
When they saw the people who stood up, everyone was dumbfounded.

"Groove? What, where did the fool come from?

"Am I right? Looking at what he is wearing, he is a security guard, when did a security guard also understand medical skills? It is still the kind that feels more powerful than these old Chinese medicine doctors and Yan dispensers.

"I know, it must be to attract the attention of Yan Treasurer, I have to say that this method is very low-level."

"In the past, I don't know how many rich second-generation officials and second-generation officials made many tricks in order to smile at Bo Yan, but the result? Don't even look at it.

"Alas... Today's young people, who do not have the ability, like to pretend. "



After a moment of consternation, the crowd was in an uproar.

One by one, they looked at Lin Feng with undisguised contempt in their eyes.

In their opinion, Lin Feng was the one who stood up to make a grandstanding.

Hearing what everyone was talking about, Lin Feng just smiled faintly.

He stepped forward a few steps and came to the helpless few people.

"Little brother, this is not a child's play, don't come to make fun."

A kind old Chinese medicine doctor kindly reminded him.

As for Yan Ruyue, she was thinking about a treatment method at this time, and she didn't even look at him.

"According to the patient's current situation, he can't hold out for more than two minutes, and if he doesn't make a move, it may be too late."

"You can't help it anyway, how about letting me try?"

Lin Feng's smile did not decrease, and his words were still frivolous, and his gaze fell on Yan Ruyue.

But -

to his disappointment, Yan Ruyue still ignored him.

"This..." Several

old Chinese medicine doctors looked at each other when they heard this.

They naturally saw this.

Seeing them hesitate, Lin Feng added a fire.

"Moreover, if I make a move and the patient dies, then I can't blame you."

Like the last straw that broke the camel's back, several old Chinese medicine doctors were moved.

Then they all looked at Yan Ruyue.

They said it or not, here is still Yan Ruyue in charge.

Yan Ruyue woke up from her contemplation.

She thought of many possibilities, but in the end it turned out to be.

Faced with this situation, she was helpless.

At this time, an old Chinese medicine doctor explained to her the situation that Lin Feng was going to make a move.

"Are you sure you can cure him?"

Yan Ruyue looked at him, and the coercion of the superior surged and could not be despised.

But Lin Feng was still calm and calm, and patted his chest confidently.

"This kind of small problem, I can solve it in a minute."

Wow -

as soon as these words came out, the audience was not calm again.

"Damn, he pretended to..." "

Lying groove Nima, I've seen someone who pretends to be forced, but I've never seen someone who can pretend to be so forced."

"This forced one, I scored one point, and the remaining ninety-nine points, I sent it in the form of 666."

"Stepping on the horse, several old Chinese medicine doctors are helpless diseases, you actually said that you can solve it in a minute."

"The day dog, it's really big in the forest, there are all kinds of birds."

"Why don't you go to heaven and stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun?"



Yan Ruyue looked at him with a frown, with disdain in her eyes.

She has always looked down on such arrogant guys.

Brush -

At this moment, the patient suddenly convulsed, and it was about to cool down.

Seeing this, Lin Feng did not wait for Yan Ruyue to react, and hurriedly stepped forward.

In his hand, I don't know when a few extra silver needles appeared.

Brush brush brush............

Lin Feng's eyes were quick, and he quickly pierced into several acupuncture points of the patient.

After diving in, the patient's condition did not improve, but convulsed more severely.

This can scare the crowd a lot.

"Groove? Originally, it could last a few minutes, but these few stitches went down, I am afraid that it will be cold soon.

"I've already hit the demon spirit, the ambulance should be almost there, all blame the fool, I have to come out and pretend, now it's okay, pretend not to be forced but the grass."

"Baicao Tang too, that fool said that it can be cured, you still believe it, isn't this nonsense?"

"Everyone can see clearly, this is a hundred herbs, an asthma disease can not be cured, everyone will see a doctor in the future or wipe their eyes..."

There are also people who gloat and fan the flames at this time.

But gradually—

these voices faded.

I saw that on the hospital bed, the patient's breathing gradually became even.

Not long ago, the patient's eyelids jumped, and there were signs of waking up.

At this moment, the audience was shocked and stunned.

“whatf××k? This is...... Waking up? Nima, what international joke? It wouldn't be true, would it?

"Look....... He opened his eyes, cowboy my brother, it turns out that he is not pretending, he really has this ability.

"Have you ever thought that a few old Chinese medicine doctors made a move, and even Yan Treasurer had no choice, and was easily handled by that little brother."

"Moreover, he used the silver needle acupuncture point in Chinese medicine, right? Chinese medicine is indeed orthodox medicine, with fast results, low cost, and no harm to the body........""

Hiss....... I was counting the time just now, and not a minute has passed since the guy made a move. "



It's not just the crowd that shocks.

Even several old Chinese medicine doctors opened their mouths wide and could not speak.

They naturally recognized Lin Feng, this was a silver needle prick point.

But to say which set of needles to use and which acupuncture points, they are not clear.

But what is certain is that this set of needles is very powerful.

They can't do it.

At this time, these respected old Chinese medicine doctors all let go of their contempt at this time.

Looking at Lin Feng's gaze, there was admiration and reverence.

Next to it, Yan Ruyue's eyes are magical.

This guy actually saved it, and even they couldn't help it.


a flash of light in her eyes.

She thought of promising the old man this morning that she would take home with a boyfriend with excellent medical skills.

At this time, Lin Feng was undoubtedly a suitable candidate.

However, Yan Ruyue frowned deeply.

She had noticed before that the fiery look in this guy's eyes when he looked at her made her very disgusted.

Enjoy the reverent gaze from all directions.

Lin Feng's face was expressionless, and his heart was quite refreshing.

It was an outburst after being suppressed to the extreme, and he loved the feeling.


Lin Feng's eyes flashed.

Seeing that several people who had been shouting particularly loudly before quietly retreated, he smiled disdainfully.

Ran away in front of me and asked if I didn't?

But at this moment -

a spring breeze, listening to the sound of pregnancy sounded.

"How many of you are going? Just now fanned the flames, and now find that the situation is not right and will slip away? "


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