dilemma, you can only cure the patient.

If it can't be cured, then this pot, they have to carry it if they don't carry it.

"Let me try."

At this moment, an abrupt voice sounded.

Everyone was shocked.

It's a matter of human life.

If the patient loses his breath, it is indirect killing.

Didn't you see that those old Chinese medicine doctors and Yan dispensers didn't dare to make a move?

At this time, there were still people who took the initiative to stand up.

Brush brush brush............

One by one, they all looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw a young man with an ordinary face but attractive and wearing a security uniform walked out.

That's right, this person is Lin Feng.

Today one of his brothers was injured and came to get some medicine.

I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

Now that Chinese medicine is in decline, Baicao Tang is the largest Chinese medicine museum.

If it is suppressed again, I am afraid that it will really decline completely.

Therefore, he has to stand up and correct the name of Chinese medicine.

And as a contemporary five good youth, how can he see death and not save it?

At this time

, his glowing eyes were finally withdrawn from Yan Ruyue,

and his face was awe-inspiring.

If he let people he know what he thinks, I am afraid he will be shocked.

When will the Wolf King, who has always been decisive in killing, also have such a kind side?


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